3,434 research outputs found

    Controlling chaos in the quantum regime using adaptive measurements

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    The continuous monitoring of a quantum system strongly influences the emergence of chaotic dynamics near the transition from the quantum regime to the classical regime. Here we present a feedback control scheme that uses adaptive measurement techniques to control the degree of chaos in the driven-damped quantum Duffing oscillator. This control relies purely on the measurement backaction on the system, making it a uniquely quantum control, and is only possible due to the sensitivity of chaos to measurement. We quantify the effectiveness of our control by numerically computing the quantum Lyapunov exponent over a wide range of parameters. We demonstrate that adaptive measurement techniques can control the onset of chaos in the system, pushing the quantum-classical boundary further into the quantum regime

    Everybody\u27s Happy In The Winter-Time : Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

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    Quantum-jump vs stochastic Schrödinger dynamics for Gaussian states with quadratic Hamiltonians and linear Lindbladians

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    The dynamics of Gaussian states for open quantum systems described by Lindblad equations can be solved analytically for systems with quadratic Hamiltonians and linear Lindbladians, showing the familiar phenomena of dissipation and decoherence. It is well known that the Lindblad dynamics can be expressed as an ensemble average over stochastic pure-state dynamics, which can be interpreted as individual experimental implementations, where the form of the stochastic dynamics depends on the measurement setup. Here we consider quantum-jump and stochastic Schrödinger dynamics for initially Gaussian states. While both unravellings converge to the same Lindblad dynamics when averaged, the individual dynamics can differ qualitatively. For the stochastic Schrödinger equation, Gaussian states remain Gaussian during the evolution, with stochastic differential equations governing the evolution of the phase-space centre and a deterministic evolution of the covariance matrix. In contrast to this, individual pure-state dynamics arising from the quantum-jump evolution do not remain Gaussian in general. Applying results developed in the non-Hermitian context for Hagedorn wavepackets, we formulate a method to generate quantum-jump trajectories that is described entirely in terms of the evolution of an underlying Gaussian state. To illustrate the behaviours of the different unravellings in comparison to the Lindblad dynamics, we consider two examples in detail, which can be largely treated analytically, a harmonic oscillator subject to position measurement and a damped harmonic oscillator. In both cases, we highlight the differences as well as the similarities of the stochastic Schrödinger and the quantum-jump dynamics

    Working group report on beam plasmas, electronic propulsion, and active experiments using beams

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    The JPL Workshop addressed a number of plasma issues that bear on advanced spaceborne technology for the years 2000 and beyond. Primary interest was on the permanently manned space station with a focus on identifying environmentally related issues requiring early clarification by spaceborne plasma experimentation. The Beams Working Group focused on environmentally related threats that platform operations could have on the conduct and integrity of spaceborne beam experiments and vice versa. Considerations were to include particle beams and plumes. For purposes of definition it was agreed that the term particle beams described a directed flow of charged or neutral particles allowing single-particle trajectories to represent the characteristics of the beam and its propagation. On the other hand, the word plume was adopted to describe a multidimensional flow (or expansion) of a plasma or neutral gas cloud. Within the framework of these definitions, experiment categories included: (1) Neutral- and charged-particle beam propagation, with considerations extending to high powers and currents. (2) Evolution and dynamics of naturally occurring and man-made plasma and neutral gas clouds. In both categories, scientific interest focused on interactions with the ambient geoplasma and the evolution of particle densities, energy distribution functions, waves, and fields

    Pre-discovery and Follow-up Observations of the Nearby SN 2009nr: Implications for Prompt Type Ia SNe

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of the Type Ia supernova SN 2009nr in UGC 8255 (z=0.0122). Following the discovery announcement at what turned out to be ten days after peak, we detected it at V ~15.7 mag in data collected by the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) North telescope 2 weeks prior to the peak, and then followed it up with telescopes ranging in aperture from 10-cm to 6.5-m. Using early photometric data available only from ASAS, we find that the SN is similar to the over-luminous Type Ia SN 1991T, with a peak at Mv=-19.6 mag, and a slow decline rate of Dm_15(B)=0.95 mag. The early post-maximum spectra closely resemble those of SN 1991T, while the late time spectra are more similar to those of normal Type Ia SNe. Interestingly, SN 2009nr has a projected distance of 13.0 kpc (~4.3 disk scale lengths) from the nucleus of the small star-forming host galaxy UGC 8255. This indicates that the progenitor of SN 2009nr is not associated with a young stellar population, calling into question the conventional association of luminous SNe Ia with the "prompt" component directly correlated with current star formation. The pre-discovery observation of SN 2009nr using ASAS demonstrates the science utility of high cadence all sky surveys conducted using small telescopes for the discovery of nearby (d=<50 Mpc) supernovae.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ on 11/02/201

    Characterization of Hypertension Risk Factors at the Committee on Temporary Shelter

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    Introduction: The health of homeless populations is at risk due to a high prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension (HTN) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). The interaction of housing and socioeconomic status with the risk factors for HTN and CVD remains unclear. Prevention of HTN through a healthy diet, exercise, adequate sleep, and avoidance of tobacco has been well described, but financial limitations and competing priorities for shelter and food make blood pressure (BP) control difficult for this population. By characterizing the risk factors and awareness of hypertension within the homeless population at the Committee on Temporary Shelter Daystation (COTS) in Burlington, Vermont, we may be able to identify promising avenues for therapeutic intervention.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1226/thumbnail.jp
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