114 research outputs found

    Schizophrene Patienten in der Marburger UniversitÀtspsychiatrie wÀhrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges

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    Die Arbeit prĂ€sentiert eine quantitative und qualitative Auswertung der Patientenakten schizophrener MĂ€nner. Aus medizinhistorischer Sicht ergaben sich dabei zwei Schwerpunkte: 1. Die Schizophrenie als Krankheitsbegriff sowie ihre damaligen Therapiemöglichkeiten. 2. Die Psychiatrie im Nationalsozialismus – Verbindungen zu Zwangssterilisation, Euthanasiemorden und MilitĂ€rpsychiatrie

    Influence of Immune Status on the Airborne Colonization of Piglets with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Clonal Complex (CC) 398

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    Colonized vertebrates including humans and pigs are to date the main reservoirs of livestock-associated Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA). Currently, the mechanisms underlying colonization of pigs are not fully understood. We investigated the influence of piglet pre-immune status on airborne MRSA colonization. Three groups of MRSA-negative piglets were primed and exposed to airborne LA-MRSA (104 colony forming units (cfu)/m3) in an aerosol chamber for 24 h. One group was treated intramuscularly with dexamethasone (1 mg/kg body weight) to imitate weaning stress. The second group was exposed to bacterial endotoxin containing MRSA aerosol. Both conditions play a role in the development of multifactorial diseases and may promote MRSA colonization success. The third group served as control. The piglets' MRSA status was monitored for 21 days via swab samples. At necropsy, specific tissues and organs were analyzed. Blood was collected to examine specific immunological parameters. The duration of MRSA colonization was not extended in both treated groups compared to the control group, indicating the two immune-status influencing factors do not promote MRSA colonization. Blood sample analysis confirmed a mild dexamethasone-induced immune suppression and typical endotoxin-related changes in peripheral blood. Of note, the low-dose dexamethasone treatment showed a trend of increased MRSA clearance

    CD4+ Th immunogenicity of the Ascaris spp. secreted products

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    Ascaris spp. is a major health problem of humans and animals alike, and understanding the immunogenicity of its antigens is required for developing urgently needed vaccines. The parasite-secreted products represent the most relevant, yet complex (>250 proteins) antigens of Ascaris spp. as defining the pathogen-host interplay. We applied an in vitro antigen processing system coupled to quantitative proteomics to identify potential CD4+ Th cell epitopes in Ascaris-secreted products. This approach considerably restricts the theoretical list of epitopes using conventional CD4+ Th cell epitope prediction tools. We demonstrate the specificity and utility of our approach on two sets of candidate lists, allowing us identifying hits excluded by either one or both computational methods. More importantly, one of the candidates identified experimentally, clearly demonstrates the presence of pathogen-reactive T cells in healthy human individuals against these antigens. Thus, our work pipeline identifies the first human T cell epitope against Ascaris spp. and represents an easily adaptable platform for characterization of complex antigens, in particular for those pathogens that are not easily amenable for in vivo experimental validation

    The association between short periods of everyday life activities and affective states: a replication study using ambulatory assessment

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    Regularly conducted exercise programs effectively influence affective states. Studies suggest that this is also true for short bouts of physical activity (PA) of 10 min or less. Accordingly, everyday life activities of short duration might be used to regulate affective states. However, this association has rarely been studied in reference to unstructured activities in ongoing real-life situations. The current study examined the influence of various everyday life activities on three dimensions of mood (valence, calmness, energetic arousal) in a predominantly inactive sample. Ambulatory Assessment (AA) was used to investigate the association between actual PA and affective states during the course of 1 day. Seventy-seven students ages 19–30 participated in the study. PA was assessed with accelerometers, and affective state assessments were conducted hourly using an e-diary with a six-item mood scale that was specially designed for AA. Multilevel analyses indicated that the mood dimensions energetic arousal (p = 0.001) and valence (p = 0.005) were positively influenced by the intensity of the activity carried out in the 10-min prior to the assessment. As their activity increased, the participants’ positive feelings and energetic arousal increased. However, the students’ calmness was not affected by their activity levels.The findings highlight the importance of integrating short activity intervals of 10 min or less into everyday life routines to improve affective states

    Trilateral Relationship: Ascaris, Microbiota, and Host Cells

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    Ascariasis is a globally spread intestinal nematode infection of humans and a considerable concern in pig husbandry. Ascaris accomplishes a complex body migration from the intestine via the liver and lung before returning to the intestine. Tissue migration and the habitat shared with a complex microbial community pose the question of how the nematode interacts with microbes and host cells from various tissues. This review addresses the current knowledge of the trilateral relationship between Ascaris, its microbial environment, and host cells, and discusses novel approaches targeting these interactions to combat this widespread infection of livestock and man

    Valence and Motivation as Predictors of Student Time Use in Everyday Life: An Experience Sampling Study

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    Koudela-Hamila S, Grund A, Santangelo P, Ebner-Priemer UW. Valence and Motivation as Predictors of Student Time Use in Everyday Life: An Experience Sampling Study. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 2019;10: 1430.Popular descriptions of studying frequency show remarkable discrepancies: students complain about their workload, and alumni describe freedom and pleasure. Unfortunately, empirical evidence on student time use is sparse. To investigate time use and reveal contributing psychological factors, we conducted an e-diary study. One hundred fifty-four students reported their time use and valence hourly over 7 days, both at the start of the semester and during their examination period. Motivational problems, social support and self-control were assessed once via questionnaires. Whereas the mean academic time use was in the expected range, the between-subject differences were substantial. We used multilevel modeling to separately analyze the within- and between-subject associations of valence as within factor and time use and social support, self-control, and motivation as between factors and time use. The analyses revealed the importance of affective factors on a within-subject level. Before studying, valence was already low, and it deteriorated further during studying. As expected at the between-subject level, motivational problems were related to less time studying, whereas surprisingly, self-control had no effect. The findings at the start of the semester were replicated in the examination period

