72 research outputs found

    Combining Cryptographic Primitives According to Security Metrics and Vulnerabilities in Real Systems

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    There are so many applications and data that flow during our daily activities, either personal or institutional ones. Also the companies and business do transactions or their real operations through the Web and other Internet facilities. Security breaches are costing individuals or companies millions so information security has to be a major priority. There are several forms of security technology available, but encryption is one that everyday computer users should know about. Encryption and the performance of cryptographic algorithms are variable according to implemented platforms, software and hardware components or application scenarios. According to specific security metrics and requirements we have to use algorithms even in a combined manner that should be more efficient and best suited. Multi-level encryption and hybrid encryption should be a fine solution to protect our data. In this paper we specify the security musts according to Alfa software using cryptographic algorithms

    Integrating the Non-Line of Sight Launching System (NLOS-LS) in the United States Navy

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    The global war on terror emphasizes the need for a weapon system that can improve the self-defense capability of the U.S Navy ship against small surface craft threats. This MSSE Capstone Project investigated the feasibility of integrating the Non-Line of Sight Launching System (NLOS-LS) onto U.S. Navy ships. In particular, the focus of the project was on the DDG-51 class ships. The NLOS-LS was originally designed to provide support to Army ground forces against over the horizon threats. The U.S. Navy recognizes the prospect of this weapon in an at-sea environment. The capability of the system has been proven through its developmental testing to date and illustrates the potential to the U.S. Navy for ship defense. System integration involves incorporating a stand-alone, land-based system onto a ship with an existing shipboard combat system. This report addresses the top-level integration issues, such as the physical installation and combat system integration, and provides recommendations related to some important concerns that include interface analysis, functional analysis, system behavior, and physical installation. This analysis concludes with a notional implementation for many issues and provides a risk analysis for those issues. It also identifies many integration areas requiring further research.http://archive.org/details/integratingnonli10945692

    Implementasi Otonomi Khusus dalam Pelayanan Publik Bidang Kesehatan (suatu Studi di Distrik Pirime Kabupaten Lanny Jaya Propinsi Papua)1

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    Pembangunan kesehatan merupakan upaya untuk memenuhi salah satu hak dasar rakyat,yaitu hak untuk memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang Dasar1945 pasal 28 H ayat (1) dan Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 1992 tentang Kesehatan.Dalam Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM), indikator status kesehatan merupakan salah satukomponen utama selain pendidikan dan pendapatan per kapita. Dengan demikian pembangunankesehatan merupakan salah satu upaya utama untuk peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia,yang pada gilirannya mendukung percepatan pembangunan di Kabupaten Lanny Jaya DistrikPirime.Kondisi kesehatan masyarakat di Distrik Pirime Kabupaten Lanny Jaya masih jauh darirata-rata penduduk Indonesia, namun pemerintah mempunyai komitmen yang kuat dalammeningkatkan sarana prasarana dan pelayanan kesehatan. Seiring dengan masih terbatasnyasarana prasarana kesehatan maka pembangunan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) menjadikebutuhan yang mendesak. Hal ini mengingat semakin pentingnya pelayanan kesehatan yangsesuai dengan standar nasional maupun Internasional, pembangunan puskesmas-puskesmaspembantu dan polindes di setiap kampng juga merupakan kebutuhan yang mendesak

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Manajemen Event Berbasis SMS Gateway pada BKKBN Kabupaten Madiun

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    BKKBN adalah salah satu instansi pelayanan pada bidang KB. Selama ini untuk promosi dilakukan dengan penyebaran poster dan dilakukan kunjungan ke setiap rumah dengan waktu tertentu. Namun, hal ini dirasa kurang efektif dan menyebabkan jumlah karyawan yang diperbantukan ke kecamatan menjadi lebih banyak. Oleh karena itu penulis merancang dan membangun Aplikasi Manajemen Event Berbasis SMS Gateway pada BKKBN Kabupaten Madiun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perancangan dan kelayakan Aplikasi Manajemen Event Berbasis SMS Gateway pada BKKBN Kabupaten Madiun. Penelitian dilakukan di BKKBN Kabupaten Madiun dengan jumlah karyawan yang bekerja di kantor berjumlah 20 karyawan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode waterfall. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tahapan analisis kebutuhan, desain sistem, penulisan kode program, pengujian program dan penerapan program.Teknik analisa data yang digunakan untuk menguji kelayakan Aplikasi Manajemen Event Berbasis SMS Gateway dengan menggunakan lembar validitas, lembar angket respon dan lembar observasi. Prosentase yang dihasilkan pada lembar validitas 91% (sangat valid) dari koresponden sebanyak 4 ahli. Prosentase yang dihasilkan pada  angket respon 96% (sangat praktis) dari koresponden sebanyak 12 staff. Kenaikan prosentase pada hasil observasi sebesar 63,33% yang artinya dengan adanya aplikasi maka efektivitas pekerjaan semakin tinggi. Dari ketiga teknik analisa tersebut disimpulkan bahwa Aplikasi Manajemen Event Berbasis SMS Gateway pada BKKBN Kabupaten Madiun layak digunaka

    Transactional Sex: Supply and Demand Among European Men Who have Sex with Men (MSM) in the Context of Local Laws.

