11 research outputs found

    Fachada Liverpool

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    Material of interest and material used: Precast concrete Properties of material: Given Tabasco’s tropical climate and its severe solar incidence and humidity levels, concrete was selected as the project’s design material; a material both resistant and with extraordinary aging qualities. The result was a façade that’s built by combining 5 different types of precast pieces shaped like a propeller. Each propeller rotates 180° on its axis; heights vary between 16 to 20 meters, depending on their position.https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/bcs/1028/thumbnail.jp

    Luzera desberdineko ariketa fisikoko esku-hartzeen eragina ospitalizazio bat pairatu duten adinekoen funtzio fisiko, egoera nutrizional, bizi-kalitate, hauskortasun eta sarkopenian

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    267 p.Tesi honek ausazko entsegu kliniko bat barne hartzen du. Helburu nagusia ariketa fisikoan oinarritutako osagai anitzeko ariketa fisikoko bi esku-hartze desberdinen (talde zein bakarkako saioen epeak iraupen desberdinekoak ziren) eraginkortasuna aztertzea da ospitalizazio bat pairatu duten hirugarren adineko pertsonetan. Lehenik horrelako esku hartze bat onartzeko edo ezeztatzeko arrazoiak aurkitzen saiatu ginen. Emaitzek agerian utzi zuten adin handia, nutrizio-egoera txarra eta etxerako irisgarritasun txikiagoa zirela parte-hartzea baztertzeko faktore prediktiboak. Ospitale-altari aplikatutako osagai anitzeko ariketa fisikoko bi esku-hartzeek 12 asteren ondoren funtzio fisiko eta nutrizio-egoeran onura nabarmenak ekarri, eta jarduera fisikoa handitu zuten, eta hurrengo 12 asteetan ondorio positiboei eutsi zieten. Ez zen talde-denbora elkarrekintzarik hauteman. Bestalde, sarkopenian eta hauskortasunean ere 3 hilabeteko esku-hartzearen ondoren ez zen talde-denbora elkarrekintzarik ikusi. Bi taldeek ordea hauskortasun indizea murriztu zuten. Sarkopenia egiaztatua zuten pazienteen ehunekoak bi taldeetan ere hobera egin zuen, baina ez zen eragin esanguratsurik izan. Azkenik ospitaleratu ondoko adineko pertsonetan miostatinaren eta follistatinaren eta hauskortasuna eta/edo sarkopenia arteko lotura alderatzea proposatu genuen. Emaitzek erakutsi zuten ibilera abiadura eta altxa, ibili, bira eta eseri probak hauskortasuna identifikatzeko biomarkatzaileak baino gaitasun handiagoa zutela. Miostatina izan zen berriz sarkopenia identifikatzeko gai zen biomarkatzaile bakarra. Arestian aipatutakoa kontutan hartuta, ondorioztatu dezakegu bi esku-hartzeak eraginkorrak direla hirugarren adineko pazienteentzako. (ez bete tarte hau baino gehiago

    Procedimientos logísticos para la optimización de almacenes

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    El proyecto expuesto a continuación, se van a realizar estudios y mediciones sobre el funcionamiento de almacenes, dentro de una empresa orientada al montaje de chasis para asientos de automóvil. En primera instancia, se muestra una presentación del estado actual de los almacenes de la empresa, donde se exponen las debilidades que presentan, además de medidas que han de ser impuestas para solventarlas. En un análisis general, se enuncian las debilidades anteriormente citadas desglosadas en cuatro puntos, posteriormente expuestos con mayor detalle

    Malnutrition and Poor Physical Function Are Associated With Higher Comorbidity Index in Hospitalized Older Adults

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    BackgroundThe Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) is the most widely used method to measure comorbidity and predict mortality. There is no evidence whether malnutrition and/or poor physical function are associated with higher CCI in hospitalized patients. Therefore, this study aimed to (i) analyze the association between the CCI with nutritional status and with physical function of hospitalized older adults and (ii) examine the individual and combined associations of nutritional status and physical function of older inpatients with comorbidity risk. MethodsA total of 597 hospitalized older adults (84.3 +/- 6.8 years, 50.3% women) were assessed for CCI, nutritional status (the Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form [MNA-SF]), and physical function (handgrip strength and the Short Physical Performance Battery [SPPB]). ResultsBetter nutritional status (p < 0.05) and performance with handgrip strength and the SPPB were significantly associated with lower CCI scores among both men (p < 0.005) and women (p < 0.001). Patients with malnutrition or risk of malnutrition (OR: 2.165, 95% CI: 1.408-3.331, p < 0.001) as well as frailty (OR: 3.918, 95% CI: 2.326-6.600, p < 0.001) had significantly increased the risk for being at severe risk of comorbidity. Patients at risk of malnutrition or that are malnourished had higher CCI scores regardless of being fit or unfit according to handgrip strength (p for trend < 0.05), and patients classified as frail had higher CCI despite their nutritional status (p for trend < 0.001). ConclusionsThe current study reinforces the use of the MNA-SF and the SPPB in geriatric hospital patients as they might help to predict poor clinical outcomes and thus indirectly predict post-discharge mortality risk.This study was supported by the Basque Government (2016111138). MA was supported by a grant from the University of the Basque Country (PIF17/186) and IE was supported by a grant from the University of the Basque Country in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux (UBX) (PIFBUR16/07)

