165 research outputs found

    Oxygen therapy management for patients at risk of respiratory dysfunction

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    Oxygen therapy is a major intervention used to manage respiratory dysfunction. Research findings revealed a need for health care professionals to review oxygen device selection in specific clinical settings, the importance of involving patients in their care decisions and to document appropriately care that is provided associated with oxygen therapy

    Low-flow oxygen therapy: selecting the right device

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    The authors provide and overview of oxygen therapy principles, describing the indications and care requirements of three low flow oxygen therapy devices and providing an algorithm for managing refractory hypoxaemia.<br /

    A pilot feasibility, safety and biological efficacy multicentre trial of therapeutic hypercapnia after cardiac arrest: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiac arrest causes ischaemic brain injury. Arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) is a major determinant of cerebral blood flow. Thus, mild hypercapnia in the 24 h following cardiac arrest may increase cerebral blood flow and attenuate such injury. We describe the Carbon Control and Cardiac Arrest (CCC) trial. METHODS/DESIGN: The CCC trial is a pilot multicentre feasibility, safety and biological efficacy randomized controlled trial recruiting adult cardiac arrest patients admitted to the intensive care unit after return of spontaneous circulation. At admission, using concealed allocation, participants are randomized to 24 h of either normocapnia (PaCO2 35 to 45 mmHg) or mild hypercapnia (PaCO2 50 to 55 mmHg). Key feasibility outcomes are recruitment rate and protocol compliance rate. The primary biological efficacy and biological safety measures are the between-groups difference in serum neuron-specific enolase and S100b protein levels at 24 h, 48 h and 72 h. Secondary outcome measure include adverse events, in-hospital mortality, and neurological assessment at 6 months. DISCUSSION: The trial commenced in December 2012 and, when completed, will provide clinical evidence as to whether targeting mild hypercapnia for 24 h following intensive care unit admission for cardiac arrest patients is feasible and safe and whether it results in decreased concentrations of neurological injury biomarkers compared with normocapnia. Trial results will also be used to determine whether a phase IIb study powered for survival at 90 days is feasible and justified.<br /

    Physiological changes after fluid bolus therapy in sepsis: a systematic review of contemporary data

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    Fluid bolus therapy (FBT) is a standard of care in the management of the septic, hypotensive, tachycardic and/or oliguric patient. However, contemporary evidence for FBT improving patient-centred outcomes is scant. Moreover, its physiological effects in contemporary ICU environments and populations are poorly understood. Using three electronic databases, we identified all studies describing FBT between January 2010 and December 2013. We found 33 studies describing 41 boluses. No randomised controlled trials compared FBT with alternative interventions, such as vasopressors. The median fluid bolus was 500 ml (range 100 to 1,000 ml) administered over 30 minutes (range 10 to 60 minutes) and the most commonly administered fluid was 0.9% sodium chloride solution. In 19 studies, a predetermined physiological trigger initiated FBT. Although 17 studies describe the temporal course of physiological changes after FBT in 31 patient groups, only three studies describe the physiological changes at 60 minutes, and only one study beyond this point. No studies related the physiological changes after FBT with clinically relevant outcomes. There is a clear need for at least obtaining randomised controlled evidence for the physiological effects of FBT in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock beyond the period immediately after its administration

    Arterial hyperoxia and in-hospital mortality after resuscitation from cardiac arrest

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    Introduction: Hyperoxia has recently been reported as an independent risk factor for mortality in patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest. We examined the independent relationship between hyperoxia and outcomes in such patients.Methods: We divided patients resuscitated from nontraumatic cardiac arrest from 125 intensive care units (ICUs) into three groups according to worst PaOlevel or alveolar-arterial Ogradient in the first 24 hours after admission. We defined 'hyperoxia' as PaOof 300 mmHg or greater, 'hypoxia/poor Otransfer' as either PaO 400 mmHg, hyperoxia had no independent association with mortality. Importantly, after adjustment for FiOand the relevant covariates, PaOwas no longer predictive of hospital mortality (P = 0.21).Conclusions: Among patients admitted to the ICU after cardiac arrest, hyperoxia did not have a robust or consistently reproducible association with mortality. We urge caution in implementing policies of deliberate decreases in FiOin these patients

    Changes in intravenous fluid use patterns in Australia and New Zealand: evidence of research translating into practice

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe changes in the use of intravenous (IV) fluid by quantity and type in different regions of Australia and New Zealand. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: We conducted a retrospective ecological study examining regional and temporal trends in IV fluid consumption across Australia and New Zealand over the periods 2012-2013 and 2013- 2014, using national proprietary sales data as a surrogate for consumption, and demographic data from the public domain. RESULTS: More than 13.3 million litres of IV fluid were consumed in Australia and New Zealand in 2012-2013, and more than 13.9 million litres in 2013-2014, with colloid solutions accounting for &lt; 2%. There was marked regional variation in consumption of fluids, by volumes and proportions used, when standardised to overall Australian and New Zealand values. There was no significant change in the overall volume of crystalloid solutions consumed but there was a significant decrease (9%; P = 0.02) in the ratio of unbalanced to balanced crystalloid solutions consumed. Consumption of all forms of colloid solutions decreased, with a 12% reduction overall (P = 0.02), primarily driven by a 67% reduction in the consumption of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) solutions. CONCLUSIONS: The amount and type of IV fluid use, as determined by fluid sales, is highly variable across Australia and New Zealand. However, overall use of balanced crystalloid solutions is increasing and the use of HES has decreased dramatically

