20 research outputs found

    Türkiye’de sosyal bilimler veri tabanında müzik ve müzik araştırmalarının yayınlandığı bilimsel süreli yayınların incelenmesi (2000-2006)

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     Scientific articles are the most significant works with their contributions to the science because of their results and also their replies to 'how' and 'why' questions in the scientific process.In this research, the magazines in which scientific investigations and also musical articles printed between 2000 and 2006 were studied. The investigation via combing method carries a descriptive character as it exposes the statistcal data of the articles concerning music in scientific magazines.In the view of the obtaining results it has been determined that in our country numbers of the scientific magazines in which musical articles will take place aren't enough, but nowadays there have been totally 243 musical articles in the 647 issues belong to 54 different scientific magazines such as  university magazines, publishing house magazines and e-magazines. That these articles highly took place in scientific magazines (magazines of training faculties) published by universities and besides this in e-magazines and publishing house magazines has been found out.Bilimsel makaleler, gerek sonuçları, dolayısı ile bilimsel alana yaptığı katkı, gerekse bilimsel süreçte neden ve nasıl sorularının yanıtlandığı, sorgulandığı en önemli yayınlardır.Bu araştırmada 2000/2006 yılları arasında müzikle ilgili bilimsel araştırmaların yayınlandığı dergilerin ve yayınlanan makalelerin incelemesi yapılmıştır. Tarama modelindeki araştırma, müzik alanındaki makalelerin, bilimsel dergilerdeki sayısal görünümünü ortaya koyması bakımından betimsel bir nitelik taşımaktadır.Elde edilen sonuçlar ışığında ülkemizde müzik makalelerinin yer alacağı alana dönük bilimsel dergi sayısının yeterli olmadığı, buna karşın günümüzde yayın yapan birbirinden farklı 54 bilimsel dergiye (üniversite dergileri, yayınevi dergileri, e-dergiler) ait 647 sayıda toplam 243 müzikle ilgili makalenin yer aldığı saptanmıştır. Bu makalelerin büyük oranda üniversitelerce basılan bilimsel yayınlarda (eğitim fakülteleri dergileri) yer aldığı, bunu sıra ile e-dergiler ve yayınevi dergilerinin takip ettiği belirlenmiştir

    An Antholoji of Thesies and Articles on Polifonic Turkish Music Composers

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    DergiPark: 326457trakyasobedThe aim of this study to make an antology about the composers’ biographies who have contributed to the development of polifonic music in Turkey from the declaration of the Republic to the present; to examine the historical development of the polifonic music in our Turkey’s geograbical areas and to enlighten the researchers on this subject matter.To prepare resource book for all musicians (student, composers, interpreter, orchestra conductor, orchestra member/manager, researcher,…etc.) and educators is aimed through this study. The results obtained indicated that 78 articles 32 of which were published book, 46 graduate thesies (Master of art, Doctor of Music, Ph.D.dissertations) were mostly dealt with the life and work’s of Ahmet Adnan Saygun.Bu araştırmanın amacı, Cumhuriyetin ilanından günümüze çoksesli müziğin ülkemizde gelişimine katkıları bulunan bestecilerimizin biyografilerinden oluşan bir seçki oluşturmak ve böylece bestecilerimiz üzerinden çoksesli müziğin ülkemiz coğrafyasındaki tarihsel gelişimine yakınlaşıp, bu konudaki araştırmacılara da ışık tutmaktır. Yine yapılan bu araştırma ile bestecilerimizi ve eserlerini daha yakından tanımak isteyen yurtiçi ve yurtdışındaki tüm müzisyen (öğrenci, besteci, yorumcu, orkestra şefi, orkestra elemanı/idareci, araştırmacı, v.b) ve eğitimcilere bir kaynak oluşturmak amaçlanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler sonucunda, Türk bestecileri ve/veya eserleri üzerinde 32’i basılı kitap,46’sı lisansüstü (yüksek lisans, sanatta yeterlilik, doktora) araştırma çalışmaları olan toplam 78 adet yayın, elde edilen bu yayınların ise konu olarak en çok Ahmet Adnan Saygun’un hayatı ve/veya eserleri üzerine yoğunlaştığı tespit edilmişti

