267 research outputs found

    Small-angle neutron scattering from poly(NIPA- co

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    Cognitive performance and leukocyte telomere length in two narrow age-range cohorts: a population study

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    BACKGROUND Cognitive function and telomere length both decline with age. A correlation between these two measures would suggest that they may be influenced by the same underlying age-related biological process. Several studies suggest telomere length may be positively correlated with cognitive performance but the evidence is equivocal. In this report, the relationships between telomere length and cognitive performance at Wave 2 and cognitive change from Wave 1 to Wave 2 are assessed in two narrow age-range population cohorts. METHODS We tested the hypothesis that leukocyte telomere length correlates positively with cognitive performance and cognitive decline in two community cohorts of middle-aged (n = 351, 44-49 years) and older (n = 295, 64-70 years) adults, who participated in two waves of a longitudinal study undertaken in the Canberra-Queanbeyan region of Australia. Telomere length was estimated at Wave 2. Cognitive performance was measured using the Symbol Digit Modalities Test, the immediate recall test of the California Verbal Learning Test, reaction time (simple & choice) and the Trails Test Part B. RESULTS Cross-sectionally at Wave 2, telomere length correlated with Symbol Digit Modalities Test scores (men) and simple reaction time (women) for the older cohort only, although the latter finding was in the opposite direction to that hypothesised. Telomere length measured at Wave 2 was not associated with cognitive change from Wave 1 to Wave 2 for either cohort, except for two associations of small magnitude (immediate recall in the older cohort, choice reaction time in older women), which were also in the contrary direction to that predicted. CONCLUSIONS These results do not give strong support to the hypothesis that leukocyte telomere length is associated with either levels of cognitive performance or age-related cognitive change.This work was supported by an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Program Grant 179805 and an R.M. Gibson Grant from the Australian Association of Gerontology. A.F. Jorm, K.J. Anstey and H. Christensen are funded by NHMRC Fellowships

    The potential for saving food waste by lowering home refrigerator temperatures

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    A significant proportion of the 4.4 million tonnes of avoidable household food and drink thrown away each year in the UK comprises products that require, or benefit from, refrigerated storage e.g. meat and fish, dairy products, most fruit and vegetables. In some consumers’ homes, refrigerated foods are kept in less than optimal conditions e.g. not in the refrigerator, ‘unwrapped’ or at refrigerator temperatures above 5oC. This can lead to rapid food spoilage, and also to food safety risks. Storage in the refrigerator at temperatures below 5oC could extend the storage life of many of these foods, giving greater opportunity for their consumption before they reach the end of their acceptable life. This paper presents results from research funded by WRAP to determine relationships between chilled storage temperature and published storage lives of typical food products. The potential reductions in food waste which might result from extended storage lives if refrigerator temperatures were lowered to 4°C rather than the UK average of 7°C (WRAP, 2010) are estimated. To be balanced against these savings however is the increased energy consumption which results from running refrigerators at lower temperatures, and results from an experimental assessment of the impact of lowering fridge temperatures on energy consumption are presented. The costs and associated carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions associated with the saved waste and the increased energy are compared

    APOE genotype and cognitive change in young, middle-aged, and older adults living in the community.

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    We examined whether the apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele was associated with cognitive benefits in young adulthood and whether it reversed to confer cognitive deficits in later life ("antagonistic pleiotropy") in the absence of dementia-related neuropathology. We also tested whether the ε2 allele was associated with disadvantages in early adulthood but offered protection against cognitive decline in early old age. Eight-year cognitive change was assessed in 2,013 cognitively normal community-dwelling adults aged 20-24, 40-44, or 60-64 years at baseline. Although cognitive decline was associated with age, multilevel models contrasting the ε2 and ε4 alleles provided no evidence that the APOE genotype was related to cognitive change in any of the age groups. The findings suggest that in the absence of clinically salient dementia pathology, APOE ε2 and ε4 alleles do not exhibit antagonistic pleiotropy in relation to cognition between the ages of 20 and 72 years

