343 research outputs found

    The Quantitative Measurement of Neutron Induced Activity in Biomedical Applications.

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    The principles of In Vivo Neutron Activation Analysis, IVNAA, and the present status of IVNAA methods and other in vivo elemental composition techniques have been outlined. Description has been given of the modifications made to the IVNAA facility used in the present study and the subsequent effects on the performance of the system have been discussed. Detection limits, using the ’prompt’ neutron activation technique for the major body elements, sodium, chlorine and nitrogen were found to be 220 ppm, 140 ppm and 1.55% by weight, respectively. It was found that neither calcium nor phosphorus could be measured using the ’prompt’ technique at acceptable dose levels to the subject. It has been shown that measurement of body chlorine concentrations through the 37Cl (n,γ) 38mCl reaction is not feasible using ’cyclic’ activation analysis at acceptable dose levels delivered to the subject. Determination of cadmium and selenium concentrations in a liver phantom was carried out, during the same experiment, using the technique of alternate ’prompt’ and ’cyclic’ activation analysis. This allows for the collection of the ’prompt’ gamma-ray data with no further dose delivered to the subject. Detection limits of 13 ppm and 5.8 ppm for Cd and Se were obtained, respectively. The origin of the interfering photopeak in 77mSe measurements was not conclusively identified but some of the possible sources have been outlined and suggestions have been made for further investigations. Neutron inflicted damage of germanium based semiconductor detectors has been discussed and a method of Ge(Li) crystal repair has been described that is expected to lead to full fast neutron damaged detector regeneration, provided that the necessary active outgassing of the detector vacuum enclosure is incorporated. A Monte Carlo aided Fortran-77 computer programme for the calculation of the average solid angle subtended by a collimated detector at the photon emitting source which addresses the collimator edge penetration was developed and tested. The strength of the simulation technique in providing pre-experimental information in a variety of investigations where collimated detectors are used for gamma-ray measurements has been demonstrated. The goal of performing IVNAA as an ’absolute’ method has been partially addressed; it has been shown that the programme can be used to: (i) determine the volume of the activated target viewed by the collimated detector and (ii) to estimate the effect of the neutron flux non-uniformity within the activated volume of interest. Finally, the photoneutron field around a medical electron accelerator has been determined using ’bare’ activation detectors. A review has been given of the past photoneutron measurements and the results of the present study have been discussed. Evidence of photoneutron production within the patient body has been presented. The ’in beam’ photoneutron dose equivalent contribution on the patient plane was found to be 8.7 +- 30% mSv per Gy of photons

    Protective effects of Cinnamon hydro-alcoholic extract on liver lesions induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and sodium nitrite poisoning in adult male rats

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    Background and aims: Cinnamon by reducing the oxidative stress level causes improving the oxidative attributes. Fatty liver disorder and the use of food preservatives such as sodium nitrite as well as fatty liver disease cause liver disorders and relevant diseases around the world. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate the effects of cinnamon extract on histological changes induced by high-fat diet and sodium nitrite in adult male rats. Methods: In this experimental study, 80 adult male rats were used. The adult rats are divided in control group (un treated), sham (treated with solvent), 7 experimental groups receiving high-fat diet(10ml/kg), cinnamon extract (60mg/kg), sodium nitrite (45mg/kg), cinnamon with sodium nitrite, cinnamon with high-fat diet, sodium nitrite with high-fat diet, high-fat diets with sodium nitrite and cinnamon were performed. The prescriptions have been done through gavage in 60 days. At the end, after anesthetizing rats, their livers were seperated and after preparing tissue sections, liver cells were counted. The obtained results of tissue studies and cell counting have been analyzed using SPSS software through ANOVA and Duncan tests. In this study, data difference was significant (P<0.05). Results: The results showed a significant increase and decrease in the groups receiving high-fat diet and sodium nitrite, respectivly in Kupffer cells numbers and Hepatocytes (P<0.01). It was also observed changes such as Hyperemia, coagulation necrosis, cell swelling, vacuoles erosion, lymphocytic infiltration, apoptosis, hyperemia, ballooning hepatocytes in liver tissue structure. So, changes in the groups receiving cinnamon with high-fat diet and sodium nitrite modified. Conclusion: High-fat diets and sodium nitrite likely causes liver tissue damage by oxidative stress. Cinnamon extract may also with strong antioxidant properties prevent sodium nitrite destructive effects and high-fat diet on liver tissue

    Synthesıs and characterızatıon of Yb3+- Doped Y3Al5O12 nanocrystals to develop an absolute lumınescent thermometer

