371 research outputs found

    The Lac au Renard Tephra Cluster: a record of Lochkovian (Lower Devonian) volcanism in the Indian Point Formation, Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, Canada

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    Approximately twenty tephra beds, comprising the Lac au Renard Tephra Cluster (new), occur in the Rosebush Cove and Petit Portage members of the Indian Point Formation (Chaleurs Group) on the Gaspe Peninsula of Quebec, Canada. The tephra beds range in thickness from <1.0 cm to 82 cm and occur in a mudrock-dominated sequence with coarser tempestite interbeds. Mineralogically and texturally graded accumulations of phenocrysts mark the bases of the thickest tephra beds. Early diagenetic concretions in one composite tephra preserve pre-compaction fabrics and original hypocrystalline textures with microphenocrysts and devitrified glass shards. The presence of plagioclase, quartz, K-feldspar, biotite, apatite, and zircon suggest a rhyolitic source. The coarseness of the microphenocrysts in the basal accumulations, along with the abundance and thickness of the tephras, suggest that deposition in the Gaspe area was in a proximal position relative to the volcanic source. The zonal graptolites Monograptus praehercynicus and Monograptus aequabilis ssp. from the Petit Portage Member indicate a middle Lochkovian age for the Lac au Renard Tephra Cluster of the Indian Point Formation. Correlation with the tephra cluster that includes the Judds Falls Bentonite in the New Scotland Formation and other possible tephras in the Kalkberg Formation (Helderberg Group) of New York and the Corriganville and Mandata formations of Pennsylvania is likely. The graptolite fauna of the Indian Point and probable correlations to New York may provide additional biostratigraphic constraints on a U–Pb zircon radiometric age determination of 417.6 Ma from New York that has been used to estimate the age of the Silurian–Devonian boundary.Une vingtaine d’amoncellements de téphras, dont l’amas de téphras du lac au Renard (nouvel amas), sont présents dans les membres de l’anse Rosebush et de Petit Portage de la Formation d’Indian Point (groupe de Chaleurs) en Gaspésie, au Québec, Canada. Les strates de téphras, dont l’épaisseur varie entre <1,0 cm et 82 cm, se manifestent dans une séquence à prédominance de pélite interlitée de tempestite plus grossière. Des accumulations de phénocristaux dont la composition minéralogique et la texture varient progressivement marquent les bases des strates les plus épaisses de téphras. Des concrétions diagénétiques précoces dans un amas de téphras composite préservent les fabriques préalables à la compaction et les textures hémicristallines originales en compagnie de microphénocristaux et d’éclats de verre dévitrifiés. La présence de plagioclase, de quartz, de feldspath potassique, de biotite, d’apatite et de zircon laisse supposer une source rhyolitique. La grossièreté des microphénocristaux dans les accumulations basales de même que l’abondance et l’épaisseur des amas de téphras permettent de supposer que le dépôt des téphras en Gaspésie est survenu à proximité d’une source volcanique. Les graptolites zonaux – sous-espèces Monograptus praehercynicus et Monograptus aequabilis – du membre de Petit Portage confèrent à l’amas de téphras du lac au Renard de la Formation d’Indian Point un âge le situant au Lochkovien moyen. Il est probable qu’il puisse être corrélé à l’amas de téphras englobant la bentonite des chutes Judds dans la Formation de New Scotland et d’autres téphras possibles dans la Formation de Kalkberg (groupe de Helderberg) de New York ainsi que les formations de Corriganville et de Mandata en Pennsylvanie. La faune de graptolites d’Indian Point et les corrélations probables avec New York pourraient imposer d’autres contraintes biostratigraphiques à la datation radiométrique U–Pb sur zircon de 417,6 Ma obtenue de New York qui a servi à l’estimation de l’âge de la limite siluro-dévonienne

    The Large and Small Scale Structures of Dust in the Star-Forming Perseus Molecular Cloud

