330 research outputs found

    Lattice-Boltzmann studies of fluid flow in porous media with realistic rock geometries

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    AbstractWe present results of lattice-Boltzmann simulations to calculate flow in realistic porous media. Two examples are given for lattice-Boltzmann simulations in two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) rock samples. First, we show lattice-Boltzmann simulation results of the flow in quasi-two-dimensional micromodels. The third dimension was taken into account using an effective viscous drag force. In this case, we consider a 2D micromodel of Berea sandstone. We calculate the flow field and permeability of the micromodel and find excellent agreement with Microparticle Image Velocimetry (μ-PIV) experiments. Then, we use a particle tracking algorithm to calculate the dispersion of tracer particles in the Berea geometry, using the lattice-Boltzmann flow field.Second, we use lattice-Boltzmann simulations to calculate the flow in Bentheimer sandstone. The data set used in this study was obtained using X-ray microtomography (XMT). First, we consider a single phase flow. We systematically study the effect of system size and validate Darcy’s law from the linear dependence of the flux on the body force exerted. We observe that the values of the permeability measurements as a function of porosity tend to concentrate in a narrower region of the porosity, as the system size of the computational sub-sample increases. Finally, we compute relative permeabilities for binary immiscible fluids in the XMT rock sample

    Pore-Scale Modeling of Drainage Displacement Patterns in Association With Geological Sequestration of CO2

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    ©2020. The Authors. We investigate the immiscible displacement (drainage) of a wetting fluid in a porous medium by a nonwetting fluid using multi–graphics processing unit (GPU) lattice Boltzmann simulations with the aim of better understanding the pore-scale processes involved in the geological sequestration of CO2. Correctly resolving the dynamics involved in multiphase flow in permeable media is of paramount importance for any numerical scheme. Generally, the average fluid flow is assumed to be at low Reynolds numbers Reav. Hence, by neglecting inertial effects, this immiscible displacement should be characterized by just two dimensionless numbers, namely, the capillary number Caav and the viscosity ratio, which quantify the ratio of the relevant forces, that is, the viscous and capillary forces. Our investigation reveals that inertial effects cannot be neglected in the range of typical capillary numbers associated with multiphase flow in permeable media. Even as the average Caav and Reav decrease away from the injection point, inertial effects remain important over a transient amount of time during abrupt Haines jumps, when the nonwetting phase passes from a narrow restriction to a wider pore space. The local Rel at the jump sites is orders of magnitude higher than the average Reav, with the local dynamics being decoupled from the externally imposed flow rate. Therefore, a full Navier-Stokes solver should be used for investigating pore-scale displacement processes. Using the Ohnesorge number to restrict the parameter selection process is essential, as this dimensionless number links Caav and Reav and reflects the thermophysical properties of a given system under investigation

    Pore-filling events in single junction micro-models with corresponding lattice Boltzmann simulations

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    This work was conducted as part of the Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre (QCCSRC), jointly funded by Qatar Petroleum, Shell and the Qatar Science and Technology Park. E.M.C. would also like to acknowledge the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for their funding

    Deposition of colloidal asphaltene in capillary flow: Experiments and mesoscopic simulations