    Öğretilebilir Zihinsel Engelli Öğrencilerin Renk Seçimleri

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    In this study, a pilot study was conducted on the students with mild mental retardation and the colour choice of these students. A study group which was thought to be the representative of the universe was used in the study in which general scanning model was taken as the basis. 25 mentally retarded students ranging from 10 to 12 years old, enrolled at Bolu Emine Mehmet Baysal Education Practice and Workshop Training Center, informed consents were taken from their parents, capable of understanding the instructions, having hand and eye coordination, and diagnosed as mild down syndrome, epilepsy, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and learning disability composed this study group.            In the light of the data obtained, it was found that hot colours (red, orange, yellow) are more than the cold colours (blue, green, purple) in the choices of the students with mild mental retardation; they choose hot colour again when the relationship between the health conditions and colour choices are examined; the students with learning disabilities and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder choose red colour; the students with down syndrome choose orange colour; and the students with epilepsy choose blue which is among the cold colours.Bu çalışmada öğretilebilir zihinsel engelli öğrenciler ve bu öğrencilerin renk seçimleri üzerine pilot bir uygulama gerçekleştirilmiştir. Genel tarama modeli esas alınarak yapılmış olan araştırmada evreni temsil ettiği düşünülen bir çalışma grubundan yararlanılmıştır. Bu çalışma grubunu, Bolu Emine Mehmet Baysal Eğitim Uygulama ve İş Eğitim Merkezinde eğitim gören, ailelerinden izin alınmış, talimatları anlayan, el ve göz koordinasyonu olan, ve hafif düzeyde iş-teknik sınıfındaki down sedromu, epilepsi (sara hastalığı), hiperaktivite-dikkat bozukluğu ve öğrenme bozukluğu olan 10-12 yaş arası 25 zihinsel engelli öğrenci oluşturmaktadır.  Elde edilen veriler sonucunda, öğretilebilir zihinsel engelli öğrencilerin tek seçimli renk tercihlerinde sıcak renklerin (kırmızı, turuncu, sarı), soğuk renklere (mavi, yeşil, mor) göre daha çok yer aldığı, yine öğrencilerin sağlık durumları ile renk tercihlerine bakıldığında yine sıcak renkleri tercih ettikleri, öğrenme bozukluğu ve hiperaktivite-dikkat bozukluğu özellikler gösteren öğrencilerin en çok kırmızı rengi; down sendromu bulunun öğrencilerin turuncu rengi seçtikleri; epilepsi rahatsızlığı bulunan öğrencilerin ise soğuk renklerden mavi’yi tercih ettikleri belirlenmiştir

    Investigation of Relations Between Öss Scores and Qualification Scores(Hearing Area, Vocal Area, Instrument Area) in the Special Qualification Tests

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    DergiPark: 326524trakyasobedÜlkemizde her yıl üniversitelerin özel yetenek gerektiren programlarına, bölümlerin/anabilim dallarının sınav aşamalarını kendilerinin belirledikleri “Özel Yetenek Sınavları” ile yüzlerce öğrenci alınmaktadır. Özel yetenek sınavları sonrasında adayların ÖSS, AOBP ve Özel Yetenek Sınav Puanlarının belirli katsayılarla istatistiksel işlemlere girmesinden sonra yerleştirme puanları hesaplanmaktadır. Bu araştırmada Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi Bölümü Müzik Eğitimi Anabilim Dalında uygulanan Özel Yetenek sınavına son üç yılda giren toplam 1015 adayın aldıkları ÖSS puanları ile yetenek sınavlarının birer alt boyutu olan müziksel işitme (dikte, deşifre, ikises / üçses / dörtses duyma, ezgi tekrarı ve ritim tekrarı), çalgı alanı (482 aday) ve ses alanı (482 aday) sınav aşamalarından elde ettikleri puanları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişkilerin olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular ışığında, adayların ÖSS puanları ile yetenek puanları arasında pozitif yönde fakat düşük düzeyde bir ilişkinin mevcut olduğu saptanmıştır.In our country hundreds of students have been accepted to university programs requiring special qualification by “Special Qualification Tests” which have stages defined by departments/major science divisions every year. Following the special qualification tests, placement scores have been calculated by applying statistical processes to ÖSS, AOBP and Special Qualification Test Scores of the candidates with specific coefficients. In this research, it was investigated that whether there are statistically meaningful relations between ÖSS scores of 1015 candidates entering the Special Qualification Test applied in Music Education Major Science Division of Fine Arts Education Department of Education Faculty at Abant İzzet Baysal University last three years and their scores obtained from musical hearing (dictate, decipher, twovoice / threevoice / fourvoive hearing, melody repetition and rhythm repetition), instrument area (482 candidates) and vocal area (482 candidates) that are sub dimension of qualification tests. In the light of indications obtained, it was determined that there was a positive but low level relation between ÖSS scores and qualification scores of the candidates