    Int J Environ Res Public Health

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    Multicomponent physical exercise is effective in curbing the effect of hospitalization in older adults. However, it is not well established which characteristics of the exercise interventions would optimize intervention sustainability and efficacy. This study compared the effects of two group-based multicomponent exercise interventions of different lengths in older adults after hospitalization. Fifty-five participants were randomly assigned to a short-term group-based branch (SGB, = 27) or to a long-term group-based branch (LGB, = 28). The SGB participated in a six-week multicomponent group-based exercise-training program followed by 18 weeks of home-based exercise. The LGB completed 12 weeks of each phase. Physical function, physical activity, quality of life, anthropometrics, and nutritional status were assessed at baseline, after 12 weeks, and after 24 weeks of intervention. Both groups improved physical function and nutritional status and increased physical activity after 12 weeks of intervention (paired student's -test, < 0.01), and maintained the positive effects during the following 12 weeks. No group-by-time interaction was observed in any of the studied variables using mixed-model ANOVA. Based on these findings, we determined that 6 weeks of a group-based exercise intervention caused similar functional and nutritional benefits to a longer group-based intervention of 12 weeks when both are continued at home until 24 weeks

    Effects of an individualized and progressive multicomponent exercise program on blood pressure, cardiorespiratory fitness, and body composition in long-term care residents: Randomized controlled trial

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    [EN] This study analyzed the effects of an individualized and progressive multicomponent exercise program on blood pressure, cardiorespiratory fitness, and body composition in long-term care residents. This was a single-blind, multicenter, randomized controlled trial performed in 10 long-term care settings and involved 112 participants. Participants were randomly assigned to a control group or an intervention group. The control group participated in routine activities; the intervention group participated in a six-month individualized and progressive multicomponent exercise program focused on strength, balance, and walking recommendations. The intervention group maintained peak VO2, oxygen saturation, and resting heart rate, while the control group showed a significant decrease in peak VO2 and oxygen saturation and an increase in resting heart rate throughout the six-month period. Individualized and progressive multicomponent exercise programs comprising strength, balance, and walking recommendations appear to be effective in preventing cardiorespiratory fitness decline in older adults living in long-term care settings.This work was supported by grants from the Basque Government (ELKARTEK16/57; ELKARTEK17/61; RIS16/07; SAN17/11). The sponsors did not have a role in the study

    Effect of different-lengths physical exercise interventions on physical function, nutritional status, quality of life, frailty, and sarcopenia in post-hospitalized older adults

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    Cette thèse comprend un essai clinique randomisé et sera présentée sous la forme de quatre articles dérivés du projet de recherche. Les deux premiers et le dernier article ont déjà été publiés, tandis que le troisième est en cours de révision. L'objectif principal est d'analyser l'efficacité de deux interventions d'exercice physique multicomposantes avec des durées différentes en groupe et à domicile chez des personnes âgées après une hospitalisation. En premier lieu, nous avons cherché à identifier les facteurs qui contribuent au refus d'une intervention d'exercice physique chez les patients âgés post-hospitalisation. Les résultats ont révélé que l'âge avancé, le mauvais état nutritionnel et l'accessibilité réduite au domicile étaient des prédicteurs du refus de participation. Les deux interventions d'exercice physique multicomposantes appliquées à la sortie de l'hôpital ont apporté des bénéfices clairs après 12 semaines en matière de fonction physique et d'état nutritionnel, et ont augmenté l'activité physique, les effets positifs étant maintenus au cours des 12 semaines suivantes. Aucune interaction entre le groupe et le temps n'a été détectée. En revanche, pour la sarcopénie et la fragilité, aucune interaction groupe-temps n'a été observée après 3 mois d'intervention. Cependant, les deux groupes ont réduit l'indice de fragilité. Le pourcentage de patients présentant une sarcopénie confirmée s'est également amélioré dans les deux groupes, bien qu'il n'y ait pas d'effets significatifs. Enfin, nous avons proposé de comparer l'association entre la myostatine et la follistatine et la fragilité et/ou la sarcopénie chez les personnes âgées post-hospitalisées. Les résultats ont montré que la vitesse de la marche et le test du 8 pieds chronométré (Up and Go) avaient la plus grande capacité à identifier la fragilité. La myostatine était le seul biomarqueur capable d'identifier la sarcopénie. Compte tenu de ce qui précède, nous pouvons conclure que les deux interventions sont efficaces pour les patients âgés.This thesis includes a randomized clinical trial and will be presented in the form of four articles derived from the research project. The first two and the last article have already been published, while the third is under review. The main objective is to analyze the efficacy of two multicomponent physical exercise interventions with different group- and home-based period lengths among older adults after hospitalization. Firstly, we aimed to identify factors that contribute to exercise intervention refusal among post-hospitalized older patients. The results revealed that older age, poor nutritional status, and reduced home accessibility were predictors of participation refusal. The two multicomponent physical exercise interventions applied at hospital discharge provided clear benefits after 12 weeks in physical function and nutritional status, and increased physical activity, with the positive effects being maintained over the following 12 weeks. No group time interaction was detected. On the other hand, in sarcopenia and frailty, no group time interactions were observed after 3 months of intervention. However, both groups reduced the frailty index. The percentage of patients with confirmed sarcopenia also improved in both groups, although there were no significant effects. Finally, we proposed to compare the association between myostatin and follistatin and frailty and/or sarcopenia in post-hospitalised older people. The results showed that gait speed and 8-Foot Timed Up and Go Test had the greatest capability for identifying frailty. Myostatin was the only biomarker capable of identifying sarcopenia. Considering the above, we can conclude that both interventions are effective for elderly patients

