705 research outputs found

    Volcanic sequence in Late Triassic – Jurassicsiliciclastic and evaporitic rocks from Galeana, NE Mexico

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    In northeastern Mexico, volcanic rocks interbedded with Late Triassic–Jurassic siliciclastic and evaporitic strata have been linked to magmatic arcs developed in the Pangea western margin during its initial phase of fragmentation. This work provides new petrographic and geochemical data for volcanism included in the El Alamar and Minas Viejas formations outcropping in the Galeana region. Andesitic dykes and sills (n= 10) in the El Alamar redbeds show SiO2= 47.5–59.1% and MgO= 1.2–4.2%, as well as a geochemical affinity to island arc magmas. This work represents the first report of this tectonic setting in the region. Geological and petrographic evidence suggest that this arc system likely developed after ~220 and before ~193Ma. Trachy-andesitic and rhyodacitic domes (n= 20) associated with the Minas Viejas gypsum-carbonates sequence show SiO2= 61.8–82.7% and MgO= 0.1–4.0% with a tectonic affinity to continental arc. A rhyodacite sample from this region has been dated by U-Pb in zircon, yielding an age of 149.4 ± 1.2Ma (n= 21), being the youngest age related to this arc. Finally, we propose a threestep model to explain the tectonic evolution from Late Triassic island arc to Jurassic continental arc system in the northeastern Mexico

    Using of Hydroponic solution on the irrigation water of barley hidroponic sprouts (Hordeum vulgare)

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó en el centro poblado Nuevo Mocse de Lambayeque del 16 al 31 de Diciembre de 2014 y tuvo como objetivos determinar la mejor dosis de solución nutritiva de macronutrientes A y micronutrientes B en el agua de riego de germinado hidropónico de cebada; b) Determinar el valor nutricional del germinado hidropónico de cebada regada con diferentes dosis de solución nutritiva de macronutrientes A y micronutrientes B y c) Determinar el rendimiento del Germinado Hidropónico de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.) regada con diferentes dosis de solución nutritiva de macronutrientes A y micronutrientes B. Para lograrlos se implementaron 6 tratamientos con 6 repeticiones cada uno: T0 : GH de cebada sin solución nutritiva en el agua de riego; T1: 1.00 ml de solución nutritiva A y 0.50 ml de solución nutritiva B en agua de riego ; T2: 0.50 ml de solución nutritiva A y 0.125 ml de solución nutritiva B en agua de riego; T3: 0.75 ml de solución nutritiva A y 0.25 ml de solución nutritiva B en agua de riego; T4: 1.25 ml de solución nutritiva A y 0.75 ml de solución nutritiva B en agua de riego; T5: 1.50 ml de solución nutritiva A y 1.00 ml de solución nutritiva B en agua de riego. Los resultados demostraron la existencia de diferencias estadísticas significativas entre tratamientos obteniendo los mejores resultados con T3 utilizando 0.75 ml de solución A y 0.25 ml de solución B diluidos en 4 litros de agua de riego suministrados desde el día 4 hasta el día 8 post siembra en bandejas.This research was conducted in the town of New Mocce at Lambayeque from 16 to 31 December 2014. The objective was to: a) determine the best dose of nutrient solution of macronutrients (A) and micro-nutrients ( B) in hydroponic irrigation water germinated barley; b) Determine the nutritional value of barley sprouts watered with different doses of A and B; c) Determine the performance of germinated barley (Hordeum vulgare) watered with different doses of A and B. To achieve it 6 treatments with 6 replicates each were implemented: T0, germinated barley without hydroponic nutrient solution in irrigation water; T1, 1 ml of A and 0.5 ml of B in water for irrigation; T2, 0.5 ml of A and 0.125 ml of B in water for irrigation; T3, 0.75 ml of A and 0.25 ml of B in water for irrigation; T4, 1.25 ml of A and 0.75 ml B in water for irrigation; T5, 1.50 ml of A and 1 ml B in water for irrigation. The results showed statistically significant differences between treatments; the best results with T3, using 0.75 ml of A and 0.25 ml of B diluted in 4 liters of irrigation water supplied from 4 to 8 days post-seeding tray

    Chitosan-Gold Nanoparticle Composites for Biomedical Application

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    The aim of this work is to synthesize chitosan-gold nanoparticles films by direct chemical reduction of HAuCl4 in a chitosan solution and to investigate the influence of gold nanoparticles concentration on the structure of films, conductivity and healing effect on mice skin after surgery. Results obtained have shown that new chitosan-gold nanoparticle-collagen bionananocomposites demonstrated better healing effect on the mice skin after surgery than control performed on commercial TheraFormTM material. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3540

    Improving the analytical assessment of fish stocks by providing parameters of data quality via InterCatch