    Loss of ACTN3 gene function alters mouse muscle metabolism and shows evidence of positive selection in humans

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    More than a billion humans worldwide are predicted to be completely deficient in the fast skeletal muscle fiber protein α-actinin-3 owing to homozygosity for a premature stop codon polymorphism, R577X, in the ACTN3 gene. The R577X polymorphism is associ

    The association of APOE genotype and cognitive decline in interaction with risk factors in a 65–69 year old community sample

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While the evidence of an association between the apolipoprotein E (<it>APOE</it>) <it>*E4 </it>allele and Alzheimer's disease is very strong, the effect of the <it>*E4 </it>allele on cognitive decline in the general population is more equivocal. A cross-sectional study on the lifespan effects of the <it>*E4 </it>allele <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp> failed to find any effect of the <it>*E4 </it>allele on cognitive performance at ages 20–24, 40–44 or 60–64 years.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this four year follow-up study, we reexamine the effect of <it>*E4 </it>in the sample of 2,021 individuals, now aged 65–69 years.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Performance on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) was significantly poorer for <it>*E4 </it>homozygotes than heterozygotes or non-carriers. The effects of the <it>*E4 </it>genotype on cognitive decline over four years were found on the MMSE and Symbol-Digit Modalities test but only when controlling for risk factors such as head injury and education. Analyses were repeated with the exclusion of participants diagnosed with a mild cognitive disorder, with little change.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is possible that <it>*E4 </it>carriers become vulnerable to greater cognitive decline in the presence of other risk factors at 65–69 years of age.</p

    Using Combined Morphological, Allometric and Molecular Approaches to Identify Species of the Genus Raillietiella (Pentastomida)

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    Taxonomic studies of parasites can be severely compromised if the host species affects parasite morphology; an uncritical analysis might recognize multiple taxa simply because of phenotypically plastic responses of parasite morphology to host physiology. Pentastomids of the genus Raillietiella are endoparasitic crustaceans primarily infecting the respiratory system of carnivorous reptiles, but also recorded from bufonid anurans. The delineation of pentastomids at the generic level is clear, but the taxonomic status of many species is not. We collected raillietiellids from lungs of the invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina), the invasive Asian house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus), and a native tree frog (Litoria caerulea) in tropical Australia, and employed a combination of genetic analyses, and traditional and novel morphological methods to clarify their identity. Conventional analyses of parasite morphology (which focus on raw values of morphological traits) revealed two discrete clusters in terms of pentastome hook size, implying two different species of pentastomes: one from toads and a tree frog (Raillietiella indica) and another from lizards (Raillietiella frenatus). However, these clusters disappeared in allometric analyses that took pentastome body size into account, suggesting that only a single pentastome taxon may be involved. Our molecular data revealed no genetic differences between parasites in toads versus lizards, confirming that there was only one species: R. frenatus. This pentastome (previously known only from lizards) clearly is also capable of maturing in anurans. Our analyses show that the morphological features used in pentastomid taxonomy change as the parasite transitions through developmental stages in the definitive host. To facilitate valid descriptions of new species of pentastomes, future taxonomic work should include both morphological measurements (incorporating quantitative measures of body size and hook bluntness) and molecular data

    Domestic Violence and Health Care: Opening Pandora¿s Box ¿ Challenges and Dilemmas

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    In this article we take a critical stance toward the rational progressive narrative surrounding the integration of domestic violence within health care. Whilst changes in recent UK policy and practice have resulted in several tangible benefits, it is argued that there may be hidden dilemmas and challenges. We suggest that the medical model of care and its discursive practices position women as individually accountable for domestic violence-related symptoms and injuries. This may not only be ineffective in terms of service provision but could also have the potential to reduce the political significance of domestic violence as an issue of concern for all women. Furthermore, it is argued that the use of specific metaphors enables practitioners to distance themselves from interactions that may prove to be less comfortable and provide less than certain outcomes. Our analysis explores the possibilities for change that might currently be available. This would appear to involve a consideration of alternative discourses and the reformulation of power relations and subject positions in health care
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