5,548 research outputs found

    Fabrication of the 23-ft Collimating Mirror for the JPL 25-ft Space Simulator

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    Optical, structural, and thermal design criteria and fabrication techniques for collimating mirror in space simulato

    Pembelajaran Enkripsi Metode Word Auto Key Encryption

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    Kriptografi Metode WAKE merupakan salah satu metode yang telah digunakan secara komersial. WAKE merupakan singkatan dari Word Auto Key Encryption. Metode ini ditemukan oleh David Wheeler pada tahun 1993 dan merupakan salah satu algoritma stream cipher yang cepat dalam implementasinya dalam perangkat lunak. Metode ini menggunakan kunci 128 bit, plaintext 32 bit dan sebuah tabel 256 x 32 bit. Dalam algoritmanya, metoda ini menggunakan operasi XOR, AND, OR dan Shift Right. Inti dari metode WAKE terletak pada proses pembentukan tabel S-Box dan proses pembentukan kunci. Tabel S-Box dari metode WAKE bersifat fleksibel dan berbeda-beda untuk setiap putaran. Perancangan perangkat lunak menggunakan metode perancangan RAD (Rapid Application Development), adapun langkah-langkah yang dilakukan yaitu : Bussiness Modeling, Data modelling, Process Modeling, GenerationApplicatio

    Transverse instability of the antiproton beam in the Recycler Ring

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    The brightness of the antiproton beam in Fermilab's 8 GeV Recycler ring is limited by a transverse instability. This instability has occurred during the extraction process to the Tevatron for large stacks of antiprotons even with dampers in operation. This paper describes observed features of the instability, introduces the threshold phase density to characterize the beam stability, and finds the results to be in agreement with a resistive wall instability model. Effective exclusion of the longitudinal tails from Landau damping by decreasing the depth of the RF potential well is observed to lower the threshold density by up to a factor of two.Comment: 3 pp. Particle Accelerator, 24th Conference (PAC'11) 2011. 28 Mar - 1 Apr 2011. New York, US

    RIO: Analyzing proteomes by automated phylogenomics using resampled inference of orthologs

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    BACKGROUND: When analyzing protein sequences using sequence similarity searches, orthologous sequences (that diverged by speciation) are more reliable predictors of a new protein's function than paralogous sequences (that diverged by gene duplication). The utility of phylogenetic information in high-throughput genome annotation ("phylogenomics") is widely recognized, but existing approaches are either manual or not explicitly based on phylogenetic trees. RESULTS: Here we present RIO (Resampled Inference of Orthologs), a procedure for automated phylogenomics using explicit phylogenetic inference. RIO analyses are performed over bootstrap resampled phylogenetic trees to estimate the reliability of orthology assignments. We also introduce supplementary concepts that are helpful for functional inference. RIO has been implemented as Perl pipeline connecting several C and Java programs. It is available at http://www.genetics.wustl.edu/eddy/forester/. A web server is at http://www.rio.wustl.edu/. RIO was tested on the Arabidopsis thaliana and Caenorhabditis elegans proteomes. CONCLUSION: The RIO procedure is particularly useful for the automated detection of first representatives of novel protein subfamilies. We also describe how some orthologies can be misleading for functional inference

    Trap-assisted tunnelling and Shockley-Read-Hall lifetime of extended defects in In.53Ga.47As p+n junction

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    Several In.53Ga.47As p+n junctions with various extended defect densities (EDDs) have been grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE), by carefully controlling the growth conditions. After fabrication, T-dependent J-V, C-V and double DLTS (DDLTS) are performed to extract the electrical field dependence of the extended defect levels. From this characterization, it is derived that the extended defects dominate the electrical field enhancement factor Gamma regardless of the value of the EDD and significantly increases the leakage current under reverse bias (i.e., decrease the Shockley-Read-Hall lifetime). These impacts are strongly connected to a "band-like" density of states of extended defects E2 at E-C-0.32 eV by comparing the DDLTS and T-dependent J-V characteristics. On the other hand, the reference sample (without EDs) surprisingly exhibits an even stronger field dependence with lower leakage current. Nevertheless, no straightforward candidate point defects can be found in this sample and the possible explanation are discussed

    Karakteristik Penderita Kanker Serviks Stadium Lanjut Di Blu Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Periode 1 Januari 2010 – 31 Desember 2011

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    : Worldwide cervical cancer ranks second highest after breast Malignancies, and approximately 10% of all Malignant disease in women. Worldwide estimated 500,000 new cases are found each year. Cervical cancer is still the leading cause of all cancer deaths in women, especially in productive age. In developing countries such as Indonesia still ranks highest of all cancers in women. In Indonesia today cervical cancer is still a health problem in women. In general, the disease is treated roughly about 70-75% are already at an advanced stage with a very high mortality rate. The purpose of this study was to determine how the incidence of advanced cervical cancer in BLU RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

    Auxiliary field formalism for dilute fermionic atom gases with tunable interactions