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    Objectives: Transactional sex (TS) is generally defined as the trading of sex for material goods. Cast within the broader context of prostitution laws, we examined variations in the sociodemographic profile of men who have sex with men engaging in TS by payment direction (buying/selling). Methods: The data were collected as part of the 38-country European Men who have sex with men Internet Survey project, conducted in 2010. Results: About 12% of respondents reported engaging in TS in the past year. TS was associated with laws, age, education, employment, and residence. Conclusions: The striking sociodemographic differences in TS by payment direction suggest a power differential and a leading role of socioeconomic factors in TS

    Age biases in a large HIV and sexual behaviour-related internet survey among MSM.

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    BACKGROUND: Behavioural data from MSM are usually collected in non-representative convenience samples, increasingly on the internet. Epidemiological data from such samples might be useful for comparisons between countries, but are subject to unknown participation biases. METHODS: Self-reported HIV diagnoses from participants of the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS) living in the Czech Republic, Germany, The Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom were compared with surveillance data, for both the overall diagnosed prevalence and for new diagnoses made in 2009. Country level prevalence and new diagnoses rates per 100 MSM were calculated based on an assumed MSM population size of 3% of the adult male population. Survey-surveillance discrepancies (SSD) for survey participation, diagnosed HIV prevalence and new HIV diagnoses were determined as ratios of proportions. Results are calculated and presented by 5-year age groups for MSM aged 15-64. RESULTS: Surveillance derived estimates of diagnosed HIV prevalence among MSM aged 15-64 ranged from 0.63% in the Czech Republic to 4.93% in The Netherlands. New HIV diagnoses rates ranged between 0.10 per 100 MSM in the Czech Republic and 0.48 per 100 in The Netherlands. Self-reported rates from EMIS were consistently higher, with prevalence ranging from 2.68% in the Czech Republic to 12.72% in The Netherlands, and new HIV diagnoses rates from 0.36 per 100 in Sweden to 1.44 per 100 in The Netherlands. Across age groups, the survey surveillance discrepancies (SSD) for new HIV diagnoses were between 1.93 in UK and 5.95 in the Czech Republic, and for diagnosed prevalence between 1.80 in Germany and 4.26 in the Czech Republic.Internet samples of MSM were skewed towards younger age groups when compared to an age distribution of the general adult male population. Survey-surveillance discrepancies (SSD) for EMIS participation were inverse u-shaped across the age range. The two HIV-related SSD were u- or j-shaped with higher values for the very young and for older MSM. The highest discrepancies between survey and surveillance data regarding HIV-prevalence were observed in the oldest age group in Sweden and the youngest age group in Portugal. CONCLUSION: Internet samples are biased towards a lower median age because younger men are over-represented on MSM dating websites and therefore may be more likely to be recruited into surveys. Men diagnosed with HIV were over-represented in the internet survey, and increasingly so in the older age groups. A similar effect was observed in the age groups younger than 25 years. Self-reported peak prevalence and peak HIV diagnoses rates are often shifted to higher age groups in internet samples compared to surveillance data. Adjustment for age-effects on online accessibility should be considered when linking data from internet surveys with surveillance data

    Las organizaciones de la economía social en la reforma del estado en Venezuela: caso del estado Zulia 1989-2000

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    A finales de la década de los 70 empieza a manifestarse en Venezuela la crisis del modelo de desarrollo, consistente en una grave situación económica, un gran déficit fiscal, problemas de gobernabilidad, así como elementos de fragmentación social, agudizados en la década de los 90 por los programas de estabilización económica. Por ello, desde 1984 se inicia el proceso de reforma del Estado, cuyos factores predominantes han sido la modernización política, la descentralización, la disminución del Estado social y los requerimientos de una mayor participación de la sociedad civil. Dentro del proceso de descentralización, iniciado en 1989, las gobernaciones promueven políticas de apoyo a las organizaciones de la economía social. El presente trabajo pretende caracterizar la política de la gobernación del estado Zulia dirigida a ese sector durante el periodo 1989-2000, a partir del enfoque de las políticas públicas, con una perspectiva crítico-descriptiva del proceso, por tratarse de una primera aproximación al objeto de estudio. Se construye un enfoque operativo sobre la definición de la economía social, su papel y su significación en los procesos de formulación económica y redefinición del Estado. Se avanza en la caracterización de las organizaciones estudiadas (microempresas, cooperativas y organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONGs), para luego puntualizar las estrategias políticas de los gobiernos. Se concluye, de manera parcial, en la descripción del proceso de formulación de políticas, donde ha predominado la visión utilitaria del sector, sin trascender los procesos organizativos reales que impulsen de manera significativa a estas organizaciones, para que impacten en la economía regional y nacional


