16 research outputs found


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    The development of jurisprudence continues to grow in accordance with the existing laws in the society which it is not the same as the law in legal development. It is not related to the rigid nature of the law which only regulates the general nature and the process of its formation takes a long time. In practice, the development of jurisprudence, as one of the sources of formal law, can be distinguished into two legal systems affecting the legal world. They are namely the Continental European legal system with its Civil Law System which prioritizes "codification" in the field of law and the Anglo Saxon law with its Common Law System, which is famous for the "Precedent" system binding the judges to follow the previous judgment in deciding the same case

    Implementation of Strict Liability Principle in Civil Law Enforcement in Environment Law files as Consequence of Forest and Land Fire in Indonesia Justice Practice

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    Strict liability is a concept of civil liability that does not require mistakes made by the defendant but rather defendant has caused losses to the plaintiff. Strict liability can help enforcement of environmental law that is oriented towards prevention. This is because strict liability can change the behavior of potential injurer to be more conscientious in performing their activities. The effectiveness of strict liability in supporting these ideals can certainly be realized if we first can correctly interpret the concept of strict liability. Strict liability is well known in the practice of civil justice in Indonesia in relation to the elements of error in the lawsuit based on Acts Against the Law in Article 1365 of the Civil Code (BW). Although the elements of objective and subjective errors are irrelevant if the action of the perpetrator is an activity with risk that whether the perpetrator has made a preventive effort and has been careful does not meant that risk is eliminated (abnormally dangerous activity). The application of strict liability in relation to civil law enforcement in the field of environmental law, especially as a result of forest and land fires in judicial practices in Indonesia is based on the provisions of Article 88 of Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management (UUPPLH) as in the case of land fires in PT. (Incorporated) Arjuna Utama Sawit which runs its business activities in controlling and opening land for oil palm plantations

    Implementation of Fictitious Positive Decision Case Settlement at Administrative Courts

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    The enactment of Law Number 30 of 2014 on Government Administration, has given birth to a new paradigm related to silence or neglect of an application to obtain a ruling or a decision from a State Administration official becomes positive, meaning that every application for a State Administrative Decree that is Not followed up and/or ignored by State Administration officials are considered legally granted, as confirmed in the provisions of Article 53 paragraph (3) of Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration. According to the principle of a fictitious positive decision, if the State Administration Agency or Official does not issue the requested decision, while the predetermined period has passed, it is legally deemed to have issued a decision granting the application (a fictitious positive decision). At the level of implementation at the Administrative Court, the procedure for the Fictitious Positive Application has been regulated in Supreme Court Regulation Number 8 of 2017, concerning Guidelines for Procedures to Obtain Decisions on Acceptance of Applications to Obtain Decisions and / or Actions of Government Agencies or Officials. This Court Regulation number 8 is an amendment and refinement of the Supreme Court Regulation Number 5 of 2015 concerning Guidelines for Procedures to Obtain Decisions on Acceptance of Applications to Obtain Decision and/or Actions from Government Body or Officials


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    Accountability of government officials' actions is strongly related to the exercise of government authority. In carrying out duties to realize the general welfare, the authority used by organs or government officials is based on the provisions of the laws and regulations (the principle of legality). However, it is not uncommon for the task to be carried out based on discretionary authority. The freedom of government officials to make decisions based on discretionary authority has a great potential to be abused which results in consequences from both point of view of administrative law as well as of criminal law. In the practice, there is discrepancy among law enforcers on the understanding of the principles related to the accountability of discretionary authority held by government officials


