229 research outputs found

    Interval running with self-selected recovery:Physiology, performance and perception

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    Item previously deposited in UWS repository at: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/publications/interval-running-with-self-selected-recovery-physiology-performanItem not available in this repository.Rosie Arthur – ORCID: 0000-0003-0651-4056 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0651-4056This study (1) compared the physiological responses and performance during a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session incorporating externally regulated (ER) and self-selected (SS) recovery periods and (2) examined the psychophysiological cues underpinning SS recovery durations. Following an incremental maximal exercise test to determine maximal aerobic speed (MAS), 14 recreationally active males completed 2 HIIT sessions on a non-motorised treadmill. Participants performed 12 × 30 s running intervals at a target intensity of 105% MAS interspersed with 30 s (ER) or SS recovery periods. During SS, participants were instructed to provide themselves with sufficient recovery to complete all 12 efforts at the required intensity. A semi-structured interview was undertaken following the completion of SS. Mean recovery duration was longer during SS (51 ± 15 s) compared to ER (30 ± 0 s; p < .001; d = 1.46 ± 0.46). Between-interval heart rate recovery was higher (SS: 19 ± 9 b min−1; ER: 8 ± 5 b min−1; p < .001; d = 1.43 ± 0.43) and absolute time ≥90% maximal heart rate (HRmax) was lower (SS: 335 ± 193 s; ER: 433 ± 147 s; p = .075; d = 0.52 ± 0.39) during SS compared to ER. Relative time ≥105% MAS was greater during SS (90 ± 6%) compared to ER (74 ± 20%; p < .01; d = 0.87 ± 0.40). Different sources of afferent information underpinned decision-making during SS. The extended durations of recovery during SS resulted in a reduced time ≥90% HRmax but enhanced time ≥105% MAS, compared with ER exercise. Differences in the afferent cue utilisation of participants likely explain the large levels of inter-individual variability observed.The authors wish to thank Oriam: Scotland’s National Performance Centre who provided funding to support a Masters studentship for Gary McEwan.https://doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2018.147281118pubpub

    Decision-making accuracy of soccer referees in relation to markers of internal and external load

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    This study examined the relationships between the decision-making performances of soccer referees and markers of physiological load. Following baseline measurements and habituation procedures, 13 national-level male referees completed a novel Soccer Referee Simulation whilst simultaneously adjudicating on a series of video-based decision-making clips. The correctness of each decision was assessed in relation to the mean heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), minute ventilation (VE), perceptions of breathlessness (RPE-B) and local muscular (RPE-M) exertion and running speeds recorded in the 10-s and 60-s preceding decisions. There was a significant association between decision-making accuracy and the mean HR (p = 0.042; VC = 0.272) and RR (p = 0.024, VC = 0.239) in the 10-s preceding decisions, with significantly more errors observed when HR ≥ 90% of HRmax (OR, 5.39) and RR ≥ 80% of RRpeak (OR, 3.34). Decision-making accuracy was also significantly associated with the mean running speeds performed in the 10-s (p = 0.003; VC = 0.320) and 60-s (p = 0.016; VC = 0.253) preceding decisions, with workloads of ≥250 m·min−1 associated with an increased occurrence of decisional errors (OR, 3.84). Finally, there was a significant association between decision-making accuracy and RPE-B (p = 0.021; VC = 0.287), with a disproportionate number of errors occurring when RPE-B was rated as “very strong” to “maximal” (OR, 7.19). Collectively, the current data offer novel insights into the detrimental effects that high workloads may have upon the decision-making performances of soccer referees. Such information may be useful in designing combined physical and decision-making training programmes that prepare soccer referees for the periods of match play that prove most problematic to their decision-making

    Microbial diversity in the digestive tract of two different breeds of sheep

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    Aims: This work aims to determine the factors which play a role in establishing the microbial population throughout the digestive tract in ruminants and is necessary to enhance our understanding of microbial establishment and activity. Methods and Results: This study used Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (TRFLP) to investigate the microbial profiles of 11 regions of the digestive tract of two breeds of sheep (Beulah and Suffolk). TRFLP data revealed that the regions of the digestive tract were highly significantly different in terms of the composition of the bacterial communities within three distinct clusters of bacterial colonisation (foregut, midgut and hindgut). The data also show that breed was a significant factor in the establishment of the bacterial component of the microbial community, but that no difference was detected between ciliated protozoal populations. Conclusions: We infer that not only are the different regions of the tract important in determining the composition of the microbial communities in the sheep, but so too is the breed of the animal. Significance and Impact of Study: This is the first time that a difference has been detected in the digestive microbial population of two different breeds of sheep

