49 research outputs found

    Perspectivas de futuro para la playa de s'Abanell

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    [ANGLÈS]Future prospects for s'Abanell beach Author: Pablo Rey Echevarria Tutor: José A. Jimenez The erosion processes are causing destruction on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. In Catalonia, in the coastal town of Blanes, s'Abanell Beach is suffering a continuous decline since the seventies. During the last years, storms have extensively damaged different infrastructures: a desalination facility, nine pumping wells, several campsites, a promenade, a road, car parks and other buildings. In this work we have studied the beach erosion mainly due to longshore sediment transport southward. We present the most important events occurred on the beach and a detailed analysis of the movements suffered by the shore line and the beach nourishments that have been performed. We have calculated the evolutionary tendency of the beach by linear regression, the sedimentary balance due to longshore transport with shore line positions, the sedimentary balance with wave data by propagating waves to break with Snell formulation and the littoral transport with Kamphuis/Queens formulation. Furthermore, we have also studied the effect of storms on the beach profile produced by cross-shore sediment transport, as well as the minimum beach wide for a proper hinterland protection. It has been explained the beach failure on its recreational and protection functions calculating the size that it would need to fulfill them. Moreover we offer some proposals for action. Finally, in the conclusions we present the most relevant magnitudes of the processes studied.[CASTELLÀ] Perspectivas de futuro para la playa de s'Abanell Autor: Pablo Rey Echevarria Tutor: José A. Jiménez Los procesos erosivos están causando estragos en el litoral mediterráneo español. En Catalunya, en el municipio costero de Blanes, la playa de s’Abanell está sufriendo un retroceso continuo desde los años setenta. Durante los últimos años con los temporales se han sufrido numerosos daños en diferentes infraestructuras: instalaciones de una desaladora, nueve pozos de bombeo, varios campings, un paseo marítimo, un vial, aparcamientos y otros edificios. En este trabajo se ha estudiado la erosión que se produce en la playa principalmente debida al transporte longitudinal de sedimento en dirección Sur. Les presentamos los sucesos más relevantes que se han dado en la playa. Un análisis detallado de los movimientos sufridos por la línea de orilla y de las obras de alimentación que se han realizado. Se ha calculado la tendencia evolutiva de la playa mediante regresión lineal, el balance sedimentario por transporte longitudinal con posiciones de líneas de orilla, el balance sedimentario con datos de oleaje mediante la propagación del oleaje hasta rotura con la formulación de Snell y el transporte longitudinal con la formulación de Kamphuis/Queens. También se ha estudiado el efecto de los temporales en el perfil de la playa, con los cambios que produce mediante el transporte transversal del sedimento, así como el ancho necesario de la playa para la correcta protección del hinterland. Se ha expuesto que la playa incumple su función recreativa y de protección y se ha calculado el tamaño que necesitaría para poder cumplirlas además de ofrecer unas propuestas de actuación. Por último en las conclusiones se exponen las magnitudes más relevantes de los procesos estudiados

    Modified active disturbance rejection control scheme for systems with time delay

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    Active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) has been gaining attention in recent years and has shown its performance in multiple applications including non-linear ones, without the need of accurate models. Despite the good results of this technique, time delay can deteriorate the performance of ADRC, limiting its application. Here, the effect of time delay on the stability of a linear ADRC is analysed, using an alternative mathematical description, and a new effective design technique, based on a modified ADRC scheme, is proposed to overcome the delay effect while maintaining the disturbance rejection properties of the ADRC. An experimental example is discussed considering a system with low damped mechanical resonances, showing good results using the proposed technique.The authors are grateful to the Basque Government for partial support of this work through the Ph Degree grant of A. Elejaga, Research Groups IT1533-22 (Hezkuntza, Hizkuntza Politika Eta Kultura Saila) and the LINAC7 II KK- 2022/00026 Elkartek project (Ekonomiaren Garapen eta Lehiakortasun Saila)