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    ABSTRAK Latar belakang penelitian ini dikarenakan cerita rakyat yang hampir punah, hal ini diakibatkan oleh perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju. Perkembangan teknologi ini mengakibatkan manusia melupakan budaya asalnya (Sunda), salah satunya yaitu cerita rayat atau dongeng yang merupakan salah satu produk budaya Sunda yang saat ini hampir punah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur, fungsi, dan nilai etnopedagogi yang terkandung dalam cerita rakyat ikan dewa dan dongeng lainnya yang berkaitan dengan ikan dewa di Kabupaten Kuningan. penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode dekstiptif untuk mendeskripsikan cerita rakyat ikan dewa dan dongeng lainnya untuk dianalisis struktur, fungsi dan nilai etnopedagoginya. Teknik yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi langsung ke lapangan, dan teknik mengolah data dengan cara transkripsi dari bentuk lisan ke tulisan, untuk selanjutnya dianalisis struktur, fungsi, dan nilai etnopedagoginya dengan menggunakan kartu data. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu cerita rakyat ikan dewa dan dongeng lainnya yang ada kaitannya dengan ikan dewa di Kabupaten Kuningan yang diperoleh dari lapangan. Sedangkan datanya merupakan hasil transkripsi dari bentuk lisan ke bentuk tulisan. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukan empat hal, yaitu, 1) terdapat tiga versi cerita rakyat ikan dewa di Kabupatén Kuningan yang berbeda dan empat cerita rakyat mengenai asal usul tempat, 2) berdasarkan hasil analisis struktur naratif Propp terhasap cerita rakyat ikan dewa, memperoleh paling banyak 18 fungsi pelaku dan paling sedikit 5 fungsi pelaku, 3) cerita rakyat ikan dewa dan dongeng lainnya mempunyai fungsi untuk menjaga dan melestarikan sumber daya alam, fungsi sejarah, fungsi dakwah, fungsi pendidikan, dan fungsi untuk meningkatkan nilai pariwisata, 4) nilai etnopedagogi yang erdasarkan pada pandangan hidup manusia Sunda, menghasilkan nilai taat dan berbakti kepada Tuhan, tanggung jawab dan berhati-hati, merawat dan menjaga sumber daya alam, silih asil, silih asah, silih asuh, serta rasa syukur untuk memperoleh kebahagiaan lahir bathin. Kata kunci: cerita rakyat, étnopédagogi, fungsi, ikan déwa, struktur ABSTRACT The background of this research is due to the fact that folklore is almost extinct, this is caused by increasingly advanced technological developments. This technological development has resulted in humans forgetting their native culture (Sundanese), one of which is folklore or fairy tales which are a product of Sundanese culture which is currently almost extinct. This study aims to describe the structure, function, and ethnopedagogical values contained in the folklore of the fish gods and other fairy tales related to the divine fish in Kuningan Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach, with a descriptive method to describe the folklore of the fish gods and other fairy tales to analyze their structure, function and ethnopedagogical value. The technique used in this study used data collection techniques by way of observation, interviews and direct documentation in the field, and data processing techniques by means of transcription from spoken to written form, to then be analyzed for structure, function, and ethnopedagogical values using data cards. The source of the data in this study were the folklore of the god fish and other fairy tales that had something to do with the god fish in Kuningan Regency which were obtained from the field. While the data is the result of transcription from oral form to written form. The results of this study show four things, namely, 1) there are three different versions of the fish god folklore in Kuningan Regency and four different folklore about the origin of the place, 2) based on the results of Propp's narrative structure analysis on the fish god folklore, obtaining at most 18 actors' functions and at least 5 actors' functions, 3) fish god folklore and other fairy tales have functions to protect and preserve natural resources, historical functions, missionary functions, educational functions, and functions to increase the value of tourism, 4) ethnopedagogical values based on worldviews Sundanese people, produce the values of obedience and devotion to God, responsibility and caution, care for and safeguard natural resources, silih asih, silih asah, silih asuh, as well as a sense of gratitude to obtain inner and outer happiness. Keywords: ethnopedagogy, folklore, function, god fish, structure


