15,510 research outputs found

    Ageing of Natural Rubber under Stress

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    We report a dynamical-mechanical study of stress relaxation at small deformation in a natural (polyisoprene) rubber well above its glass transition temperature Tg. We find that an almost complete relaxation of stress takes place over very long periods of time, even though the elastic network integrity is fully retained. The relaxation rate and the long-time equilibrium modulus are sensitive functions of temperature which do not follow time-temperature superposition. Many characteristic features of non-ergodic ageing response are apparent at both short and very long times. We interpret the observed behaviour in terms of the properties of rubber crosslinks, capable of isomerisation under stress, and relate the results to recent models of soft glassy rheology.Comment: Latex 2e (EPJ style), 5 EPS figure

    Dual descriptions of spin two massive particles in D=2+1D=2+1 via master actions

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    In the first part of this work we show the decoupling (up to contact terms) of redundant degrees of freedom which appear in the covariant description of spin two massive particles in D=2+1D=2+1. We make use of a master action which interpolates, without solving any constraints, between a first, second and third order (in derivatives) self-dual model. An explicit dual map between those models is derived. In our approach the absence of ghosts in the third order self-dual model, which corresponds to a quadratic truncation of topologically massive gravity, is due to the triviality (no particle content) of the Einstein-Hilbert action in D=2+1D=2+1. In the second part of the work, also in D=2+1D=2+1, we prove the quantum equivalence of the gauge invariant sector of a couple of self-dual models of opposite helicities (+2 and -2) and masses m+m_+ and mm_- to a generalized self-dual model which contains a quadratic Einstein-Hilbert action, a Chern-Simons term of first order and a Fierz-Pauli mass term. The use of a first order Chern-Simons term instead of a third order one avoids conflicts with the sign of the Einstein-Hilbert action.Comment: title and abstract slightly modified, 3 references added, comments on interactions include

    Static potential in scalar QED3_3 with non-minimal coupling

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    Here we compute the static potential in scalar QED3QED_3 at leading order in 1/Nf1/N_f. We show that the addition of a non-minimal coupling of Pauli-type (\eps j^{\mu}\partial^{\nu}A^{\alpha}), although it breaks parity, it does not change the analytic structure of the photon propagator and consequently the static potential remains logarithmic (confining) at large distances. The non-minimal coupling modifies the potential, however, at small charge separations giving rise to a repulsive force of short range between opposite sign charges, which is relevant for the existence of bound states. This effect is in agreement with a previous calculation based on Mo¨\ddot{o}ller scattering, but differently from such calculation we show here that the repulsion appears independently of the presence of a tree level Chern-Simons term which rather affects the large distance behavior of the potential turning it into constant.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Local status and power in area-based health improvement partnerships

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    This is the authors' PDF version of an article published in Health© 2014. The definitive version is available at http://hea.sagepub.comArea-based initiatives (ABIs) have formed an important part of public policy towards more socio-economically deprived areas in many countries. Co-ordinating service provision within and across sectors has been a common feature of these initiatives. Despite sustained policy interest in ABIs, little empirical work has explored relations between ABI providers and partnership development within this context remains under-theorised. This paper addresses both of these gaps by exploring partnerships as a social and developmental process, drawing on concepts from figurational sociology to explain how provider relations develop within an ABI. Qualitative methods were used to explore, prospectively, the development of an ABI targeted at a town in the north west of England. A central finding was that, although effective delivery of ABIs is premised on a high level of coordination between service providers, the pattern of interdependencies between providers limits the frequency and effectiveness of cooperation. In particular, the interdependency of ABI providers with others in their organisation (what is termed here ‘organisational pull’) constrained the ways in which they worked with providers outside of their own organisations. ‘Local’ status, which could be earned over time, enabled some providers to exert greater control over the way in which provider relations developed during the course of the initiative. These findings demonstrate how historically constituted social networks, within which all providers are embedded, shape partnership development. The theoretical insight developed here suggests a need for more realistic expectations among policy makers about how and to what extent provider partnerships can be managed. Keywords: partnership, collaboration, community services, area-based initiatives, organisational pull, figurational sociologyNational Health Service (NHS