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    Resumen · La Lechucita Vizcachera (Athene cunicularia) ha sido ampliamente estudiada en cuanto a sus hábitos alimentarios, tanto en Argentina como en el resto de América del Sur, especialmente en ambientes perturbados y ecosistemas agrarios. Sin embargo, son pocos los estudios realizados sobre poblaciones en áreas de altura del noroeste argentino. El presente trabajo aporta información sobre los hábitos alimentarios de A. cunicularia en áreas próximas a humedales de altura y su variación estacional. El estudio se realizó a partir del análisis de 613 egagrópilas y 135 restos casi completos de anfibios, colectadas a lo largo de un año, entre abril de 2013 y marzo de 2014, en cercanías al embalse La Angostura, valle de Tafí, Tucumán, Argentina. Se identificaron 28 ítems presa (10 pequeños mamíferos, un ave, un anfibio y 16 artrópodos), representados por 14791 individuos. El grupo más consumido fue Insectos, representados mayoritariamente por los órdenes Hymenoptera (50,4%) y Coleoptera (41,1%). Los mamíferos estuvieron representados por el 1,9% de los individuos consumidos, en tanto que los anfibios representaron sólo el 0,9%. Las aves fueron el grupo menos abundante, con sólo el 0,03%. La amplitud de nicho trófico estandarizado fue más baja en verano (0,02) y más alta en primavera (0,23). Nuestros resultados coinciden con la caracterización general de esta especie, considerada como oportunista-generalista, que incluye en su dieta una amplia variedad de ítems. Los resultados también son consistentes con aquellos reportados por otros autores para diferentes ecosistemas, los cuales han demostrado también una marcada variabilidad estacional en la dieta de esta lechuza. Abstract · Diet of the Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) in a highland wetland of the province of Tucumán, northwestern Argentina The Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) has been widely studied in terms of food habits, both in Argentina and in the rest of South America, especially in disturbed environments and agricultural ecosystems. However, there are few studies conducted on populations in high-altitude areas of northwestern Argentina. This work contributes to the knowledge about the food habits and their seasonal variation of A. cunicularia in areas close to high-altitude wetlands. The study was carried out based on the analysis of 613 pellets and 135 almost complete remains of amphibians, collected over a year between April 2013 and March 2014 near the La Angostura reservoir, Tafí del Valle, Tucumán, Argentina. We identified 28 prey items (10 small mammals, one birds, one amphibian, and 16 arthropods), represented by 14,791 individuals. The most consumed group were insects, represented mostly by the orders Hymenoptera (50.4%) and Coleoptera (41.1%). Mammals were represented by 1.9% of the consumed individuals, while the amphibians represented only 0.9%. The least abundant group consumed were birds, with only 0.03%. The standardized trophic niche-breath was lower during the summer (0.02) and higher in spring (0.23). Our results coincide with the general characterization of this species, considered as opportunist-generalist that includes in its diet a wide variety of items. The results are also consistent with those reported by other authors for different ecosystems, which have also shown a marked seasonal variability in the diet of this owl

    Evidence of magnetic accretion in an SW Sex star: discovery of variable circular polarization in LS Pegasi

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    We report on the discovery of variable circular polarization in the SW Sex star LS Pegasi. The observed modulation has an amplitude of ~0.3 % and a period of 29.6 minutes, which we assume as the spin period of the magnetic white dwarf. We also detected periodic flaring in the blue wing of Hbeta, with a period of 33.5 minutes. The difference between both frequencies is just the orbital frequency, so we relate the 33.5-min modulation to the beat between the orbital and spin period. We propose a new accretion scenario in SW Sex stars, based on the shock of the disk-overflown gas stream against the white dwarf's magnetosphere, which extends to the corotation radius. From this geometry, we estimate a magnetic field strength of B(1) ~ 5-15 MG. Our results indicate that magnetic accretion plays an important role in SW Sex stars and we suggest that these systems are probably Intermediate Polars with the highest mass accretion rates.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters. LaTeX, 14 pages, 3 PostScript figure

    Stochastic Operator Variance: An Observable to Diagnose Noise and Scrambling

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    peer reviewedNoise is ubiquitous in nature, so it is essential to characterize its effects. Considering a fluctuating Hamiltonian, we introduce an observable, the stochastic operator variance (SOV), which measures the spread of different stochastic trajectories in the space of operators. The SOV obeys an uncertainty relation and allows us to find the initial state that minimizes the spread of these trajectories. We show that the dynamics of the SOV is intimately linked to that of out-of-time-order correlators, which define the quantum Lyapunov exponent λ. Our findings are illustrated analytically and numerically in a stochastic Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Hamiltonian undergoing energy dephasing

    Diet of the Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) in a highland wetland of the province of Tucumán, northwestern Argentina

