82 research outputs found

    Link between shear modulus and enthalpy changes of Ti16.7Zr16.7Hf16.7Cu16.7Ni16.7Be16.7 high entropy bulk metallic glass

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    Mechanical and thermal properties of materials are intricately linked. Particularly, this fully applies to metallic glasses. In this work, we study shear modulus behavior and heat effects occurring upon heating up of Ti16.7Zr16.7Hf16.7Cu16.7Ni16.7Be16.7 high entropy bulk metallic glass up to the full crystallization. In the framework of the Interstitialcy theory, we show that shear modulus relaxation data can be applied to quantitatively predict exo- and endothermal effects related to structural relaxation, glass transition and crystallization of this high entropy metallic glass. This fact suggests that the underlying physical mechanism responsible for this link can be conditioned by the relaxation of the system of structural defects, which by their properties are similar to dumbbell interstitials in metals.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Silicon carbide for solar energy

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    Paper presented to the 3rd Southern African Solar Energy Conference, South Africa, 11-13 May, 2015.SiC is a wide-bandgap semiconductor that possesses quite a number of interesting properties and is promising for application in power, high-temperature, and radiation hard electronics. Several areas can be distinguished in which SiC is also a promising material for solar power engineering. SiC high temperature power devices and UV detectors can be used at solar energy stations and also SiC can be used as a substrate for growth III-N materials and graphene. New results obtained at the Ioffe Institute, Nitride Crystals Co and National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in all the above areas of research will be presented in the reportcf201

    Study of electron beam energy conversion at gyrocon–linear accelerator facility

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    A gyrocon together with the high-voltage 1.5 MeV accelerator ELIT-3A represents a power generator at 430 MHz serving for linear electron accelerator pulse driving. The facility description and results of calorimetric measurements of ELIT-3A electron beam power and accelerated beam at the end of accelerator are presented in the paper. The achieved energy conversion efficiency is about 55%.Гирокон разом з високовольтним 1.5 МеВ прискорювачем ЕЛІТ-3А являє собою генератор потужності на частоті 430 МГц і служить для збудження лінійного прискорювача електронів в імпульсному режимі. Приведено опис установки і результати калориметричних вимірів потужності електронного пучка ЕЛІТ-3А і прискореного пучку на виході лінійного прискорювача. Отриманий КПД перетворення 55%.Гирокон совместно с высоковольтным 1.5 МэВ ускорителем ЭЛИТ-3А представляет собой генератор мощности на частоте 430 МГц и служит для возбуждения линейного ускорителя электронов в импульсном режиме. Приведено описание установки и результаты калориметрических измерений мощности электронного пучка ЭЛИТ-3А и ускоренного пучка на выходе линейного ускорителя. Получен КПД преобразования 55%

    Литолитическая и комбинированная терапия уратного литиаза

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    The estimation of efficacy of a medication «Trometamol-N» in complex therapy of urate and mixed urolithiasis, with application of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), low intensive laser irradiation is done. It was established that after such therapy dissolution of urate and mixed stones has been observed.Проведена оценка эффективности препарата Трометамол-Н в комплексной терапии уратного и смешанного уролитиаза с применением экстрокорпоральной ударноволновой литотрипсии, низкоинтенивного магнитолазерного излучения. Установлено, что на фоне проводимой терапии отмечается растворение уратных и смешанных конкрементов

    Integrating sequence and array data to create an improved 1000 Genomes Project haplotype reference panel

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    A major use of the 1000 Genomes Project (1000GP) data is genotype imputation in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Here we develop a method to estimate haplotypes from low-coverage sequencing data that can take advantage of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray genotypes on the same samples. First the SNP array data are phased to build a backbone (or 'scaffold') of haplotypes across each chromosome. We then phase the sequence data 'onto' this haplotype scaffold. This approach can take advantage of relatedness between sequenced and non-sequenced samples to improve accuracy. We use this method to create a new 1000GP haplotype reference set for use by the human genetic community. Using a set of validation genotypes at SNP and bi-allelic indels we show that these haplotypes have lower genotype discordance and improved imputation performance into downstream GWAS samples, especially at low-frequency variants. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    Digital rights

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    © 2020, Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved. In this paper, T.G. Makarov and E.V. Kobchikova considered digital rights in the system of objects of civil legal relations. The features of digital rights are highlighted. The authors emphasize that digital rights can consolidate rights of various types, in particular, rights to things, property rights, intellectual rights, etc. The application of all these rights is possible using electronic tools in the appropriate information system. The authors concluded that the consolidation of digital rights in russian legislation is terminologically not quite accurate, as well as their assignment to the number of objects of civil rights is not entirely accurate

    Criminal procedure code and charter of criminal proceedings in terrorism investigation: learning from the past

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    Basic procedural institutions of terrorism investigation are studied by comparing the provisions of the Charter of criminal proceedings of the Russian Empire in 1864 and the current procedural law. The comparative solutions to the following investigation problems by Charter and the Code are shown: 1) terrorists confess to less serious crimes, representing themselves as accomplices (articles 208, 222 of the RF Criminal Code) to avoid punishment for terrorism (article 205 of the RF Criminal Code); 2) mass absence of prosecution witnesses at the hearing, giving reason to doubt the objectivity and the admissibility of evidence; 3) low efficiency of overt procedural activities, the need for covert operations based not on the particular fact, but on crime detection actions against terrorist organizations members; 4) the use of force during the arrest, causing the terrorists death, excludes the achievement of criminal law and criminal justice goals and also leads to the loss of evidence (to prove the guilt of the survived terrorists); 5) a significant amount of time passes between the alleged crime and passing the sentence, the minimum time of the terrorism investigation is 12 months, as a result higher courts stop the prosecution (changing the sentence for terrorists Atgeriev, Alkhazurov, Gaysumov in April 2002 by the RF Supreme Court due to the fact that more than five years have passed from the day of committing crimes till passing the sentence). The authors come to the paradoxical conclusion that the procedural law of the XIX century was much more effective than modern one


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    AbstractThe paper presents the results of modeling the process of cooling a cylindrical metal workpiece made of structural steel by a flowing cooling medium. The authors give a mathematical description of their solution for the problem of convective heat exchange that occurs when a longitudinal water flow is used for cooling. The control volume approach has been used for solving the systems of equations. The parameters of the flow field are calculated by the SIMPLE algorithm. The mathematical model factors in the presence of vapor being generated at the boundary between the high-temperature workpiece and the cooling water flow. It uses the effective vapor volume fraction calculated according to the heat-balance equation. The calculation results obtained by using the proposed model are compared to calculations by a mathematical model that uses criterial equations for determining the boundary conditions on the surface of a high-temperature cylindrical work piece in contact with the water flow. The authors discuss cases of cooling metal workpieces with different initial heating temperatures. The results of the numerical calculations of the heat exchange parameters are analyzed with regard to the time of the cooling process as well as in regard to whether the vapor presence on the cylinder surface is or is not taken into account