212 research outputs found

    Effect of ketoconazole on the pharmacokinetics of axitinib in healthy volunteers

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    Objective Axitinib (AG-013736), an oral, potent, and selective inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors 1, 2, and 3, is metabolized primarily by cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A with minor contributions from CYP1A2, CYP2C19, and glucuronidation. Co-administration with CYP inhibitors may increase systemic exposure to axitinib and alter its safety profile. This study evaluated changes in axitinib plasma pharmacokinetic parameters and assessed safety and tolerability in healthy subjects, following axitinib co-administration with the potent CYP3A inhibitor ketoconazole. Methods In this randomized, single-blind, two-way crossover study, 32 healthy volunteers received placebo, followed by a single 5-mg oral dose of axitinib, administered either alone or on the fourth day of dosing with oral ketoconazole (400 mg/day for 7 days). Results Axitinib exposure was significantly increased in the presence of ketoconazole, with a geometric mean ratio for area under the plasma concentration–time curve from time zero to infinity of 2.06 (90% confidence interval [CI]: 1.84–2.30) and a geometric mean ratio for maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) of 1.50 (90% CI: 1.33–1.70). For axitinib alone or with ketoconazole, Cmax occurred 1.5 and 2.0 h after dosing, respectively. Adverse events were predominantly mild; the most commonly reported treatment-related adverse events were headache and nausea. Conclusions Axitinib plasma exposures and peak concentrations were increased following concurrent administration of axitinib and ketoconazole in healthy volunteers. Axitinib alone and in combination with ketoconazole was well tolerated. These findings provide an upper exposure for expected axitinib plasma concentrations in the presence of potent metabolic inhibition

    Anti-pancreatic lipase and anti-adipogenic effects of 5, 7, 3′,4′,5’ -pentamethoxy and 6, 2′,4′-trimethoxy flavone - An In vitro study

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    In this study, the anti-obesity effects of 5,7,3′,4′,5-pentamethoxyflavone (PMF) and 6,2′,4′-trimethoxyflavone (TMF) were evaluated through two distinct mechanisms of action: inhibition of crude porcine pancreatic lipase (PL), and inhibition of adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes. Both flavones show dose dependent, competitive inhibition of PL activity. Molecular docking studies revealed binding of the flavones to the active site of PL. In 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes, both flavones reduced the accumulation of lipids and triglycerides. PMF and TMF also lowered the expression of adipogenic and lipogenic genes. They both reduced the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-γ), CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein α and β (C/EBP α and β), sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBF 1), fatty acid synthase (FASN), adipocyte binding protein 2 (aP2), and leptin gene. In addition, these flavones enhanced adiponectin mRNA expression, increased lipolysis and enhanced the expression of lipolytic genes: adipose triglycerides lipase (ATGL), hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) and monoglycerides lipase (MAGL) in mature 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Overall, PMF was seen to be a more potent inhibitor of both PL activity and adipogenesis versus TMF. These results suggest that PMF and TMF possess anti-obesity activities and can be further evaluated for their anti-obesity effects

    Hydroxylated polymethoxyflavones reduce the activity of pancreatic lipase, inhibit adipogenesis and enhance lipolysis in 3T3-L1 mouse embryonic fibroblast cells

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    Hydroxylated polymethoxyflavones (HPMFs) have been shown to possess various anti-disease effects, including against obesity. This study investigates the anti-obesity effects of HPMFs in further detail, aiming to gain un- derstanding of their mechanism of action in this context. The current study demonstrates that two HPMFs; 3′ - hydroxy-5,7,4′ ,5′-tetramethoxyflavone (3′OH-TetMF) and 4′ -hydroxy-5,7,3′ ,5′ -tetramethoxyflavone (4′OH- TetMF) possess anti-obesity effects. They both significantly reduced pancreatic lipase activity in a competitive manner as demonstrated by molecular docking and kinetic studies. In cell studies, it was revealed that both of the HPMFs suppress differentiation of 3T3-L1 mouse embryonic fibroblast cells during the early stages of adipo- genesis. They also reduced expression of key adipogenic and lipogenic marker genes, namely peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARγ), CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein α and β (C/EBP α and β), adipocyte binding protein 2 (aP2), fatty acid synthase (FASN), and sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBF 1). They also enhanced the expression of cell cycle genes, i.e., cyclin D1 (CCND1) and C-Myc, and reduced cyclin A2 expression. When further investigated, it was also observed that these HPMFs accelerate lipid breakdown (lipolysis) and enhance lipolytic genes expression. Moreover, they also reduced the secretion of proteins (adipokines), including pro-inflammatory cytokines, from mature adipocytes. Taken together, this study concludes that these HPMFs have anti-obesity effects, which are worthy of furthe

