1,111 research outputs found

    Weak Measurements of Light Chirality with a Plasmonic Slit

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    We examine, both experimentally and theoretically, an interaction of tightly focused polarized light with a slit on a metal surface supporting plasmon-polariton modes. Remarkably, this simple system can be highly sensitive to the polarization of the incident light and offers a perfect quantum-weak-measurement tool with a built-in post-selection in the plasmon-polariton mode. We observe the plasmonic spin Hall effect in both coordinate and momentum spaces which is interpreted as weak measurements of the helicity of light with real and imaginary weak values determined by the input polarization. Our experiment combines advantages of (i) quantum weak measurements, (ii) near-field plasmonic systems, and (iii) high-numerical aperture microscopy in employing spin-orbit interaction of light and probing light chirality.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Conductivity in organic semiconductors hybridized with the vacuum field

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    Organic semiconductors have generated considerable interest for their potential for creating inexpensive and flexible devices easily processed on a large scale [1-11]. However technological applications are currently limited by the low mobility of the charge carriers associated with the disorder in these materials [5-8]. Much effort over the past decades has therefore been focused on optimizing the organisation of the material or the devices to improve carrier mobility. Here we take a radically different path to solving this problem, namely by injecting carriers into states that are hybridized to the vacuum electromagnetic field. These are coherent states that can extend over as many as 10^5 molecules and should thereby favour conductivity in such materials. To test this idea, organic semiconductors were strongly coupled to the vacuum electromagnetic field on plasmonic structures to form polaritonic states with large Rabi splittings ca. 0.7 eV. Conductivity experiments show that indeed the current does increase by an order of magnitude at resonance in the coupled state, reflecting mostly a change in field-effect mobility as revealed when the structure is gated in a transistor configuration. A theoretical quantum model is presented that confirms the delocalization of the wave-functions of the hybridized states and the consequences on the conductivity. While this is a proof-of-principle study, in practice conductivity mediated by light-matter hybridized states is easy to implement and we therefore expect that it will be used to improve organic devices. More broadly our findings illustrate the potential of engineering the vacuum electromagnetic environment to modify and to improve properties of materials.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Temperature dependence of electric resistance and magnetoresistance of pressed nanocomposites of multilayer nanotubes with the structure of nested cones

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    Bulk samples of carbon multilayer nanotubes with the structure of nested cones (fishbone structure) suitable for transport measurements, were prepared by compressing under high pressure (~25 kbar) a nanotube precursor synthesized through thermal decomposition of polyethylene catalyzed by nickel. The structure of the initial nanotube material was studied using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. In the low-temperature range (4.2 - 100 K) the electric resistance of the samples changes according to the law ln \rho ~ (T_0/T)^{1/3}, where T_0 ~ 7 K. The measured magnetoresistance is quadratic in the magnetic field and linear in the reciprocal temperature. The measurements have been interpreted in terms of two-dimensional variable-range hopping conductivity. It is suggested that the space between the inside and outside walls of nanotubes acts as a two-dimensional conducting medium. Estimates suggest a high value of the density of electron states at the Fermi level of about 5 10^{21} eV^{-1} cm^{-3}.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. EM photographic images on figures 1a, 1b, 1c attached as JPG files. For correspondence mail to [email protected]

    Theory of extraordinary optical transmission through subwavelength hole arrays

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    We present a fully three-dimensional theoretical study of the extraordinary transmission of light through subwavelength hole arrays in optically thick metal films. Good agreement is obtained with experimental data. An analytical minimal model is also developed, which conclusively shows that the enhancement of transmission is due to tunneling through surface plasmons formed on each metal-dielectric interfaces. Different regimes of tunneling (resonant through a ''surface plasmon molecule", or sequential through two isolated surface plasmons) are found depending on the geometrical parameters defining the system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Transmission properties of a single metallic slit: From the subwavelength regime to the geometrical-optics limit

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    In this work we explore the transmission properties of a single slit in a metallic screen. We analyze the dependence of these properties on both slit width and angle of incident radiation. We study in detail the crossover between the subwavelength regime and the geometrical-optics limit. In the subwavelength regime, resonant transmission linked to the excitation of waveguide resonances is analyzed. Linewidth of these resonances and their associated electric field intensities are controlled by just the width of the slit. More complex transmission spectra appear when the wavelength of light is comparable to the slit width. Rapid oscillations associated to the emergence of different propagating modes inside the slit are the main features appearing in this regime.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Polarization tomography of metallic nanohole arrays

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    We report polarization tomography experiments on metallic nanohole arrays with square and hexagonal symmetry. As a main result, we find that a fully polarized input beam is partly depolarized after transmission through a nanohole array. This loss of polarization coherence is found to be anisotropic, i.e. it depends on the polarization state of the input beam. The depolarization is ascribed to a combination of two factors: i) the nonlocal response of the array due to surface plasmon propagation, ii) the non-plane wave nature of a practical input beam.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, submitted to PR

    Geometrically induced modification of surface plasmons in the optical and telecom regimes

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    We demonstrate that the introduction of a subwavelength periodic modulation into a metallic structure strongly modifies the guiding characteristics of the surface plasmon modes supported by the system. Moreover, it is also shown how a new type of a tightly confined surface plasmon polariton mode can be created by just milling a periodic corrugation into a metallic ridge placed on top of a metal surface

    Nanolithography and manipulation of graphene using an atomic force microscope

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    We use an atomic force microscope (AFM) to manipulate graphene films on a nanoscopic length scale. By means of local anodic oxidation with an AFM we are able to structure isolating trenches into single-layer and few-layer graphene flakes, opening the possibility of tabletop graphene based device fabrication. Trench sizes of less than 30 nm in width are attainable with this technique. Besides oxidation we also show the influence of mechanical peeling and scratching with an AFM of few layer graphene sheets placed on different substrates.Comment: 11 pages text, 5 figure

    Effective low-energy theory for correlated carbon nanotubes

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    The low-energy theory for single-wall carbon nanotubes including Coulomb interactions is derived and analyzed. It describes two fermion chains without interchain hopping but coupled in a specific way by the interaction. The strong-coupling properties are studied by bosonization, and consequences for experiments on single armchair nanotubes are discussed.Comment: 5 pages REVTeX, includes one figur
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