1,196 research outputs found

    Human Data on Bisphenol A and Neurodevelopment

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    Paleogenomic Evidence for Multi-generational Mixing between Neolithic Farmers and Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers in the Lower Danube Basin

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    The transition from hunting and gathering to farming involved profound cultural and technological changes. In Western and Central Europe, these changes occurred rapidly and synchronously after the arrival of early farmers of Anatolian origin [1-3], who largely replaced the local Mesolithic hunter-gatherers [1, 4-6]. Further east, in the Baltic region, the transition was gradual, with little or no genetic input from incoming farmers [7]. Here we use ancient DNA to investigate the relationship between hunter-gatherers and farmers in the Lower Danube basin, a geographically intermediate area that is characterized by a rapid Neolithic transition but also by the presence of archaeological evidence that points to cultural exchange, and thus possible admixture, between hunter-gatherers and farmers. We recovered four human paleogenomes (1.1× to 4.1× coverage) from Romania spanning a time transect between 8.8 thousand years ago (kya) and 5.4 kya and supplemented them with two Mesolithic genomes (1.7× and 5.3×) from Spain to provide further context on the genetic background of Mesolithic Europe. Our results show major Western hunter-gatherer (WHG) ancestry in a Romanian Eneolithic sample with a minor, but sizeable, contribution from Anatolian farmers, suggesting multiple admixture events between hunter-gatherers and farmers. Dietary stable-isotope analysis of this sample suggests a mixed terrestrial/aquatic diet. Our results provide support for complex interactions among hunter-gatherers and farmers in the Danube basin, demonstrating that in some regions, demic and cultural diffusion were not mutually exclusive, but merely the ends of a continuum for the process of Neolithization.This research was supported by a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (ERC-2010-StG 263441) to R.P. G.G.-F. was also supported by MSC Individual Fellowship (NeoGenHeritage, grant no. 655478). E.R.J. was supported by a Herchel Smith Research Fellowship. M.H. and A.M. were supported by ERC consolidator grants 310763 GeneFlow and 647797 LocalAdaptation, respectively. V.S. was supported by the Gates Cambridge Trust. The work of C.L. was undertaken through the Partnerships in Priority Areas Program PN II, developed with the support of MEN-UEFISCDI (project no. PN-II-PTPCCA-2013-4-2302). A.G.-D. is supported by the research project BIOGEOS (CGL2014-57209-P) of the Spanish MINECO. The research of P.A., M.D.G., and L.D. on Los Canes is currently supported by the project CoChange (HAR2014-51830-P) of the Spanish State Plan for R+D+i (MINECO)

    Flower Development as an Interplay between Dynamical Physical Fields and Genetic Networks

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    In this paper we propose a model to describe the mechanisms by which undifferentiated cells attain gene configurations underlying cell fate determination during morphogenesis. Despite the complicated mechanisms that surely intervene in this process, it is clear that the fundamental fact is that cells obtain spatial and temporal information that bias their destiny. Our main hypothesis assumes that there is at least one macroscopic field that breaks the symmetry of space at a given time. This field provides the information required for the process of cell differentiation to occur by being dynamically coupled to a signal transduction mechanism that, in turn, acts directly upon the gene regulatory network (GRN) underlying cell-fate decisions within cells. We illustrate and test our proposal with a GRN model grounded on experimental data for cell fate specification during organ formation in early Arabidopsis thaliana flower development. We show that our model is able to recover the multigene configurations characteristic of sepal, petal, stamen and carpel primordial cells arranged in concentric rings, in a similar pattern to that observed during actual floral organ determination. Such pattern is robust to alterations of the model parameters and simulated failures predict altered spatio-temporal patterns that mimic those described for several mutants. Furthermore, simulated alterations in the physical fields predict a pattern equivalent to that found in Lacandonia schismatica, the only flowering species with central stamens surrounded by carpels