    Comparative overwiew of brain perfusion imaging techniques

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    Background and Purpose - Numerous imaging techniques have been developed and applied to evaluate brain hemodynamics. Among these are positron emission tomography, single photon emission computed tomography, Xenon-enhanced computed tomography, dynamic perfusion computed tomography, MRI dynamic susceptibility contrast, arterial spin labeling, and Doppler ultrasound. These techniques give similar information about brain hemodynamics in the form of parameters such as cerebral blood flow or cerebral blood volume. All of them are used to characterize the same types of pathological conditions. However, each technique has its own advantages and drawbacks. Summary of Review - This article addresses the main imaging techniques dedicated to brain hemodynamics. It represents a comparative overview established by consensus among specialists of the various techniques. Conclusions - For clinicians, this article should offer a clearer picture of the pros and cons of currently available brain perfusion imaging techniques and assist them in choosing the proper method for every specific clinical setting

    Comparative overview of brain perfusion imaging techniques Epub

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    Background and Purpose - Numerous imaging techniques have been developed and applied to evaluate brain hemodynamics. Among these are positron emission tomography, single photon emission computed tomography, Xenon-enhanced computed tomography, dynamic perfusion computed tomography, MRI dynamic susceptibility contrast, arterial spin labeling, and Doppler ultrasound. These techniques give similar information about brain hemodynamics in the form of parameters such as cerebral blood flow or cerebral blood volume. All of them are used to characterize the same types of pathological conditions. However, each technique has its own advantages and drawbacks. Summary of Review - This article addresses the main imaging techniques dedicated to brain hemodynamics. It represents a comparative overview established by consensus among specialists of the various techniques. Conclusions - For clinicians, this article should offer a clearer picture of the pros and cons of currently available brain perfusion imaging techniques and assist them in choosing the proper method for every specific clinical setting

    Defining the characteristics and expectations of fluid bolus therapy : A worldwide perspective

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    Purpose: The purpose of the study is to understand what clinicians believe defines fluid bolus therapy (FBT) and the expected response to such intervention. Methods: We asked intensive care specialists in 30 countries to participate in an electronic questionnaire of their practice, definition, and expectations of FBT. Results: We obtained 3138 responses. Despite much variation, more than 80% of respondents felt that more than 250 mL of either colloid or crystalloid fluid given over less than 30 minutes defined FBT, with crystalloids most acceptable. The most acceptable crystalloid and colloid for use as FBT were 0.9% saline and 4% albumin solution, respectively. Most respondents believed that one or more of the following physiological changes indicates a response to FBT: a mean arterial pressure increase greater than 10 mm Hg, a heart rate decrease greater than 10 beats per minute, an increase in urinary output by more than 10 mL/h, an increase in central venous oxygen saturation greater than 4%, or a lactate decrease greater than 1 mmol/L. Conclusions: Despite wide variability between individuals and countries, clear majority views emerged to describe practice, define FBT, and identify a response to it. Further investigation is now required to describe actual FBT practice and to identify the magnitude and duration of the physiological response to FBT and its relationship to patient-centered outcomes. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Effects of Hypothermia vs Normothermia on Societal Participation and Cognitive Function at 6 Months in Survivors After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

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    ImportanceThe Targeted Hypothermia vs Targeted Normothermia After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (TTM2) trial reported no difference in mortality or poor functional outcome at 6 months after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). This predefined exploratory analysis provides more detailed estimation of brain dysfunction for the comparison of the 2 intervention regimens.ObjectivesTo investigate the effects of targeted hypothermia vs targeted normothermia on functional outcome with focus on societal participation and cognitive function in survivors 6 months after OHCA.Design, Setting, and ParticipantsThis study is a predefined analysis of an international multicenter, randomized clinical trial that took place from November 2017 to January 2020 and included participants at 61 hospitals in 14 countries. A structured follow-up for survivors performed at 6 months was by masked outcome assessors. The last follow-up took place in October 2020. Participants included 1861 adult (older than 18 years) patients with OHCA who were comatose at hospital admission. At 6 months, 939 of 1861 were alive and invited to a follow-up, of which 103 of 939 declined or were missing.InterventionsRandomization 1:1 to temperature control with targeted hypothermia at 33 °C or targeted normothermia and early treatment of fever (37.8 °C or higher).Main outcomes and measuresFunctional outcome focusing on societal participation assessed by the Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended ([GOSE] 1 to 8) and cognitive function assessed by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment ([MoCA] 0 to 30) and the Symbol Digit Modalities Test ([SDMT] z scores). Higher scores represent better outcomes.ResultsAt 6 months, 836 of 939 survivors with a mean age of 60 (SD, 13) (range, 18 to 88) years (700 of 836 male [84%]) participated in the follow-up. There were no differences between the 2 intervention groups in functional outcome focusing on societal participation (GOSE score, odds ratio, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.71-1.17; P = .46) or in cognitive function by MoCA (mean difference, 0.36; 95% CI,−0.33 to 1.05; P = .37) and SDMT (mean difference, 0.06; 95% CI,−0.16 to 0.27; P = .62). Limitations in societal participation (GOSE score less than 7) were common regardless of intervention (hypothermia, 178 of 415 [43%]; normothermia, 168 of 419 [40%]). Cognitive impairment was identified in 353 of 599 survivors (59%).ConclusionsIn this predefined analysis of comatose patients after OHCA, hypothermia did not lead to better functional outcome assessed with a focus on societal participation and cognitive function than management with normothermia. At 6 months, many survivors had not regained their pre-arrest activities and roles, and mild cognitive dysfunction was common.Trial RegistrationClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT0290830