14 research outputs found
Enmarcado, Por Lo Tanto, Real
With the advent of the post-truth era, the usual definitions of urban activism have been crying out for an update. Covering different territories and media, this work focuses on suggesting new ways of thinking about architecture and its digital representation as a means for political engagement. My proposal is that the information of the space, or more precisely, the architecture, can be displayed to reduce the “uncertainty” of a message that is found online and can, therefore, be used for its legitimation. Beginning in Times Square in New York, the context of the investigation extends to Central Asia and explores contingent debates. It seems that players on the global political scene, such as China, India and Pakistan, have been using the built environment of another global power, such as the US, to validate the claims of one against the other. While using familiar urban settings to legitimize political messages is far from new, campaigns that use another country's public spaces and landmarks to build reputations at home could be new terrain for geopolitics. This investigation reveals the potential results of this correspondence
Effect of Short-term Probiotic Yogurt Consumption on Caries Risk Factors in Infants
Aim:We aimed to evaluate the effect of short-term probiotic yogurt consumption on pH, buffering capacity, and Streptococcus Mutans, Lactobacilli and secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) levels in saliva of 6-8 months old healthy infants.Materials and Methods:Twenty healthy infants and their mothers were enrolled in the study. They were randomly allocated into two groups as study and control. In the study group, probiotic yogurt (Bifidobacterium Longum BB536, Bifidobacterium Bifidum Bb12, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus HN001) was given to infants for 3 weeks whereas, in the control group, home-made yogurt was consumed. A dental saliva pH-Indicator strip (GC, Japan) was used for salivary pH measurements. Buffering capacity was determined using CRT buffer (Ivoclar Vivadent, Liechtenstein). The counts of salivary mutans streptococci and lactobacilli were evaluated using CRT bacteria (Ivoclar Vivadent,Liechtenstein). ELISA was used for sIgA. Scores at baseline and three weeks after were statistically evaluated by Wilcoxon test using the IBM SPSS 20.0 program.Results:Salivary pH, IgA, S. mutans and lactobacilli values showed no significant change after 3 weeks of probiotic yogurt consumption, however there was a statistically significant increase in the buffering capacity of saliva (p=0.04).Conclusion:Short-term probiotic yogurt intervention in infants during the early stages of life might have benefits for oral health. Further studies with both short- and long-term use of probiotics must be implemented in infants to confirm the results and see the effects on other caries risk factors
Orthodontic Treatment Need, Self-Esteem, and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment of Primary Schoolchildren: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study
Objective:The aims of this study were (1) to determine orthodontic treatment need, self-esteem, and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of primary schoolchildren and (2) to investigate possible influences of orthodontic treatment need on self-esteem and OHRQoL.Methods:The subjects of this cross-sectional study were 219 children aged 13–14 years attending public schools in Bornova, Izmir, Turkey. None of the children were undergoing active orthodontic treatment or had previously received orthodontic treatment. Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need Dental Health Component (IOTN-DHC) was used to determine normative orthodontic treatment need, and scores of 4 and 5 were defined as treatment need. IOTN Aesthetic Component (IOTN-AC) was used for the determination of child perception as well as the orthodontist perception of treatment need, and scores of 8–10 were defined as treatment need. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale was applied for self-esteem level determination. OHRQoL was evaluated using Child-Oral Impact on Daily Performance (C-OIDP) questionnaire. Correlations of the obtained data were tested using Spearman rho, and groups presenting correlations were further tested using Kruskal-Wallis and chi-square test. Interoperator and intraoperator reliability of the applied tests was evaluated using weighted kappa scores.Results:Prevalence of dental normative orthodontic treatment need was 37%, with 7.3% of the children presenting no malocclusion. Of the whole population, 5.5% of the children described themselves as having definite treatment need according to IOTN-AC scores. OHRQoL was positively influenced when self-esteem was higher (p=0.01). Presence of normative orthodontic treatment need according to IOTN-DHC did not have an influence on OHRQoL (p=0.745).Conclusion:Orthodontic treatment need derived by the orthodontist might not necessarily influence OHRQoL and self-esteem of primary schoolchildren. Assessment of OHRQoL as an adjunct to conventional diagnostic tools and normative measures may be feasible for the interpretation of treatment need and priority
Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries
Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres.
This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries.
In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia.
