218 research outputs found

    Code switching and attitudinal perception

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    One of the results of globalization is that individuals are now more likely using multiple codes to communicate, often switching between them. The purpose of this study is to examine the attitude toward codeswitching (CS) in Egypt as there has limited research conducted in the region, especially codeswitching between the Egyptian colloquial and English. Attitude toward CS was determined using a convenience sample of 40 participants in an Egyptian university community. Half of the participants were Egyptians who had attended international schools prior to university and the other half were international students studying Arabic. Questionnaires, verbal guise tests and follow-up interviews were conducted to assess the listener’s attitude toward the speaker. Also examined was if the gender of the speaker affected the attitude of the listener. Results showed that both groups of participants viewed code-switching favorably although they both felt it compromised Arabic. The male who did not code-switch in the verbal guise test was rated the most negatively by both groups. The results did not support the expectations from previous research that code switching would be viewed more negatively. This study provides additional insights about the attitude toward code-switching and supports the suggestion that a code-switched variety of Arabic and English is becoming a widely-accepted variety which thus could be added to Dr. Badawi’s (1973) model for describing the intermediate varieties between the high and low varieties of Arabic. Implications for teaching are discussed

    PENGEMBANGAN PROGRAM SEKOLAH PENYELENGGARA LAYANAN PENDIDIKAN INKLUSIF DI SD N X KOTA PADANG: Studi Kualitatif terhadap Sekolah Penyelenggara Layanan Pendidikan Inklusif SD N X di Kota Padang

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    Permasalahan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan layanan pendidikan inklusif di SD N x kota Padang yang belum optimal. Untuk mengetahui penyebab itu peneliti menggali profil pendidikan inklusif serta kendala yang dihadapi oleh SD N x Padang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan profil sekolah penyelenggara layanan pendidikan inklusif, mendapatkan data tentang hambatan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan inklusif, merumuskan rancangan program pengembangan pendidikan inklusif, dan mengimplementasikan program pengembangan pendidikan inklusif yang dirancang di sekolah penyelenggara layanan pendidikan inklusif SD N x kota Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru kelas dan Koordinator GPK. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, display data, dan verifikasi data. Pelaksanaan program unggulan dilakukan dengan melalui sharring kemudian didiskusikan dengan subjek serta pakar inklusi. Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pengembangan yang diterapkan belum mampu mampu merubah pemahaman guru mengenai pendidikan Inklusif di SD N x Kota padang. Hasil penelitian ini peneliti rekomendasikan untuk sekolah, orangtua dan peneliti selanjutnya. Kata Kunci : Program pengembangan, inklusi, layanan pendidikan inklusif The main problem in this thesis is the implementation of inclusive education services in Padang at SDN X is not optimal. To find the cause, the author examines the profile of inclusive education service delivery and the constraints and existing efforts at SDN X Padang. The aim of this thesis is to find a school profile service providers inclusive education in schools service providers SD N x city of Padang, get data about the obstacles encountered in the implementation of inclusive education in schools service providers SD N x city of Padang, formulate a draft program of education development inclusive services at the school inclusive education service providers SD N x city of Padang, and implementation of inclusive education development program which is designed in the school inclusive education service providers SD N x city of Padang. This thesis used a descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of the thesis are headmaster, teachers, and coordinator of GPK. Data collection techniquie was used in this thesis are interview technique, observation, documentation. Data analisis technique was used in this thesis are reduction, display data and data verification. Implementation of the program is seeded done by and then discussed with the subject as well as the inclusion of experts. The result of the thesis shows that understanding of the basic concepts at the SDN X Padang. The results of this study researchers recommend for schools, parents and further research. Keywords: Program development, inclusion, inclusive education service