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    Abstrak Online Single Submission (OSS) diluncurkan pada tanggal  8 Juli 2018 dalam rangka menyederhanakan proses perizinan berusaha. Disebut pertama kali dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 91 Tahun 2017, sedangkanh peraturan pelaksanaan OSS ini  diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 2018 tentang Pelayanan Perizinan Berusaha Terintegrasi Secara Elektronik. OSS adalah sistem perizinan berusaha yang terintegrasi secara elektronik dengan seluruh Kementerian/Lembaga (K/L) negara hingga Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) di Indonesia. Kebijakan ini diambil Pemerintah sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan perekonomian nasional melalui pertumbuhan dunia usaha yang selama ini mengeluhkan panjangnya waktu dan rantai birokrasi yang harus dilewati untuk memulai suatu usaha. Online Single Submission sering juga disebut dengan singkatan OSS. Penggunaan OSS ini biasanya dilakukan dalam hal pengurusan izin berusaha oleh para pelaku usaha. Jadi bila ingin berusaha atau memiliki sebuah usaha bisa melakukan pengurusan OSS ini. Usaha yang dirintis tidaklah terbatas. Maksudnya adalah semua jenis usaha bisa diperoleh ijinnya melalui pengurusan OSS ini. Baik usaha dengan tingkat mikro maupun usaha kecil dan usaha menengah hingga usaha berkelas besar sudah seharusnya mendapatkan izin untuk berdiri dan beroperasional. Baik usaha perorangan maupun usaha dalam bentuk badan usaha atau lembaga juga perlu izin untuk berdiri dan beroperasional.Dengan adanya OSS, pelaku usaha tidak lagi harus mendatangi berbagai K/L atau Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) di pemda untuk mengurus izin berlapis-lapis yang sebelumnya harus diperoleh satu per satu secara bertahap. OSS memungkinkan pelaku usaha untuk segera memulai proses produksinya secara simultan sembari melengkapi dokumen-dokumen pelaksanaan lainnya. Kata Kunci : Penerbitan,  Perizinan Berusaha, Online Single Submission Abstract                  Online Single Submission (OSS) was launched on July 8, 2018 in order to simplify the business licensing process. It was mentioned for the first time in Presidential Regulation Number 91 of 2017, while the regulations for implementing this OSS are regulated in Government Regulation Number 24 of 2018 concerning Electronically Integrated Business Licensing Services. OSS is a business licensing system that is integrated electronically with all Ministries / Institutions (K/ L) of the country to Local Governments (Pemda) in Indonesia. This policy was taken by the Government as an effort to improve the national economy through the growth of the business world, which has been complaining about the long time and bureaucratic chains that must be passed to start a business. Online Single Submission is often referred to as the OSS acronym. The use of OSS is usually carried out in terms of obtaining business licenses by business actors. So if you want to have a business or have a business you can take care of this OSS. The efforts initiated were not limited. The point is that permits for all types of businesses can be obtained through this OSS arrangement. Both businesses with the micro level and small businesses and medium-sized businesses to large-class businesses should have obtained a license to stand and operate. Both individual businesses and businesses in the form of business entities or institutions also need a license to stand and operate. With the OSS, business actors no longer have to visit various Ministries/Agencies or Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in the regional government to take care of the previous multi-layered permits. must be obtained one by one gradually. OSS allows business actors to immediately start the production process simultaneously while completing other implementation documents. KEY WORDS : Publishing, business licensing, Online Single Submissio