This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries
City-framed: the trustworthiness of digital media and the role of the built environment in informing the public
With the rise-of the era of post-truth politics, established definitions of urban
activism need to be revisited. Covering different territories and media, this
dissertation proposes new ways of thinking about architecture and its digital
representation as a medium for political engagement. It is my argument that
built environment as an information space can be deployed to reduce the
‘uncertainty’ of a message encountered online and can therefore be used for
legitimization by increasing image’s credibility. Starting with Times Square in
New York, the context of the research expands to Asia and investigates how
actors on the global political stage such as China, India, and Pakistan have
been using the built environment of another global power, the USA, to
validate their competing political claims about each other. While employing
iconic urban backgrounds for legitimizing political messages is far from new,
campaigns using another country’s public places and monuments to gain
repute at home represents a new territory for geopolitical discourses to be
articulated and contested. The research reflects on the possible implications of
these novel forms of political messaging for a ’trustworthy’ national politics in
an age of globalization
Awaking With Architecture: Between Visible And Invisible
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014Bu tez kişinin günlük yaşamında mekanı algılamasına dair yeni bir yöntemi, uyanma kavramı ışığında kurgulamaya çalışır. Uyandırma işlemini, mekana giydirilecek cisimsiz bir görüntü katmanı üzerinden gerçekleştirmeyi önerir. Bu uyanmanın ardından özne için iki yeni mekânsal iletişim modeli tanımlanmış demektir. Birincisi görüntü katmanı görülmeye devam ettiği sürece görseldeki uyaranlar sonucu uyanmadır, ikincisi de görüntü katmanı kaldırıldıktan sonra yeniden buluşulan somut mekanla, bu ani buluşmanın getirmiş olduğu uyanmadır. İkincisinin izlenme frekansının ilki kadar sık olmayacağı tahmin edilmektedir, fakat sistemde niceliklerin bir önemi yoktur. Tek defaya dahi mahsus olsa uyanma gerçekleşir ve sistem bununla ilgilenir. Bu noktada önerilen uyandırma katmanının cisimsiz olması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Çünkü bu sayede görüntünün müzik ile aynı şekilde deneyimlenme yolunun açılacağı iddia edilmektedir. Günümüze dek biricik olan resimler, sosyal ağların genişlemesiyle sayısal ekranlarda defalarca kez tekrarlanır hale gelmişlerdir fakat yine de müziğin yarattığı gibi bir mekan tanımlamamaktadırlar. Bu, Plüton gezegeninin yörüngesini hala temizleyememiş olması sebebi ile, karşısına çıkan bir takım enerjiler yüzünden, yolundan sapmalar göstermesine benzetilebilir. Plüton'u gezegenlikten çıkarma noktasına gelen bu durum, statünün geri verilmesiyle tehlikesizleşmiştir fakat varlığını sürdürmektedir. Aynı şekilde resimde artık (burada resimle tüm görüntüler kast edilmektedir) performans sanatları gibi kendine ait bir yörünge temizleyebilmeye yakındır. Karşılaşılacak her düşüncenin altında otoriteler tarafından kabul edilmiş bir kaynak ya da teori bulunmayabilir. Anarşist bilgi kuramı gereği, tezin geçmişin omuzlarında yükselmesindense kendi cümlelerini kurabilmesine özen gösterilmiştir. Deneyimler kişisellik, örnekler öznellik barındırır ve bunun tartışma zeminini kayganlaştırması olumlanırken, bu sayede tezin bilimsel dünyaya daha fazla soru işareti katması bakımından faydalı olacağı düşünülmektedir. Tez boyunca öncelikle giyinmek kavramı tarih süresince ne şekillerde hayatımıza girmiştir sorusu cevaplanmaya çalışılmıştır. Ardından Las Vegas örneği irdelenmiş ve orada arabalarla seyahat eden özneler için yaratılan uyandırma katmanının, tabelalar ile şehre nasıl giydirildiğine işaret edilmiştir. Uyandırma kavramının görüntüyle nasıl yapılabileceğinden; uyanık kişinin dikkatinin boyut değiştirmesini sağlamanın, uyandırmak ile dirsek teması halinde olduğundan bahsedilmiş ve kişisel deneyimler yardımıyla bir takım örnekler üzerinden bu deneyimler aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bir sonraki bölümde sayısal görüntünün ne olduğu, nerden geldiği, neden geldiği, neler yapabileceği ve nasıl yapabileceği irdelenmiştir. Son olarak da önerilen bu yeni tanışma, buluşma ve kaynaşma eyleminin hangi yönlere evirilebileceği, ne tip xiv donanımlar ve yazılımlara ihtiyaç duyabileceği, kişiye ve topluma neler verip kişiden ve toplumda neler alabileceği tartışılmıştır. Tez uyanmak ve uyandırmanın önemini vurgulamaya çalışırken, kendisi de okuyucusunu uyandırmaya soyunur. Tezin bazı bölümlerinde karşılaşılan görseller yazar tarafından bilinçli olarak bulanıklaştırılmış, renkleri değiştirilmiş ya da çizgiselleştirilmiştir. Bu değişimler ile izleyicide merak uyandırmak hedeflenmiştir. Merak eden kişinin, merak etmeyene oranla imajla daha az zaman geçireceği kurgulanmış ve harcanan zamanın artması ile uyanışın gelmesi düşlenmiştir. Aynı zaman da tezin akışından ayrı, isimsiz bir dizi yazı ve imajdan oluşan bölüm de, tezin içine serpiştirilmiş öncül ve ardılları gibi kişide bir yabancılaşma, soru sorma, kafa karıştırma ve merak etme etkisi yaratmayı amaçlamaktadır. Tez görselliği ve algıyı yüzeyden başlatmakla ilgilenirken, tez yazım yöntemlerinin görünüşlerini değiştirmeyi kendine borç bilmiştir. Aksi halde bahsettiklerini uygulamayarak, inandırıcılığını yitirme ihtimali barındırmaktadır. Sonuç olarak bu yeniden uyanmaların sayısal görüntü yardımıyla illüzyon bir