20 research outputs found

    Ventricular tachyarrhythmia during pregnancy in women with heart disease: Data from the ROPAC, a registry from the European Society of Cardiology

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    Objectives: To describe the incidence, onset, predictors and outcome of ventricular tachyarrhythmia (VTA) in pregnant women with heart disease. Background: VTA during pregnancy will cause maternal morbidity and even mortality and will have impact on fetal outcome. Insufficient data exist on the incidence and outcome of VTA in pregnancy. Methods and results: From January 2007 up to October 2013, 99 hospitals in 39 countries enrolled 2966 pregnancies in women with structural heart disease. Forty-two women (1.4%) developed clinically relevant VTA during pregnancy, which occurred mainly in the third trimester (48%). NYHA class > 1 before pregnancy was an independent predictor for VTA. Heart failure during pregnancy was more common in women with VTA than in women without VTA (24% vs. 12%, p = 0.03) and maternal mortality was respectively 2.4% and 0.3% (p = 0.15). More women with VTA delivered by Cesarean section than women without VTA (68% vs. 47%, p = 0.01). Neonatal death, preterm birth (< 37 weeks), low birthweight (< 2500 g) and Apgar score < 7 occurred more often in women with VTA (4.8% vs. 0.3%, p = 0.01; 36% vs. 16%, p = 0.001; 33% vs. 15%, p = 0.001 and 25% vs. 7.3%, p = 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: VTA occurred in 1.4% of pregnant women with cardiovascular disease, mainly in the third trimester, and was associated with heart failure during pregnancy. NYHA class before pregnancy was predictive. VTA during pregnancy had clear impact on fetal outcome

    Корелација помеѓу формата на максиларниот алвеоларен лак и обликот на лицето

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    Цел: Целта на оваа студија беше да се испита постоењето на евентуална корелација помеѓу морфологијата на максиларниот алвеоларен лак и обликот на лицето кај машки и женски студенти при Универзитетот “Гоце Делчев” – Штип. Материјали и метод: Дигитални фотографии од лицето и гипсени модели од горната вилица на 105 студенти по стоматологија (71 женски и 34 машки) со возраст помеѓу 18 и 27 години беа вклучени во оваа студија. Сите индивидуи беа без значајни нарушувања на оклузијата и без претходни ортодонтски третман. Обликот на лицето и на алвеоларниот лак беа анализирани од страна на 3 доктори (двајца протетичари) кои ги класифицираа фотографиите и гипсените модели со помош на визуелни критериуми согласно на методот по Вилијамс, каде разликуваме 3 главни форми - овална, триаглеста и квадратеста. Резултати: Најзастапена форма за обликот на лицето е квадратеста кај машките и овална кај женските студенти, додека пак доминантна форма на максиларниот лак е овална и кај двата пола. Заклучок: Прелиминарните резултати кои се базираат на иницијалното пилот испитување на дел од испитаниците укажуваат дека не постои корелација помеѓу обликот на лицето и формата на максиларниот лак кај индивидуи со нормална оклузија. Клучни зборови: максиларен лак, лице, морфологиј

    Peri-ictal Water Drinking: An Interesting Phenomenon With Unknown Reason

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    Background: Peri-ictal water drinking is a rare vegetative symptom reported in temporal lobe epilepsy. Our aim was to investigate the clinical, EEG, MRI findings and psychiatric comorbidities of the patients reporting peri-ictal water drinking in their seizures

    Best Practice Recommendations for Stroke Patients with Dysphagia: A Delphi-Based Consensus Study of Experts in Turkey-Part I: Management, Diagnosis, and Follow-up

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    WOS:000626806000002PubMed: 33687558Dysphagia is one of the most common and important complications of stroke. It is an independent marker of poor outcome after acute stroke and may become chronic after the acute period and continues to affect all aspects of the patient's life. Patients with stroke may encounter any of the medical branches in the emergency room or outpatient clinic, and as in our country, there may not be specialists specific for dysphagia, such as speech-language pathologists (SLP), in every hospital. This study aimed to raise awareness and create a common opinion of medical specialists for stroke patients with dysphagia. This recommendation paper has been written by a multidisciplinary team and offers 45 recommendations for stroke patients with dysphagia. It was created using the eight-step Delphi round via e-mail. This study is mostly specific to Turkey. However, since it contains detailed recommendations from the perspective of various disciplines associated with stroke, this consensus-based recommendation paper is not only a useful guide to address clinical questions in practice for the clinical management of dysphagia in terms of management, diagnosis, and follow-up, but also includes detailed comments for these topics