    Ascaris suum excretory/secretory products differentially modulate porcine dendritic cell subsets

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    Helminths produce excretory/secretory products (E/S) which can modulate the immune responses of their hosts. Dendritic cells (DC) are essential for initiating the host T cell response and are thus potential targets for modulation by helminth E/S. Here we study immunomodulation of porcine peripheral blood DC subsets following ex vivo stimulation with E/S from Ascaris suum, a common helminth of pigs with considerable public health and economic importance. Our data showed that the relative frequencies of DC subsets in porcine blood differ, with plasmacytoid DC (pDC) being the most prominent in healthy 6-month-old pigs. pDC are an important cytokine source, and we found that A. suum E/S suppressed production of the type 1 cytokines IL-12p40 and TNF-α by this subset following toll-like receptor (TLR) ligation. In contrast, conventional DC (cDC) are more efficient antigen presenters, and the expression of CD80/86, costimulatory molecules essential for efficient antigen presentation, were modulated differentially by A. suum E/S between cDC subsets. CD80/86 expression by type 1 cDC (cDC1) following TLR ligation was greatly suppressed by the addition of A. suum E/S, while CD80/86 expression by type 2 cDC (cDC2) was upregulated by A. suum E/S. Further, we found that IFN-γ production by natural killer (NK) cells following IL-12 and IL-18 stimulation was suppressed by A. suum E/S. Finally, in the presence of E/S, IFN-γ production by CD4+ T cells co-cultured with autologous blood-derived DC was significantly impaired. Together, these data provide a coherent picture regarding the regulation of type 1 responses by A. suum E/S. Responsiveness of pDC and cDC1 to microbial ligands is reduced in the presence of E/S, effector functions of Th1 cells are impaired, and cytokine-driven IFN-γ release by NK cells is limited

    Age-dependent rise in IFN-Îł competence undermines effective type 2 responses to nematode infection

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    The efficient induction of type 2 immune responses is central to the control of helminth infections. Previous studies demonstrated that strong Th1 responses driven by intracellular pathogens as well as a bias for type 1 activity in senescent mice impedes the generation of Th2 responses and the control of intestinal nematode infections. Here, we show that the spontaneous differentiation of Th1 cells and their expansion with age restrains type 2 immunity to infection with the small intestinal nematode H. polygyrus much earlier in life than previously anticipated. This includes the more extensive induction of IFN-Îł competent, nematode-specific Th2/1 hybrid cells in BALB/c mice older than three months compared to younger animals. In C57BL/6 mice, Th1 cells accumulate more rapidly at steady state, translating to elevated Th2/1 differentiation and poor control of parasite fitness in primary infections experienced at a young age. Blocking of early IFN-Îł and IL-12 signals during the first week of nematode infection leads to sharply decreased Th2/1 differentiation and promotes resistance in both mouse lines. Together, these data suggest that IFN-Îł competent, type 1 like effector cells spontaneously accumulating in the vertebrate host progressively curtail the effectiveness of anti-nematode type 2 responses with rising host age

    Quantifying metabolic activity of Ascaris suum L3 using resazurin reduction

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    Background Helminth infections are an important public health problem in humans and have an even greater impact on domestic animal and livestock welfare. Current readouts for anthelmintic drug screening assays are stage development, migration, or motility that can be subjective, laborious, and low in throughput. The aim of this study was to apply and optimize a fluorometric technique using resazurin for evaluating changes in the metabolic activity of Ascaris suum third-stage larvae (L3), a parasite of high economic relevance in swine. Methods Ascaris suum L3 were mechanically hatched from 6- to 8-week embryonated and sucrose-gradient-enriched eggs. Resazurin dye and A. suum L3 were titrated in 96-well microtiter plates, and resazurin reduction activity was assessed by fluorometry after 24 h of incubation. Fluorescence microscopy was used to localize the resazurin reduction site within the larvae. Finally, we exposed A. suum L3 to various stress conditions including heat, methanol, and anthelmintics, and investigated their impact on larval metabolism through resazurin reduction activity. Results We show that the non-fluorescent dye resazurin is reduced inside vital A. suum L3 to fluorescent resorufin and released into the culture media. Optimal assay parameters are 100–1000 L3 per well, a resazurin concentration of 7.5 ”g/ml, and incubation at 37 °C/5% CO2 for 24 h. An intact L2 sheath around the L3 of A. suum completely prevents the uptake of resazurin, while in unsheathed L3, the most intense fluorescence signal is observed along the larval midgut. L3 exposed to methanol or heat show a gradually decreased resazurin reduction activity. In addition, 24 h exposure to ivermectin at 0.625 ”M, mebendazole at 5 ”M, and thiabendazole from 10 to 100 ”M significantly decreased larval metabolic activity by 55%, 73%, and 70% to 89%, respectively. Conclusions Together, our results show that both metabolic stressors and anthelmintic drugs significantly and reproducibly reduce the resazurin reduction activity of A. suum L3, making the proposed assay a sensitive and easy-to-use method to evaluate metabolic activity of A. suum L3 in vitro