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    Abstrak Dalam rangka usaha memelihara kewibawaan Pegawai Negeri Sipil, serta untuk mewujudkan Pegawai Negeri sebagai Aparatur Pemerintah yang bersih dan berwibawa diperlukan adanya suatu perangkat peraturan disiplin yang memuat pokok-pokok kewajiban, larangan dan sanksi apabila suatu kewajiban tersebut tidak ditaati atau adanya suatu pelanggaran-pelanggaran dalam menjalankan tugas. Pengaturan dan penerapan  sanksi disiplin  terhadap Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS)  pada Pemerintah Daerah Kota Bogor diatur dengan Peraturan Wali Kota Bogor Nomor 16 Tahun  2016 tentang Kinerja Dan Disiplin Pegawai di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Bogor sebagai penjabaran dan pedoman lebih lanjut terhadap ketentuan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No.53 Tahun 2010 tentang Disiplin Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang merupakan pedoman bagi pejabat yang berwenang menghukum serta memberikan kepastian dalam menjatuhkan hukuman disiplin. Demikian juga dengan batasan kewenangan bagi pejabat yang berwenang menghukum yang didasarkan pada wewenang yang jelas, mekanisme yang benar dan atas pertimbangan objektif terhadap pelanggaran yang dilakukan, selain itu pula dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang mendorong atau menyebabkan Pegawai Negeri Sipil tersebut melakukan pelanggaran disiplin. Kendala yang dihadapi oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kota Bogor dalam penerapan sanksi disiplin, yaitu kurangnya profesionalisme dan tanggung jawab Pegawai Negeri Sipil dalam menyelenggarakan tugasnya, kurang tegasnya sanksi yang diberikan oleh Pejabat yang berwenang serta  masih rendahnya kedisiplinan Pegawai Negeri Sipil dalam melaksanakan tugas dan kewajibannya selaku Aparatur Sipil Negara. Kata Kunci : Sanksi,  Pelanggaran Disiplin, Pegawai Negeri  AbstractIn order to maintain the authority of civil servants, as well as to realize civil servants as clean and authoritative Government Apparatus, a set of disciplinary regulations containing the points of obligation, prohibition and sanctions if an obligation is not obeyed or there is a violation in carrying out the task. The regulation and application of disciplinary sanctions against Civil Servants (PNS) in the Bogor City Government is regulated by Bogor Mayor Regulation No. 16 of 2016 concerning Performance and Discipline of Employees in the Bogor City Government Environment as a further description and guideline to the provisions in Government Regulation No.53 of 2010 on Discipline of Civil Servants which is a guideline for officials authorized to punish and provide certainty in imposing disciplinary penalties. Similarly, the limitation of authority for authorized officials to punish is based on clear authority, correct mechanisms and on objective consideration of violations committed, in addition to considering the factors that encourage or cause the Civil Servant to commit disciplinary violations. Obstacles faced by the Bogor City Government in the application of disciplinary sanctions, namely the lack of professionalism and responsibility of civil servants in carrying out their duties, the lack of strict sanctions given by authorized officials and the low discipline of civil servants in carrying out their duties and obligations as civil servants. Keywords : Sanctions, Discipline Violations, Civil Servant


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    AbstrakTujuan Penelitian ini ialah untuk menjelaskan bahwa dalam konteks Undang-Undang Perkawinan ditegaskan bahwa kedudukan anak di luar kawin tetap memiliki hubungan perdata dengan ibunya dan keluarga ibunya walaupun tidak ada pengakuan terhadapnya menyatakan bahwa anak luar kawin berhak untuk mendapat jaminan penghidupan yang layak dan warisan dari ayah biologisnya yang telah mengakuinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah kedudukan anak luar kawin pasca putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 46/PUU-VIII/2010 tanggal 17 Februari 2012. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif empiris. Pengolahan data dilakukan secara deskriptif analitis. pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Pasca putusan MK Nomor 46/PUU-VIII/2010 tanggal 17 Februari 2012, maka anak luar kawin berhak untuk mendapat jaminan penghidupan yang layak dan warisan dari ayah biologisnya yang telah mengakuinya. Kata kunci : Kedudukan , Anak Luar Kawin, Putusan, Mahkamah Konstitusi. AbstractThe purpose of this research is to explain that in the context of the Marriage Law it is emphasized that the position of a child out of wedlock still has a civil relationship with his mother and his mother's family even though there is no acknowledgment against him stating that a child out of wedlock has the right to receive a decent living guarantee and an inheritance from the father His biology has recognized it. This study aims to determine how the position of children out of wedlock after the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 46/PUU-VIII/2010 dated 17 February 2012. The method used in this study is empirical normative juridical. Data processing was carried out in a descriptive analytical manner. data collection carried out in this study using library research. The results of the study show that after the Constitutional Court's decision No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 dated 17 February 2012, children out of wedlock have the right to guarantee a decent living and inheritance from their biological father who has acknowledged them. Keywords: Position, Children out of wedlock, Decision, Constitutional Court