    Reading notation with Gestalt perception principles: Gestalt algı ilkeleri ile notasyon okuma

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    Based on the idea that Gestalt psychology is ‘more than all the components that make up it’, the emphasis is on the similarities of the brain's functioning during perception, as in reading text. Just as the brain perceives similar letters as holistic rather than one by one, it can be predicted that this happens during the musician's reading score. Parallel to Gestalt auditory perception research, musicians are thought to benefit from Gestalt perception principles, without consciousness, in the first reading (sight-reading) of notes and later in practice. However, conscious perception of these principles by musicians may be considered to contribute positively during and after their sight-reading. The aim of this study is to explain various Gestalt perception principles which are supposed to be related to music and to reveal examples of these principles on notation reading. The data obtained from the qualitative research methods through literature review were explained with six basic laws, “Figure–Ground”, “Proximity”, “Similarity”, “Symmetry”, “Simplicity” and “Continuity”. In the creation of the samples, the principles of visual perception and the motif, sentence period structures and analyzes, tonic - dominant sentence expressions, tempo and nuance terms that are also included in the auditory perception in music have been related, and it has been attached importance to its concretization with visual perception. ​Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.   Özet Gestalt psikolojinin, ‘bütün, kendisini oluşturan parçaların bir araya gelmesinden daha fazlasıdır’ düşüncesi ile yola çıkarak, tıpkı metin okumada olduğu gibi, nota okumada da beynin algılama esnasındaki işleyişlerinin benzerliklerine vurgu yapılmaktadır. Nasıl ki, beyin birbirine benzer harfleri tek tek okumak yerine bütüncül olarak algılamaktaysa, söz konusu bu durumun müzisyenlerin nota okuma sırasında da gerçekleşmekte olduğu öngörülebilir. Gestalt işitsel algı araştırmalarına paralel olarak, müzisyenlerin nota ilk okuma (deşifre) ve daha sonraki pratiklerinde, Gestalt algı ilkelerinden, bilincinde olmaksızın, faydalandıkları düşünülmektedir. Bununla birlikte müzisyenler tarafından bu ilkelerin bilinçli olarak algılanması, onların deşifre yapmaları sırasında ve sonraki performanslarında, olumlu yönde katkı sağlayabileceği düşünülebilir. Bu araştırma, müzik ile ilişkili olabileceği varsayılan çeşitli Gestalt algı ilkelerini açıklayarak, bu ilkelerin notasyon okuma üzerindeki örneklerini ortaya koyma amacını taşımaktadır. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden literatür taraması yoluyla elde edilen veriler Gestalt algı ilkelerinden “Şekil–Zemin”, “Yakınlık”, “Benzerlik”, “Simetri” “Basitlik” ve “Süreklilik” olmak üzere altı temel yasa ile açıklanmış, notasyon üzerinde örneklendirilmiştir. Örneklerin oluşturulmasında, görsel algı ilkeleri ile müzikteki işitsel algıda da yer alan motif, cümle dönem yapıları ve analizleri, tonik – dominant cümle ifadeleri, tempo ve nüans terimleri ilişkilendirilmiş, görsel algı ile somutlaştırılmasına önem verilmiştir