    Effect of different-lengths physical exercise interventions on physical function, nutritional status, quality of life, frailty, and sarcopenia in post-hospitalized older adults

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    Cette thèse comprend un essai clinique randomisé et sera présentée sous la forme de quatre articles dérivés du projet de recherche. Les deux premiers et le dernier article ont déjà été publiés, tandis que le troisième est en cours de révision. L'objectif principal est d'analyser l'efficacité de deux interventions d'exercice physique multicomposantes avec des durées différentes en groupe et à domicile chez des personnes âgées après une hospitalisation. En premier lieu, nous avons cherché à identifier les facteurs qui contribuent au refus d'une intervention d'exercice physique chez les patients âgés post-hospitalisation. Les résultats ont révélé que l'âge avancé, le mauvais état nutritionnel et l'accessibilité réduite au domicile étaient des prédicteurs du refus de participation. Les deux interventions d'exercice physique multicomposantes appliquées à la sortie de l'hôpital ont apporté des bénéfices clairs après 12 semaines en matière de fonction physique et d'état nutritionnel, et ont augmenté l'activité physique, les effets positifs étant maintenus au cours des 12 semaines suivantes. Aucune interaction entre le groupe et le temps n'a été détectée. En revanche, pour la sarcopénie et la fragilité, aucune interaction groupe-temps n'a été observée après 3 mois d'intervention. Cependant, les deux groupes ont réduit l'indice de fragilité. Le pourcentage de patients présentant une sarcopénie confirmée s'est également amélioré dans les deux groupes, bien qu'il n'y ait pas d'effets significatifs. Enfin, nous avons proposé de comparer l'association entre la myostatine et la follistatine et la fragilité et/ou la sarcopénie chez les personnes âgées post-hospitalisées. Les résultats ont montré que la vitesse de la marche et le test du 8 pieds chronométré (Up and Go) avaient la plus grande capacité à identifier la fragilité. La myostatine était le seul biomarqueur capable d'identifier la sarcopénie. Compte tenu de ce qui précède, nous pouvons conclure que les deux interventions sont efficaces pour les patients âgés.This thesis includes a randomized clinical trial and will be presented in the form of four articles derived from the research project. The first two and the last article have already been published, while the third is under review. The main objective is to analyze the efficacy of two multicomponent physical exercise interventions with different group- and home-based period lengths among older adults after hospitalization. Firstly, we aimed to identify factors that contribute to exercise intervention refusal among post-hospitalized older patients. The results revealed that older age, poor nutritional status, and reduced home accessibility were predictors of participation refusal. The two multicomponent physical exercise interventions applied at hospital discharge provided clear benefits after 12 weeks in physical function and nutritional status, and increased physical activity, with the positive effects being maintained over the following 12 weeks. No group time interaction was detected. On the other hand, in sarcopenia and frailty, no group time interactions were observed after 3 months of intervention. However, both groups reduced the frailty index. The percentage of patients with confirmed sarcopenia also improved in both groups, although there were no significant effects. Finally, we proposed to compare the association between myostatin and follistatin and frailty and/or sarcopenia in post-hospitalised older people. The results showed that gait speed and 8-Foot Timed Up and Go Test had the greatest capability for identifying frailty. Myostatin was the only biomarker capable of identifying sarcopenia. Considering the above, we can conclude that both interventions are effective for elderly patients