155 research outputs found

    Sociodemographic differences in linkage error: An examination of four large-scale datasets

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Background: Record linkage is an important tool for epidemiologists and health planners. Record linkage studies will generally contain some level of residual record linkage error, where individual records are either incorrectly marked as belonging to the same individual, or incorrectly marked as belonging to separate individuals. A key question is whether errors in linkage quality are distributed evenly throughout the population, or whether certain subgroups will exhibit higher rates of error. Previous investigations of this issue have typically compared linked and un-linked records, which can conflate bias caused by record linkage error, with bias caused by missing records (data capture errors). Methods: Four large administrative datasets were individually de-duplicated, with results compared to an available 'gold-standard' benchmark, allowing us to avoid methodological issues with comparing linked and un-linked records. Results were compared by gender, age, geographic remoteness (major cities, regional or remote) and socioeconomic status. Results: Results varied between datasets, and by sociodemographic characteristic. The most consistent findings were worse linkage quality for younger individuals (seen in all four datasets) and worse linkage quality for those living in remote areas (seen in three of four datasets). The linkage quality within sociodemographic categories varied between datasets, with the associations with linkage error reversed across different datasets due to quirks of the specific data collection mechanisms and data sharing practices. Conclusions: These results suggest caution should be taken both when linking younger individuals and those in remote areas, and when analysing linked data from these subgroups. Further research is required to determine the ramifications of worse linkage quality in these subpopulations on research outcomes

    Evaluating the 2014 Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax in Chile : An Observational Study in Urban Areas

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    Background In October 2014, Chile implemented a tax modification on SSBs called the Impuesto Adicional a las Bebidas Analcohólicas (IABA). The design of the tax was unique, increasing the tax on soft drinks above 6.25 grams of added sugar per 100 millilitres and decreasing the tax for those below this threshold. Methods and Findings This study evaluates Chile’s sugar sweetened beverage (SSB) tax, which was announced in March 2014 and implemented in October 2014. We used household level grocery purchasing data from 2011 to 2015, for 2,836 households living in cities and representative of the urban population of Chile. We employed a fixed-effects econometric approach and estimated the before-after change in purchasing of SSBs controlling for seasonality, general time trend, temperature, economic fluctuations as well as time invariant household characteristics. Results showed significant changes in purchasing for the statistically preferred model: while there was a barely significant decrease in the volume of all soft drinks, there was a highly significant decrease in the monthly purchased volume of the higher taxed, sugary soft drinks by 21.6%. The direction of this reduction was robust to different empirical modelling approaches, but the statistical significance and the magnitude of the changes varied considerably. The reduction in soft drink purchasing was most evident amongst higher socioeconomic groups and higher pre-tax purchasers of sugary soft drinks. There was no systematic, robust pattern in the estimates by households’ obesity status. After tax implementation, the purchase prices of soft drinks decreased for the items where the tax rate was reduced, but remained unchanged for sugary items, for which the tax was increased. However, the purchase prices increased for sugary soft drinks at the time of the policy announcement. The main limitations include a lack of a randomized design limiting the extent of causal inference possible, and the focus on purchasing data, rather than consumption or health outcomes. Conclusions The results of sub-group analyses suggest that the policy may have been partially effective, though not necessarily in ways that are likely to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in diet-related health. It remains unclear, whether the policy has had a major, overall population level impact. Additionally, since the present study examined purchasing of soft drinks for only one year, a longer-term evaluation, ideally including an assessment of the consumption and health impacts, should be conducted in future research

    Adult Raphe-Specific Deletion of Lmx1b Leads to Central Serotonin Deficiency

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    The transcription factor Lmx1b is essential for the differentiation and survival of central serotonergic (5-HTergic) neurons during embryonic development. However, the role of Lmx1b in adult 5-HTergic neurons is unknown. We used an inducible Cre-LoxP system to selectively inactivate Lmx1b expression in the raphe nuclei of adult mice. Pet1-CreERT2 mice were generated and crossed with Lmx1bflox/flox mice to obtain Pet1-CreERT2; Lmx1bflox/flox mice (which termed as Lmx1b iCKO). After administration of tamoxifen, the level of 5-HT in the brain of Lmx1b iCKO mice was reduced to 60% of that in control mice, and the expression of tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (Tph2), serotonin transporter (Sert) and vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (Vmat2) was greatly down-regulated. On the other hand, the expression of dopamine and norepinephrine as well as aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (Aadc) and Pet1 was unchanged. Our results reveal that Lmx1b is required for the biosynthesis of 5-HT in adult mouse brain, and it may be involved in maintaining normal functions of central 5-HTergic neurons by regulating the expression of Tph2, Sert and Vmat2