    An Eample for the lifelong music education: Bolu Young Musicians FestivalHayat boyu müzik eğitimine bir örnek: Bolu Genç Müzisyenler Şenliği

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    In this study, the work of  The Association Supporting The Young Artist, one of the rare non-governmental organizations in the arts  in Bolu, has been introduced and the contributions of The Festivals Of Young Musicians which has been organised by the associatioan for six years,  to the artisitic life and Lifelog  Music Education of all individuals form seven to seventy in the city, have been described. ÖzetBu çalışmada,  Bolu ilinde il genelinde yer alan, sanat alanındaki nadir sivil toplum kuruluşlarından olan Genç Sanatçıları Destekleme Derneği’nin  çalışmaları tanıtılmış, dernek tarafından 6 yıldır düzenlenmekte olan Genç Müzisyenler Şenliğinin Bolu ilindeki sanat hayatına ve yediden yetmiş yediye tüm bireylerin Hayat Boyu Müzik Eğitimine olan katkıları betimlenmiştir

    Diagnosis of Transmissible Venereal Tumors in Bitches - Platelet Indices Are a Remarkable Marker?

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    Background: Hematological analyses are seen as more preferred laboratory analyses in canine transmissible venereal tumor studies. There is no information about the availability of platelets and their indices in routine practice in canine transmissible venereal tumor cases. Taking this as a starting point, this study analyzed the usefulness of platelet indices in dogs with transmissible venereal tumor in clinical laboratory diagnosis as well as examined the relationship between white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets (PLT), main platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), plateletcrit (PCT), and the ratio of main platelet volume to platelets (MPV/PLT). Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, a total of 42 bitches of various breeds were used. Nineteen healthy bitches were used as a control group, and the others 23 with cTVT as a study group. Metastasis was not observed in any of the bitches involved in the study. History, clinical findings, and cytological examinations were evaluated for the diagnosis of cTVT. In animals with hemorrhagic discharge and neoplastic lesions, a vaginal cytological examination was performed. Typical TVT cells with large nuclei and intracytoplasmic vacuoles were observed in the vaginal cytological examinations, and the diagnosis of TVT was made. Healthy bitches (19) and those with TVT (23) were 39.16 5.37 months and 47.61 5.14 months old, respectively. From all animals, 2 mL blood samples were collected from V. cephalica to evaluate PIs in the complete blood count (CBC). Collected blood samples were analyzed using an automated hematology analyzer. As a result of the analysis, WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCHC, RDW, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT, and MPV/PLT data were obtained. Mild leukocytosis, an increase in PLT, and a decrease in MCV and MPV/PLT were determined in the study group compared to the control group. Cut-off values in CBC of bitches with TVT were determined as WBC: 13.35 (sensitivity: 78%; specificity: 90%); MCV: 67 (sensitivity: 57%; specificity: 95%); PLT: 315.50 (sensitivity: 65%; specificity: 74%); and MPV/PLT: 0.028 (sensitivity: 78%; specificity: 58%). In CBC analyses, a strong negative correlation between PLT and MPV/PLT was detected in both groups. Discussion: Canine transmissible venereal tumors are common in both stray and pet dogs. It is naturally transferred from animal to animal during mating by live tumor cells. This tumor can commonly affect the external genitalia and internal organs in some cases. It generally has the look of cauliflower, and its surface is ulcerated, inflammatory, hemorrhagic, and infectious. More preferred laboratory analyses are complete blood count and blood chemistry analysis in cTVT for to evaluate the success of treatments. Platelet indices have been investigated in many diseases such as endotoxemia, chronic enteropathy, mammary tumor, parvoviral enteritis, septic peritonitis, lymphoma, pyometra, visceral leishmaniasis, and babesiosis in dogs. There is no information available for either diagnostic or prognostic use of the PIs in canine TVT cases. Ultimately, in light of the presented study’s results, platelet indices, especially PLT and the MPV/PLT ratio, seem to be notable laboratory markers in terms of easy accessibility and low-cost assessment techniques in canine transmissible venereal tumor cases. New data, however, should be established by a thorough follow-up study using a larger sample size and addressing its usefulness as a diagnostic or prognostic marker in canine transmissible venereal tumors. Keywords: platelet indices, complete blood count, transmissible venereal tumor, female dog