    Decision-making accuracy of soccer referees in relation to markers of internal and external load

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    Rosie Arthur - ORCID: 0000-0003-0651-4056 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0651-4056Supplementary data for this paper is available at: https://eresearch.qmu.ac.uk/handle/20.500.12289/13683 .AM replaced with VoR 2024-03-18.This study examined the relationships between the decision-making performances of soccer referees and markers of physiological load. Following baseline measurements and habituation procedures, 13 national-level male referees completed a novel Soccer Referee Simulation (SRS) whilst simultaneously adjudicating on a series of video-based decision-making clips. The correctness of each decision was assessed in relation to the mean heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), minute ventilation (V̇E), perceptions of breathlessness (RPE-B) and local muscular (RPE-M) exertion, and running speeds recorded in the 10-s and 60-s preceding decisions. There was a significant association between decision-making accuracy and the mean HR (P=0.042; VC=0.272) and RR (P=0.024, VC=0.239) in the 10-s preceding decisions, with significantly more errors observed when HR ≥90% of HRmax (OR, 5.39) and RR ≥80% of RRpeak (OR, 3.34). Decision-making accuracy was also significantly associated with the mean running speeds performed in the 10-s (P=0.003; VC=0.320) and 60-s (P=0.016; VC=0.253) preceding decisions, with workloads of ≥250 m·min-1 associated with an increased occurrence of decisional errors (OR, 3.84). Finally, there was a significant association between decision-making accuracy and RPE-B (P=0.021; VC=0.287), with a disproportionate number of errors occurring when RPE-B was rated as “very strong” to “maximal” (OR, 7.19). Collectively, the current data offer novel insights into the detrimental effects that high workloads may have upon the decision-making performances of soccer referees. Such information may be useful in designing combined physical and decision-making training programmes that prepare soccer referees for the periods of match play that prove most problematic to their decision-making.aheadofprintaheadofprin

    Saffire: A Novel Approach to Study of Spacecraft Fire Safety Using Un-Manned Spacecraft

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    The Saffire Experiment represents the first test of spacecraft fires at a scale relevant to real spacecraft. Although large-scale fire tests on Earth are conducted for every type of habitable structure (buildings, planes, trains, automobiles, ships and mines) they had never been attempted in a space experiment for obvious reasons of practicality and safety. This is despite the fact that fire is a catastrophic hazard for spaceflight where the crew has very limited or no escape options. The spread and growth of a fire, combined with its interactions with the vehicle cannot be expected to scale linearly from small-scale test data, and so there is a substantial gap in our ability to predict the behavior of spacecraft fire and also its impact on the spacecraft habitability and operability. The experiments were performed aboard the Cygnus vehicle, a large unmanned resupply spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS). The experiment was installed in the Cygnus vehicle, and remained dormant during docked operations. Once the vehicle was reloaded with ISS trash, it unberthed and moved to a separate orbit. The Saffire experiment was initiated by ground command and downlinked the data before the vehicle re-entered into the earth's atmosphere. The downloaded test data show resolved the question of whether flame growth will achieve a steady size and demonstrated that the size of the enclosure surrounding the sample has more impact on the flame spread than anticipated

    The Incidence and Incubation Period of False Positive Cultures in Shoulder Surgery