    Energy Efficiency Initiatives for Saudi Arabia on Supply and Demand Sides

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    ABSTRAK Perencanaan strategi merupakan upaya mencapai tujuan organisasi dalam jangka panjang. Dealer Royal Gold perlu menciptakan strategi bersaing sedemikian rupa untuk menduduki pangsa pasar agar dapat bertahan dan mampu bersaing dengan para kompetitor, namun segala stragegi yang diciptakan harus sesuai dengan syariat ekonomi Islam. Sistem ekonomi Islam bersumber dari Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah, semua masalah yang berkembang termasuk ekonomi harus tunduk pada prinsip syari’ah. Nilai-nilai dasar ekonomi Islam yakni: keadilan , pertanggung jawaban, dan jaminan sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui analisis strategi bersaing mini gold di Bandar Lampung, dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana menurut perspektif ekonomi Islam mengenai analisis strategi bersaing mini Gold di Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk mengetahui strategi bersaing produk mini gold di Bandar Lampung. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data yaitu obeservasi, wawancara terstruktur, dan dokumentasi. Wawancara dilakukan kepada pemilik dealer Royal Gold (1 orang) dan karyawan dealer Royal Gold (4 orang). Analisis data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tahapan analisis SWOT, lalu pemeriksaan keabsahan data dilakukan melalui uji kredebilitas dan uji depenbilitas. Berdasarkan hasil analisis SWOT dapat disimpulkan bahwa analisis IFAS faktor kekuatan dealer Royal Gold memiliki skor 1,99 dan faktor kelemahan dealer Royal Gold memiliki skor 1,25 sehingga memiliki total skor 3,24. Sedangkan hasil analisis EFAS faktor peluang dealer Royal Gold memiliki skor 1,18 dan faktor ancaman dealer Royal Gold 1,65, sehingga memiliki total skor 2,83. Dari hasil tersebut diagram SWOT pada dealer Royal Gold berada di posisi kuadran II yaitu stretegi ST (strenghs dan Threats), dengan titik koordinat 0,37- -0,23 yakni mengarah pada strategi Diversifikasi konglomerat. iii ABSTRACT Strategic planning is an effort to achieve organizational goals in the long term. Royal Gold dealers need to create a competitive strategy in such a way as to occupy market share in order to survive and be able to compete with competitors, but all strategies created must be in accordance with Islamic economic law. The Islamic economic system is sourced from the Qur'an and Sunnah, all problems that develop including the economy must be subject to the principles of sharia. The basic values of Islamic economics are: justice, responsibility, and social security. The purpose of this study is to determine the competitive strategy analysis of mini gold dealers in Bandar Lampung, and to find out how according to an Islamic economic perspective the analysis of the mini Gold dealers' competitive strategy in Bandar Lampung. This research was conducted using qualitative methods to determine the competitive strategy of product mini gold in Bandar Lampung, namely Royal Gold dealers. The techniques used in data collection are observation, structured interviews, and documentation. Interviews were conducted with owners of Royal Gold dealers (1 person) and employees of Royal Gold dealers (4 people). Data analysis in this study was carried out with the SWOT analysis stage, then the validity of the data was checked through the credibility test and dependability test. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, it can be concluded that the IFAS analysis of the Royal Gold dealer strength factor has a score of 1.99 and the weakness factor of the Royal Gold dealer has a score of 1.25 so that it has a total score of 3.24. While the results of the EFAS analysis of the Royal Gold dealer's opportunity factor has a score of 1.18 and the Royal Gold dealer's threat factor is 1.65, so it has a total score of 2.83. From the results, the SWOT diagram at the Royal Gold dealer is in the second quadrant position, namely the ST strategy (strengths and threats), with coordinates 0.37- -0.23 which leads to a conglomerate diversification strateg

    Die regulatorische Funktion der Hyaluronsäure

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    Evaluasi Website Villas & Homestay Kota Wisata Batu Menggunakan Webqual 4.0 Dan Importance – Performance Analysis (Ipa)

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    Villas & Homestay kota wisata Batu merupakan agen persewaan villa dan hotel di Kota wisata Batu yang berdiri pada tahun 2014. Yang juga menyediakan jasa guide untuk mempermudah para wisatawan untuk menemukan villa atau hotel untuk berlibur, dan untuk mempermudah proses transaksi persewaan maka dibuatlah website villahotelbatu.com. Dari masalah yang diketahui adalah banyak konsumen yang menggunakan sms atau whatsapp daripada fitur booking pada website villahotelbatu.com, sehingga kegunaan dari fitur booking tersebut dirasa kurang maksimal, maka dari itu diperlukan metode analisis yang bisa menggali persepsi dari konsumen terkait permasalahan yang ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode webqual dan importance performance analysis (IPA), penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dengan menggunakan 23 atribut yang ada pada webqual 4.0, sedangkan untuk analisis digunakan metode IPA yang terdiri dari analisis kesenjangan, analisis tingkat kesesuaian dan analisis kuadran. Hasil dari evaluasi kualitas dari website villahotelbatu.com memiliki tingkat kesesuaian < 100% yaitu sebesar 93,78%. menunjukkan bahwa pengunjung merasa tidak puas dengan kinerja website saat ini. Nilai kesenjangan (gap) dari evaluasi website villahotelbatu.com yaitu sebesar -0,336957. Nilai rata-rata kinerja website villahotelbatu.com lebih kecil daripada nilai rata-rata kepentingan (X<Y). Dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan bahwa kinerja dari website villahotelbatu.com belum memenuhi kepentingan (harapan) dari pengguna. Hasil dari analisis kuadran yang menunjukkan 6 atribut pada kuadran I, 8 atribut pada kuadran II, 4 atribut pada kuadran III, 5 atribut pada kuadran IV. Rekomendasi perbaikan diberikan untuk seluruh atribut pada kuadran I dan kuadran III, rekomendasi perbaikan diberikan berdasarkan HHS guidelines