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Mevcut yüksek lisans tez çalışmasında, nanotıp ve nanoteknoloji alanlarındaki sıcaklık ölçümlerine olan büyük ilgiden dolayı, Yb3+:YAG (Yitriyum Alüminyum Granet, Y3Al5O12) nanokristallerinin özellikleri biyomedikal uygulamalar için mutlak lüminsans bir nano-termometre olarak araştırılmıştır. Araştırma sırasında, Yb3+:Y3Al5O12 nanoparçacıklarının üç sentez yolu, sol-jel modifiye Pechini yöntemi ile yapılmıştır. Sentez prosedürünü optimize etmek için X-ray difraksiyon (XRD) ve geçirimli elektron mikroskobu (TEM) gibi yapısal ve morfolojik karakterizasyon teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Entegre küre kullanılarak sentezlenen nanoparçacıklar arasındaki en güçlü emisyon şiddetini belirlemek için uygulanan mutlak yoğunluk tekniği ve Yb3+:YAG nanokristallerin sıcaklık algılama yeteneklerini incelemek için kullanılan floresans yoğunluk oranı (FIR) tekniği gibi spektroskopik karakterizasyon teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Böylece Yb3+:YAG nanokristalleri için en iyi çalışma performansları belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, en yüksek ve güçlü mutlak emisyon şiddetinin % 5 Yb3+:YAG nanokristallerine yani Exp. 10'a ait olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır ki, başlangıç materyalleri nitratlar olarak ve sitrik asit gibi bir kompleksleştirici ajan kullanılarak sentezlenmişlerdir. 940 nm ve 980 nm'de uyarma altında, bu nanopartiküllerin yakın kızılötesi bölge aralığında ikinci biyolojik pencerelerde (II-BW) bulunan 1030, 1048, 1000 ve 1006 nm'de emisyon bantlarının sırasıyla 0′ → 2, 0′ → 3, 1′→ 3 ve 1′→ 2 İterbiyum geçişlerine karşılık gelmesi gösterilmiştir. Bu nedenle, bu uyarımların her ikisinden de gelen emisyonlar, bu dalga boyu aralığında termal algılama için umut verici özellikler sergilemektedir. Dolayısıyla, her iki uyarımın oranları olarak iki farklı termometrik parametre belirlenmiştir, birincisi, 1030 ve 1048 nm piklerine karşılık gelen 0′ → 2 ve 0′ → 3 geçişlerinin emisyon şiddetleri arasındaki oran, ikincisi, 1000 ve 1006 nm piklerine karşılık gelen 1′ → 3 ve 1′ → 2 geçişlerinin emisyon şiddetleri arasındaki orandır. Termometre, basit Yb3+ enerji seviyesi yapısına dayalı ve 298 ile 333 K arasında çalışabilmektedir. Diğer yeni ve en önemli özellik, kalibrasyon faktörünün Yb3+ emisyon spektrumundan hesaplanabilmesidir

    Evaluation and Prediction of the Impact of Parasite Waves and Cell Phone Use by Pregnant Mothers on the Volume of Amniotic Fluid based on Data Mining Algorithms

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    Introduction: Nowadays, the effects of radiation and constant use of cell phones have led to some problems. These radiations cause disorders in different systems of human body and even in a growing fetus. The aim of this study was to find the effect of using cell phone and internet by pregnant women on the amount of amniotic fluid. Method: First, a questionnaire was designed and evaluated by obstetricians and telecommunication specialists. The questionnaire includes questions regarding the amount of using cell phone, internet and Wi-Fi during a day. After data collection and preprocessing with predictive Apriori algorithm, the effective factors on the amount of amniotic fluid were investigated and proper associative rules were extracted. The next phase is dedicated to predicting the risks of decreased amniotic fluid by classification algorithms. Results: Early awareness of doctors as well as the patient can cause avoiding this problem through some related life style changes by mothers. SVM algorithm was successful in arriving at the best results with 80% accuracy. Conclusion: The most important rule showed that more than 6 hours cell phone conversation, more than 4 hours internet use and more than 8 hours Wi-Fi use by pregnant women can definitely decrease the amount of amniotic fluid. Also, the proposed method, using different classification algorithms, can predict the risk of decreasing the amount of amniotic fluid in pregnant mothers

    Investigation of the effective factors on branding in cosmetic and hygienic products (Case study: Ladies consuming cosmetic and hygienic products with local brands)

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    Despite the long history of brands, this concept has been considered in marketing literature for a long time such that it has attracted many experts' attention to this field as one of the most important concepts of modern marketing literature. This concept has become so important that wherever loyalty is mentioned, brand is undoubtedly considered too. This research aims to investigate the effect of marketing mixture (7Ps) on making brands of local hygienic and cosmetic products whose statistical society is ladies consuming hygienic and cosmetic products in Mashhad. The sample under analysis of this research consists of 381 people. It was identified after the analysis of their data using SPSS software and testing the research's assumptions that marketing mixture's factors are effective on making brands. In addition, the severity of the effect of each factor was identified