    Fidelity and moderating factors in complex interventions: a case study of a continuum of care program for frail elderly people in health and social care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prior studies measuring fidelity of complex interventions have mainly evaluated adherence, and not taken factors affecting adherence into consideration. A need for studies that clarify the concept of fidelity and the function of factors moderating fidelity has been emphasized. The aim of the study was to systematically evaluate implementation fidelity and possible factors influencing fidelity of a complex care continuum intervention for frail elderly people.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The intervention was a systematization of the collaboration between a nurse with geriatric expertise situated at the emergency department, the hospital ward staff, and a multi-professional team with a case manager in the municipal care services for older people. Implementation was evaluated between September 2008 and May 2010 with observations of work practices, stakeholder interviews, and document analysis according to a modified version of The Conceptual Framework for Implementation Fidelity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 16 of the 18 intervention components were to a great extent delivered as planned, while some new components were added to the model. No changes in the frequency or duration of the 18 components were observed, but the dose of the added components varied over time. Changes in fidelity were caused in a complex, interrelated fashion by all the moderating factors in the framework, i.e., context, staff and participant responsiveness, facilitation, recruitment, and complexity.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The Conceptual Framework for Implementation Fidelity was empirically useful and included comprehensive measures of factors affecting fidelity. Future studies should focus on developing the framework with regard to how to investigate relationships between the moderating factors and fidelity over time.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov, <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01260493">NCT01260493</a>.</p

    Theoretical analysis of the dose dependence of the oxygen enhancement ratio and its relevance for clinical applications

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The increased resistance of hypoxic cells to ionizing radiation is usually believed to be the primary reason for treatment failure in tumors with oxygen-deficient areas. This oxygen effect can be expressed quantitatively by the oxygen enhancement ratio (OER). Here we investigate theoretically the dependence of the OER on the applied local dose for different types of ionizing irradiation and discuss its importance for clinical applications in radiotherapy for two scenarios: small dose variations during hypoxia-based dose painting and larger dose changes introduced by altered fractionation schemes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using the widespread Alper-Howard-Flanders and standard linear-quadratic (LQ) models, OER calculations are performed for T1 human kidney and V79 Chinese hamster cells for various dose levels and various hypoxic oxygen partial pressures (pO2) between 0.01 and 20 mmHg as present in clinical situations <it>in vivo</it>. Our work comprises the analysis for both low linear energy transfer (LET) treatment with photons or protons and high-LET treatment with heavy ions. A detailed analysis of experimental data from the literature with respect to the dose dependence of the oxygen effect is performed, revealing controversial opinions whether the OER increases, decreases or stays constant with dose.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The behavior of the OER with dose per fraction depends primarily on the ratios of the LQ parameters alpha and beta under hypoxic and aerobic conditions, which themselves depend on LET, pO2 and the cell or tissue type. According to our calculations, the OER variations with dose <it>in vivo </it>for low-LET treatments are moderate, with changes in the OER up to 11% for dose painting (1 or 3 Gy per fraction compared to 2 Gy) and up to 22% in hyper-/hypofractionation (0.5 or 20 Gy per fraction compared to 2 Gy) for oxygen tensions between 0.2 and 20 mmHg typically measured clinically in hypoxic tumors. For extremely hypoxic cells (0.01 mmHg), the dose dependence of the OER becomes more pronounced (up to 36%). For high LET, OER variations up to 4% for the whole range of oxygen tensions between 0.01 and 20 mmHg were found, which were much smaller than for low LET.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The formalism presented in this paper can be used for various tissue and radiation types to estimate OER variations with dose and help to decide in clinical practice whether some dose changes in dose painting or in fractionation can bring more benefit in terms of the OER in the treatment of a specific hypoxic tumor.</p

    MEK–ERK-dependent multiple caspase activation by mitochondrial proapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins is essential for heavy ion irradiation-induced glioma cell death

