9 research outputs found

    The collaborative work between engineers and health staff for development of digital health projects: a vision to the future to achieve success

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    Las tendencias en tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) han fomentado el trabajo en conjunto entre el personal de la salud y los ingenieros, con el fin de desarrollar dispositivos que permitan el intercambio de datos en un espacio que propicie la facilidad de interacción y obtención de la información del paciente. Sin embargo, no es un campo explícito en las investigaciones de tecnología de la información en salud. Actualmente se ha estado fortaleciendo este campo de medicina digital, pero todavía es un campo que requiere una buena estrategia de trabajo colaborativo para el diseño de plataformas móviles, nubes de información, plataformas web entre otras. Por lo cual este artículo está basado en la identificación de los atributos de un buen trabajo colaborativo. Para ello, se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre el trabajo en equipo interdisciplinario entre investigadores, tales como ingenieros y personal de la salud para implementar un sistema digitalizado que permita prevenir, dar terapias y diagnosticar, usando las tecnologías mencionadas anteriormente. Esta revisión presenta una visión general del trabajo colaborativo respondiendo a tres preguntas generadas durante el estudio.The trends in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have fomented a joint work between health team and engineers, with the purpose of develop devices that allow the exchange of data in a space that facilitates the interaction and obtaining patient information. However, this is not an explicit field in the technology of health information research. At present, the e-health has been strengthened, but this field still requires an enhanced strategy for improving collaborative work to design of mobile platforms, information clouds, web platforms etc. To this, we realize a systematic review about interdisciplinary teamwork between different researches, such as engineers and some areas of health workers to implement a digital system to prevent, diagnose and provide, using technologies mention above. This review presents an overview of the collaborative work responding to three questions generated during the study

    Recent trends in virtual education and its strong connection with the immersive environments

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    El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), ha permitido mayor apropiación de herramientas que impactan los métodos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, como por ejemplo la implementación de entornos inmersivos. En este artículo se presenta un estudio acerca de las tendencias recientes de la educación virtual, primero realizando una revisión conceptual y seguidamente a través de un análisis basado en redes bibliometricos. Los resultados encontrados evidencian una fuerte conexión entre la educación y los entornos inmersivos, demostrando que este tipo de ambientes virtuales es una tendencia actual y futura en el ámbito educativoThe ICT use has allowed a broad appropriation of tools that impacts learning and teaching methods, such as the implementation of immersive environments. This paper presents a study about recent trends of virtual education through a conceptual review and analysis based on bibliometric networks. These results show a strong connection between education and immersive environments, demonstrating that this type of virtual scenario is tendency nowadays as in the future of the education

    IX Table alphabétique des matières de la Chronique - Alphabetische index van de kronijk

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    IX Table alphabétique des matières de la Chronique - Alphabetische index van de kronijk. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire. Table générale, tomes VI à XX, 1927 à 1941. 1941. pp. 680-726

    El trabajo colaborativo entre ingenieros y personal de la salud para el desarrollo de proyectos en salud digital: una visión al futuro para lograr tener éxito

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    Las tendencias en tecnologías de la información y la comunicación(TIC) han fomentado el trabajo en conjunto entre elpersonal de la salud y los ingenieros, con el fin de desarrollardispositivos que permitan el intercambio de datos en un espacioque propicie la facilidad de interacción y obtención dela información del paciente. Sin embargo, no es un campoexplícito en las investigaciones de tecnología de la informaciónen salud. Actualmente se ha estado fortaleciendo estecampo de medicina digital, pero todavía es un campo querequiere una buena estrategia de trabajo colaborativo parael diseño de plataformas móviles, nubes de información, plataformasweb entre otras. Por lo cual este artículo está basadoen la identificación de los atributos de un buen trabajocolaborativo. Para ello, se realizó una revisión sistemáticade la literatura sobre el trabajo en equipo interdisciplinarioentre investigadores, tales como ingenieros y personal de lasalud para implementar un sistema digitalizado que permitaprevenir, dar terapias y diagnosticar, usando las tecnologíasmencionadas anteriormente. Esta revisión presenta una visióngeneral del trabajo colaborativo respondiendo a tres preguntasgeneradas durante el estudi

    Ley matemática exponencial aplicada a la evaluación de la dinámica cardiaca en 18 horas

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    Antecedentes: la teoría de los sistemas dinámicos estudia la evolución de los sistemas. Mediante esta teoría y la geometría fractal se desarrolló una ley matemática de ayuda diagnóstica a los sistemas dinámicos cardiacos, que permite diferenciar entre normalidad y enfermedad, y la evolución entre los dos estados. Objetivo: confirmar la capacidad diagnóstica de la ley matemática exponencial desarrollada inicialmente para dinámicas cardiacas en 21 horas, para dinámicas evaluadas en 18 horas. Método: se tomaron 400 registros electrocardiográficos, 80 de dinámicas normales y 320 de dinámicas anormales. Se generó una sucesión pseudoaleatoria con el número de latidos/hora y las frecuencias máximas y mínimas cada hora; luego, se construyó el atractor de cada dinámica, para así calcular los espacios de ocupación y la dimensión fractal. Finalmente, se estableció el diagnóstico físico-matemático en 18 y 21 horas y se comparó con el diagnóstico clínico tomado como Gold Standard, obteniendo valores de sensibilidad, especificidad y coeficiente Kappa. Resultados: se encontraron valores de ocupación espacial en la rejilla Kp para normalidad entre 236 y 368 y para estados patológicos entre 22 y 189, lo que permitió diferenciar entre normalidad, enfermedad, y estados de evolución hacia la enfermedad en 18 horas. Se obtuvieron valores de sensibilidad y especificidad del 100% y coeficiente Kappa igual a 1. Conclusión: la ley matemática permitió dictaminar diagnósticos reduciendo el tiempo de evaluación a 18 horas confirmando así su aplicabilidad clínica.Background: Dynamical systems theory aims to study the evolution of systems. With this theory and fractal geometry, it was developed a mathematical law of diagnostic utility in cardiac dynamical systems that may differentiate normality from disease and evolution between these two states. Objective: To confirm the diagnostic capacity of the exponential mathematical law initially developed for cardiac dynamics in 21 hours, for dynamics evaluated in 18 hours. Method: There were taken 400 electrocardiographic records, 80 from normal dynamics and 320 from abnormal dynamics. A pseudorandom sequence was generated with the number of beats per hour and the maximum and minimum frequencies each hour; then, the attractors were built for each dynamic, in order to calculate the space occupation and the fractal dimension. Finally the physical and mathematical diagnosis in 18 and 21 hours was established, and compared to clinical diagnosis taken as Gold Standard, obtaining values of sensitivity, specificity and Kappa coefficient. Results: There were found values for spatial occupation in the Kp grid between 236 and 368 for normal cases, and between 22 and 189 for pathological states, which allowed distinguish normality from disease and states of progression to disease in 18 hours. There were obtained values for sensitivity and specificity of 100% and a Kappa coefficient equal to 1. Conclusion: The mathematical law allowed to stablish diagnostics by reducing the evaluation time to 18 hours confirming its clinical applicability