    General approach to penetrating abdomen traumas of Turkish General Surgeons: Survey of practice

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    BACKGROUND: In patients with penetrating abdominal traumas (PATs), selective non-operative management (SNOM) has been widely accepted. This study was designed to investigate the practice trends among Turkish surgeons regarding SNOM. MEHTOHDS: The study was conducted as an online survey. Participants' demographic characteristics and their management trends and opinions regarding patients with PATs and SNOM were studied. Data were recorded using MS Excel (R) and analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 180 surgeons participated in the survey. SNOM approach rate in patients with stab injuries (SI) was 64%, whereas in patients with gunshot injuries (GSI), this rate was 52%. However, more than 90% of the surgeons declared that additional diagnostic studies were required before selecting SNOM approach in both SI and GSI. In addition, most of the surgeons who did not use SNOM in practice reported that they did not want to risk the patients' lives or their careers. DISCUSSION: Although our surgeons have constructive opinions and tendencies regarding contemporary approaches in the management of PATs, it is seen that nearly half of them prefer not to perform SNOM in practice for various reasons. We believe that approval of trauma and emergency surgery disciplines as subspecialties and funding- centralized trauma centers might correct this deficiency.WoSScopusTr-Dizi

    General Approach To Penetrating Abdominal Traumas Of Turkish General Surgeons: Survey Of Practice

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    BACKGROUND: In patients with penetrating abdominal traumas (PATs), selective non-operative management (SNOM) has been widely accepted. This study was designed to investigate the practice trends among Turkish surgeons regarding SNOM. MEHTOHDS: The study was conducted as an online survey. Participants' demographic characteristics and their management trends and opinions regarding patients with PATs and SNOM were studied. Data were recorded using MS Excel (R) and analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 180 surgeons participated in the survey. SNOM approach rate in patients with stab injuries (SI) was 64%, whereas in patients with gunshot injuries (GSI), this rate was 52%. However, more than 90% of the surgeons declared that additional diagnostic studies were required before selecting SNOM approach in both SI and GSI. In addition, most of the surgeons who did not use SNOM in practice reported that they did not want to risk the patients' lives or their careers. DISCUSSION: Although our surgeons have constructive opinions and tendencies regarding contemporary approaches in the management of PATs, it is seen that nearly half of them prefer not to perform SNOM in practice for various reasons. We believe that approval of trauma and emergency surgery disciplines as subspecialties and funding- centralized trauma centers might correct this deficiency.WoSScopusTr-Dizi

    Protective Effects of Intralipid and Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester on Nephrotoxicity Caused by Dichlorvos in Rats

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    The protective effects of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) and intralipid (IL) on nephrotoxicity caused by acute Dichlorvos (D) toxicity were investigated in this study. Forty-eight Wistar Albino rats were divided into 7 groups as follows: Control, D, CAPE, intralipid, D + CAPE, D + IL, and D + CAPE + IL. When compared to D group, the oxidative stress index (OSI) values were significantly lower in Control, CAPE, and D + IL + CAPE groups. When compared to D + IL + CAPE group, the TOS and OSI values were significantly higher in D group (P<0.05). When mitotic cell counts were assessed in the renal tissues, it was found that mitotic cell count was significantly higher in the D group while it was lower in the D + CAPE, D + IL, and D + IL + CAPE groups when compared to the control group (P<0.05). Also, immune reactivity showed increased apoptosis in D group and low profile of apoptosis in the D + CAPE group when compared to the Control group. The apoptosis level was significantly lower in D + IL + CAPE compared to D group (P<0.05) in the kidneys. As a result, we concluded that Dichlorvos can be used either alone or in combination with CAPE and IL as supportive therapy or as facilitator for the therapeutic effect of the routine treatment in the patients presenting with pesticide poisoning