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    We present an analysis of ~3.5 square degrees of submillimetre continuum and extinction data of the Perseus molecular cloud. We identify 58 clumps in the submillimetre map and we identify 39 structures (`cores') and 11 associations of structures (`super cores') in the extinction map. The cumulative mass distributions of the submillimetre clumps and extinction cores have steep slopes (alpha ~ 2 and 1.5 - 2 respectively), steeper than the Salpeter IMF (alpha = 1.35), while the distribution of extinction super cores has a shallow slope (alpha ~ 1). Most of the submillimetre clumps are well fit by stable Bonnor-Ebert spheres with 10K < T < 19K and 5.5 < log_10(P_ext/k) < 6.0. The clumps are found only in the highest column density regions (A_V > 5 - 7 mag), although Bonnor-Ebert models suggest that we should have been able to detect them at lower column densities if they exist. These observations provide a stronger case for an extinction threshold than that found in analysis of less sensitive observations of the Ophiuchus molecular cloud. The relationship between submillimetre clumps and their parent extinction core has been analyzed. The submillimetre clumps tend to lie offset from the larger extinction peaks, suggesting the clumps formed via an external triggering event, consistent with previous observations.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Astrophysical Journal slight changes to original due to a slight 3" error in the coordinates of the SCUBA ma

    Abundances of Molecular Species in Barnard 68

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    Abundances for 5 molecules (C18O, CS, NH3, H2CO, and C3H2) and 1 molecular ion (N2H+) and upper limits for the abundances of 1 molecule (13CO) and 1 molecular ion (HCO+) are derived for gas within the Bok globule Barnard 68 (B68). The abundances were determined using our own BIMA millimeter interferometer data and single-dish data gathered from the literature, in conjunction with a Monte Carlo radiative transfer model. Since B68 is the only starless core to have its density structure strongly constrained via extinction mapping, a major uncertainty has been removed from these determinations. All abundances for B68 are lower than those derived for translucent and cold dense clouds, but perhaps only significantly for N2H+, NH3, and C3H2. Depletion of CS toward the extinction peak of B68 is hinted at by the large offset between the extinction peak and the position of maximum CS line brightness. Abundances derived here for C18O and N2H+ are consistent with other, recently determined values at positions observed in common.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, accepted by AJ, typo corrected, reference removed in Section 4.

    Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S. Population in NHANES 2009-2010

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    Background Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), and perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), are detectable in the serum of 95% of the U.S. population. Objective Considering the role of PFASs as endocrine disruptors, we examined their relationships with bone health. Methods The association between serum PFAS concentration and bone mineral density at total femur (TFBMD), femoral neck (FNBMD), lumbar spine (LSBMD), and physician-diagnosed osteoporosis was assessed in 1,914 participants using data from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey 2009–2010. Results The mean age of the participants was 43 years. Men had higher serum PFAS concentrations than women (p < 0.001) except for PFNA. In both sexes, serum PFOS concentrations were inversely associated with FNBMD (p < 0.05). In women, significant negative associations were observed for natural log (ln)–transformed PFOS exposure with TFBMD and FNBMD, and for ln-transformed PFOA exposure with TFBMD (p < 0.05). In postmenopausal women, serum PFOS was negatively associated with TFBMD and FNBMD, and PFNA was negatively associated with TFBMD, FNBMD, and LSBMD (all p < 0.05). With one log unit increase in serum PFOA, PFHxS, and PFNA, osteoporosis prevalence in women increased as follows: [adjusted odds ratios (aORs)] 1.84 (95% CI: 1.17, 2.905), 1.64 (95% CI: 1.14, 2.38), and 1.45 (95% CI: 1.02, 2.05), respectively. In women, the prevalence of osteoporosis was significantly higher in the highest versus the lowest quartiles of PFOA, PFHxS, and PFNA, with aORs of 2.59 (95% CI: 1.01, 6.67), 13.20 (95% CI: 2.72, 64.15), and 3.23 (95% CI: 1.44, 7.21), respectively, based on 77 cases in the study sample. Conclusion In a representative sample of the U.S. adult population, serum PFAS concentrations were associated with lower bone mineral density, which varied according to the specific PFAS and bone site assessed. Most associations were limited to women. Osteoporosis in women was also associated with PFAS exposure, based on a small number of cases

