64 research outputs found

    Second Millennium Site Distribution and Pottery of Inland Northwestern Anatolia

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    Introduction Until the nineteen-sixties, our limited knowledge of the distribution of prehistoric sites in inland northwestern Anatolia was mainly based on the surface surveys carried out by K. Kökten, C. Burneyand K. Bittel. The surveys in İznik-İnegöl areas by D. French (1960-1961, 1965-1966) and J. Cullberg (1964-65) has provided the first preliminary site distribution and material evidence concerning the region. Much later, between the years 1988-1995, T. Efe conducted surface surveys in ..

    Ulusaldan Küresele: Popülizm, Demokrasi, Güvenlik Konferansı

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    Öngörülmesi giderek güçleşen, sarsıntılı ve savrulmalı zamanlardan geçiyoruz. İkinci Dünya Savaşı ve Soğuk Savaş ortak deneyimleri sonrasında 1950’lerden ve 1990’lardan itibaren demokratik sistemlerin peş peşe dalgalarla meşrulaşacağı, yaygınlaşacağı ve güçleneceği öngörüsü hakimdi. Ancak son yıllarda yaşanan bazı gelişmelerle demokrasilerin geleceği tekrar sorgulanmaya başladı. Gerek 11 Eylül ile başlayan ve IŞİD ile devam eden ve şiddet içeren İslamcı radikalizm, gerek Batı demokrasilerinde popülist radikal sağ hareketlerin ve beyaz ırkçı grupların yükselişi ve iktidara gelişi, bir yandan güvenlik-özgürlük ikileminin demokrasi dengesini bozdu, bir yandan da hem demokratik sistemlerin hem dünya barışının geleceğini bizi tekrar sorgular, sorgulatır hale getirdi. Demokrasileri bildiğimizi zannediyoruz, ama demokrasiler ile ilgili daha öğrenmemiz gereken çok şey var. Demokrasi kaderimiz de geleceğimiz de olmak zorunda değil belki de. Ya da belki yanlış yerden soru sormaya başlıyoruz, belki demokrasi yerine yeni bir referansa ihtiyacımız var. Aslında demokrasileri çantada keklik görmeyip, sabırla büyütüp yeşertmek, geliştirmek, korumak, ileri safhalara taşımak ve bizden sonraki nesillere aktarmak bir sorumluluk, ve bu sorumluluk bizlere ait. Popülizm, demokrasi, güvenlik kavramlarının her biri bugün sıkça ve yaygın olarak kullandığımız kavramlar olarak gündelik sohbetlerimizin içine kadar girmiş durumda. Bu yaygın kullanımlarına rağmen her bir kavram, üzerine düşünmeye, tartışmaya ve değerlendirmeye tekrar tekrar olanak verecek derinlikte. Her bir tartışma bir diğerini açarken, farklı gibi görünen bu kavramların birbirleriyle kesiştikleri zeminler bulmak mümkün. Popülist liderlerin politikaları bütün siyaset yapma biçimlerini kendine çeken ya da kendinden uzaklaştıran eksenler yaratarak her ikisini de aynı anda besleyebiliyor. Popülist politikaya angaje olan liderler ve grupların yanında bu politikaya karşı mücadele eden kişiler ve kitleler de yok değil, ancak kimi zaman bu kitleler eleştirdiği bu siyaset biçiminin kurucu öznesi haline de gelebiliyor. Bunun karşısında tabandan gelen demokratikleşme talepleri ve popülist siyasetle beraber kurumsallaşan diğer politika yapma biçimleri, demokrasi anlayışımızı farklı yönlere çekebiliyor. Bu demokratikleşme talepleri kimi zaman olumlu karşılıklar alsa da, kimi zaman devletlerin güvenlik politikaları ile etkisizleştirilmeye ve bastırılmaya çalışılıyor. Güvenlik politikalarının alanı günümüz teknolojisi sebebiyle o kadar genişledi ki, bu politikanın nesnesi haline gelmemiş varlık ve alan bulmak neredeyse mümkün değil. Ulusaldan Küresele: Popülizm, Demokrasi, Güvenlik konferansımız bu alanların kendine özgülüklerini göz önünde bulundururken, aralarındaki kesişimleri de ortaya koyan pek çok değerli sunuma ev sahipliği yaptı. Konferansın düzenlenmesinde emeği geçen herkese, ve bu bildiri kitabında tam metinleri ve özetleri bulunan bütün katılımcılarımıza çok teşekkür ederiz.Publisher's Versio

    Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study

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    Funder: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100013347Funder: Flemish Society for Critical Care NursesAbstract: Purpose: Intensive care unit (ICU) patients are particularly susceptible to developing pressure injuries. Epidemiologic data is however unavailable. We aimed to provide an international picture of the extent of pressure injuries and factors associated with ICU-acquired pressure injuries in adult ICU patients. Methods: International 1-day point-prevalence study; follow-up for outcome assessment until hospital discharge (maximum 12 weeks). Factors associated with ICU-acquired pressure injury and hospital mortality were assessed by generalised linear mixed-effects regression analysis. Results: Data from 13,254 patients in 1117 ICUs (90 countries) revealed 6747 pressure injuries; 3997 (59.2%) were ICU-acquired. Overall prevalence was 26.6% (95% confidence interval [CI] 25.9–27.3). ICU-acquired prevalence was 16.2% (95% CI 15.6–16.8). Sacrum (37%) and heels (19.5%) were most affected. Factors independently associated with ICU-acquired pressure injuries were older age, male sex, being underweight, emergency surgery, higher Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, Braden score 3 days, comorbidities (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, immunodeficiency), organ support (renal replacement, mechanical ventilation on ICU admission), and being in a low or lower-middle income-economy. Gradually increasing associations with mortality were identified for increasing severity of pressure injury: stage I (odds ratio [OR] 1.5; 95% CI 1.2–1.8), stage II (OR 1.6; 95% CI 1.4–1.9), and stage III or worse (OR 2.8; 95% CI 2.3–3.3). Conclusion: Pressure injuries are common in adult ICU patients. ICU-acquired pressure injuries are associated with mainly intrinsic factors and mortality. Optimal care standards, increased awareness, appropriate resource allocation, and further research into optimal prevention are pivotal to tackle this important patient safety threat

    The stratigraphy and pottery of the period transitional into the Middle Bronze Age at Küllüoba (Seyitgazi, Eskişehir)

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    Efe Turan, Türkteki Murat. The stratigraphy and pottery of the period transitional into the Middle Bronze Age at Küllüoba (Seyitgazi, Eskişehir). In: Anatolia Antiqua, Tome 13, 2005. pp. 119-144

    Some observations on the EB II chipped stone artifacts from Küllüoba (near Eskişehir) in inland northwestern Anatolia

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    Gatsov Ivan, Efe Turan. Some observations on the EB II chipped stone artifacts from Küllüoba (near Eskişehir) in inland northwestern Anatolia. In: Anatolia Antiqua, Tome 13, 2005. pp. 111-118

    Second Millennium site distribution and pottery of Inland Northwestern Anatolia

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    International audienceUntil the nineteen-sixties, our limited knowledge of the distribution of prehistoric sites in inland northwestern Anatolia was mainly based on the surface surveys carried out by K. Kökten, C. Burney and K. Bittel. The surveys in İznik-İnegöl areas byD. French (1960-1961, 1965-1966) and J. Cullberg (1964-65) has provided the first preliminary site distribution and material evidence concerning the region. Much later, between the years 1988-1995, T. Efe conducted surface surveys in the Kütahya, Bilecik and Eskişehir provinces4 (Fig. 1) which not only better clarified the site distribution and improved the chronological framework of the region, but also better defined the borders of what he called “cultural regions” and “pottery zones”

    Pre-Middle Bronze Age metal objects from inland Western Anatolia : A typological and chronological evaluation

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    Efe Turan, Fidan Mustafa Erkan. Pre-Middle Bronze Age metal objects from inland Western Anatolia : A typological and chronological evaluation. In: Anatolia Antiqua, Tome 14, 2006. pp. 15-43

    Salvage excavations of the Afyon archaeological museum, part 2 : the settlement of Karaoğlan Mevkii and the Early Bronze Age cemetery of Kaklık Mevkii

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    This article deals with the salvage excavations of the Afyon Archaeological Museum at Karaoğlan Mevkii and Kakhk Mevkii in the north of the province. Here the EB 2 and EB 3 material from the cemetery at Kakhk Mevkii is considered, as well as the finds from the EB 2 settlement at Karaoğlan Mevkii. The settlement, which corresponds to the second half of the EB 2 period, demonstrates a single cultural continuum comprised of two —or possibly three — architectural subphases. It is encircled by an impressive fortification wall replete with towers and buttresses. The layout of the settlement, although only partially excavated, reflects a somewhat degenerate version of the Anatolisches Siedlungsschema revealed at Demircihüyük. The pottery displays the characteristics of (and better defines) the 'Afyon EB 2 pottery group', previously recognized only through surface survey. The graves at Kakhk Mevkii were found in two clusters (in Area A and in Area B), dug into the early EB 1 settlement treated in Part 1 . The graves fall chronologically into three groups. The earliest graves are the cists and pithos burials found in Area B, roughly contemporary with the settlement at Karaoglan Mevkii. A second group, concentrated in Area A, consists of pseudo-chamber tombs and simple inhumations from the very beginning of the EB 3 period. The latest graves are simple inhumations from mid-EB 3 times. The material from this cemetery — particularly considering the analogies between the finds here and those from the Demircihüyük-Sanket and Karatas/Semayük cemeteries— represents a significant contribution to the EBA chronology of inland western Anatolia.Topbaş Ahmet, Efe Turan, İlaslı Ahmet. Salvage excavations of the Afyon archaeological museum, part 2 : the settlement of Karaoğlan Mevkii and the Early Bronze Age cemetery of Kaklık Mevkii. In: Anatolia Antiqua, Tome 6, 1998. pp. 21-94