    Location-Specific Epigenetic Regulation of the Metallothionein 3 Gene in Esophageal Adenocarcinomas

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    Metallothionein 3 (MT3) maintains intracellular metal homeostasis and protects against reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced DNA damage. In this study, we investigated the epigenetic alterations and gene expression of the MT3 gene in esophageal adenocarcinomas (EACs).Using quantitative bisulfite pyrosequencing, we detected unique DNA methylation profiles in the MT3 promoter region. The CpG nucleotides from -372 to -306 from the transcription start site (TSS) were highly methylated in tumor (n = 64) and normal samples (n = 51), whereas CpG nucleotides closest to the TSS (-4 and +3) remained unmethylated in all normal and most tumor samples. Conversely, CpG nucleotides in two regions (from -139 to -49 and +296 to +344) were significantly hypermethylated in EACs as compared to normal samples [FDR<0.001, -log10(FDR)>3.0]. The DNA methylation levels from -127 to -8 CpG sites showed the strongest correlation with MT3 gene expression (r = -0.4, P<0.0001). Moreover, the DNA hypermethylation from -127 to -8 CpG sites significantly correlated with advanced tumor stages and lymph node metastasis (P = 0.005 and P = 0.0313, respectively). The ChIP analysis demonstrated a more repressive histone modification (H3K9me2) and less active histone modifications (H3K4me2, H3K9ace) in OE33 cells than in FLO-1 cells; concordant with the presence of higher DNA methylation levels and silencing of MT3 expression in OE33 as compared to FLO-1 cells. Treatment of OE33 cells with 5-Aza-deoxycitidine restored MT3 expression with demethylation of its promoter region and reversal of the histone modifications towards active histone marks.In summary, EACs are characterized by frequent epigenetic silencing of MT3. The choice of specific regions in the CpG island is a critical step in determining the functional role and prognostic value of DNA methylation in cancer cells

    Inference of Population Structure using Dense Haplotype Data

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    The advent of genome-wide dense variation data provides an opportunity to investigate ancestry in unprecedented detail, but presents new statistical challenges. We propose a novel inference framework that aims to efficiently capture information on population structure provided by patterns of haplotype similarity. Each individual in a sample is considered in turn as a recipient, whose chromosomes are reconstructed using chunks of DNA donated by the other individuals. Results of this “chromosome painting” can be summarized as a “coancestry matrix,” which directly reveals key information about ancestral relationships among individuals. If markers are viewed as independent, we show that this matrix almost completely captures the information used by both standard Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and model-based approaches such as STRUCTURE in a unified manner. Furthermore, when markers are in linkage disequilibrium, the matrix combines information across successive markers to increase the ability to discern fine-scale population structure using PCA. In parallel, we have developed an efficient model-based approach to identify discrete populations using this matrix, which offers advantages over PCA in terms of interpretability and over existing clustering algorithms in terms of speed, number of separable populations, and sensitivity to subtle population structure. We analyse Human Genome Diversity Panel data for 938 individuals and 641,000 markers, and we identify 226 populations reflecting differences on continental, regional, local, and family scales. We present multiple lines of evidence that, while many methods capture similar information among strongly differentiated groups, more subtle population structure in human populations is consistently present at a much finer level than currently available geographic labels and is only captured by the haplotype-based approach. The software used for this article, ChromoPainter and fineSTRUCTURE, is available from http://www.paintmychromosomes.com/