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    Background Postoperative shoulder infection (PSI) is a significant complication requiring timely identification and treatment. Indolent infections such as those involving Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes, recently reclassified from Propionibacterium acnes 1) provide a diagnostic dilemma as they present differently without the acute symptoms associated with most postoperative bone and joint infections. Furthermore, C. acnes is thought to be a common contaminant isolated from intraoperative cultures. With no consensus algorithm, long hold cultures play a major role in guiding management decisions in potential PSI. Our study seeks to determine the incidence of positive cultures in both open and arthroscopic procedures in non-infected patients as well as clarify whether or not an increase in the incubation time frame leads to an increased rate of culture growth. Method ology: One hundred patients were prospectively enrolled into either an open and arthroscopic procedure group. Patients with abnormal inflammatory labs, history of previous shoulder surgery, or corticosteroid injection within six months of surgery were excluded from the study. Three cultures were obtained for each patient (1superficial tissue culture, 2- tissue culture, and 3- “sterile” control swab). Cultures were held for 28 days and checked on regular intervals. All patients were followed clinically for 6 months to ensure no signs of postoperative infection. Results Ultimately ninety-five patients were included in the final analysis. The false-positive rate in open shoulder surgery was 17.02% and arthroscopic shoulder surgery was 10.4%. The incidence of positive C. acnes cultures was 6.4% in the open group while C. acnes was not isolated in the arthroscopic group. All positive bacterial cultures were reported within seven days of collection. One culture was positive for “mold” at 26 days. Conclusion A relatively high false-positive culture rate occurred in both open and arthroscopic shoulder surgery. C. acnes was the most commonly identified bacteria in cultures in the open surgery group. Knowledge of one’s own institutional false-positive culture rate could be important in avoiding potentially inappropriate treatment. Additionally, we found that holding cultures longer than 14 days did not lead to an increased rate of false positive culture results

    Results of Large-Scale Spacecraft Flammability Tests

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    For the first time, a large-scale fire was intentionally set inside a spacecraft while in orbit. Testing in low gravity aboard spacecraft had been limited to samples of modest size: for thin fuels the longest samples burned were around 15 cm in length and thick fuel samples have been even smaller. This is despite the fact that fire is a catastrophic hazard for spaceflight and the spread and growth of a fire, combined with its interactions with the vehicle cannot be expected to scale linearly. While every type of occupied structure on earth has been the subject of full scale fire testing, this had never been attempted in space owing to the complexity, cost, risk and absence of a safe location. Thus, there is a gap in knowledge of fire behavior in spacecraft. The recent utilization of large, unmanned, resupply craft has provided the needed capability: a habitable but unoccupied spacecraft in low earth orbit. One such vehicle was used to study the flame spread over a 94 x 40.6 cm thin charring solid (fiberglasscotton fabric). The sample was an order of magnitude larger than anything studied to date in microgravity and was of sufficient scale that it consumed 1.5 of the available oxygen. The experiment which is called Saffire consisted of two tests, forward or concurrent flame spread (with the direction of flow) and opposed flame spread (against the direction of flow). The average forced air speed was 20 cms. For the concurrent flame spread test, the flame size remained constrained after the ignition transient, which is not the case in 1-g. These results were qualitatively different from those on earth where an upward-spreading flame on a sample of this size accelerates and grows. In addition, a curious effect of the chamber size is noted. Compared to previous microgravity work in smaller tunnels, the flame in the larger tunnel spread more slowly, even for a wider sample. This is attributed to the effect of flow acceleration in the smaller tunnels as a result of hot gas expansion. These results clearly demonstrate the unique features of purely forced flow in microgravity on flame spread, the dependence of flame behavior on the scale of the experiment, and the importance of full-scale testing for spacecraft fire safety

    Cross-ancestry GWAS meta-analysis identifies six breast cancer loci in African and European ancestry women.

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    Our study describes breast cancer risk loci using a cross-ancestry GWAS approach. We first identify variants that are associated with breast cancer at P < 0.05 from African ancestry GWAS meta-analysis (9241 cases and 10193 controls), then meta-analyze with European ancestry GWAS data (122977 cases and 105974 controls) from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. The approach identifies four loci for overall breast cancer risk [1p13.3, 5q31.1, 15q24 (two independent signals), and 15q26.3] and two loci for estrogen receptor-negative disease (1q41 and 7q11.23) at genome-wide significance. Four of the index single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) lie within introns of genes (KCNK2, C5orf56, SCAMP2, and SIN3A) and the other index SNPs are located close to GSTM4, AMPD2, CASTOR2, and RP11-168G16.2. Here we present risk loci with consistent direction of associations in African and European descendants. The study suggests that replication across multiple ancestry populations can help improve the understanding of breast cancer genetics and identify causal variants