    Investigation of the effective factors on branding in cosmetic and hygienic products (Case study: Ladies consuming cosmetic and hygienic products with local brands)

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    Despite the long history of brands, this concept has been considered in marketing literature for a long time such that it has attracted many experts' attention to this field as one of the most important concepts of modern marketing literature. This concept has become so important that wherever loyalty is mentioned, brand is undoubtedly considered too. This research aims to investigate the effect of marketing mixture (7Ps) on making brands of local hygienic and cosmetic products whose statistical society is ladies consuming hygienic and cosmetic products in Mashhad. The sample under analysis of this research consists of 381 people. It was identified after the analysis of their data using SPSS software and testing the research's assumptions that marketing mixture's factors are effective on making brands. In addition, the severity of the effect of each factor was identified

    Effect of hydro alcoholic extract of artichoke on diabetes treatment and liver enzymes in diabetic adult male rats

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    Background and aims: Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) is a plant of the Asteraceae family. This plant is used in herbal medicine. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of artichokeextract on insulin, glucagon, glucose, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine amino transferase (ALT) and aspartate amino transferase (AST) in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Methods: In this experimental study, 40 adult male Wistar rats weighting 220-200 g were used. The rats were divided into 4 equal groups including, control, diabetic and 2 diabetic experimental groups. Two experimental groups respectively received 100 and 300 mg/kg of artichoke hydro ethanol extract as intraperitoneal for 6 days. Diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of 60 mg/kg streptozotocin. At the end of the sixth day, blood was taken from the heart of animals. Afterward serum concentration of insulin, glucagon, glucose, ALP, ALT and AST were measured. Then, the parameters measured in the different groups were compared with a control group. Data were evaluated by ANOVA, Duncan test and Student’s t-test. Results: Results showed that artichoke extract significantly reduced the levels of glucagon, glucose, ALP, ALT, AST and increased insulin level compared to control and diabetic groups. It is worth noting that before the experiment, parameters tested were equal in all groups. Conclusion: Artichoke reduces blood sugar so it has a role in treatment of diabetes. Additionally, this herb is effective in control of blood glucose by liver enzymes reducing

    The effect of hydroalcoholic extract of purslane (Portulaca oleracea L) on serum concentration of esterogen, progesterone, prolactin and gonadotropins in mature female rats

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    زمینه و هدف: گیاه خرفه اثرات مثبتی در کاهش کلسترول تام دارد و دارای تاثیرات مختلفی بر روی سیستم عصبی است؛ بنابراین ممکن است بر محور هیپوفیز-گناد تاثیرگذار باشد. در مطالعه­ی حاضر، تاثیرات احتمالی عصاره­ی هیدروالکلی گیاه خرفه ( Portulaca oleracea ) بر هورمون­های گنادوتروپین، استرادیول، پروژسترون و پرولاکتین مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفته است. روش بررسی: در این پژوهش تجربی 40 سر موش صحرایی ماده بالغ و باکره از نژاد ویستار با وزن تقریبی 2 ± 189 گرم در 5 گروه 8 تایی مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند. گروه کنترل بدون تیمار دارویی، گروه شاهد که روزانه 2/0 میلی­لیتر آب مقطر به عنوان حلال دریافت نمود و گروه­های تجربی 1 تا 3 به ترتیب، مقادیر 200، 400 و 800 میلی­گرم بر کیلوگرم وزن بدن، عصاره­ی هیدروالکلی گیاه خرفه به صورت خوراکی به مدت 21 روز دریافت کردند. در پایان روز 21 از همه‏ی گروه­ها خونگیری شد و میزان هورمون­ها اندازه­گیری گردید. داده ها با کمک آزمون تجزیه و تحلیل واریانس یک­طرفه، مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفتند. یافته­ها: نتایج نشان داد که میزان هورمون استرادیول در گروه تجربی 3 و وزن بدن در گروه تجربی 2، کاهش معنی­داری (05/0 > P ) را نسبت به گروه شاهد و کنترل دارد. اختلاف معنی­داری در میزان هورمون­های گنادوتروپین ( FSH, LH ) ، پروژسترون و پرولاکتین مشاهده نشد (05/0 < P ). نتیجه‌گیری: نتایج این مطالعه­ بیانگر تاثیر وابسته به دوز عصاره گیاه خرفه در کاهش وزن بدن در مدت 21 روز است. همچنین این گیاه با دارا بودن ترکیبات آنتی‏استروژنیک و آنتی‏آروماتازی، غلظت استرادیول را در دوز حداکثر کاهش می‏دهد؛ بنابراین مصرف طولانی مدت آن می‏تواند باعث اختلالات هورمونی و کاهش قدرت باروری گردد