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    The last multiannual Community program for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector (Commission Decision 2008/949/EC) stated the provision of precision levels and sampling intensities of the estimates at national level. However, the unequal compliance of this standard has hindered its application in stock assessment and the consequent scientific advice. The cost-benefit analysis of a sampling program, besides addressing logistical and economic constraints, should deepen the potential of the tools currently available. This article proposes to test the calculation, provision and use in stock assessment of extensively collected precision parameters. First, sampling intensities and coefficients of variation of fisheries-dependent parameters are calculated using the COST software, a statistical tool specifically designed to quantify uncertainty in marine sampled data. Secondly, alternative ways are explored to provide precision parameters to the stock assessment coordinators by using InterCatch, the existing ICES web-based system to submit national data and compile international catch matrices. Finally, the incorporation of these precision parameters in the assessment model is tested, through a stock assessed by statistical assessment models (such as SS3) which can account for sampling errors. Thus, it will be possible to quantify how errors in input data propagate through stock assessment models to affect harvest rules, and also to help identify the most cost-effective data collections that adequately support the advisory process

    Review and comparison of effective delayed neutron fraction calculation methods with Monte Carlo codes

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    The calculation of the effective delayed neutron fraction, beff , with Monte Carlo codes is a complex task due to the requirement of properly considering the adjoint weighting of delayed neutrons. Nevertheless, several techniques have been proposed to circumvent this difficulty and obtain accurate Monte Carlo results for beff without the need of explicitly determining the adjoint flux. In this paper, we make a review of some of these techniques; namely we have analyzed two variants of what we call the k-eigenvalue technique and other techniques based on different interpretations of the physical meaning of the adjoint weighting. To test the validity of all these techniques we have implemented them with the MCNPX code and we have benchmarked them against a range of critical and subcritical systems for which either experimental or deterministic values of beff are available. Furthermore, several nuclear data libraries have been used in order to assess the impact of the uncertainty in nuclear data in the calculated value of beff

    Analysis of the small-scale fleet’s coverage under two sampling strategies: from the DCR stock-based to the DCF concurrent sampling in the Northern Spanish coastal gillnets fleet

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    Working document presented at the WGCATCH 2015 meeting.The Northern Spanish coastal small scale fleet represents a major challenge for sampling due to the multi-species and multi-gear character and the complexity of the fleets’ dynamics. Particularly, the small-scale gillnets called “beta” (GNS_DEF_60-79_0_0) represents a complex Spanish métiers in terms of catches, effort, geographical distribution and the number of exploited species. Comparison of data obtained in 2008, under a stock-based approach, versus concurrent sampling realized in 2014 resulted in the increase of the information obtained and provided to ICES without detected failures in data quality. Concurrent sampling could represent a source of information for small-scale fisheries which often target a set of coastal species some of which are presently unassesed

    How old are giant squids? First approach to aging Architeuthis beaks

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    The giant squid Architeuthis dux Steenstrup, 1857 is one of the largest and most enigmatic marine species. Its age estimation remains controversial with many estimates of maximum age ranging from 1 to 14 yrs. Successful results regarding the study of aging in cephalopod beaks for some octopod and oegopsid squids support using these structures for age estimation. We analyzed the beaks of 10 individuals, caught between 1995 and 2006, with reconstructed dorsal mantle lengths (DMLs) between 823 and 1418 mm. The beaks were measured and weighed, and their microstructure was analyzed in three ways: (1) in the rostrum area [rostrum sagittal sections (RSS)] for both upper and lower jaws, and the (2) inner lateral wall surfaces (LWS) and (3) inner crest surfaces (CS) for upper jaws. A constant sequence of increments was observed along the RSS, indicating that the use of lower jaws is more feasible due to the higher erosion and tighter packing of increments of upper jaws. The statolith of one individual was analyzed, resulting in 520 increments (579 increments from RSS of its lower jaw). Assuming daily deposition, the age estimations in RSS between 411 and 674 d suggest rapid growth of A. dux, averaging 1.97 mm DML d–1 (SD 0.45). When maximum ages were estimated by applying these results to the largest measured specimens in the literature (e.g., 2400 mm DML), an age of approximately 3 yrs was obtained. Analysis over a greater size range of individuals would allow more accurate age estimations of this emblematic squid.En prensa1,14

    La gestión de cadenas productivas: desarrollos recientes y aplicabilidad del concepto

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    El concepto central de este artículo se refiere a "sistemas productivos estrictamente coordinados" (slrictlycoordinaledsupplysystems-SCSS). basado en la teoría de la integración vertical, propuesta por Williamson (1985). Su objetivo principal es exponer elementos clave en la gestión de las cadenas productivas, ya que la literatura reciente en este campo está avanzando hacia el desarrollo de una les la sólida sobre este tema, y además los sectores productivos (público y privado) han mostrado interés en conocer instrumentos que puedan ayudar a gestionar Iqs sistemas productivos. Para cumplir este propósito, se encuentra dividido en cinco partes, asi: introducción o marco de referencia, ubicación del concepto de sistema productivo en un marco "coasiano", análisis del concepto de coordinación y sus límites, problemática de la falta de coordinación y teoría de la gestión de los sistemas productivos. Por último, se presentan las conclusiones y se identifican algunos conceptos que requieren especial atención