958 research outputs found

    Assessment of the potential in vivo ecotoxicity of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (DWNTs) in water, using the amphibian Ambystoma mexicanum

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    Because of their specific properties (mechanical, electrical, etc), carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are being assessed for inclusion in many manufactured products. Due to their massive production and number of potential applications, the impact of CNTs on the environment must be taken into consideration. The present investigation evaluates the ecotoxic potential of CNTs in the amphibian larvae (Ambystoma mexicanum). Acute toxicity and genotoxicity were analysed after 12 days of exposure in laboratory conditions. The genotoxic effects were analysed by scoring the micronucleated erythrocytes in the circulating blood of the larvae according to the French standard micronucleus assay. The results obtained in the present study demonstrated that CNTs are neither acutely toxic nor genotoxic to larvae whatever the CNTs concentration in the water, although black masses of CNTs were observed inside the gut. In the increasing economical context of CNTs, complementary studies must be undertaken, especially including mechanistic and environmental investigations

    Cryptocephal, the Drosophila melanogaster ATF4, Is a Specific Coactivator for Ecdysone Receptor Isoform B2

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    We thank Yoonseung Park (Kansas State University) and Michael Adams (UC Riverside) for the ETH-GeneSwitch line, and David Durica, Lauren Evans, and Dahong Chen (University of Oklahoma) and Nancy Thompson (Indiana University) for technical assistance.Author Summary Nuclear receptors are proteins that regulate gene expression in response to steroid and thyroid hormones and other small lipid-soluble signaling molecules. In many cases, nuclear receptor genes encode multiple variants (isoforms) that direct tissue- and stage-specific hormonal responses. The sequence differences among isoforms are often found at the protein N-terminus, which mediates hormone-independent interactions with unknown regulatory partners to control target gene expression. Here, we show that the fruit fly Cryptocephal (CRC) protein is a specific coactivator for one of three isoforms of the receptor for the insect molting steroid, ecdysone. Our findings reveal a mechanism for differential activation of gene expression in response to ecdysone during insect molting and metamorphosis, and contribute to our understanding of isoform-specific functions of nuclear hormone receptors.Yeshttp://www.plosgenetics.org/static/editorial#pee

    A population genetic approach to mapping neurological disorder genes using deep resequencing

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    Deep resequencing of functional regions in human genomes is key to identifying potentially causal rare variants for complex disorders. Here, we present the results from a large-sample resequencing (n  =  285 patients) study of candidate genes coupled with population genetics and statistical methods to identify rare variants associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Schizophrenia. Three genes, MAP1A, GRIN2B, and CACNA1F, were consistently identified by different methods as having significant excess of rare missense mutations in either one or both disease cohorts. In a broader context, we also found that the overall site frequency spectrum of variation in these cases is best explained by population models of both selection and complex demography rather than neutral models or models accounting for complex demography alone. Mutations in the three disease-associated genes explained much of the difference in the overall site frequency spectrum among the cases versus controls. This study demonstrates that genes associated with complex disorders can be mapped using resequencing and analytical methods with sample sizes far smaller than those required by genome-wide association studies. Additionally, our findings support the hypothesis that rare mutations account for a proportion of the phenotypic variance of these complex disorders

    Surface Area of Carbon Nanoparticles: A Dose Metric for a More Realistic Ecotoxicological Assessment

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    Engineered nanoparticles such as graphenes, nanodiamonds, and carbon nanotubes correspond to different allotropes of carbon and are among the best candidates for applications in fast-growing nanotechnology. It is thus likely that they may get into the environment at each step of their life cycle: production, use, and disposal. The aquatic compartment concentrates pollutants and is expected to be especially impacted. The toxicity of a compound is conventionally evaluated using mass concentration as a quantitative measure of exposure. However, several studies have highlighted that such a metric is not the best descriptor at the nanoscale. Here we compare the inhibition of Xenopus laevis larvae growth after in vivo exposure to different carbon nanoparticles for 12 days using different dose metrics and clearly show that surface area is the most relevant descriptor of toxicity for different types of carbon allotropes

