46 research outputs found

    Physiological and enzymatic changes in rice seeds stored at low temperatures

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of low temperatures on the physiological and enzymatic changes of rice seeds. The seeds were packed in airtight chambers and maintained at temperatures of 8 and -50°C for periods of 15, 30 , 45, 60, 75 and 90 days. The same procedure was adopted for the control treatment with the seeds  kept at a temperature of 25°C. The seeds were evaluated regarding germination test; seedling emergency;  emergency speed index; length and dry weight of radicle; and seedling of shoot. The activity of amylase and  total protein content were also evaluated. The temperatures of 8 and -50°C significantly influenced the  physiological quality and the enzyme amylase activity of rice seeds, resulting in higher germination, seedling  emergence and enzyme activity. The temperature is a promising alternative for the maintenance of  physiological quality and enzymatic activity of rice seeds during storage. Key words: Oryza sativa L., enzymatic activity, physiological quality, storage.Abbreviation: ESI, Emergence speed index; PVP, polyvinylpyrrolidone

    Assessment of pain during rest and during activities in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: to assess the intensity and site of pain after Cardiac Surgery through sternotomy during rest and while performing five activities. METHOD: descriptive study with a prospective cohort design. A total of 48 individuals participated in the study. A Multidimensional Scale for Pain Assessment was used. RESULTS: postoperative pain from cardiac surgery was moderate during rest and decreased over time. Pain was also moderate during activities performed on the 1st and 2nd postoperative days and decreased from the 3rd postoperative day, with the exception of coughing, which diminished only on the 6th postoperative day. Coughing, turning over, deep breathing and rest are presented in decreased order of intensity. The region of the sternum was the most frequently reported site of pain. CONCLUSION: the assessment of pain in the individuals who underwent cardiac surgery during rest and during activities is extremely important to adapt management and avoid postoperative complications and delayed surgical recovery

    Disabkids® in Brazil : advances and future perspectives for the production of scientific knowledge

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    Objetivo: mapear a produção científica brasileira que versa sobre as fases do processo metodológico para a utilização dos instrumentos e/ou formulários DISABKIDS® adaptados para o Brasil. Método: scoping review realizada através da busca em 10 bases de dados eletrônicas, no Google Scholar e por meio de consulta à pesquisadores, sem restrição de período ou idioma. Resultados: o mapeamento identificou 90 estudos científicos que envolveram 46 instrumentos, dos quais 11 (23,9%) foram realizados os processos de elaboração e/ ou adaptação cultural dos instrumentos DISABKIDS® para mensuração da Qualidade de Vida de crianças ou adolescentes com condições crônicas e em 35 (76,1%) foram utilizados o Formulários de Impressões Gerais e/ou Folhas Específicas para realizar a validação semântica de outros instrumentos. Conclusão: constatou-se que essa scoping review permitiu avaliação abrangente do uso do instrumento e dos documentos DISABKIDS®. Em relação à validação do instrumento adaptado ao Brasil apresenta avanço positivo do cenário junto ao desenvolvimento de projetos acadêmicos/científicos no país, a partir da incorporação ao método preconizado pela literatura para elaboração, adaptação cultural e validação de instrumentos, do registro sistematizado e padronizado da percepção, bem como do entendimento da população alvo sobre a medida de interesse, ao lançar mão de formulários DISABKIDS® adaptados para esse fim.Objetivo: mapear la producción científica que se ocupa de las etapas del proceso metodológico para el uso de los instrumentos y/o formularios adaptados DISABKIDS® a Brasil. Método: scoping review, búsqueda realizada en 10 bases de datos electrónicas, en el Google Scholar y por intermedio de consulta a investigadores, sin restricción de período o idioma. Resultados: el mapeo identificó 90 estudios científicos que involucraron 46 instrumentos, de los cuales 11 (23,9%) la elaboración y/o adaptación cultural de los instrumentos DISABKIDS® se realizaron para medir la Calidad de Vida de niños o adolescentes con afecciones crónicas y en 35 (76,1%) utilizaron los Formularios de Impresiones Generales y/o Hojas Específicas para realizar la validación semántica de otros instrumentos. Conclusión: se encontró que esta revisión de alcance permitió una evaluación exhaustiva del uso del instrumento y los documentos DISABKIDS®. En cuanto a la validación del instrumento adaptado a Brasil presenta un avance positivo del escenario en conjunto al desarrollo de proyectos académicos/científicos en el país, desde la incorporación al método recomendado por la literatura para la elaboración, adaptación cultural y validación de instrumentos, desde el registro sistematizado y estandarizado de la percepción, así como la comprensión de la población objetivo sobre la medida de interés mediante el uso de formularios DISABKIDS® adaptados con esta finalidad.Objective: to map the Brazilian scientific production related to the stages of the methodological process for the use of DISABKIDS® instruments and/or forms adapted to Brazil. Method: scoping review, with searches conducted on10 electronic databases, plus Google Scholar and contacts with researchers, without restriction of period or language. Results: the mapping identified 90 scientific studies involving 46 instruments. Of these, 11 (23.9%) included the elaboration and/or cultural adaptation of the DISABKIDS® instruments to measure the Quality of Life of children or adolescents with chronic conditions and 35 (76.1%) used the Generic Measures and/or Specific Modules for the semantic validation of other instruments. Conclusion: this scoping review allowed a comprehensive evaluation of the use of the DISABKIDS® instrument and forms, in relation to the validation of the instrument adapted to Brazil, presenting a positive advance in the scenario with the development of academic/scientific projects in the country, incorporating the method recommended by the literature for the elaboration, cultural adaptation and validation of instruments and for the systematized and standardized recording of the perception and understanding of the target population about the measure of interest, using DISABKIDS® forms adapted for this purpose

