41 research outputs found

    Estimation of metabolite networks with regard to a specific covariable: applications to plant and human data

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    In systems biology, where a main goal is acquiring knowledge of biological systems, one of the challenges is inferring biochemical interactions from different molecular entities such as metabolites. In this area, the metabolome possesses a unique place for reflecting “true exposure” by being sensitive to variation coming from genetics, time, and environmental stimuli. While influenced by many different reactions, often the research interest needs to be focused on variation coming from a certain source, i.e. a certain covariable Xm . Objective Here, we use network analysis methods to recover a set of metabolite relationships, by finding metabolites sharing a similar relation to Xm . Metabolite values are based on information coming from individuals’ Xm status which might interact with other covariables. Methods Alternative to using the original metabolite values, the total information is decomposed by utilizing a linear regression model and the part relevant to Xm is further used. For two datasets, two different network estimation methods are considered. The first is weighted gene co-expression network analysis based on correlation coefficients. The second method is graphical LASSO based on partial correlations. Results We observed that when using the parts related to the specific covariable of interest, resulting estimated networks display higher interconnectedness. Additionally, several groups of biologically associated metabolites (very large density lipoproteins, lipoproteins, etc.) were identified in the human data example. Conclusions This work demonstrates how information on the study design can be incorporated to estimate metabolite networks. As a result, sets of interconnected metabolites can be clustered together with respect to their relation to a covariable of interest

    Photodynamic therapy of early stage oral cavity and oropharynx neoplasms: an outcome analysis of 170 patients

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    The indications of photodynamic therapy (PDT) of oral cavity and oropharynx neoplasms are not well defined. The main reason is that the success rates are not well established. The current paper analyzes our institutional experience of early stage oral cavity and oropharynx neoplasms (Tis-T2) to identify the success rates for each subgroup according to T stage, primary or non-primary treatment and subsites. In total, 170 patients with 226 lesions are treated with PDT. From these lesions, 95 are primary neoplasms, 131 were non-primaries (recurrences and multiple primaries). The overall response rate is 90.7% with a complete response rate of 70.8%. Subgroup analysis identified oral tongue, floor of mouth sites with more favorable outcome. PDT has more favorable results with certain subsites and with previously untreated lesions. However, PDT can find its place for treating lesions in previously treated areas with acceptable results

    Government Influence on Patient Organizations

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    Patient organizations increasingly play an important role in health care decision-making in Western countries. The Netherlands is one of the countries where this trend has gone furthest. In the literature some problems are identified, such as instrumental use of patient organizations by care providers, health insurers and the pharmaceutical industry. To strengthen the position of patient organizations government funding is often recommended as a solution. In this paper we analyze the ties between Dutch government and Dutch patient organizations to learn more about the effects of such a relationship between government and this part of civil society. Our study is based on official government documents and existing empirical research on patient organizations. We found that government influence on patient organizations has become quite substantial with government influencing the organizational structure of patient organizations, the activities these organizations perform and even their ideology. Financing patient organizations offers the government an important means to hold them accountable. Although the ties between patient organizations and the government enable the former to play a role that can be valued as positive by both parties, we argue that they raise problems as well which warrant a discussion on how much government influence on civil society is acceptable

    Poorly controlled type 2 diabetes is accompanied by significant morphological and ultrastructural changes in both erythrocytes and in thrombin-generated fibrin: implications for diagnostics

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    We have noted in previous work, in a variety of inflammatory diseases, where iron dysregulation occurs, a strong tendency for erythrocytes to lose their normal discoid shape and to adopt a skewed morphology (as judged by their axial ratios in the light microscope and by their ultrastructure in the SEM). Similarly, the polymerization of fibrinogen, as induced in vitro by added thrombin, leads not to the common ‘spaghetti-like’ structures but to dense matted deposits. Type 2 diabetes is a known inflammatory disease. In the present work, we found that the axial ratio of the erythrocytes of poorly controlled (as suggested by increased HbA1c levels) type 2 diabetics was significantly increased, and that their fibrin morphologies were again highly aberrant. As judged by scanning electron microscopy and in the atomic force microscope, these could be reversed, to some degree, by the addition of the iron chelators deferoxamine (DFO) or deferasirox (DFX). As well as their demonstrated diagnostic significance, these morphological indicators may have prognostic value.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (grant BB/L025752/1) as well as the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa.http://www.cardiab.com/hb201

    Industrial Resources: Mercer County - Harrodsburg

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    Industrial Resources: Harrodsburg, Kentucky prepared by the Mercer Chamber of Commerce, Mercer Industrial Development Corporation and the Kentucky Department of Commerce, Frankfort, Kentucky, 1967. The report includes, but is not limited to, information about: population, labor market, local manufacturing, transportation, utilities, fuel, water, sewage, industrial sites, local government and services, taxes, educational and health facilities, housing, communication, recreation, natural resources, markets, and climate

    Neurons in the lateral sacral cord of the cat project to periaqueductal grey, but not to thalamus

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    Previous work of our laboratory has shown that neurons in the lateral sacral cord in cat project heavily to the periaqueductal grey (PAG), in all likelihood conveying information from bladder and genital organs. In humans this information usually does not reach consciousness, which raises the question of whether the lateral sacral cell group projects to the thalamus. After wheatgerm agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) injections into the sacral cord, anterogradely labelled fibers were found in the thalamus, specifically in the ventral anterior and ventral lateral nuclei, the medial and intralaminar nuclei, the lateral ventrobasal complex ⁄ ventroposterior lateral nucleus, and the nucleus centre me´ dian, lateral to the fasciculus retroflexus. Much denser projections were found to the central parts of the PAG, mainly to its dorsolateral and ventrolateral parts at caudal levels and lateral parts at intermediate levels. In a subsequent retrograde tracing study, injections were made in those parts of the thalamus that received sacral fibers, as found in the anterograde study. Labelled neurons were observed in the sacral cord, but not in the lateral sacral cell group. In contrast, a small control injection in the caudal PAG resulted in many labelled neurons in the lateral sacral cord. These results suggest that afferent information regarding micturition and sexual behaviour is relayed to the PAG, rather than to the thalamus.

    Neurons in the lateral sacral cord of the cat project to periaqueductal grey, but not to thalamus

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    Previous work of our laboratory has shown that neurons in the lateral sacral cord in cat project heavily to the periaqueductal grey (PAG), in all likelihood conveying information from bladder and genital organs. In humans this information usually does not reach consciousness, which raises the question of whether the lateral sacral cell group projects to the thalamus. After wheatgerm agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) injections into the sacral cord, anterogradely labelled fibers were found in the thalamus, specifically in the ventral anterior and ventral lateral nuclei, the medial and intralaminar nuclei, the lateral ventrobasal complex/ventroposterior lateral nucleus, and the nucleus centre median, lateral to the fasciculus retroflexus. Much denser projections were found to the central parts of the PAG, mainly to its dorsolateral and ventrolateral parts at caudal levels and lateral parts at intermediate levels. In a subsequent retrograde tracing study, injections were made in those parts of the thalamus that received sacral fibers, as found in the anterograde study. Labelled neurons were observed in the sacral cord, but not in the lateral sacral cell group. In contrast, a small control injection in the caudal PAG resulted in many labelled neurons in the lateral sacral cord. These results suggest that afferent information regarding micturition and sexual behaviour is relayed to the PAG, rather than to the thalamus