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    A finales de la década de los 70 empieza a manifestarse en Venezuela la crisis del modelo de desarrollo, consistente en una grave situación económica, un gran déficit fiscal, problemas de gobernabilidad, así como elementos de fragmentación social, agudizados en la década de los 90 por los programas de estabilización económica. Por ello, desde 1984 se inicia el proceso de reforma del Estado, cuyos factores predominantes han sido la modernización política, la descentralización, la disminución del Estado social y los requerimientos de una mayor participación de la sociedad civil. Dentro del proceso de descentralización, iniciado en 1989, las gobernaciones promueven políticas de apoyo a las organizaciones de la economía social. El presente trabajo pretende caracterizar la política de la gobernación del estado Zulia dirigida a ese sector durante el periodo 1989-2000, a partir del enfoque de las políticas públicas, con una perspectiva crítico-descriptiva del proceso, por tratarse de una primera aproximación al objeto de estudio. Se construye un enfoque operativo sobre la definición de la economía social, su papel y su significación en los procesos de formulación económica y redefinición del Estado. Se avanza en la caracterización de las organizaciones estudiadas (microempresas, cooperativas y organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONGs), para luego puntualizar las estrategias políticas de los gobiernos. Se concluye, de manera parcial, en la descripción del proceso de formulación de políticas, donde ha predominado la visión utilitaria del sector, sin trascender los procesos organizativos reales que impulsen de manera significativa a estas organizaciones, para que impacten en la economía regional y nacional

    Concepciones y conocimiento didáctico movilizados por los profesores al planificar actividades para el desarrollo del pensamiento aditivo

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    Este trabajo presenta una investigación en curso sobre la influencia que tienen las concepciones, creencias y el conocimiento didácticos de los profesores en la planeación-ejecución de actividades y situaciones que utilizan para promover el pensamiento aditivo desde la planificación de las clases. La metodología aplicada, se ubica en el enfoque mixto, en el marco de un diseño de estudio de caso, con alcances descriptivos y explicativos. Los resultados parciales, indican que en los docentes existe una débil tradición de planificación en las clases; también es notable, el bajo uso de referentes pedagógicos y didácticos en los docentes, y la tendencia a tener alta dependencia de los textos como instrumento organizador y determinante en el diseño de los planes de clase

    HIV Testing and Sexual Health Among Black African Men and Women in London, United Kingdom

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    Importance: Black African adults are disproportionately affected by HIV in the United Kingdom. Many within this population acquire HIV after migration or are diagnosed late. Data are needed to inform targeted interventions to increase HIV testing and prevention in this population. Objective: To inform future HIV prevention strategies by estimating diagnosed and undiagnosed HIV infection and measuring changes in HIV testing rates in black African adults in London, United Kingdom. Design, Setting, and Participants: This cross-sectional study used a self-completed survey conducted from September 20 to December 3, 2016. Questionnaires were linked to an optional, anonymous oral fluid HIV test and compared with data from a previous survey (2004). Respondents were recruited from social and commercial venues frequented by black African adults in London. Of 2531 individuals approached in 63 venues, 752 agreed to participate. Data were analyzed initially in March 2017 (as part of internal reporting) and again in August 2018. Main Outcomes and Measures: Self-reported HIV testing within the past 5 years; diagnosed and undiagnosed HIV prevalence. Logistic regression examined factors associated with HIV testing by sex. Results: In total, 292 women (median [interquartile range] age, 31 [25.0-41.5] years) and 312 men (median [interquartile range] age, 35 [25.0-41.5] years) were included in the analysis. More than half of men (159 [51.0%]) and women (154 [52.7%]) had been tested for HIV in the past 5 years. In multivariable analysis, HIV testing was associated with a range of factors in both sexes, including health service attendance, time in the United Kingdom, and sexually transmitted infection diagnosis. Increases in HIV testing in the past 5 years were observed between 2004 and 2016 for both sexes. In the 2016 sample, 219 of 235 women (93.2%) and 206 of 228 men (90.4%) tested HIV negative. Among those testing positive, 56.3% of women (9 of 16) and 40.9% of men (9 of 22) self-reported as HIV negative or untested, indicating they were living with undiagnosed HIV. A fifth of women (20.7%) and 25.0% of men reported condomless last sex with a partner of different or unknown HIV status in the past year. Conclusions and Relevance: Despite efforts to increase HIV testing, uptake in black African communities in London remains modest. This study identified a large fraction of undiagnosed infection-greater than other at-risk populations-suggesting that the prevention and care needs of this group are not adequately met