    DISABKIDS® no Brasil: avanços e perspectivas futuras na produção do conhecimento científico

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    Objetivo: mapear la producción científica que se ocupa de las etapas del proceso metodológico para el uso de los instrumentos y/o formularios adaptados DISABKIDS® a Brasil. Método: scoping review, búsqueda realizada en 10 bases de datos electrónicas, en el Google Scholar y por intermedio de consulta a investigadores, sin restricción de período o idioma. Resultados: el mapeo identificó 90 estudios científicos que involucraron 46 instrumentos, de los cuales 11 (23,9%) la elaboración y/o adaptación cultural de los instrumentos DISABKIDS® se realizaron para medir la Calidad de Vida de niños o adolescentes con afecciones crónicas y en 35 (76,1%) utilizaron los Formularios de Impresiones Generales y/o Hojas Específicas para realizar la validación semántica de otros instrumentos. Conclusión: se encontró que esta revisión de alcance permitió una evaluación exhaustiva del uso del instrumento y los documentos DISABKIDS®. En cuanto a la validación del instrumento adaptado a Brasil presenta un avance positivo del escenario en conjunto al desarrollo de proyectos académicos/científicos en el país, desde la incorporación al método recomendado por la literatura para la elaboración, adaptación cultural y validación de instrumentos, desde el registro sistematizado y estandarizado de la percepción, así como la comprensión de la población objetivo sobre la medida de interés mediante el uso de formularios DISABKIDS® adaptados con esta finalidad.Objective: to map the Brazilian scientific production related to the stages of the methodological process for the use of DISABKIDS® instruments and/or forms adapted to Brazil. Method: scoping review, with searches conducted on10 electronic databases, plus Google Scholar and contacts with researchers, without restriction of period or language. Results: the mapping identified 90 scientific studies involving 46 instruments. Of these, 11 (23.9%) included the elaboration and/or cultural adaptation of the DISABKIDS® instruments to measure the Quality of Life of children or adolescents with chronic conditions and 35 (76.1%) used the Generic Measures and/or Specific Modules for the semantic validation of other instruments. Conclusion: this scoping review allowed a comprehensive evaluation of the use of the DISABKIDS® instrument and forms, in relation to the validation of the instrument adapted to Brazil, presenting a positive advance in the scenario with the development of academic/scientific projects in the country, incorporating the method recommended by the literature for the elaboration, cultural adaptation and validation of instruments and for the systematized and standardized recording of the perception and understanding of the target population about the measure of interest, using DISABKIDS® forms adapted for this purpose.Objetivo: mapear a produção científica brasileira que versa sobre as fases do processo metodológico para a utilização dos instrumentos e/ou formulários DISABKIDS® adaptados para o Brasil. Método: scoping review realizada através da busca em 10 bases de dados eletrônicas, no Google Scholar e por meio de consulta à pesquisadores, sem restrição de período ou idioma. Resultados: o mapeamento identificou 90 estudos científicos que envolveram 46 instrumentos, dos quais 11 (23,9%) foram realizados os processos de elaboração e/ou adaptação cultural dos instrumentos DISABKIDS® para mensuração da Qualidade de Vida de crianças ou adolescentes com condições crônicas e em 35 (76,1%) foram utilizados o Formulários de Impressões Gerais e/ou Folhas Específicas para realizar a validação semântica de outros instrumentos. Conclusão: constatou-se que essa scoping review permitiu avaliação abrangente do uso do instrumento e dos documentos DISABKIDS®. Em relação à validação do instrumento adaptado ao Brasil apresenta avanço positivo do cenário junto ao desenvolvimento de projetos acadêmicos/científicos no país, a partir da incorporação ao método preconizado pela literatura para elaboração, adaptação cultural e validação de instrumentos, do registro sistematizado e padronizado da percepção, bem como do entendimento da população alvo sobre a medida de interesse, ao lançar mão de formulários DISABKIDS® adaptados para esse fim