    Lead-, Zinc-, and Iron-Sulfide Mineralization from Northern Iraq

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    The samples of the mineralization of Pb-, Zn-, and Fe-sulfides were collected from three localities (Dure, Lefan, in the northern Thrust zone; and Sinjar, in the Foothill zone) in Northern Iraq. The geochemical recognition using X-ray diffraction (XRD) affirms the presence of the ore deposit sulfides (pyrite, sphalerite, galena, smithsonite, and cerussite). The characterization of mineral chemistry using electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) gives a clear and exact percentage of each element in each mineral. Fluid inclusions are mostly liquid H2O and/or water vapor, which may also contain lesser soluble salts and slightly ore elements. Some fluid inclusions contain CO2 vapor. This occurrence suggests the presence of two immiscible phases due to boiling at the time of their trapping. They are of epithermal system. The homogenization temperatures and salinities obtained for fluid inclusions can be comparable to those reported for the Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) lead-zinc deposits. It is concluded from the petrographic evidence, fluid inclusions and stable isotope data that lead-zinc mineralization was formed due to deeply circulating high-temperature fluids (brines) within the source basin, or later on by tectonic processes, which possibly contribute in leaching metals from either the diagenesis of host rocks or dewatering of deeper buried siliciclastic beds

    Giant Intrinsic Carrier Mobilities in Graphene and Its Bilayer

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    We have studied temperature dependences of electron transport in graphene and its bilayer and found extremely low electron-phonon scattering rates that set the fundamental limit on possible charge carrier mobilities at room temperature. Our measurements have shown that mobilities significantly higher than 200,000 cm2/Vs are achievable, if extrinsic disorder is eliminated. A sharp (threshold-like) increase in resistivity observed above approximately 200K is unexpected but can qualitatively be understood within a model of a rippled graphene sheet in which scattering occurs on intra-ripple flexural phonons

    Moderately Luminous type II Supernovae

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    Core-collapse Supernovae (CC-SNe) descend from progenitors more massive than about 8 Msun. Because of the young age of the progenitors, the ejecta may eventually interact with the circumstellar medium (CSM) via highly energetic processes detectable in the radio, X-ray, ultraviolet (UV) and, sometimes, in the optical domains. In this paper we present ultraviolet, optical and near infrared observations of five type II SNe, namely SNe 2009dd, 2007pk, 2010aj, 1995ad, and 1996W. Together with few other SNe they form a group of moderately luminous type II events. We collected photometry and spectroscopy with several telescopes in order to construct well-sampled light curves and spectral evolutions from the photospheric to the nebular phases. Both photometry and spectroscopy indicate a degree of heterogeneity in this sample. The light curves have luminous peak magnitudes (16.95<MB<18.70-16.95<M_{B}<-18.70). The ejected masses of ^56\ni for three SNe span a wide range of values (2.8×1022.8\times10^{-2}Msun<<M(\ni)<1.4×101<1.4\times10^{-1}Msun), while for a fourth (SN2010aj) we could determine a stringent upper limit (7×1037\times10^{-3}Msun). Clues of interaction, such as the presence of high velocity (HV) features of the Balmer lines, are visible in the photospheric spectra of SNe 2009dd and 1996W. For SN2007pk we observe a spectral transition from a type IIn to a standard type II SN. Modelling the observations of SNe 2009dd, 2010aj and 1995ad with radiation hydrodynamics codes, we infer kinetic plus thermal energies of about 0.2-0.5 foe, initial radii of 2-5×1013\times10^{13} cm and ejected masses of \sim5.0-9.5 Msun. These values suggest moderate-mass, super-asymptotic giant branch (SAGB) or red super-giants (RSG) stars as SN precursors, in analogy with other luminous type IIP SNe 2007od and 2009bw.Comment: 28 pages, 27 fig, accepted by A&A, 3 pages of online material, abstract abridged. revised significantly with respect to the previous versio

    Explosion of a massive, He-rich star at z=0.16

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    We present spectroscopic and photometric data of the peculiar SN 2001gh, discovered by the 'Southern inTermediate Redshift ESO Supernova Search' (STRESS) at a redshift z=0.16. SN 2001gh has relatively high luminosity at maximum (M_B = -18.55 mag), while the light curve shows a broad peak. An early-time spectrum shows an almost featureless, blue continuum with a few weak and shallow P-Cygni lines that we attribute to HeI. HeI lines remain the only spectral features visible in a subsequent spectrum, obtained one month later. A remarkable property of SN 2001gh is the lack of significant spectral evolution over the temporal window of nearly one month separating the two spectra. In order to explain the properties of SN 2001gh, three powering mechanism are explored, including radioactive decays of a moderately large amount of 56Ni, magnetar spin-down, and interaction of SN ejecta with circumstellar medium. We favour the latter scenario, with a SN Ib wrapped in a dense, circumstellar shell. The fact that no models provide an excellent fit with observations, confirms the troublesome interpretation of the nature of SN 2001gh. A rate estimate for SN 2001gh-like event is also provided, confirming the intrinsic rarity of these objects.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Accepted by MNRA