165 research outputs found

    Food systems in depressed and contested agro-territories: Participatory Rural Appraisal in Odemira, Portugal

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    Farming regions in Europe, particularly in the South, are increasingly feeling the eects of climate change due to factors such as drought, extreme weather events, and desertification, with severe consequences for food security and food sovereignty. Additionally, decades of rural mismanagement have left countless of these farming territories severely depressed as well as at the mercy of competition for their natural resources. This paper presents and discusses the results of a Participatory Rural Appraisal conducted in the region of Odemira, Southwest Portugal. Rooted in the frameworks of agroecology and food democracy, this mixed methodology aims to support people in multiply stressed agro-territories to diagnose the state of their food systems and agroecosystems from a democratic and ecological point of view and engage local actors in imagining fairer and healthier food futures for their regions. Local food actors were invited to identify and qualify the main problems in the region’s food systems, complemented by an agroecological assessment of farm production systems. The results of the study confirm the status of Odemira as a depressed and contested agro-territory, whose social, economic, and ecological vulnerability is being compounded by the clash between the model of traditional smallholder farming and that of largescale intensive agriculture. The study also shows the potential of sustainable farming practices as well as collaboration between the dierent food actors to support an agroecological transition in the region. However, to jointly realise food democracy and food system sustainability, the tensions resulting from the current political support for hyper-industrialisation and the lack of democratic, institutional, and legal mechanisms available to local actors will need to be addressed head-oninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization of the Cases Referred and Consulted in a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic. A Retrospective Study

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    Ao longo das últimas décadas tem-se assistido a um crescente número de crianças que necessita de avaliação e acompanhamento em Psiquiatria da Infância e Adolescência. Actualmente estima-se que entre 10 a 20% das crianças tenham um ou mais problemas de Saúde Mental, sendo que apenas um quinto destas recebem o tratamento apropriado. Assim, no sentido de se poder proceder a uma melhor planificação e gestão de recursos realizou-se uma análise do movimento assistencial de uma Equipa de Pedopsiquiatria entre 2004 e 2007 bem como uma análise descritiva detalhada da população de utentes do ano 2007. No período de quatro anos estudado foram observadas 1923 crianças num total de 9609 consultas. Verificou-se um predomínio claro de crianças e adolescentes do sexo masculino e a média etária observada foi de 9,89 anos. A caracterização da população consultada no ano de 2007 (480 utentes), revelou também uma preponderância das estruturas familiares nucleare e, ao nível da área de residência destaca-se um predomínio de crianças do concelho de Sintra (71%). Quanto à origem do pedido, em 29% os casos foram referenciados pelo Médico Assistente e em 26% pela Escola; os motivos de consulta mais frequentes foram os problemas de comportamento (30%) e as dificuldades de aprendizagem escolar (15%). Foi possível ainda caracterizar os pedidos de consulta por fonte de referenciação. No que concerne ao diagnóstico, a nível psicodinâmico, a Organização Depressiva predomina (56%) enquanto, quando analisados os diagnósticos do Eixo I de acordo com a DSM-IV-TR, se verifica um predomínio das Perturbações do Humor (30%) seguindo-se as Perturbações do Comportamento e Défice de Atenção (24,8%). Os tempos de espera médios entre o pedido e a primeira consulta variaram entre 55 dias (casos provenientes do Serviço de Urgência) e os 141 dias (casos sinalizados pela escola). Apenas com uma análise aprofundada da realidade assistencial nesta área permitirá a planificação e implementação de medidas que visem optimizar os Serviços e a resposta que estes dão às crianças, adolescentes e famílias

    Portugal 2020 e a Integração de Energias Renováveis nos Edifícios

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    O elevado consumo de energia nos edifícios tem vindo a ser responsável pela publicação de legislação europeia que visa limitar esse consumo, por via da melhoria dos processos construtivos e da adopção de estratégias de redução do consumo em paralelo com a definição de esquemas de certificação energética que permitam ao mercado escolher e por essa via promover a disseminação das melhores práticas. Em Portugal é o RCCTE, actualmente em processo de revisão, que para além dos requisitos mínimos construtivos obriga a colocação de colectores solares térmicos, mas também valoriza a introdução de outras renováveis nos edifícios. Neste texto iremos percorrer de forma sucinta, as várias tecnologias e aspectos de desenho que já se apresentam no terreno ou se perfilam no horizonte próximo e que em conjunto permitem aproximar de zero, o balanço energético dos edifícios

    Adensamentos periódicos do rebanho bovino de corte no Pantanal e seus reflexos na eficiência reprodutiva: um relato.