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    La Lechucita Vizcachera (Athene cunicularia) ha sido ampliamente estudiada en cuanto a sus hábitos alimentarios, tanto en Argentina como en el resto de América del Sur, especialmente en ambientes perturbados y ecosistemas agrarios. Sin embargo, son pocos los estudios realizados sobre poblaciones en áreas de altura del noroeste argentino. El presente trabajo aporta información sobre los hábitos alimentarios de A. cunicularia en áreas próximas a humedales de altura y su variación estacional. El estudio se realizó a partir del análisis de 613 egagrópilas y 135 restos casi completos de anfibios, colectadas a lo largo de un año, entre abril de 2013 y marzo de 2014, en cercanías al embalse La Angostura, valle de Tafí, Tucumán, Argentina. Se identificaron 28 ítems presa (10 pequeños mamíferos, un ave, un anfibio y 16 artrópodos), representados por 14791 individuos. El grupo más consumido fue Insectos, representados mayoritariamente por los órdenes Hymenoptera (50,4%) y Coleoptera (41,1%). Los mamíferos estuvieron representados por el 1,9% de los individuos consumidos, en tanto quelos anfibios representaron sólo el 0,9%. Las aves fueron el grupo menos abundante, con sólo el 0,03%. La amplitud de nicho trófico estandarizado fue más baja en verano (0,02) y más alta en primavera (0,23). Nuestros resultados coinciden con la caracterización general de esta especie, considerada como oportunista-generalista, que incluye en su dieta una amplia variedad de ítems. Los resultados también son consistentes con aquellos reportados por otros autores para diferentes ecosistemas, los cuales han demostrado también una marcada variabilidad estacional en la dieta de esta lechuza.The Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) has been widely studied in terms of food habits, both in Argentina and in the rest of South America, especially in disturbed environments and agricultural ecosystems. However, there are few studies conducted on populations in high-altitude areas of northwestern Argentina. This work contributes to the knowledge about the food habits and their seasonal variation of A. cunicularia in areas close to high-altitude wetlands. The study was carried out based on the analysis of 613 pellets and 135 almost complete remains of amphibians, collected over a year between April 2013 and March 2014 near the La Angostura reservoir, Tafí del Valle, Tucumán, Argentina. We identified 28 prey items (10 small mammals, one birds, one amphibian, and 16 arthropods), represented by 14,791 individuals. The most consumed group were insects, represented mostly by the orders Hymenoptera (50.4%) and Coleoptera (41.1%). Mammals were represented by 1.9% of the consumed individuals, while the amphibians represented only 0.9%. The least abundant group consumed were birds, with only 0.03%. The standardized trophic niche-breath was lower during the summer (0.02) and higher in spring (0.23). Our results coincide with the general characterization of this species, considered as opportunist-generalist that includes in its diet a wide variety of items. The results are also consistent with those reported by other authors for different ecosystems, which have also shown a marked seasonal variability in the diet of this owl.Fil: Martínez, María Valeria. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Echevarria, Ada Lilian. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Ortiz, Pablo Edmundo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Fanjul, Maria Elisa. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentin

    World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet: ISSIS, the imaging instrument

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    The Imaging and Slitless Spectroscopy Instrument (ISSIS) will be flown as part of the science instrumentation in the World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet (WSO-UV). ISSIS will be the first UV imager to operate in a high Earth orbit from a 2 m class space telescope. In this contribution, the science driving the ISSIS design and the main characteristics of this instrument are presented

    Gender-Based Analysis of the Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Healthcare Workers in Spain

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    Purpose: This study aims to analyze from a gender perspective the psychological distress experienced by the medical workforce during the peak of the pandemic in Spain. Methods: This is a single-center, observational analytic study. The study population comprised all associated health workers of the Cruces University Hospital, invited by email to participate in the survey. It consisted of a form covering demographic data, the general health questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28), and the perceived stress scale (PSS-14). We used multivariant regression analysis to check the effect of gender on the scores. We used gender analysis in both design and interpretation of data following SAGER guidelines. Results: Females made 74.6% of our sample, but their proportion was higher in lower-paid positions such as nursery (89.9%) than in higher-paid ones. The percentage of women categorized as cases with the GHQ-28 was 78.4%, a proportion significantly higher than in the male population (61.3%, p < 0.001). The multivariant regression analysis showed that being women, working as orderly hospital porters, and having a past psychiatric history were risk factors for higher scores in both the GHQ-28 and PSS-14. Conclusion: Women and those with lower-paid positions were at risk of higher psychological distress and worse quality of life within the medical workforce during the first wave of the pandemic. Gender analysis must be incorporated to analyze this fact better

    The EC-Earth3 Earth system model for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6

