111 research outputs found

    Синтез нечетких систем автоматического управления генетическими алгоритмами по векторным критериям в среде MATLAB

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    Задачи многокритериального параметрического синтеза систем управления сведены к задачам оптимизации векторных целевых функций, решение которых позволяет удержать процесс синтеза систем в допустимой области. Для оптимизации векторных целевых функций систем автоматического управления модифицированы бинарный и непрерывный генетические алгоритмы. Показана эффективность применения модифицированных генетических алгоритмов для синтеза систем управления путем оптимизации векторных целевых функций. Рассмотрение задач синтеза линейных и нечетких ПИД регуляторов показало, что в задаче синтеза нечеткого регулятора определяется вектор переменных параметров большей размерности, а в модели системы управления вместо линейных уравнений применяются нелинейные уравнения с использованием системы нечеткого вывода

    Near-infrared reflectance imaging of neovascular age-related macular degeneration

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    Contains fulltext : 81007.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)PURPOSE: To evaluate various types of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by near-infrared fundus reflectance (NIR) as compared to fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) and to test NIR for assessment of leakage due to choroidal neovascularization (CNV). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty-three patients with neovascular AMD (cases) and 20 age-matched patients with non-exudative AMD and healthy subjects (controls) were examined with a confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (Heidelberg Retina Angiograph 2). NIR images of neovascular AMD were qualitatively compared to the corresponding FFA and to age-matched controls. CNV membranes and exudation areas were manually segmented on FFA and NIR and analyzed quantitatively. Results : Of all cases included, five eyes had classic CNV, six had minimal classic lesions, 15 occult CNV's and seven eyes had retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP). A dark halo on NIR was found in all cases and showed high correspondence to leakage on FFA (r (2) = 0.93; p < 0,0005). In classic CNV and minimal classic CNV, the classic part of the lesion on FFA revealed strong correlation to a dark core surrounded by a bright reflecting ring on NIR (r (2) = 0.88; p < 0.0005). Occult parts on FFA of minimal classic CNV and occult CNV lesions appeared as poorly demarcated, jagged areas of increased NIR. RAP was characterized by speckled NIR located at the intraretinal neovascular complex. CONCLUSIONS: NIR imaging in neovascular AMD revealed characteristic alterations depending on the type of CNV. These changes may reflect histological differences of the lesions. Leakage caused local darkening of NIR, presumably originating from increased light-scattering and absorbance by fluid accumulation and sub-cellular structure alterations

    SIVagm Infection in Wild African Green Monkeys from South Africa: Epidemiology, Natural History, and Evolutionary Considerations

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    Pathogenesis studies of SIV infection have not been performed to date in wild monkeys due to difficulty in collecting and storing samples on site and the lack of analytical reagents covering the extensive SIV diversity. We performed a large scale study of molecular epidemiology and natural history of SIVagm infection in 225 free-ranging AGMs from multiple locations in South Africa. SIV prevalence (established by sequencing pol, env, and gag) varied dramatically between infant/juvenile (7%) and adult animals (68%) (p<0.0001), and between adult females (78%) and males (57%). Phylogenetic analyses revealed an extensive genetic diversity, including frequent recombination events. Some AGMs harbored epidemiologically linked viruses. Viruses infecting AGMs in the Free State, which are separated from those on the coastal side by the Drakensberg Mountains, formed a separate cluster in the phylogenetic trees; this observation supports a long standing presence of SIV in AGMs, at least from the time of their speciation to their Plio-Pleistocene migration. Specific primers/probes were synthesized based on the pol sequence data and viral loads (VLs) were quantified. VLs were of 104-106 RNA copies/ml, in the range of those observed in experimentally-infected monkeys, validating the experimental approaches in natural hosts. VLs were significantly higher (107-108 RNA copies/ml) in 10 AGMs diagnosed as acutely infected based on SIV seronegativity (Fiebig II), which suggests a very active transmission of SIVagm in the wild. Neither cytokine levels (as biomarkers of immune activation) nor sCD14 levels (a biomarker of microbial translocation) were different between SIV-infected and SIV-uninfected monkeys. This complex algorithm combining sequencing and phylogeny, VL quantification, serology, and testing of surrogate markers of microbial translocation and immune activation permits a systematic investigation of the epidemiology, viral diversity and natural history of SIV infection in wild African natural hosts. © 2013 Ma et al