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    Os adensamentos consistem em promover, periodicamente, rodeios (agrupar o rebanho de cria), sob a hipótese de que a aproximação de touros e vacas conduz a um maior índice de prenhez. Este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar a experiência de um estudo realizado para averiguar se essa pratica tem, efetivamente, o efeito esperado, bem como relatar as dificuldades encontradas. Foi conduzido numa propriedade particular representativa do Pantanal de Rio Verde de Mato Grosso, MS, no período de 1987 a 1990. Utilizaram-se 766 vacas neloradas e 46 touros da raça Nelore, mantidos em duas invernadas (pastagem nativa) de, aproximadamente, 1.500 hectares cada, cuja lotação foi de 3 hectares/unidade animal e a relação touro/vaca foi de 1:16. O ensaio envolveu dois tratamentos (T1 e T2). O T1 obedeceu ao manejo tradicional da região (testemunha). No T2, o rebanho foi submetido a adensamentos a cada 21 dias, durante a estação de monta (setembro a março). O adensamento consistiu em levar todo o gado para um piquete a parte, com 19 hectares, mantendo-o por 48 horas. Os resultados obtidos não são conclusivos por falta de controle das condições experimentais. Discutem-se as dificuldades encontradas nesse ensaio, bem como são apresentadas sugestões para futuros trabalhos a serem conduzidos na região.bitstream/item/139369/1/cir-tec-28.pd

    Effects of inter-annual freshwater inflow shifts on the community structure of estuarine decapods

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate how inter-annual changes in freshwater inputs have affected the decapod assemblages in the Guadiana estuary. Three major areas in the estuary were sampled during the summer, in 2001 (high inflow year and before the filling of the Alqueva dam), in 2002 (low inflow and after filling of the Alqueva dam), and in 2008 and 2009 (low inflow and after consolidation of the impacts of the Alqueva dam). A significant increase in total decapod densities was recorded for the entire estuary, but especially in the upper estuary, after the closure of the dam in 2002. Changes in salinity, turbidity and temperature, which were mainly due to changes in freshwater input and climatic influence (North Atlantic Oscillation index), had an important influence on the structure of the decapod crustacean assemblages. The major conclusions of the study were that, following the construction of the Alqueva dam and regularization of the freshwater inflow, the decapod crustacean community in the Guadiana estuary changed and a shift of the dominant decapod species to upper zones of the estuary happened. These changes, and the presence of the non-native Palaemon macrodactylus in 2008 and 2009, further enhance the importance of estuarine monitoring studies to improve ecologists’ knowledge on distinguishing and understanding natural changes and anthropogenic impacts in the ecosystem.Effets des variations interannuelles d’apports d’eau douce sur la structure d’une communauté estuarienne de décapodes. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer comment les variations interannuelles d’apports d’eau douce affectent l’assemblage de décapodes dans l’estuaire du Guadiana. Trois grands domaines de l’estuaire ont été échantillonnés en été : en 2001 (année d’apports importants et avant le remplissage du barrage d’Alqueva), en 2002 (faible apport d’eau douce et après le remplissage du barrage d’Alqueva), en 2008 et 2009 (après la consolidation de l’impact du barrage d’Alqueva). Une augmentation significative de la densité totale des décapodes pour tout l’estuaire a été enregistrée, mais surtout dans l’estuaire supérieur, après la fermeture du barrage en 2002. Les variations de salinité, turbidité et température, principalement dues à des changements d’apports d’eau douce et à l’influence du climat (indice d’oscillation nordatlantique), ont eu une influence importante sur la structure des assemblages de crustacés décapodes. Les principales conclusions de l’étude sont que, à la suite de la construction du barrage d’Alqueva et de la régulation de l’apport d’eau douce, la communauté de crustacés décapodes dans l’estuaire du Guadiana a changé et les principales espèces de décapodes se sont déplacées vers les zones supérieures de l’estuaire. Ces changements, ainsi que la présence de l’espèce non native Palaemon macrodactylus en 2008 et 2009, soulignent l’importance de surveiller l’estuaire dans le futur proche afin de pouvoir mieux distinguer et comprendre les changements naturels et les impacts anthropiques sur l’écosystème