    Software applications to health sector: a systematic review of literature

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    Technology has become a strategic ally for the automation and improvement of processes in the health sector. Many of the current developments have supported the automatic, efficient and efficient detection of different pathologies which results in quality of life and treatment of patients. This study proposes a systematic review of the literature which compiles different developments that have contributed to the solution of different problems in the sector and the advances that have contributed to the processes of continuous improvement of detection and treatment

    Tuberculosis in renal transplant patients: The experience of a single center in Medellín-Colombia, 2005-2013

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    Introduction: Tuberculosis is a common opportunistic infection in renal transplant patients. Objective: To obtain a clinical and laboratory description of transplant patients diagnosed with tuberculosis and their response to treatment during a period ranging from 2005 to 2013 at the Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital. Methods: Retrospective and descriptive study. Results: In 641 renal transplants, tuberculosis was confirmed in 12 cases. Of these, 25% had a history of acute rejection, and 50% had creatinine levels greater than 1.5 mg/dl prior to infection. The disease typically presented as pulmonary (50%) and disseminated (33.3%). The first phase of treatment consisted of 3 months of HZRE (isoniazid, pyrazinamide, rifampicin and ethambutol) in 75% of the cases and HZME (isoniazid, pyrazinamide, moxifloxacin and ethambutol) in 25% of the cases. During the second phase of the treatment, 75% of the cases received isoniazid and rifampicin, and 25% of the cases received isoniazid and ethambutol. The length of treatment varied between 6 and 18 months. In 41.7% of patients, hepatotoxicity was associated with the beginning of anti-tuberculosis therapy. During a year-long follow-up, renal function remained stable, and the mortality rate was 16.7%. Conclusion: Tuberculosis in the renal transplant population studied caused diverse nonspecific symptoms. Pulmonary and disseminated tuberculosis were the most frequent forms and required prolonged treatment. Antituberculosis medications had a high toxicity and mortality. This infection must be considered when patients present with a febrile syndrome of unknown origin, especially during the first year after renal transplant

    Neotropical ornithology: Reckoning with historical assumptions, removing systemic barriers, and reimagining the future

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    A major barrier to advancing ornithology is the systemic exclusion of professionals from the Global South. A recent special feature, Advances in Neotropical Ornithology, and a shortfalls analysis therein, unintentionally followed a long-standing pattern of highlighting individuals, knowledge, and views from the Global North, while largely omitting the perspectives of people based within the Neotropics. Here, we review current strengths and opportunities in the practice of Neotropical ornithology. Further, we discuss problems with assessing the state of Neotropical ornithology through a northern lens, including discovery narratives, incomplete (and biased) understanding of history and advances, and the promotion of agendas that, while currently popular in the north, may not fit the needs and realities of Neotropical research. We argue that future advances in Neotropical ornithology will critically depend on identifying and addressing the systemic barriers that hold back ornithologists who live and work in the Neotropics: unreliable and limited funding, exclusion from international research leadership, restricted dissemination of knowledge (e.g., through language hegemony and citation bias), and logistical barriers. Moving forward, we must examine and acknowledge the colonial roots of our discipline, and explicitly promote anti-colonial agendas for research, training, and conservation. We invite our colleagues within and beyond the Neotropics to join us in creating new models of governance that establish research priorities with vigorous participation of ornithologists and communities within the Neotropical region. To include a diversity of perspectives, we must systemically address discrimination and bias rooted in the socioeconomic class system, anti-Blackness, anti-Brownness, anti-Indigeneity, misogyny, homophobia, tokenism, and ableism. Instead of seeking individual excellence and rewarding top-down leadership, institutions in the North and South can promote collective leadership. In adopting these approaches, we, ornithologists, will join a community of researchers across academia building new paradigms that can reconcile our relationships and transform science. Spanish and Portuguese translations are available in the Supplementary Material.• Research conducted by ornithologists living and working in Latin America and the Caribbean has been historically and systemically excluded from global scientific paradigms, ultimately holding back ornithology as a discipline.• To avoid replicating systems of exclusion in ornithology, authors, editors, reviewers, journals, scientific societies, and research institutions need to interrupt long-held assumptions, improve research practices, and change policies around funding and publication.• To advance Neotropical ornithology and conserve birds across the Americas, institutions should invest directly in basic field biology research, reward collective leadership, and strengthen funding and professional development opportunities for people affected by current research policies.Peer reviewe