    Rates and Risk Factors of Diabetic Foot Reamputations

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    SUMMARY Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the reamputation rate in patients who had amputation surgery in our hospital with the diagnosis of diabetic foot and to analyze the comorbid factors. Material and Method: Of 131 patients with detailed information in their files 66 patients who had amputation surgery are included in the study. Age, gender, smoking habits, comorbid diseases, number, level, side and time period of amputation surgeries experienced, presence of infection, wound culture growth of microbes, presence of leukocytosis and method of treatment are recorded. Diabetic foot ulcers of the patients are graded with Wagner-Meggit classification depending on the depth of the wound. Wounds are also evaluated in three different pathophysiological groups as neuropathic, neuropathic-ischemic and ischemic. Levels of amputation were digital, ray, transmetatarsal, below-knee transtibial and above-knee transfemoral. Ipsilateral or contralateral reamputations in previosly amputated patients were investigated. Results: Of the 66 patients who experienced amputation or reamputation surgery 45 were males and 21 were females. Mean age was 63,2 ( 26-88 ). 11 patients had reamputation surgery. 7 patients had ipsilateral reamputations at a more proximal level, 2 patients had contralateral side amputations and ipsilateral more proximal level reampuations and 2 patients had contralateral side amputations. Wagner-Meggit classification of the wounds in amputated patients yielded 4 Grade3, 40 Grade4, 11 Grade5 wounds where as 7 Grade4, 4 Grade5 wounds in reampuatated patients. Pathophysiological classification yielded 6 neuropathic, 21 neuroischemic and 28 ischemic wounds in amputation group where as 4 neuroischemic and 7 ischemic wounds in reamputation group. Discussion: Evaluation of diabetes dependent and nondependent comorbid risk factors as well as the physiological capacity of the patients are important as much as selecting accurate level of amputation level with the aid of new diagnostic techniques in decreasing reamputation risk and rates. [Med-Science 2012; 1(4.000): 283-91

    A Retrospective Analysis of Amputation Rates and Comorbidity in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer

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    Abstract Diabetic foot ulcers cause elongated hospitalisations with high treatment costs and high rates of lower extremity amputations resulting with increased morbidity and decreased quality of life. The aim of this study was to determine amputation rate in patients admitted to our hospital with the diagnosis of diabetic foot and the most common risk factors in patients with diabetic foot ulcers. 131 patients admitted to outpatient clinics of Izmir Katip Celebi University Ataturk Training and Research Hospital between January 2011 and December 2011 with the diagnosis of diabetic foot ulcer were retrospectively analyzed. Of these 96 were males and 35 were females. Age, gender, smoking and alcohol habits, comorbid diseases, presence of infection, growth of microorganism in medium, presence of leukocytes, hypertension, method of treatment and regimes of antibiotics are recorded. Mean age was 61,1 ( 26-90). Patients are divided into two groups according to treatment protocols, first group was consist of debriated and medicaly treated patients, while the second group covered amputated patients. 66 were amputated and the rest 65 had debridement-wound care and antibiotherapy after they were evaluated in the diabetic foot council of our hospital. Rate of amputation was 50 %. 36 of the amputated patients had major and the others had minor amputations. Most common comorbidities that related and nonrelated to diabetes were peripheral arterial disease ( 102 out of 131; 77% ) and hypertension ( 50 out of 131; 38% ); respectively. Grading of diabetic ulcers according to Wagner-Meggit classification yielded that most commonly seen wounds were grade 4 in the amputation group and grade 2 in the debridement group. According to pathophysiological classification most common cause were ischemic wounds in both groups. Compared to the literature, our amputation rates are higher. This issue can be attributed to high rates of comorbid factors, higher age and irregular follow-up. Key words: diabetic foot, amputation, comorbidity [Med-Science 2012; 1(4.000): 331-40