    Increment at molt for the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) from the south coast of Portugal

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    The increment at molt for Nephrops norvegicus was studied with the objective of obtaining a model for prediction of post-molt size based on pre-molt size for the population from the south coast of Portugal. Wild animals were maintained in a specially prepared laboratory facility until they malted. Individual values of increment at molt were obtained and used to evaluate alternative models and estimate their parameters. Six alternative models, used previously by several authors to relate pre- and post-molt size, were modified so that increment at molt was the dependent variable and pre-molt size the independent variable. These included the linear relationship of the growth factor (GF) on pre-molt size, the Hiatt equation, post-molt size a power function of pre-molt size, the hyperbolic function, GF exponential function of pre-molt size and the Misra equation. The analysis of the data showed that none of the models could be used to predict increment at molt for either sex. The distribution of the increment at molt was a random normal variable, with mean values not significantly different between sexes, 2.78 mm for males and 2.26 mm for females, variances 0.47 and 0.59, respectively. An analysis of the models suggests that using post-molt size or the GF as dependent variables may lead to a misinterpretation of the dependency of these variables on pre-molt size. It is suggested that the increment at molt should be the variable of interest for predicting post-molt size. The choice of a mathematical formulation should, besides having biological meaning, have the capacity of expressing a true relationship between increment at molt and pre-molt carapace length, namely, be able to model several options for the increment at molt after maturity, including a steady increase of the increment through life, the stabilization of the increment after maturity or the decrease of the increment for larger sizes. (C) 2003 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reações fisiológicas em diferentes grupos genéticos de bovinos de corte sob pastejo.

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    Play for disabled Children in Taiwan and Hong Kong: parent perspectives

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    This article discusses the findings of an empirical study, the first to investigate Taiwanese and Hong Kong parents’ perspectives on their disabled children’s play. The study employed an online survey to explore parents’ views on (a) the value of play for their child; (b) their child’s experiences of play (e.g. where and with whom they play); c) what, if any, barriers their child experiences in/to play. Our analysis shows that disabled children living in Taiwan and Hong Kong face many of the same barriers to play as disabled children elsewhere (e.g. in the West), but that these barriers have distinct ‘local formations’ resulting from, for example, high-density urban-living, family-based welfare systems, prevailing gendered family roles/relations, persistent social stigma towards disabled people and their families and intense valuing of academic achievement within Chinese cultures. We present this article as an original contribution to Disabled Children’s Childhood Studies, to Global Disability Studies and Play Studies. The article concludes by mapping an agenda for further research into access to and inclusion in play for disabled children living in East Asia

    Using assistive robots to promote inclusive education

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    Purpose: This paper describes the development and test of physical and virtual integrated augmentative manipulation and communication assistive technologies (IAMCATs) that enable children with motor and speech impairments to manipulate educational items by controlling a robot with a gripper, while communicating through a speech generating device. Method: Nine children with disabilities, nine regular and nine special education teachers participated in the study. Teachers adapted academic activities so they could also be performed by the children with disabilities using the IAMCAT. An inductive content analysis of the teachers’ interviews before and after the intervention was performed. Results: Teachers considered the IAMCAT to be a useful resource that can be integrated into the regular class dynamics respecting their curricular planning. It had a positive impact on children with disabilities and on the educational community. However, teachers pointed out the difficulties in managing the class, even with another adult present, due to the extra time required by children with disabilities to complete the activities. Conclusions: The developed assistive technologies enable children with disabilities to participate in academic activities but full inclusion would require another adult in class and strategies to deal with the additional time required by children to complete the activities. IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATION - Integrated augmentative manipulation and communication assistive technologies are useful resources to promote the participation of children with motor and speech impairments in classroom activities. - Virtual tools, running on a computer screen, may be easier to use but further research is needed in order to evaluate its effectiveness when compared to physical tools. - Full participation of children with motor and speech impairments in academic activities using these technologies requires another adult in class and adequate strategies to manage the extra time the child with disabilities may require to complete the activities
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