1,527 research outputs found

    Low Threshold Parametric Decay Instabilities in ECRH experiments at toroidal devices

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    The experimental conditions leading to substantial reduction of backscattering decay instability threshold in ECRH experiments in toroidal devices are analyzed. It is shown that drastic decrease of threshold is provided by non monotonic behaviour of plasma density, which is often observed due to so-called density-pump-out effect or presence of magnetic islands, and by poloidal magnetic field inhomogeniety making possible localization of ion Bernstein decay waves. The corresponding ion Bernstein wave gain and the parametric decay instability pump power threshold is calculated. The possible experimental consequences of easy backscattering decay instability excitation are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Nuclear Fusio

    Video consultation in healthcare:Receiving surgical medical specialist care at home

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    This thesis describes the implementation and scale up of video consultation at a tertiary referral center. Before video consultation can be implemented and used sustainably in healthcare, it is vital to involve patients and address their needs and requirements of receiving care over a video connection. Therefore the aim of this thesis was to provide the most optimal implementation strategy for video consultation in healthcare based on scientific research. We have researched patient- and provider needs in order to understand their preferences when it comes to digital care. Next, patient- and provider satisfaction with video consultation was evaluated when compared to both physical as telephone consultation. Based on this strategy video consultation was implemented at the surgical outpatient clinic. During the COVID-19 pandemic we were able to scale-up to all outpatient departments. Again, patient and provider satisfaction and willingness to use video consultation was evaluated. Both technical as workflow aspects of the scale up are described in detail. This thesis indicates that the use of video consultation for outpatient care appointments is feasible, and accepted by both patients as well as providers without a detriment to the quality of care provided. There are still a few difficulties that hamper the structural use of video consultation in clinical practice today. But as soon as “Why?” becomes, “Why did we not do this before?”, we can work towards a climate in which receiving care at the right moment, at the right place can be supported by the convenience of digital care

    Reconstruction of a 3-D surface from its normal vectors

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    Joints, tensile strength and preferred fracture orientation in sandstones. New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, Canada

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    The orientations of tensile fractures in Upper Devonian, Carboniferous and Lower Permian sandstones of southern New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island show correlation at the submicroscopic scale of microcrack alignments, the macroscopic scale of joints, and the megascopic scale of airphoto lineaments. Planes of minimum tensile strength and planes of preferred fracture, induced in visibly unfractured sandstone test-samples by line-loading and point-loading tests, are identified as microcrack alignments. The joints and airphoto lineaments have microcrack alignments parallel to them, but not all microcrack alignments are represented at the macroscopic and megascopic scales. Deformed Carboniferous sandstones east of Saint John have two prominent orthogonal Joint systems with microcrack alignments parallel to the four joint sets. The airphoto lineaments are parallel to only three joint sets. Southeast and northeast striking joints in one orthogonal system are tentatively interpreted as planes of extension and release respectively, related to the direction of compression during the Variscan-Appalachian orogeny. The other orthogonal system, with joint sets striking close to 010° and 100°, is interpreted as post-Triassic in age, possibly related to the presently acting crustal stresses in eastern North America. RÉSUMÉ Il y a correspondance dans les grès du Dévonien supérieur, du Carbonifère et du Permien inférieur du aud du Nouveau-Brunswick et de l'ile du Prince-Edouard entre l'orientation des fractures de tension à diverses échelles: microscopique — alignement des microfissures; macroscopique — dis-clases; et megascopique — linéaments observes à partir de photographies aériennes. On reconnait comrae alignements de microfissures les plans de force de traction minimale et les plans de fracture préférentlelle occasionnés par des essais de charges linéaires et ponctuelles sur des échantillons types de grès préalablement exempts de fractures apparentes. Bien que parallèlement aux diaclases et aux linéaments on retrouve des alignements de microfissures, ce ne sont pas tous les alignements de microfissures qui s'expriment aux échelles macroscopique et megascopique. À l'est de Saint-Jean, les grès déformes du Carbonifère possèdent deux systèmes distincts de diaclases orthogonales accompagnes d'alignements de microfissures parallèles aux quatre ensembles de diaclases. Les linéaments observes sur photographié aérienne ne sont parallèles qu'a trois ensembles de diaclases. On interprète provisoirement les diaclases de direction sud-est et nord-est dans l'un des systèmes orthogonaux comme, respectlvement, des plans d'extension et de relâchement reliés à la direction de compression durant l'orogenèse varisque-appalachienne. Des orientations se rapprochant de 010" et 100° caractérisent l'autre système orthogonal qui serait d'Sge post-triasique et peut être relié aux forces de tension contemporaines agissant sur l’écorce terrestre dans l'est de l'Amèrique du Nord. [Traduit par le journal