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    We develop the auxiliary field formalism corresponding to a dilute system of spin-1/2 fermions. This theory represents the Fermi counterpart of the BEC theory developed recently by F. Cooper et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 240402 (2010)] to describe a dilute gas of Bose particles. Assuming tunable interactions, this formalism is appropriate for the study of the crossover from the regime of Bardeen-Cooper-Schriffer (BCS) pairing to the regime of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in ultracold fermionic atom gases. We show that when applied to the Fermi case at zero temperature, the leading-order auxiliary field (LOAF) approximation gives the same equations as those obtained in the standard BCS variational picture. At finite temperature, LOAF leads to the theory discussed by by Sa de Melo, Randeria, and Engelbrecht [Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 3202(1993); Phys. Rev. B 55, 15153(1997)]. As such, LOAF provides a unified framework to study the interacting Fermi gas. The mean-field results discussed here can be systematically improved upon by calculating the one-particle irreducible (1-PI) action corrections, order by order.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Polarization selection rules for inter-Landau level transitions in epitaxial graphene revealed by infrared optical Hall effect

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    We report on polarization selection rules of inter-Landau level transitions using reflection-type optical Hall effect measurements from 600 to 4000 cm-1 on epitaxial graphene grown by thermal decomposition of silicon carbide. We observe symmetric and anti-symmetric signatures in our data due to polarization preserving and polarization mixing inter-Landau level transitions, respectively. From field-dependent measurements we identify that transitions in decoupled graphene mono-layers are governed by polarization mixing selection rules, whereas transitions in coupled graphene mono-layers are governed by polarization preserving selection rules. The selection rules may find explanation by different coupling mechanisms of inter-Landau level transitions with free charge carrier magneto-optic plasma oscillations

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Berbantuan Media Audio Visual Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas III SD Negeri 42 Pekanbaru

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    This research is motivated by the teacher who still uses the teaching method with the old method and the difficulty of the students to understand the abstract science learning, thus causing the low value of the students\u27 science. Implementation of STAD cooperative learning method using media audio visual is expected to be influential improving science achivements. This research uses quasi experimental method with nonequivalent control group design. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of STAD cooperative learning method using media audio visual to the students\u27 science achivements in the experimental class and to know the difference in the increase of students\u27 science achivements between experimental and control classes. This research was conducted at SD Negeri 42 Pekanbaru with class III D as control class and class III E as experiment class. The research shows that there is an influence of STAD cooperative learning method using media audio visual and difference in the improvement of students\u27 science achivements between the experimental and control class. In the experimental class there is an increase learning with average gain of 0.328 medium category. While the control class increased learning average gain of 0.086 low category. This research, there is influence of STAD cooperative learning method using media audio visual to students\u27 learning result at experimental class with value (r) 0,701 with strong relation and coefficient determination () 49,10% STAD cooperative learning method using media audio visual, while 50,90% was influenced by other factors. Thus, STAD cooperative learning method using media audio visual influence on science learning results of students with improved learning outcomes than the application of lecture methods

    Struktur Komunitas Burung Diurnal di Sekitar Sungai Wailoi Negeri Hila Kaitetu Kecamatan Leihitu Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

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    Burung sangat dinamis dan  dijumpai hampir di setiap tempat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan struktur komunitas burung diurnal di sekitar sungai Wailoi Negeri Hila Kaitetu Kecamatan Leihitu Kabupaten Maluku Tengah.Tipe penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode garis stasiun dikombinasikan dengan titik hitung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di sungai Wailoi Negeri Hila Kaitetu dengan 2 stasiun dan 11 titik hitung ditemukan beberapa jenis burung diurnal yaitu jenis Trinil pantai (Actitis hypoleucos), Alap-alap Macan (Falco severus), Sikatan kelabu (Myagra galeata), Nuri pipi merah (Geoffroyus geoffroyi), Terkukur biasa (Streptopelia chinensis), Wiwik Rimba (Cacomantis variolosus), Julang irian (Rhyticeros plicatus), Nuri Maluku (Eos borneo), Raja udang erasia (Alcedo atthis), Baza Pasisfik (Aviceda subcristata), Perling kecil (Aplonis minor), Cekakak lazuli (Halcyon lazuli), Sikatan Burik (Muscicapa griseisticta), Burung madu sriganti (Nectarinia jugularis), Tuwur Asia (Eudynamys cyanochepala), Madu hitam (Necterinia aspesia), Pergam tarut (Ducula concinna). Indeks keanekaragaman untuk ke 2 stasiun adalah 1,74 dan tergolong dalam kriteria keanekaragaman jenis yang sedang. Untuk nilai rata-rata dominansi stasiun I dan stasiun II yaitu 0,24 termasuk dalam kriteria dominansi yang rendah. Untuk nilai kesemerataan dari kedua stasiun yaitu 0,80 dan termasuk dalam kriteria tingkat kemerataan yang tinggi