7 research outputs found

    Anos potenciais de vida perdidos por mulheres vĂ­timas de homicĂ­dio na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil Years of potential life lost by female homicide victims in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Estudo epidemiolĂłgico, transversal, objetivando calcular os anos potenciais de vida perdidos por mulheres vĂ­timas de homicĂ­dio na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, no quinquĂȘnio 2003-2007. Utilizou-se de um banco de dados da GerĂȘncia Operacional de Informação de Mortalidade e Natalidade da Secretaria de SaĂșde do Recife, e foram revisadas todas as declaraçÔes de Ăłbitos das vĂ­timas de homicĂ­dio, com idade fĂ©rtil no quinquĂȘnio analisado. Os resultados revelaram que houve 12.120 anos potenciais de vida perdidos, no perĂ­odo, por mulheres jovens, negras (88%), de escolaridade desconhecida (78,2%), solteiras (80%), mortas na RegiĂŁo PolĂ­tico-administrativa III, que foram assassinadas com uso de arma de fogo, no prĂłprio domicĂ­lio. A taxa de mortalidade especĂ­fica, no perĂ­odo, correspondeu a 10,8 por 100 mil mulheres em idade fĂ©rtil. Os 43,3 anos de vida perdidos por cada vĂ­tima refletem, entre outros aspectos, as caracterĂ­sticas do municĂ­pio, relativas ao nĂ­vel de pobreza, desemprego, densidade populacional, instabilidade residencial, desigualdade social, que expĂ”em seus habitantes a crises sociais, crimes e violĂȘncia.<br>This cross-sectional epidemiological study aimed to calculate the potential years of life lost by female homicide victims in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, in 2003-2007. A database was used from the Operational Division for Information on Births and Deaths under the Recife Municipal Health Department. All death certificates for childbearing-age women were reviewed for the five-year period. The results showed a total of 12,120 potential years of life lost by these women, mostly young, black (88%), with unknown levels of schooling (78.2%), single (80%), in District III of the city, and murdered with firearms in their own homes. The specific mortality rate was 10.8 homicides per 100,000 childbearing-age women. The 43.3 years of life lost per woman express the city's characteristics, poverty levels, unemployment, population density, residential instability, and social inequality, exposing residents to social strife, crime, and violence

    Notes for genera – Ascomycota

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    Knowledge of the relationships and thus the classification of fungi, has developed rapidly with increasingly widespread use of molecular techniques, over the past 10--15 years, and continues to accelerate. Several genera have been found to be polyphyletic, and their generic concepts have subsequently been emended. New names have thus been introduced for species which are phylogenetically distinct from the type species of particular genera. The ending of the separate naming of morphs of the same species in 2011, has also caused changes in fungal generic names. In order to facilitate access to all important changes, it was desirable to compile these in a single document. The present article provides a list of generic names of Ascomycota (approximately 6500 accepted names published to the end of 2016), including those which are lichen-forming. Notes and summaries of the changes since the last edition of `Ainsworth Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi' in 2008 are provided. The notes include the number of accepted species, classification, type species (with location of the type material), culture availability, life-styles, distribution, and selected publications that have appeared since 2008. This work is intended to provide the foundation for updating the ascomycete component of the ``Without prejudice list of generic names of Fungi'' published in 2013, which will be developed into a list of protected generic names. This will be subjected to the XIXth International Botanical Congress in Shenzhen in July 2017 agreeing to a modification in the rules relating to protected lists, and scrutiny by procedures determined by the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi (NCF). The previously invalidly published generic names Barriopsis, Collophora (as Collophorina), Cryomyces, Dematiopleospora, Heterospora (as Heterosporicola), Lithophila, Palmomyces (as Palmaria) and Saxomyces are validated, as are two previously invalid family names, Bartaliniaceae and Wiesneriomycetaceae. Four species of Lalaria, which were invalidly published are transferred to Taphrina and validated as new combinations. Catenomycopsis Tibell Constant. is reduced under Chaenothecopsis Vain., while Dichomera Cooke is reduced under Botryosphaeria Ces. De Not. (Art. 59)