    Family physicians\u27 professional identity formation: a study protocol to explore impression management processes in institutional academic contexts.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite significant differences in terms of medical training and health care context, the phenomenon of medical students\u27 declining interest in family medicine has been well documented in North America and in many other developed countries as well. As part of a research program on family physicians\u27 professional identity formation initiated in 2007, the purpose of the present investigation is to examine in-depth how family physicians construct their professional image in academic contexts; in other words, this study will allow us to identify and understand the processes whereby family physicians with an academic appointment seek to control the ideas others form about them as a professional group, i.e. impression management. METHODS/DESIGN: The methodology consists of a multiple case study embedded in the perspective of institutional theory. Four international cases from Canada, France, Ireland and Spain will be conducted; the \u22case\u22 is the medical school. Four levels of analysis will be considered: individual family physicians, interpersonal relationships, family physician professional group, and organization (medical school). Individual interviews and focus groups with academic family physicians will constitute the main technique for data generation, which will be complemented with a variety of documentary sources. Discourse techniques, more particularly rhetorical analysis, will be used to analyze the data gathered. Within- and cross-case analysis will then be performed. DISCUSSION: This empirical study is strongly grounded in theory and will contribute to the scant body of literature on family physicians\u27 professional identity formation processes in medical schools. Findings will potentially have important implications for the practice of family medicine, medical education and health and educational policies

    Effects of the Distribution of Female Primates on the Number of Males

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    The spatiotemporal distribution of females is thought to drive variation in mating systems, and hence plays a central role in understanding animal behavior, ecology and evolution. Previous research has focused on investigating the links between female spatiotemporal distribution and the number of males in haplorhine primates. However, important questions remain concerning the importance of spatial cohesion, the generality of the pattern across haplorhine and strepsirrhine primates, and the consistency of previous findings given phylogenetic uncertainty. To address these issues, we examined how the spatiotemporal distribution of females influences the number of males in primate groups using an expanded comparative dataset and recent advances in Bayesian phylogenetic and statistical methods. Specifically, we investigated the effect of female distributional factors (female number, spatial cohesion, estrous synchrony, breeding season duration and breeding seasonality) on the number of males in primate groups. Using Bayesian approaches to control for uncertainty in phylogeny and the model of trait evolution, we found that the number of females exerted a strong influence on the number of males in primate groups. In a multiple regression model that controlled for female number, we found support for temporal effects, particularly involving female estrous synchrony: the number of males increases when females are more synchronously receptive. Similarly, the number of males increases in species with shorter birth seasons, suggesting that greater breeding seasonality makes defense of females more difficult for male primates. When comparing primate suborders, we found only weak evidence for differences in traits between haplorhines and strepsirrhines, and including suborder in the statistical models did not affect our conclusions or give compelling evidence for different effects in haplorhines and strepsirrhines. Collectively, these results demonstrate that male monopolization is driven primarily by the number of females in groups, and secondarily by synchrony of female reproduction within groups

    A holistic framework of corporate website favourability

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    This paper extends the current knowledge of corporate website favourability (CWF) by developing a comprehensive conceptual model of its influence on corporate image, corporate reputation, loyalty and identification. The paper reviews previous studies on corporate websites from the perspectives of marketing, management, corporate identity and corporate visual identity in order to inform our understanding of the antecedents and consequences of CWF. The propositions and the conceptual framework present an approach by which a corporation can design and manage a favourable corporate website. A number of important contributions are offered: First, the paper adds to the understanding of CWF; second, it discusses the antecedents of CWF by drawing upon the existing literature; third, it is beneficial for practitioners in shaping CWF strategies, and fourth, it offers possible consequences of CWF and provides a framework for future testing