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    The Earth system model EC-Earth3 for contributions to CMIP6 is documented here, with its flexible coupling framework, major model configurations, a methodology for ensuring the simulations are comparable across different high-performance computing (HPC) systems, and with the physical performance of base configurations over the historical period. The variety of possible configurations and sub-models reflects the broad interests in the EC-Earth community. EC-Earth3 key performance metrics demonstrate physical behavior and biases well within the frame known from recent CMIP models. With improved physical and dynamic features, new Earth system model (ESM) components, community tools, and largely improved physical performance compared to the CMIP5 version, EC-Earth3 represents a clear step forward for the only European community ESM. We demonstrate here that EC-Earth3 is suited for a range of tasks in CMIP6 and beyond.The development of EC-Earth3 was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under project IS-ENES3, the third phase of the distributed e-infrastructure of the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES) (grant agreement no. 824084, PRIMAVERA grant no. 641727, and CRESCENDO grant no. 641816). Etienne Tourigny and Raffaele Bernardello have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement nos. 748750 (SPFireSD project) and 708063 (NeTNPPAO project). Ivana Cvijanovic was supported by Generalitat de Catalunya (Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement) through the Beatriu de Pinós program. Yohan Ruprich-Robert was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program in the framework of Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant INADEC (grant agreement 800154). Paul A. Miller, Lars Nieradzik, David Wårlind, Roland Schrödner, and Benjamin Smith acknowledge financial support from the strategic research area “Modeling the Regional and Global Earth System” (MERGE) and the Lund University Centre for Studies of Carbon Cycle and Climate Interactions (LUCCI). Paul A. Miller, David Wårlind, and Benjamin Smith acknowledge financial support from the Swedish national strategic e-science research program eSSENCE. Paul A. Miller further acknowledges financial support from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) under project no. 621-2013-5487. Shuting Yang acknowledges financial support from a Synergy Grant from the European Research Council under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC (grant agreement 610055) as part of the ice2ice project and the NordForsk-funded Nordic Centre of Excellence project (award 76654) ARCPATH. Marianne Sloth Madsen acknowledges financial support from the Danish National Center for Climate Research (NCKF). Andrea Alessandri and Peter Anthoni acknowledge funding from the Helmholtz Association in its ATMO program. Thomas Arsouze, Arthur Ramos, and Valentina Sicardi received funding from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades as part of the DeCUSO project (CGL2017-84493-R).​​​​​​​Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 61 autors/es: Ralf Döscher, Mario Acosta, Andrea Alessandri, Peter Anthoni, Thomas Arsouze, Tommi Bergman, Raffaele Bernardello, Souhail Boussetta, Louis-Philippe Caron, Glenn Carver, Miguel Castrillo, Franco Catalano, Ivana Cvijanovic, Paolo Davini, Evelien Dekker, Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes, David Docquier, Pablo Echevarria, Uwe Fladrich, Ramon Fuentes-Franco, Matthias Gröger, Jost v. Hardenberg, Jenny Hieronymus, M. Pasha Karami, Jukka-Pekka Keskinen, Torben Koenigk, Risto Makkonen, François Massonnet, Martin Ménégoz, Paul A. Miller, Eduardo Moreno-Chamarro, Lars Nieradzik, Twan van Noije, Paul Nolan, Declan O'Donnell, Pirkka Ollinaho11, Gijs van den Oord, Pablo Ortega, Oriol Tintó Prims, Arthur Ramos, Thomas Reerink, Clement Rousset, Yohan Ruprich-Robert, Philippe Le Sager, Torben Schmith, Roland Schrödner, Federico Serva, Valentina Sicardi, Marianne Sloth Madsen, Benjamin Smith, Tian Tian, Etienne Tourigny, Petteri Uotila, Martin Vancoppenolle, Shiyu Wang, David Wårlind, Ulrika Willén, Klaus Wyser, Shuting Yang, Xavier Yepes-Arbós, and Qiong Zhang"Postprint (author's final draft

    Database of novel magnetic materials for high-performance permanent magnet development

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    This paper describes the open Novamag database that has been developed for the design of novel Rare-Earth free/lean permanent magnets. Its main features as software technologies, friendly graphical user interface, advanced search mode, plotting tool and available data are explained in detail. Following the philosophy and standards of Materials Genome Initiative, it contains significant results of novel magnetic phases with high magnetocrystalline anisotropy obtained by three computational high-throughput screening approaches based on a crystal structure prediction method using an Adaptive Genetic Algorithm, tetragonally distortion of cubic phases and tuning known phases by doping. Additionally, it also includes theoretical and experimental data about fundamental magnetic material properties such as magnetic moments, magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy, exchange parameters, Curie temperature, domain wall width, exchange stiffness, coercivity and maximum energy product, that can be used in the study and design of new promising high-performance Rare-Earth free/lean permanent magnets. The results therein contained might provide some insights into the ongoing debate about the theoretical performance limits beyond Rare-Earth based magnets. Finally, some general strategies are discussed to design possible experimental routes for exploring most promising theoretical novel materials found in the database.European Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) under Grant Agreement No. 686056, NOVAMAG. European Regional Development Fund in the IT4Innovations national supercomputing center – path to exascale project, project number CZ 02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16–013/0001791 within the Operational Programme Research, Development and Educatio