dünya da gerçekleşiyor olmasının kişinin deneyimlerini nasıl etkileyebileceği, bu yabancı ve deneyimlenmemiş dünyanın ne kadar günlük yaşama tezahür edebileceği, hepimiz için eşit derecede uzak sorulardır. Yaptığımız yaşanması muhtemel bir gelecek diliminde yaşanması mümkün bir algı yöntemi önermektir. Geleceğini bildiğimiz geleceğin nasıl geleceğini tasarlama girişimidir.There is a room which is surrounded by some materials. There is music in the room, which is also surrounded by the room. Music leaves its source and reaches to ears; ears receive the music then body feel the space of music around. This space is something different from the space which is defined by the materials. The air in the space communicates with us through music, without seeing any material, not in the visual world. In addition, nowadays it has became real to come across visuals without any material, even without a screen, just like music. That would end the cold war between music and painting. For centuries the two were never in the same side, cause keeping a painting is never equal to listening music (there is not such a thing that 'keeping the music'). However, keeping a painting points to its owner's class, a person who is with high taste of art and accumulation of intellectual. However, nobody feels like they are owners of the music, after they listen it. The piece of music always belongs to its composer everywhere it is performed. Architecture is quite similar with paintings in this case. After the architect, house owner has a full power on the building and uses it however he or she wants. Actually this big separation is just because of materials. The materialized world not only makes human feel its energy; but also affects their viewpoint to their place in the society. This does not mean non-materialized world is out of feelings. It is obvious that getting to communicate with any subject is not about being materialized. That is why we called these kind of happenings 'trans-material' which means something more than material. Non-materialized and surrounding visuals can define a completely non-experienced communication method with the space, different from it used to be. This is not talking about the space that is seen in visualizations; it is talking about the visualizations that define their space, with holograms and mirrors. It is something about reproducing the perception, without building it. In this work, we used methods which are not necessarily based on widely accepted theories. We believe that to support a theory which is made in the past does not serve to our platform of discussion. Defending that there is only one kind of truth is opposite of democratical thinking. In democracies, there are multiple views on a subject and every one of them has the same importance. That is why searching for one universal truth is not possible and also it is not suitable for human thinking. In this thesis we followed the theoretical method of Feyerabend and Kuhn. Both of them says that the positivism is not on the right track. Consequently, researching for a global and objective truth cannot be the duty of academicians. Main thing which improves science and consequence of our world, is whatever works. In a world where everything can be possible, many surprises can occur at any instant. That is how the world has been working for centuries. The same principle was valid for xvi Einstein and also at the time they were working on quantum theory. It is said that it should also be valid for us. In addition, our thesis tries to discover whatever it searches by enriching its ingredients all over the document. It uses its writer's works as references, because only us can be totally sure what we would really like to say. In the thesis, there are three main sections to explain our ideas about space. The first one is about awakening. How can we wake up? How could waking up affects our perception of space? There is a slight line between being asleep and being awake. We believe that in that line people can create something which they cannot do easily when they are fully conscious. They need to lose some of their balance but not all of it. How can a city wake us up? Of course every piece of the city is a performance and they move around constantly. This situation can be enough to wake us. However, do we notice all of these movements around or do we ignore them? How a layer on the city which can communicate with people and break through their ignorance can be created? What about city performances? There is already one well known example: the city of Las Vegas. In Vegas, city wears a board cloth like a second face. This colorful and restless layer always tries to reach people's perception to communicate with them. Functionalist and modernist architects did not give much attention to people who stand outside of their buildings. Instead, they glorified purism which does not aim to attract people at all. As a result, people start to feel like they are lost in not to scale, grey, concrete cities. Concrete is not the guilty one, it is just a material but way of use it, affects the perception of city at all. Secondly, we try to explore how the concept of "wearing" appears in architecture. It has been common to see that the perception of interior space is different from the exterior. In prehistoric time, the caves that people were living in were their homes but it was actually a mountain. From that point of view, these caves look like they are wearing a mountain on them. However the situation becomes different in renaissance, domes were built to