    Amplification of the induced ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductor

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    Magnetic properties of the planar structure consisting of a ferromagnetic metal and the diluted magnetic semiconductor are considered (by the example of the structure Fe/Ga(Mn)As, experimentally studied in [F. Maccherozzi, e.a., Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 267201 (2008)]). In the framework of the mean field theory, we demonstrate the presence of the significant amplification of the ferromagnetism, induced by the ferromagnetic metal in the near-interface semiconductor area, due to the indirect interaction of magnetic impurities. This results in the substantial expansion of the temperature range where the magnetization in the boundary semiconductor region exists, that might be important for possible practical applications

    Electronic Structure Of The Hydride Pd3feh

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    A self-consistent calculation of the electronic structure of Pd3FeH is presented, using the linear combination of muffin-tin orbitals method. We first briefly discuss the paramagnetic phase of the hydride. We then proceed to the discussion of the ferromagnetic phase of Pd3FeH. The analysis of the energy bands and densities of states gives a good understanding of the influence of hydrogen in this compound. We show any hydrogen uptake drastically decreases the magnetic moments of Pd3Fe. We also find a marked increase in the linear coefficient of specific heat, showing great alterations in the physical properties of Pd3Fe upon hydrogenation. © 1987 The American Physical Society.36145245

    Curie Temperature for Small World Ising Systems of Different Dimensions

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    For Small World Ising systems of different dimensions, "concentration" dependencies T_C(p) of the Curie temperature upon the fraction p of long-range links have been derived on a basis of simple physical considerations. We have found T_C(p) ~ 1/ln|p| for 1D, T_C(p) ~ p^{1/2} for 2D, and T_C(p) ~ p^{2/3} for 3D.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetic Properties And Calculated Electronic Structure Of Iron-palladium Alloys

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The electronic structure of iron-palladium alloys are studied using the self-consistent linear muffin-tin orbital (LMTO) method. In particular, three compounds are analyzed, namely, Pd3Fe, PdFe, and PdFe3 and their stability investigated with respect to the iron concentration. Results are obtained from ferromagnetic calculations for each alloy. Our discussion on internal excess energy shows the PdFe3 ordered structure to be at best metastable with respect to its disordered alloy, while Pd3Fe and PdFe are stable compounds. Results for PdFe3 show a collapse of its magnetic moment as a function of the lattice parameter. © 1992 The American Physical Society.461489158925 2010/00863-0; FAPESP; São Paulo Research Foundation; 2011/09240-9; FAPESP; São Paulo Research Foundation; 2012/21198-0; FAPESP; São Paulo Research FoundationFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    EADMS: A systemic approach to map emotions with Bloom's Affective Domain

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    The quality of education depreciates as in-person classes were quickly replaced with virtual classes amidst the global pandemic. With the rise of the virtual classroom environment, educators lose the opportunity to interact with students and tailor the teaching style that best suits them. Educators use students' facial expressions and emotional responses to the content to predict the understanding levels subjectively. This paper proposes the Emotion-Affective Domain Mapping System (EADMS) as an alternative tool. The EADMS captures students' facial data during online classes in the form of a video and uses AI to determine emotions like contempt, anger, fear, happiness, disgust, surprise, and neutral state of emotion. The system breaks the video recording into three parts: the start of the class, between class, and the end of class to retrieve facial data and translate it to emotional data. The emotional data is mapped with the 'Affective Domain' of Bloom's Taxonomy to generate a graphical chart that plots the understanding level over the three periods. The EADMS successfully extracted information from videos on the internet and was reasonably reliable when tested with one of the authors

    Energy Gaps in a Spacetime Crystal

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    This paper presents an analysis of the band structure of a spacetime potential lattice created by a standing electromagnetic wave. We show that there are energy band gaps. We estimate the effect, and propose a measurement that could confirm the existence of such phenomena.Comment: 8 pages. 2 figure