    Relationships between Parental Education and Overweight with Childhood Overweight and Physical Activity in 9-11 Year Old Children: Results from a 12-Country Study

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    Background: Globally, the high prevalence of overweight and low levels of physical activity among children has serious implications for morbidity and premature mortality in adulthood. Various parental factors are associated with childhood overweight and physical activity. The objective of this paper was to investigate relationships between parental education or overweight, and (i) child overweight, (ii) child physical activity, and (iii) explore household coexistence of overweight, in a large international sample. Methods: Data were collected from 4752 children (9-11 years) as part of the International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment in 12 countries around the world. Physical activity of participating children was assessed by accelerometry, and body weight directly measured. Questionnaires were used to collect parents' education level, weight, and height. Results: Maternal and paternal overweight were positively associated with child overweight. Higher household coexistence of parent-child overweight was observed among overweight children compared to the total sample. There was a positive relationship between maternal education and child overweight in Colombia 1.90 (1.23-2.94) [odds ratio (confidence interval)] and Kenya 4.80 (2.21-10.43), and a negative relationship between paternal education and child overweight in Brazil 0.55 (0.33-0.92) and the USA 0.54 (0.33-0.88). Maternal education was negatively associated with children meeting physical activity guidelines in Colombia 0.53 (0.33-0.85), Kenya 0.35 (0.19-0.63), and Portugal 0.54 (0.31-0.96). Conclusions: Results are aligned with previous studies showing positive associations between parental and child overweight in all countries, and positive relationships between parental education and child overweight or negative associations between parental education and child physical activity in lower economic status countries. Relationships between maternal and paternal education and child weight status and physical activity appear to be related to the developmental stage of different countries. Given these varied relationships, it is crucial to further explore familial factors when investigating child overweight and physical activity

    The alternative serotonin transporter promoter P2 impacts gene function in females with irritable bowel syndrome

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gut-brain disorder in which symptoms are shaped by serotonin acting centrally and peripherally. The serotonin transporter gene SLC6A4 has been implicated in IBS pathophysiology, but the underlying genetic mechanisms remain unclear. We sequenced the alternative P2 promoter driving intestinal SLC6A4 expression and identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were associated with IBS in a discovery sample. Identified SNPs built different haplotypes, and the tagging SNP rs2020938 seems to associate with constipation-predominant IBS (IBS-C) in females. rs2020938 validation was performed in 1978 additional IBS patients and 6,038 controls from eight countries. Meta-analysis on data from 2,175 IBS patients and 6,128 controls confirmed the association with female IBS-C. Expression analyses revealed that the P2 promoter drives SLC6A4 expression primarily in the small intestine. Gene reporter assays showed a functional impact of SNPs in the P2 region. In silico analysis of the polymorphic promoter indicated differential expression regulation. Further follow-up revealed that the major allele of the tagging SNP rs2020938 correlates with differential SLC6A4 expression in the jejunum and with stool consistency, indicating functional relevance. Our data consolidate rs2020938 as a functional SNP associated with IBS-C risk in females, underlining the relevance of SLC6A4 in IBS pathogenesis