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    The aggregation and deposition of colloidal asphaltene in reservoir rock is a significant problem in the oil industry. To obtain a fundamental understanding of this phenomenon, we have studied the deposition and aggregation of colloidal asphaltene in capillary flow by experiment and simulation. For the simulation, we have used the stochastic rotation dynamics (SRD) method, in which the solvent hydrodynamic emerges from the collisions between the solvent particles, while the Brownian motion emerges naturally from the interactions between the colloidal asphaltene particles and the solvent. The asphaltene colloids interact through a screened Coulomb potential. We vary the well depth ecc and the flow rate v to obtain Peflow » 1 (hydrodynamic interactions dominate) and Re « 1 (Stokes flow). In the simulations, we impose a pressure drop over the capillary length and measure the corresponding solvent flow rate. We observe that the transient solvent flow rate decreases when the asphaltene particles become more sticky . For a well depth ecc = 2kBT, a monolayer deposits on the capillary wall. With an increasing well depth, the capillary becomes totally blocked. The clogging is transient for ecc = 5kBT, but appears to be permanent for ecc = 10-20kBT. We compare our simulation results with flow experiments in glass capillaries, where we use extracted asphaltenes in toluene, reprecipitated with n-heptane. In the experiments, the dynamics of asphaltene precipitation and deposition were monitored in a slot capillary using optical microscopy under flow conditions similar to those used in the simulation. Maintaining a constant flow rate of 5 µL min-1, we found that the pressure drop across the capillary first increased slowly, followed by a sharp increase, corresponding to a complete local blockage of the capillary. Doubling the flow rate to 10 µL min-1, we observe that the initial deposition occurs faster but the deposits are subsequently entrained by the flow. We calculate the change in the dimensionless permeability as a function of time for both experiment and simulation. By matching the experimental and simulation results, we obtain information about (1) the interaction potential well depth for the particular asphaltenes used in the experiments and (2) the flow conditions associated with the asphaltene deposition process. © 2008 American Chemical Society

    Extension of the TraPPE Force Field for Battery Electrolyte Solvents

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    Transition from oil & gas drilling fluids to geothermal drilling fluids

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    The harsh downhole conditions encountered in geothermal wells, specifically the high temperatures (HT) together with the toughness of the rock found in many geothermal formations, makes the drilling operation challenging. Drilling in such environments requires specialised drilling fluid formulations that have high thermal stability, good rheological properties, excellent lubricity and low formation damage. Given the wealth of experience in drilling wells in the oil industry, it is tempting to assume that the design of geothermal drilling fluids would be straightforward. However, is this the case? In this literature review, we have attempted to answer the question: “to what degree can developments in oil and gas drilling fluids be transferred to drilling fluids for geothermal wells?” To keep the scope of the review manageable, we have focused on two key aspects of drilling fluid design: rate of penetration (ROP) and HT fluid stability (and maintenance of the desired rheological properties of the fluid at high temperatures). The review has allowed the identification of gaps in both fundamental understanding and in existing technology. Rate of penetration is improved using low viscosity and low-density fluids, and we recommend that foams and aphron systems should be investigated to achieve this (depending on the application pressure). It should be noted, however, that such systems to date have only been studied at relatively low temperatures and the challenge of increasing the thermal stability of the formulation components needs to be addressed. Highly thermally stable polymer systems exist but these are both expensive and not widely available. A systematic study of the impact of copolymer molecular architecture on hydrolytic thermal stability is recommended. A promising solution to both maintaining good rheological properties at high temperature and providing fluid loss control is the use of particulates, especially those in the nano-size range. Additionally, nanocomposite systems show promise in this area and should be investigated. Particle stabilized foams and aphrons are a particularly interesting solution and we recommend that these are studied. It is also recommended to investigate the effect of drilling fluid on long term geothermal well performance

    Catalogue of Plausible Molecular Models for the Molecular Dynamics of Asphaltenes and Resins Obtained from Quantitative Molecular Representation

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    Computer simulation studies aimed at elucidating the phase behavior of crude oils inevitably require atomistically-detailed models of representative molecules. For the lighter fractions of crudes, such molecules are readily available, as the chemical composition can be resolved experimentally. Heavier fractions pose a challenge, on one hand due to their polydispersity and on the other due to poor description of the morphology of the molecules involved. The Quantitative Molecular Representation (QMR) approach is used here to generate a catalogue of 100 plausible asphaltene and resin structures based on elemental analysis and 1H – 13C NMR spectroscopy experimental data. The computer-generated models are compared in the context of a review of previously proposed literature structures and categorized by employing their molecular weights, double bond equivalents (DBE) and hydrogen to carbon (H/C) ratios. Sample atomistic molecular dynamics simulations were carried out for two of the proposed asphaltene structures with contrasting morphologies, one island-type and one archipelago-type, at 7 wt% in either toluene or heptane. Both asphaltene models, which shared many characteristics in terms of average molecular weight, chemical composition and solubility parameters showed marked differences in their aggregation behavior. The example showcases the importance of considering diversity and polydispersity when considering molecular models of heavy fractions
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