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    Recently developed heavy ion irradiation therapy using a carbon beam (CB) against systemic malignancy has numerous advantages. However, the clinical results of CB therapy against glioblastoma still have room for improvement. Therefore, we tried to clarify the molecular mechanism of CB-induced glioma cell death. T98G and U251 human glioblastoma cell lines were irradiated by CB, and caspase-dependent apoptosis was induced in both cell lines in a dose-dependent manner. Knockdown of Bax (BCL-2-associated X protein) and Bak (BCL-2-associated killer) and overexpression of Bcl-2 or Bcl-xl (B-cell lymphoma-extra large) showed the involvement of Bcl-2 family proteins upstream of caspase activation, including caspase-8, in CB-induced glioma cell death. We also detected the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and the knockdown of ERK regulator mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)1/2 or overexpression of a dominant-negative (DN) ERK inhibited CB-induced glioma cell death upstream of the mitochondria. In addition, application of MEK-specific inhibitors for defined periods showed that the recovery of activation of ERK between 2 and 36 h after irradiation is essential for CB-induced glioma cell death. Furthermore, MEK inhibitors or overexpression of a DN ERK failed to significantly inhibit X-ray-induced T98G and U251 cell death. These results suggested that the MEK–ERK cascade has a crucial role in CB-induced glioma cell death, which is known to have a limited contribution to X-ray-induced glioma cell death

    What is behind smoker support for new smokefree areas? National survey data

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    BACKGROUND: Some countries have started to extend indoor smokefree laws to cover cars and various outdoor settings. However, policy-modifiable factors around smoker support for these new laws are not well described. METHODS: The New Zealand (NZ) arm of the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Survey (ITC Project) derives its sample from the NZ Health Survey (a national sample). From this sample we surveyed adult smokers (n = 1376). RESULTS: For the six settings considered, 59% of smokers supported at least three new completely smokefree areas. Only 2% favoured smoking being allowed in all the six new settings. Support among Maori, Pacific and Asian smokers relative to European smokers was elevated in multivariate analyses, but confidence intervals often included 1.0.Also in the multivariate analyses, "strong support" by smokers for new smokefree area laws was associated with greater knowledge of the second-hand smoke (SHS) hazard, and with behaviours to reduce SHS exposure towards others. Strong support was also associated with reporting having smokefree cars (aOR = 1.68, 95% CI = 1.21 - 2.34); and support for tobacco control regulatory measures by government (aOR = 1.63, 95% CI = 1.32 - 2.01). There was also stronger support by smokers with a form of financial stress (not spending on household essentials). CONCLUSIONS: Smokers from a range of population groups can show majority support for new outdoor and smokefree car laws. Some of these findings are consistent with the use of public health strategies to support new smokefree laws, such as enhancing public knowledge of the second-hand smoke hazard

    Key signalling nodes in mammary gland development and cancer: Myc

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    Myc has been intensely studied since its discovery more than 25 years ago. Insight has been gained into Myc's function in normal physiology, where its role appears to be organ specific, and in cancer where many mechanisms contribute to aberrant Myc expression. Numerous signals and pathways converge on Myc, which in turn acts on a continuously growing number of identified targets, via transcriptional and nontranscriptional mechanisms. This review will concentrate on Myc as a signaling mediator in the mammary gland, discussing its regulation and function during normal development, as well as its activation and roles in breast cancer

    Association of temporal factors and suicides in the United States, 2000–2004

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the association of temporal factors, in particular days of the week and seasons of the year and death from suicide in the United States. Data were pooled from the Multiple Cause of Death Files. Hierarchical logistic regression models were fitted to all deaths occurring in 2000 through 2004 by suicide. The incidence of suicide was significantly higher on Wednesdays, compared to Sunday. Specifically, individuals were 99% more likely to kill themselves on Wednesday than on Sunday. Suicides were more prevalent in the summer months, and they were less likely to occur in winter. The state suicide rate significantly elevated individual suicide risk. The results held even after controlling for the potentially confounding effects of socio-economic and demographic variables at both the individual and state levels. It was concluded that the observed association between seasonality and suicide cannot be discounted as a mere coincidence. Future research ought to focus on integrating individual level data and contextual variables when testing for seasonality effects