    Energy- and flux-budget turbulence closure model for stably stratified flows. Part II: the role of internal gravity waves

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    We advance our prior energy- and flux-budget turbulence closure model (Zilitinkevich et al., 2007, 2008) for the stably stratified atmospheric flows and extend it accounting for additional vertical flux of momentum and additional productions of turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent potential energy (TPE) and turbulent flux of potential temperature due to large-scale internal gravity waves (IGW). Main effects of IGW are following: the maximal value of the flux Richardson number (universal constant 0.2-0.25 in the no-IGW regime) becomes strongly variable. In the vertically homogeneous stratification, it increases with increasing wave energy and can even exceed 1. In the heterogeneous stratification, when IGW propagate towards stronger stratification, the maximal flux Richardson number decreases with increasing wave energy, reaches zero and then becomes negative. In other words, the vertical flux of potential temperature becomes counter-gradient. IGW also reduce anisotropy of turbulence and increase the share of TPE in the turbulent total energy. Depending on the direction (downward or upward), IGW either strengthen or weaken the total vertical flux of momentum. Predictions from the proposed model are consistent with available data from atmospheric and laboratory experiments, direct numerical simulations and large-eddy simulations.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures, revised versio

    Transcriptional Regulation of BMP2 Expression by the PTH-CREB Signaling Pathway in Osteoblasts

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    Intermittent application of parathyroid hormone (PTH) has well established anabolic effects on bone mass in rodents and humans. Although transcriptional mechanisms responsible for these effects are not fully understood, it is recognized that transcriptional factor cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) mediates PTH signaling in osteoblasts, and that there is a communication between the PTH-CREB pathway and the BMP2 signaling pathway, which is important for osteoblast differentiation and bone formations. These findings, in conjunction with putative cAMP response elements (CREs) in the BMP2 promoter, led us to hypothesize that the PTH-CREB pathway could be a positive regulator of BMP2 transcription in osteoblasts. To test this hypothesis, we first demonstrated that PTH signaling activated CREB by phosphorylation in osteoblasts, and that both PTH and CREB were capable of promoting osteoblastic differentiation of primary mouse osteoblast cells and multiple rodent osteoblast cell lines. Importantly, we found that the PTH-CREB signaling pathway functioned as an effective activator of BMP2 expression, as pharmacologic and genetic modulation of PTH-CREB activity significantly affected BMP2 expression levels in these cells. Lastly, through multiple promoter assays, including promoter reporter deletion, mutation, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), and electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), we identified a specific CRE in the BMP2 promoter which is responsible for CREB transactivation of the BMP2 gene in osteoblasts. Together, these results demonstrate that the anabolic function of PTH signaling in bone is mediated, at least in part, by CREB transactivation of BMP2 expression in osteoblasts

    Malaria vector research and control in Haiti: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Haiti has a set a target of eliminating malaria by 2020. However, information on malaria vector research in Haiti is not well known. This paper presents results from a systematic review of the literature on malaria vector research, bionomics and control in Haiti. METHODS: A systematic search of literature published in French, Spanish and English languages was conducted in 2015 using Pubmed (MEDLINE), Google Scholar, EMBASE, JSTOR WHOLIS and Web of Science databases as well other grey literature sources such as USAID, and PAHO. The following search terms were used: malaria, Haiti, Anopheles, and vector control. RESULTS: A total of 132 references were identified with 40 high quality references deemed relevant and included in this review. Six references dealt with mosquito distribution, seven with larval mosquito ecology, 16 with adult mosquito ecology, three with entomological indicators of malaria transmission, eight with insecticide resistance, one with sero-epidemiology and 16 with vector control. In the last 15 years (2000–2015), there have only been four published papers and three-scientific meeting abstracts on entomology for malaria in Haiti. Overall, the general literature on malaria vector research in Haiti is limited and dated. DISCUSSION: Entomological information generated from past studies in Haiti will contribute to the development of strategies to achieve malaria elimination on Hispaniola. However it is of paramount importance that malaria vector research in Haiti is updated to inform decision-making for vector control strategies in support of malaria elimination
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