create a different kind of perception in the city and in the building itself. The layers which hide the truth in a way; give us another chance of perception in daily life. Encountering the unexpected always attracts our feelings. We desire to follow the unexpected to convert it and make it a part of our system. Thirdly, we introduce the concept of numerical image. Numerical means all images which are defined by numerics in the digital world. Digital world is a part of our daily life and it is getting closer. Almost everybody use the internet and social networks. They let us know this; because most of them let us to see their location. This world of illusion is enlarging day by day. In this non materialized world, there are many data transformation systems. Some of them generate the vision on their façade, some of them uses other façades. This is a really important difference. In our hypothesis, we believe, if we put music and the vision on the same side; it will become obvious that images are obligated to be none-materialized. However, none-materialized vision is not just none-materialized; it is trans-material. With this work, we would like to compose an idea with a well-known method. It is a type of light, which carries information, belongs to everything. It is possible to get across with it, in every part of city. This meetings can transform the daily habits, not xvii only good way, but also bad way. Important point is not left the common sence about the public. Nowadays, all around the world, designers print their works by using 3D printing machines. It is a huge shift. We have anticipated and welcomed this improvement; however now we imagine something faster, nature friendly and easier to obtain. This is a kind of challenge between production of factory and production of mind. Capitalism is the slave of demand. If consumers will not buy any more, than there will be no need to product which means another revolution after the agriculture and industry. Finally, these awaking, which stimulated by numerical light projectors, will affects the daily life in what scale is something impossible to know. In addition, this strange and inexperienced world has lots of potential about the life styles. We will build the future with light, like we have built the past, as we always do. It is simple, without light there is no vision. As a result, our work is about light. Light in houses, light in cities, light in mind. Without a window, can we build the image of it? Can we suggest a new area of architecture in this century? We can prepare a platform for architect to build the vision on the mind without volume itself. This is communication age, this is transportation age. This means there will be no more stabile buildings. Everybody will be carrying their own place with them. Only with a click, people in a forest will have a room, in the room they will have a sea, in the sea who knows what else. After all we have said about technology, our system of design may look like it only appeals to wealthy side of the society. However, we are suggesting the opposite. We believe, architecture should be based on peace and happiness and serve people equally. Good wishes can make future be completely different from our expectations. Nobody can guess what will happen tomorrow. We make predictions based on our experiences; however, how reality works is much more complicated issue. The power of waking up to the next day is given by the hope.Yüksek LisansM.Sc
New approach in fibromyalgia exercise program a preliminary study regarding the effectiveness of balance training
Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of balance exercises on the functional level and quality of life (QOL) of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and to investigate the circumstances associated with balance disorders in FMS. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting: Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinic. Participants: Patients (N=57) (age range, 18-65y) with FMS were randomly assigned into 2 groups. Interventions: Group 1 was given flexibility and balance exercises for 6 weeks, whereas group 2 received only a flexibility program as the control group. Main Outcome Measures: Functional balance was measured by the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), and dynamic and static balance were evaluated by a kinesthetic ability trainer (KAT) device. Fall risk was assessed with the Hendrich II fall risk model. The Nottingham Health Profile, Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were used to determine QOL and functional and depression levels, respectively. Assessments were performed at baseline and after the 6-week program. Results: In group 1, statistically significant improvements were observed in all parameters (P.05). When comparing the 2 groups, there were significant differences in group 1 concerning the KAT static balance test (P=.017) and FIQ measurements (P=.005). In the correlation analysis, the BDI was correlated with the BBS (r=-.434) and Hendrich II results (r=.357), whereas body mass index (BMI) was correlated with the KAT static balance measurements (r=.433), BBS (r=-.285), and fall frequency (r=.328). Conclusions: A 6-week balance training program had a beneficial effect on the static balance and functional levels of patients with FMS. We also observed that depression deterioration was related to balance deficit and fall risk. Higher BMI was associated with balance deficit and fall frequency. (C) 2015 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicin