442 research outputs found

    Association between neotropical burrowing spiders (araneae: nemesiidae) and mites (acari: heterostigmata, scutacaridae)

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    Whilst collecting burrowing spiders of the family Nemesiidae from 16 localities in Argentina, phoretic mites were found on Stenoterommata iguazu, Stenoterommata platense and Stenoterommata uruguai. These mites are described here: Scutacarus (S.) araneophilus n. sp. and Scutacarus (S.) adgregatus n. sp. Assocations between spiders and scutacarids were not previouly known. Aspects of the biology of the spiders and the interactions between mites and spiders are reported and discussed.Durante colectas de arafias cavadoras de la familia Nemesiidae en I 6 localidades de Argentina, se encontraron acaros foreticos sobre Stenoterommata iguazu, S. platense, and S. uruguai. Se describe aqui a estos acaros, como Scutacarus ( S.) araneophilus n. sp. and Scutacarus ( S.) adgregatus n.sp. Ninguna asociaci6n entre arafias y escutacaridos se conocia previamente. Se discute la interacci6n entre Ios acaros y las arafias, tomando en cuenta Ios datos conocidos de la biologia de ambos.Fil: Ebermann, Ernst. Karl Franzens University; AustriaFil: Goloboff, Pablo Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - TucumĂĄn; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto Superior de EntomologĂ­a; Argentin


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    This study analyzes the motivational processes of a gamified persuasive system in an initiative to en-courage sustainable mobility behavior by promoting bike usage. To increase motivation and drive sus-tainable behavior, the design of persuasive systems is gradually advancing. Game-based functions are often implemented to transform the user experience through playful interactions. This paper explores whether the functions implemented within gamified persuasive systems really fulfill an individual’s goals and needs by analyzing the impact of the user’s personal goals on gamified persuasive system usage and the desired outcome in the domain of sustainable mobility behavior. The theoretical basis for this study comes from the goal-framing theory as well as the perspective of functional affordances. The results in this work indicate that the functions implemented are only partially compatible with us-er goals. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the influence of goals on sustainable mobility be-havior can be increased through the implementation of specific functions within a persuasive system

    Zur markenrechtlichen SchutzfÀhigkeit von Eventmarken aus rechtsökonomischer Sicht. Einige Bemerkungen zur aktuellen Rechtsprechung anlÀsslich der Fussballweltmeisterschaft 2006

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    Seit einiger Zeit bedienen sich die Veranstalter von Grossereignissen wie Welt- und Europameisterschaften, Olympiaden, Konzerttourneen u.a.m. des Markenrechts, um Sponsoren dieser Ereignisse eine wertvolle Gegenleistung bieten zu können. Die Bezeichnung des Ereignisses wird als Marke eingetragen, um durch ein Angebot verschiedener Typen von LizenzvertrĂ€gen unterschiedlicher ExklusivitĂ€t und unterschiedlicher Reichweite im Rahmen eines umfassenden Marketingkonzepts das Interesse einer Vielzahl heterogener Sponsoren zu wecken und dadurch die Finanzierung des Grossereignisses zu ermöglichen. Fezer (2003) hat fĂŒr diese Form der Marke den Begriff der Eventmarke" geprĂ€gt.Auch die FĂ©dĂ©ration International de Football Association (FIFA) hat sich zur Finanzierung der Fussballweltmeisterschaft 2006 in Deutschland dieses Konzepts bedient. Zu diesem Zweck hat sie zahlreiche Marken, die dieses sportliche Grossereignis kennzeichnen - wie beispielsweise FIFA WM Deutschland 2006", Deutschland 2006", WM 2006" usw., angemeldet und mit drei Kategorien von Veranstaltungspartnern LizenzvertrĂ€ge abgeschlossen (FIFA Medieninformation; Heermann 2006). Eine geringe Zahl von international tĂ€tigen Unternehmen erhielten den Status eines offiziellen Partners und damit das exklusive Recht, weltweit ihre Waren und Dienstleistungen mit Hilfe dieser Eventmarken mit der Weltmeisterschaft gewerblich in Verbindung zu bringen. FĂŒr dieses Recht zahlten die offiziellen Sponsoren durchschnittlich 45 Mio. Euro an die FIFA. Weiterhin beteiligten sich sogenannte nationale Förderer an der Finanzierung der Fussballweltmeisterschaft. Sie erhielten das Recht, fĂŒr ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen nur im Inland mit den entsprechenden Eventmarken zu werben, und zahlten der FIFA dafĂŒr durchschnittlich 13 Mio Euro. Schliesslich gab es noch eine Reihe von Lizenznehmern, die das Recht erwarben, die Marken zu nutzen, um bestimmte Merchandising-Produkte herzustellen und zu vertreiben.Der Streit um die Marken- und EintragungsfĂ€higkeit der Eventmarken WM 2006" und FUSSBALL WM 2006" begann Mitte 2002, als das Deutsche Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA) fĂŒr die FIFA die Marke FUSSBALL WM 2006" fĂŒr ĂŒber 850 Waren und Dienstleistungen eingetragen hat. SpĂ€ter folgte die Eintragung von WM 2006". Gegen beide Eintragungen richteten sich verschiedene LöschungsantrĂ€ge, mit denen das Bestehen von absoluten Schutzhindernissen geltend gemacht wurde. Das DPMA hat daraufhin die vollstĂ€ndige Löschung der Marken angeordnet. Auf die Beschwerde der FIFA hat das Bundespatentgericht die Löschung fĂŒr einen Teil der beanspruchten Waren und Dienstleistungen wieder aufgehoben. Auf die von der FIFA und vom SĂŒsswarenkonzern Ferrero als Löschungsantragsstellerin eingelegten Rechtsbeschwerden hat der BGH die Löschung der Marken fĂŒr einen Grossteil der beanspruchten Waren und Dienstleistungen bestĂ€tigt und die Sache im Übrigen wieder an das Bundespatentgericht verwiesen. Um diesen Konflikt aus rechtsökonomischer Sicht zu bewerten, soll im folgenden zunĂ€chst einmal geklĂ€rt werden, worin die ökonomischen Funktionen des Markenschutzes bestehen. Auf dieser Grundlage werden dann die aktuellen Entscheidungen des Bundespatentgerichts und des BGH bewertet.Trademark Law, Ambush Marketing, Merchandising Rights, Sporting Events,

    The Effects of Deepfakes and Synthetic Media on Communication Professionals

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    The spread of misinformation and disinformation is regarded as one of the most salient challenges for communication professionals around the world. Now, a new technology called DeepFakes or “Synthetic Media” has the potential to further uproot the infosphere. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will enable the mass creation of synthetic audio-visual content that resembles real videos, in which people will appear to say or do things they never actually said or did. The existing literature predominantly focuses on three aspects of DeepFakes and Synthetic Media: the technical background, coverage of preexisting DeepFakes and possible solutions to combat the malicious use of the technology. This research study specifically explored whether communication professionals are adequately prepared for this new phenomenon, as it is likely to increase uncertainty, erode public trust and create a myriad of liabilities, in terms of crisis and reputation management. Data was gathered through a survey and interviews with communication professionals, as well as interviews with technology and policy experts. The analysis of the data confirmed my hypotheses that communication professionals are not adequately prepared for the challenge of DeepFakes and Synthetic Media, both in terms of digital literacy and communication strategy. The study further highlighted an alignment gap between communication professionals and experts, as it pertains to combating the malicious use of the technology, as well as embracing potentially positive applications. The study recommends integrating information on DeepFakes and Synthetic Media into education curricula for communicators. Expert data suggested that the challenge of the new technology is too complex to be handled by communication and information technology (IT) departments of individual companies. It is, therefore, important for companies to connect with specialists and consultants that can tie into large-scale efforts by governments, university researchers and large tech platforms to combat the spread and malicious use of DeepFakes and Synthetic Media. By taking steps to alleviate insecurity and fear around the issue, communication departments could feel more empowered to embrace positive applications of DeepFakes and Synthetic Media, while, at the same time, having tools and strategies at their disposal to combat their malicious use

    Do End Users Accept End User Development?

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    Do end-users accept end-user development by using enterprise mashups? Using the technology acceptance model, this research investigates the acceptance of the FAST platform, which enables endusers to build their own application by simply drag and drop graphical building blocks onto a canvas. An evaluation workshop of 159 individuals in various countries and locations found strong support of the idea. It was revealed that perceived usefulness strongly affected the attitude towards using enterprise mashups for end-user development. In turn, perceived ease of use did not. With respect to the developed mashup platform it was found that the available content within a mashup platform is the main influencing factor on the acceptance of end-user development by using mashups


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    This paper analyzes influential factors of recommendation behaviour in social network sites (SNSs). Extant research on both SNSs and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) has given insufficient attention to SNSs as a potential eWOM channel. Considering the specificities of SNSs, this paper distinguishes implicit and explicit recommendation behaviour. Drawing upon research on eWOM, SNSs, and knowledge exchange, influential factors of implicit and explicit recommendation behaviour are identified. A theoretical model explaining why SNS users (do not) engage in implicit and explicit recommendation behaviour is developed. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used for hypothesis testing. Data was collected via an online survey from 832 SNS users. The empirical results show a positive impact of reciprocity on both implicit and explicit recommendation behaviour, a negative impact of fear of producing spam on implicit recommendation behaviour, and a positive impact of both implicit recommendation behaviour and the perceived value of the recommended product on explicit recommendation behaviour


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    Game-based IS features are popular means to change behavior. While existing studies indicate a successful impact of gamified IS features, others show opposite effects. However, there are no studies that have investigated the underlying motivational processes of single gamified IS features and the additional possible support of subliminally primed IS features for the desired goal attainment. To address this gap, we examine the interaction between users and the gamified feature ‘Ranking’ on concentration enhancement, while studying the moderation effects of self-efficacy and a subliminally primed IS feature in a laboratory experiment (N=407). Therefore, our paper sheds light on the theoretically and practically relevant question: how can gamification features lead to proper interaction with the user to effectively support desired goal attainment. The results show varying reactions of either positive or negative feedback, to the ranking, depending on individual’s self-efficacy. While test persons with low self-efficacy show better performance results receiving negative feedback, participants with high self-efficacy perceptions reveal better performance rates receiving positive feedback. Furthermore, we could not observe a significant impact of the subliminally primed feature regarding mechanisms of the consciously perceived game feature ‘Ranking’ on concentration enhancement

    Nb3Sn wire shape and cross sectional area inhomogeneity in Rutherford cables

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    During Rutherford cable production the wires are plastically deformed and their initially round shape is distorted. Using X-ray absorption tomography we have determined the 3D shape of an unreacted Nb3Sn 11 T dipole Rutherford cable, and of a reacted and impregnated Nb3Sn cable double stack. State-of-the-art image processing was applied to correct for tomographic artefacts caused by the large cable aspect ratio, for the segmentation of the individual wires and subelement bundles inside the wires, and for the calculation of the wire cross sectional area and shape variations. The 11 T dipole cable cross section oscillates by 2% with a frequency of 1.24 mm (1/80 of the transposition pitch length of the 40 wire cable). A comparatively stronger cross sectional area variation is observed in the individual wires at the thin edge of the keystoned cable where the wire aspect ratio is largest.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures, presented at EUCAS 201

    Simulation und Optimierung logistischer Prozesse in der WĂ€rmebehandlung von Stahl

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde in Kooperation mit der AG der Dillinger HĂŒttenwerke, Europas fĂŒhrendem Hersteller von QualitĂ€tsgrobblechen, angefertigt. Gegenstand der Arbeit sind die in Verbindung mit der WĂ€rmebehandlung der Bleche stehenden logistischen Prozesse. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass aus der betrachteten, realen Problemstellung ein in der Literatur bislang nicht vergleichbares Maschinenbelegungsproblem resultiert


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    Der interuniversitĂ€re Bachelor-Studiengang Energy Efficiency and Englishes hat die Zielsetzung, dass Studierende zum einen ingenieurs- und technikwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen und zum anderen kultur- und sprachwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen erwerben und somit fĂŒr den Arbeitsmarkt bessere Voraussetzungen mitbringen. Ziel des Ko- Pi-Projektes war es, die Module „EinfĂŒhrung Energietechnik“ und „Applied Linguistics“ besser an die BedĂŒrfnisse der Studierenden anzupassen und gleichzeitig die VerknĂŒpfung von technikwissenschaftlichen mit sprachwissenschaftlichen Kompetenzen zu schaffen, um diese praktisch im Unterricht anzuwenden und weiterzuentwickeln