    Evaluation of Azido 3-Deoxy- d - Manno-oct-2-ulosonic Acid (Kdo) Analogues for Click Chemistry-Mediated Metabolic Labeling of Myxococcus xanthus DZ2 Lipopolysaccharide

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    [Image: see text] Metabolic labeling paired with click chemistry is a powerful approach for selectively imaging the surfaces of diverse bacteria. Herein, we explored the feasibility of labeling the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Myxococcus xanthus—a Gram-negative predatory social bacterium known to display complex outer membrane (OM) dynamics—via growth in the presence of distinct azido (-N(3)) analogues of 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo). Determination of the LPS carbohydrate structure from strain DZ2 revealed the presence of one Kdo sugar in the core oligosaccharide, modified with phosphoethanolamine. The production of 8-azido-8-deoxy-Kdo (8-N(3)-Kdo) was then greatly improved over previous reports via optimization of the synthesis of its 5-azido-5-deoxy-d-arabinose precursor to yield gram amounts. The novel analogue 7-azido-7-deoxy-Kdo (7-N(3)-Kdo) was also synthesized, with both analogues capable of undergoing in vitro strain-promoted azide–alkyne cycloaddition (SPAAC) “click” chemistry reactions. Slower and faster growth of M. xanthus was displayed in the presence of 8-N(3)-Kdo and 7-N(3)-Kdo (respectively) compared to untreated cells, with differences also seen for single-cell gliding motility and type IV pilus-dependent swarm community expansion. While the surfaces of 8-N(3)-Kdo-grown cells were fluorescently labeled following treatment with dibenzocyclooctyne-linked fluorophores, the surfaces of 7-N(3)-Kdo-grown cells could not undergo fluorescent tagging. Activity analysis of the KdsB enzyme required to activate Kdo prior to its integration into nascent LPS molecules revealed that while 8-N(3)-Kdo is indeed a substrate of the enzyme, 7-N(3)-Kdo is not. Though a lack of M. xanthus cell aggregation was shown to expedite growth in liquid culture, 7-N(3)-Kdo-grown cells did not manifest differences in intrinsic clumping relative to untreated cells, suggesting that 7-N(3)-Kdo may instead be catabolized by the cells. Ultimately, these data provide important insights into the synthesis and cellular processing of valuable metabolic labels and establish a basis for the elucidation of fundamental principles of OM dynamism in live bacterial cells

    Comparison of Pittsburgh compound B and florbetapir in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.

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    IntroductionQuantitative in vivo measurement of brain amyloid burden is important for both research and clinical purposes. However, the existence of multiple imaging tracers presents challenges to the interpretation of such measurements. This study presents a direct comparison of Pittsburgh compound B-based and florbetapir-based amyloid imaging in the same participants from two independent cohorts using a crossover design.MethodsPittsburgh compound B and florbetapir amyloid PET imaging data from three different cohorts were analyzed using previously established pipelines to obtain global amyloid burden measurements. These measurements were converted to the Centiloid scale to allow fair comparison between the two tracers. The mean and inter-individual variability of the two tracers were compared using multivariate linear models both cross-sectionally and longitudinally.ResultsGlobal amyloid burden measured using the two tracers were strongly correlated in both cohorts. However, higher variability was observed when florbetapir was used as the imaging tracer. The variability may be partially caused by white matter signal as partial volume correction reduces the variability and improves the correlations between the two tracers. Amyloid burden measured using both tracers was found to be in association with clinical and psychometric measurements. Longitudinal comparison of the two tracers was also performed in similar but separate cohorts whose baseline amyloid load was considered elevated (i.e., amyloid positive). No significant difference was detected in the average annualized rate of change measurements made with these two tracers.DiscussionAlthough the amyloid burden measurements were quite similar using these two tracers as expected, difference was observable even after conversion into the Centiloid scale. Further investigation is warranted to identify optimal strategies to harmonize amyloid imaging data acquired using different tracers