    Effect of Premarital Counseling Regarding Consanguineous Marriage on Nursing Student's Perception and Satisfaction

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    Context: Consanguineous marriage is a traditional habit in Arab countries leading to higher autosomal recessive genetic disorders.Aim: To study the effect of premarital counseling regarding consanguineous marriage on nursing students' perception and satisfaction. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was used to achieve the aim of this study. The study was conducted in the Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University, on all third-year unmarried students (178 students). Three data collection tools were used: An Arabic structured interviewing questionnaire, an attitude assessment Likert scale, and a student's satisfaction assessment questionnaire.Results: The study indicated that nearly three-fourths of the studied sample had total correct knowledge and a positive attitude regarding consanguineous marriage post-intervention. Also, the majority of them were satisfied with the application of counseling sessions regarding consanguineous marriage.Conclusions: A significant improvement in students' perception after counseling sessions was revealed. All students were satisfied with the clarity of the guidelines and teaching methods, and media used. Based on this finding, the study recommended integrating premarital counseling concepts regarding consanguineous marriage in the undergraduate university education curricula


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    ABSTRAK PEMBUATAN BRIKET DARI CAMPURAN CANGKANG BIJI KARET (Hevea brasiliensis) DAN TANDAN KOSONG KELAPA SAWIT Oleh : Ebid Diyah Safitri 1611060425 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kombinasi terbaik pembuatan briket dari campuran cangkang biji karet (Hevea brasiliensis) dan tandan kosong kelapa sawit dengan penambahan batubara sebagai briket dan menggunakan perekat tapioka. Hal ini didasari oleh jumlah kebutuhan energi semakin banyak, sementara itu pemanfaatan cangkang biji karet (Hevea brasiliensis) masih kurang serta belum diketahui kombinasi yang optimal untuk dijadikan briket. Penelitian ini disusun secara deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan komposisi bahan utama antara cangkang biji karet, tandan kosong kelapa sawit dan batubara yang terdiri dari 5 taraf perlakuan diantaranya 55%:15%:30% (P1), 15%:55%:30% (P2), 35%:35%:30% (P3), 45%:25%:30% (P4), dan 25%:45%:30% (P5). Dengan menggunakan persentase perekat tapioka 20% dari bobot bahan baku yang digunakan untuk pembuatan briket. Parameter yang diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah kadar air, kadar abu briket, kerapatan briket, kekuatan tekan briket, dan Shatter resistance index briket. Data yang diperoleh disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan diagram diuraikan secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar air briket berkisar 5,98-6,03% (SNI<8%), nilai kadar abu 3,70- 7,41% (SNI <8%), nilai kerapatan 0,43-0,44 g/cm2 (SNI 0,44 g/cm2 ), nilai kekuatan tekan briket senilai 96,6-99,7 (SNI >95%), nilai shatter resisten index 96,15-99,90% (>95%). Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak komposisi bahan baku cangkang biji karet maka semakin baik pula kualitas briket yaitu pada kombinasi perlakuan P1. njyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    Manajemen Konstruksi Dan Sanitasi Kandang Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kesehatan Sapi Perah Di Peternakan Sapi Perah Milik Hj. Aslam Bendul Merisi – Surabaya

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    Sapi perah mulai banyak ditemakkan petani, karena dari ternak sapi perah diambil manfaatnya berupa air susu yang sangat berguna bagi kesehatan dan pemenuhan gizi masyarakat. Susu juga dibutuhkan oleh manusia karena susu mengandung nilai gizi yang sanggat tinggi yang penting untuk kesehatan

    The Impact of Aspect Ratio, Characteristic Strength and Compression Rebars on the Shear Capacity of Shallow RC Beams

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    This paper investigates the impact of the aspect ratio, the characteristics strength of the concrete, and the compression steel ratio on the shear capacity of wide-shallow beams. An experimental program consists of seven specimens, including a control specimen, all tested under a three-point load test. Three specimens were considered for each parameter (the control specimen was included in all three variables). The experimental results were compared to the theoretical values of six different codes of practice; they were also analyzed to determine the ductility, stiffness, and dissipated energy of each specimen. The results indicated that the shear reinforcement was fully functioning until it yielded, with a minimum contribution of 55% of the total shear capacity of the specimens. The aspect ratio and the characteristic strength had a notable impact on the shear capacity of the specimens, while the compression steel ratio had a minor effect on the shear capacity, but it improved the stiffness and the ductility of the beams. Theoretical concrete shear strengths from design codes ranged between 77 and 163% of the experimental values; EN-1992 was the closest code to the experimental results. A comparison between the experimental results and predicted values using GP and EPR methods from previous research showed accuracies of 72% and 81%, respectively. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-09-012 Full Text: PD
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