    Characterizing College Science Assessments: The Three-Dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol

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    Citation: Laverty, J. T., Underwood, S. M., Matz, R. L., Posey, L. A., Carmel, J. H., Caballero, M. D., . . . Cooper, M. M. (2016). Characterizing College Science Assessments: The Three-Dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol. Plos One, 11(9), 21. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162333Many calls to improve science education in college and university settings have focused on improving instructor pedagogy. Meanwhile, science education at the K-12 level is undergoing significant changes as a result of the emphasis on scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. This framework of "three-dimensional learning" is based on the literature about how people learn science and how we can help students put their knowledge to use. Recently, similar changes are underway in higher education by incorporating three-dimensional learning into college science courses. As these transformations move forward, it will become important to assess three-dimensional learning both to align assessments with the learning environment, and to assess the extent of the transformations. In this paper we introduce the Three-Dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol (3D-LAP), which is designed to characterize and support the development of assessment tasks in biology, chemistry, and physics that align with transformation efforts. We describe the development process used by our interdisciplinary team, discuss the validity and reliability of the protocol, and provide evidence that the protocol can distinguish between assessments that have the potential to elicit evidence of three-dimensional learning and those that do not

    Regulation of Gene Expression in Plants through miRNA Inactivation

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    Eukaryotic organisms possess a complex RNA-directed gene expression regulatory network allowing the production of unique gene expression patterns. A recent addition to the repertoire of RNA-based gene regulation is miRNA target decoys, endogenous RNA that can negatively regulate miRNA activity. miRNA decoys have been shown to be a valuable tool for understanding the function of several miRNA families in plants and invertebrates. Engineering and precise manipulation of an endogenous RNA regulatory network through modification of miRNA activity also affords a significant opportunity to achieve a desired outcome of enhanced plant development or response to environmental stresses. Here we report that expression of miRNA decoys as single or heteromeric non-cleavable microRNA (miRNA) sites embedded in either non-protein-coding or within the 3′ untranslated region of protein-coding transcripts can regulate the expression of one or more miRNA targets. By altering the sequence of the miRNA decoy sites, we were able to attenuate miRNA inactivation, which allowed for fine regulation of native miRNA targets and the production of a desirable range of plant phenotypes. Thus, our results demonstrate miRNA decoys are a flexible and robust tool, not only for studying miRNA function, but also for targeted engineering of gene expression in plants. Computational analysis of the Arabidopsis transcriptome revealed a number of potential miRNA decoys, suggesting that endogenous decoys may have an important role in natural modulation of expression in plants

    Practice Management Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Injury in the Pregnant Patient: The EAST Practice Management Guidelines Work Group

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    Trauma during pregnancy has presented very unique challenges over the centuries. From the first report of Ambrose Pare of a gunshot wound to the uterus in the 1600s to the present, there have existed controversies and inconsistencies in diagnosis, management, prognostics, and outcome. Anxiety is heightened by the addition of another, smaller patient. Trauma affects 7% of all pregnancies and requires admission in 4 of 1000 pregnancies. The incidence increases with advancing gestational age. Just over half of trauma during pregnancy occurs in the third trimester. Motor vehicle crashes comprise 50% of these traumas, and falls and assaults account for 22% each. These data were considered to be underestimates because many injured pregnant patients are not seen at trauma centers. Trauma during pregnancy is the leading cause of nonobstetric death and has an overall 6% to 7% maternal mortality. Fetal mortality has been quoted as high as 61% in major trauma and 80% if maternal shock is present. The anatomy and physiology of pregnancy make diagnosis and treatment difficult
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