    Incretins in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Background: The precise mechanism linking systemic inflammation with insulin resistance (IR) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) remains elusive. In the present study, we determined whether the incretin-insulin axis and incretin effect are disrupted in patients with RA and if they are related to the IR found in these patients. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study that encompassed 361 subjects without diabetes, 151 patients with RA, and 210 sex-matched control subjects. Insulin, C-peptide, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) soluble form, and IR indexes by homeostatic model assessment (HOMA2) were assessed. A multivariable analysis adjusted for IR-related factors was performed. Additionally, ten patients and ten control subjects underwent a 566-kcal meal test so that we could further study the postprandial differences of these molecules between patients and control subjects. Results: Insulin, C-peptide, and HOMA2-IR indexes were higher in patients than in control subjects. This was also the case for GLP-1 (0.49 ± 1.28 vs. 0.71 ± 0.22 ng/ml, p = 0.000) and GIP (0.37 ± 0.40 vs. 1.78 ± 0.51 ng/ml, p = 0.000). These differences remained significant after multivariable adjustment including glucocorticoid intake. Disease Activity Score in 28 joints with erythrocyte sedimentation rate (? coefficient 46, 95% CI 6?87, p = 0.026) and Clinical Disease Activity Index (? coefficient 7.74, 95% CI 1.29?14.20, p = 0.019) were associated with DPP-4 serum levels. GLP-1 positively correlated with ?-cell function (HOMA2 of ?-cell production calculated with C-peptide) in patients but not in control subjects (interaction p = 0.003). The meal test in patients with RA revealed a higher total and late response AUC for glucose response, a later maximal response of C-peptide, and a flatter curve in GIP response. Conclusions: The incretin-insulin axis, both during fasting and postprandial, is impaired in patients with RA.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Health, Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación, Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013–2016 Instituto de Salud Carlos III [ISCIII] PI14/00394) and by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (to IFA). The research of MAGG was supported by European Union FEDER funds and by the “Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria” (grants PI06/0024, PS09/00748, PI12/00060, and PI15/00525) of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII; Spanish Health Ministry). The research of MAGG was also partially supported by RETICS Programs RD12/0009 (RIER) and RD12/0009/0013 from the ISCIII (Spanish Health Ministry)

    Using Biotic Interaction Networks for Prediction in Biodiversity and Emerging Diseases

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    Networks offer a powerful tool for understanding and visualizing inter-species ecological and evolutionary interactions. Previously considered examples, such as trophic networks, are just representations of experimentally observed direct interactions. However, species interactions are so rich and complex it is not feasible to directly observe more than a small fraction. In this paper, using data mining techniques, we show how potential interactions can be inferred from geographic data, rather than by direct observation. An important application area for this methodology is that of emerging diseases, where, often, little is known about inter-species interactions, such as between vectors and reservoirs. Here, we show how using geographic data, biotic interaction networks that model statistical dependencies between species distributions can be used to infer and understand inter-species interactions. Furthermore, we show how such networks can be used to build prediction models. For example, for predicting the most important reservoirs of a disease, or the degree of disease risk associated with a geographical area. We illustrate the general methodology by considering an important emerging disease - Leishmaniasis. This data mining methodology allows for the use of geographic data to construct inferential biotic interaction networks which can then be used to build prediction models with a wide range of applications in ecology, biodiversity and emerging diseases

    On the Bit Security of Elliptic Curve Diffie--Hellman

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    This paper gives the first bit security result for the elliptic curve Diffie--Hellman key exchange protocol for elliptic curves defined over prime fields. About 5/65/6 of the most significant bits of the xx-coordinate of the Diffie--Hellman key are as hard to compute as the entire key. A similar result can be derived for the 5/65/6 lower bits. The paper also generalizes and improves the result for elliptic curves over extension fields, that shows that computing one component (in the ground field) of the Diffie--Hellman key is as hard to compute as the entire key

    Identification of excreted iron superoxide dismutase for the diagnosis of Phtytomonas

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    An excreted iron superoxide dismutase (FeSODe) of pI 3.6 with a molecular weight of 28-30 kDa was detected in the in vitro culture of Phytomonas isolated from Euphorbia characias (SODeCHA) and from Lycopersicon esculentum (SODeTOM), in Grace's medium without serum. These FeSODe excreted into the medium had immunogenic capacity: the positivity of the anti-SODeCHA serum persisted to a dilution of 1/30,000, and for the anti-SODeTOM to 1/10,000 by Western blot. In addition, cross reaction was detected between the anti-SODe serum of Phytomonas isolated from E. characias against SODeTOM, and the anti-SODe serum from L. esculentum with SODeCHA. This characteristic offers the possibility of its use to diagnose plant trypanosomatids. The validation of the test was confirmed by experimental inoculation of tomato fruits with Phytomonas isolated from L. esculentum. At 7, 10, 15, and 21 days post infection, it was possible to detect the presence of the parasites with the anti-SODe serum of Phytomonas isolated from L. esculentum at a dilution of 1/250. These serological results were confirmed by visualization of the parasites by optical microscopy. The data of this study confirm that the SOD is sufficient to identify a trypanosomatid isolated from plants as belonging to the genus Phytomonas.Finacial support: ATP 2002/03: Circulation of Trypanosomatidae Project (CIRAD, France), grant BIO-2000-1429 (University of Granada, Spain)