23 research outputs found

    Tectonic model for development of the Byrd Glacier discontinuity and surrounding regions of the Transantarctic Mountains during Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic

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    The Byrd Glacier discontinuity us a major boundary crossing the Ross Orogen, with crystalline rocks to the north and primarily sedimentary rocks to the south. Most models for the tectonic development of the Ross Orogen in the central Transantarctic Mountains consits of two-dimensional transects across the belt, but do not adress the major longitudinal contrast at Byrd Glacier. This paper presents a tectonic model centering on the Byrd Glacier discontinuity. Rifting in the Neoproterozoic producede a crustal promontory in the craton margin to the north of Byrd Glacier. Oblique convergence of the terrane (Beardmore microcontinent) during the latest Neroproterozoic and Early Cambrian was accompanied by subduction along the craton margin of East Antarctica. New data presented herein in the support of this hypothesis are U-Pb dates of 545.7 ± 6.8 Ma and 531.0 ± 7.5 Ma on plutonic rocks from the Britannia Range, subduction stepped out, and Byrd Glacier. After docking of the terrane, subduction stepped out, and Byrd Group was deposited during the Atdabanian-Botomian across the inner margin of the terrane. Beginning in the upper Botomian, reactivation of the sutured boundaries of the terrane resulted in an outpouring of clastic sediment and folding and faulting of the Byrd Group

    Geology, geochemistry and Sr–Nd constraints of selected metavolcanic rocks from the eastern boundary of the Saharan Metacraton, southern Sudan: A possible revision of the eastern boundary

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    Neoproterozoic, Pan-African low-grade metavolcanic rocks and associated mafic and ultramafic rocks of ophiolitic origin have long been identified within the pre-Neoproterozoic Saharan Metacraton (SMC). These low-grade rocks within generally high-grade (upper amphibolite facies) gneiss and schist have not yet been fully investigated, and their geological and geotectonic significance have been recognised only in a very few localities: (1) the Delgo–Atmur ophiolite and low-grade volcano-sedimentary belt, (2) the Rahib ophiolite and low-grade sedimentary fold and thrust belt, both in northern Sudan along the eastern boundary of the Saharan Metacraton and (3) the low-grade volcano-sedimentary rocks in the Central African Republic. Dismembered and low-grade metamorphosed occurrences of mafic extrusive and intrusive and minor ultramafic rocks, grouped as the Arid unit, similar to those of the Arabian Nubian Shield (ANS), are reported here for the first time in the westernmost part of the Nuba Mountains, southeastern Sudan. These occurrences are interpreted to represent part of an ophiolite sequence with a lower cumulate layer composed of layered gabbro and minor cumulate hornblendite and a top layer of thick massive gabbro, pillowed basalt and basaltic andesite. The Arid unit is structurally underlain by basaltic-andesite and andesite and a metasedimentary sequence identified as turbidite and both grouped as the Abutulu unit. All of the rocks are slightly sheared, deformed and metamorphosed under low-grade greenschist facies to epidote amphibolite sub-facies. New geochemical and Sr–Nd isotope data reveal that the low-grade metavolcanic rocks of the westernmost Nuba Mountains represent a Neoproterozoic oceanic arc/backarc assemblage. The massive gabbro and pillowed basalt of the Arid unit show the geochemical characteristics of HFSE-depleted tholeiitic basalt while the co-genetic and more evolved meta-andesite of Abutulu unit show a calc-alkaline signature. Both units display a REE pattern characterized by LILE enrichment indicating formation in an arc/back-arc environment. This arc was active at around 778 ± 90 Ma (Sm– Nd 12 WR isochron) that is similar in age to the arc magmatism in the ANS. The close interval between the TDM Nd model age (average of 10 metavolcanic samples is 814 Ma) and the crystallization age (778 ± 90 Ma) is indicative of little or no involvement of older material. The western Nuba Mountains metavolcanic rocks have eNd values of +5.9 at 778 Ma (average of 12 samples) indicating a depleted mantle source similar to that of the ANS (published range from +6.5 to +8.4). The eNd values of the metavolcanic rocks are different from previously published ages of high-grade basement rocks that occupy the area west of the Kabus suture and east of Abutulu (+2.2 and +3.5 for the Rashad and Abbassyia). It is proposed that the metavolcanic and associated plutonic mafic rocks represent a unique Neoproterozoic entity named the Abutulu terrane that developed in a marginal back-arc basin west of the medium-grade gneiss of the Nuba Mountains. If the Abutulu terrane is included as a part of the ANS, then the eastern boundary of the SMC is adjacent to the western edge of the ANS along the Abutulu suture.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/precamres2017-08-31hb2016Geolog

    Persistent biological reactivity of quartz in the lung: raised protease burden compared with a non-pathogenic mineral dust and microbial particles.

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    This study assessed the potential harmfulness of particles in the lung by measuring their ability to elicit and maintain an inflammatory response and to damage lung tissue. It compared the inflammogenicity of two nondurable, biological particulates (Corynebacterium parvum and zymosan) with a pathogenic mineral dust (quartz) and a nonpathogenic dust (titanium dioxide) by dosing rats via the intratracheal route and measuring the consequent alveolitis. The magnitude and duration of the inflammatory response were assessed by measuring the total number of leucocytes and the percentage of neutrophils obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage. Two key functional parameters of the lavaged leucocytes--ability to degrade fibronectin and production of plasminogen activator--were also measured. A marked inflammatory response had occurred by one day after instillation, characterised by increases in total leucocyte numbers and percentage of neutrophils in the bronchoalveolar lavages, with all four test materials. In all but the quartz exposed animals, the inflammation subsided rapidly thereafter, approaching control levels by 15 days after injection; in the quartz exposed animals the alveolitis persisted for up to 30 days. All of the inflammogens generated chemotaxins in rat serum in vitro and so, by analogy, might also be expected to generate chemotactic activity in alveolar lining fluid which could contribute to the generation of an inflammatory response. The cellular inflammatory response was accompanied by a concomitant increase in the proteolytic activity of the bronchoalveolar lavage leucocytes but production of plasminogen activator remained unchanged. In vitro exposure to the inflammogens had no effect on the proteolytic activity against fibronectin or on the plasminogen activator activity of bronchoalveolar leucocytes