18 research outputs found

    Unravelling the effects of age, period and cohort on metabolic syndrome components in a Taiwanese population using partial least squares regression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We investigate whether the changing environment caused by rapid economic growth yielded differential effects for successive Taiwanese generations on 8 components of metabolic syndrome (MetS): body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and uric acid (UA).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To assess the impact of age, birth year and year of examination on MetS components, we used partial least squares regression to analyze data collected by Mei-Jaw clinics in Taiwan in years 1996 and 2006. Confounders, such as the number of years in formal education, alcohol intake, smoking history status, and betel-nut chewing were adjusted for.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As the age of individuals increased, the values of components generally increased except for UA. Men born after 1970 had lower FPG, lower BMI, lower DBP, lower TG, Lower LDL and greater HDL; women born after 1970 had lower BMI, lower DBP, lower TG, Lower LDL and greater HDL and UA. There is a similar pattern between the trend in levels of metabolic syndrome components against birth year of birth and economic growth in Taiwan.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found cohort effects in some MetS components, suggesting associations between the changing environment and health outcomes in later life. This ecological association is worthy of further investigation.</p

    Mapping genetic variations to three- dimensional protein structures to enhance variant interpretation: a proposed framework

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    The translation of personal genomics to precision medicine depends on the accurate interpretation of the multitude of genetic variants observed for each individual. However, even when genetic variants are predicted to modify a protein, their functional implications may be unclear. Many diseases are caused by genetic variants affecting important protein features, such as enzyme active sites or interaction interfaces. The scientific community has catalogued millions of genetic variants in genomic databases and thousands of protein structures in the Protein Data Bank. Mapping mutations onto three-dimensional (3D) structures enables atomic-level analyses of protein positions that may be important for the stability or formation of interactions; these may explain the effect of mutations and in some cases even open a path for targeted drug development. To accelerate progress in the integration of these data types, we held a two-day Gene Variation to 3D (GVto3D) workshop to report on the latest advances and to discuss unmet needs. The overarching goal of the workshop was to address the question: what can be done together as a community to advance the integration of genetic variants and 3D protein structures that could not be done by a single investigator or laboratory? Here we describe the workshop outcomes, review the state of the field, and propose the development of a framework with which to promote progress in this arena. The framework will include a set of standard formats, common ontologies, a common application programming interface to enable interoperation of the resources, and a Tool Registry to make it easy to find and apply the tools to specific analysis problems. Interoperability will enable integration of diverse data sources and tools and collaborative development of variant effect prediction methods

    Tuning underwater adhesion with cation-π interactions.

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    Cation-π interactions drive the self-assembly and cohesion of many biological molecules, including the adhesion proteins of several marine organisms. Although the origin of cation-π bonds in isolated pairs has been extensively studied, the energetics of cation-π-driven self-assembly in molecular films remains uncharted. Here we use nanoscale force measurements in combination with solid-state NMR spectroscopy to show that the cohesive properties of simple aromatic- and lysine-rich peptides rival those of the strong reversible intermolecular cohesion exhibited by adhesion proteins of marine mussel. In particular, we show that peptides incorporating the amino acid phenylalanine, a functional group that is conspicuously sparing in the sequences of mussel proteins, exhibit reversible adhesion interactions significantly exceeding that of analogous mussel-mimetic peptides. More broadly, we demonstrate that interfacial confinement fundamentally alters the energetics of cation-π-mediated assembly: an insight that should prove relevant for diverse areas, which range from rationalizing biological assembly to engineering peptide-based biomaterials

    Demokratische Politik in der internationalisierten Ökonomie

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    Demokratische Politik und kapitalistische Ökonomie koexistieren in einer antagonistischen Symbiose, die erst nach der großen Weltwirtschaftskrise in den Jahrzehnten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg verträgliche Konfigurationen entwickelt hat. Die Politik hatte gelernt, die kapitalistischen Krisen zu dämpfen und die Ausbeutung der menschlichen Arbeitskraft und der Natur zu begrenzen, ohne die innovative Dynamik der Marktwirtschaft zu lähmen. Zugleich erlaubten die Erträge des kapitalistischen Wachstums den Ausbau sozialstaatlicher Sicherungen und marktkorrigierender Leistungen, die ihrerseits die bis dahin ja durchaus prekäre Legitimation der demokratischen Regierungsform so verstärkten, daß am Ende des Jahrhunderts konkurrierende Legitimitäts-Prätentionen nirgendwo mehr vertreten werden