50 research outputs found

    Colloidal Gold - A Powerful Tool in Scanning Electron Microscope Immunocytochemistry: An Overview of Bioapplications

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    Colloidal gold may be conjugated to a wide variety of macromolecules, provides a versatile system for immunocytochemical studies by various types of microscopy (light and fluorescent microscopy, scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy), and is significantly contributing to the development of SEM immunocytochemistry as a routine analytical procedure. A comprehensive overview has been compiled of the literature on SEM bioapplications of colloidal gold. This is illustrated through a selected series of studies focussing on a) cell surface receptor-ligand interactions; b) expression of cell surface lectin-binding sites; c) surface distribution of extracellular matrix components; and d) visualization of gold-labelled cytoskeletal elements with emphasis on the use of backscattered electron imaging as a powerful analytical adjunct in the development of SEM immunocytochemistry

    Plasma oxalate: comparison of methodologies

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    Measurement of oxalate in the blood is essential for monitoring primary hyperoxaluria patients with progressive renal impairment and on dialysis prior to transplantation. As no external quality assurance scheme is available for this analyte, we conducted a sample exchange scheme between six laboratories specifcally involved with the investigation of primary hyperoxaluria to compare results. The methodologies compared were gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCMS), ion chromatography with mass spectrometry (ICMS), and enzymatic methods using oxalate oxidase and spectrophotometry. Although individual laboratories performed well in terms of reproducibility and linearity, there was poor agreement (absolute values) between centres as illustrated by a longer-term comparison of patient results from two of the participating laboratories. This situation was only partly related to diferences in calibration and mainly refected the lower recoveries seen with the ultrafltration of samples. These fndings lead us to conclude that longitudinal monitoring of primary hyperoxaluria patients with deteriorating kidney function should be performed by a single consistent laboratory and the methodology used should always be defned. In addition, plasma oxalate concentrations reported in registry studies and those associated with the risk of systemic oxalosis in published studies need to be interpreted in light of the methodology used. A reference method and external quality assurance scheme for plasma oxalate analysis would be benefcial

    A Mouse Model of Post-Arthroplasty Staphylococcus aureus Joint Infection to Evaluate In Vivo the Efficacy of Antimicrobial Implant Coatings

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    Post-arthroplasty infections represent a devastating complication of total joint replacement surgery, resulting in multiple reoperations, prolonged antibiotic use, extended disability and worse clinical outcomes. As the number of arthroplasties in the U.S. will exceed 3.8 million surgeries per year by 2030, the number of post-arthroplasty infections is projected to increase to over 266,000 infections annually. The treatment of these infections will exhaust healthcare resources and dramatically increase medical costs.To evaluate novel preventative therapeutic strategies against post-arthroplasty infections, a mouse model was developed in which a bioluminescent Staphylococcus aureus strain was inoculated into a knee joint containing an orthopaedic implant and advanced in vivo imaging was used to measure the bacterial burden in real-time. Mice inoculated with 5x10(3) and 5x10(4) CFUs developed increased bacterial counts with marked swelling of the affected leg, consistent with an acute joint infection. In contrast, mice inoculated with 5x10(2) CFUs developed a low-grade infection, resembling a more chronic infection. Ex vivo bacterial counts highly correlated with in vivo bioluminescence signals and EGFP-neutrophil fluorescence of LysEGFP mice was used to measure the infection-induced inflammation. Furthermore, biofilm formation on the implants was visualized at 7 and 14 postoperative days by variable-pressure scanning electron microscopy (VP-SEM). Using this model, a minocycline/rifampin-impregnated bioresorbable polymer implant coating was effective in reducing the infection, decreasing inflammation and preventing biofilm formation.Taken together, this mouse model may represent an alternative pre-clinical screening tool to evaluate novel in vivo therapeutic strategies before studies in larger animals and in human subjects. Furthermore, the antibiotic-polymer implant coating evaluated in this study was clinically effective, suggesting the potential for this strategy as a therapeutic intervention to combat post-arthroplasty infections

    Frequency of the C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia: a cross-sectional study.

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    We aimed to accurately estimate the frequency of a hexanucleotide repeat expansion in C9orf72 that has been associated with a large proportion of cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD)

    Recent advances in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Face To Face by Ethan Ash

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    4 track music album by Ethan Ash. Rob Toulson credited Producer and Recording Engineer

    Applying alternative fuels in place of hydrogen to the jet ignition process

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    © 2008 Dr. Elisa ToulsonHydrogen Assisted Jet Ignition (HAJI) is an advanced ignition process that allows ignition of ultra-lean mixtures in an otherwise standard gasoline fuelled spark ignition engine. Under typical operating conditions, a small amount of H2 (~ 2 % ofthe main fuel energy or roughly the equivalent of 1 g/km of H2) is injected just before ignition in the region of the spark plug. By locating the spark plug in a small prechamber (less than 1 % of the clearance volume) and by employing a H2 rich mixture, the content of the prechamber is plentiful in the active species that form radicals H and OH on decomposition and has a relatively high energy level compared to the lean main chamber contents. Thus, the vigorous jets of chemically active combustion products that issue through orifices, which connect to the main chamber, burn the main charge rapidly and with almost no combustion variability (less than 2% coefficient of variation in IMEP even at λ = 2.5). The benefits from the low temperature combustion at λ = 2 and leaner are that almost zero NOx is formed and there is an improvement in thermal efficiency. Efficiency improvements are a result of the elimination of dissociation, such as CO2 to CO, which normally occurs at high temperatures, together with reduced throttling losses to maintain the same road power. It is even possible to run the engine in an entirely unthrottled mode, but at λ = 5. Although only a small amount of H2 is required for the HAJI process, it is difficult to both refuel H2 and store it onboard. In order to overcome these obstacles, the viability of a variety of more convenient fuels was experimentally assessed based on criteria such as combustion stability, lean limit and emission levels. The prechamber fuels tested were liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), natural gas, reformed gasoline and carbon monoxide. Additionally, LPG was employed as the main fuel in conjunction with H2 or LPG in the prechamber. Furthermore, the effects of HAJI operation under sufficient exhaust gas recirculation to allow stoichiometric fuel-air supply, thus permitting three-way catalyst application were also examined. In addition to experiments, prechamber and main chamber flame propagation modeling was completed to examine the effects of each prechamber fuel on the ignition of the main fuel, which consisted of either LPG or gasoline. The modeling and experimental results offered similar trends, with the modeling results giving insight into the physiochemical process by which main fuel combustion is initiated in the HAJI process. Both the modeling and experimental results indicate that the level of ignition enhancement provided by HAJI is highly dependent on the generation of chemical species and not solely on the energy content of the prechamber fuel. Although H2 was found to be the most effective fuel, in a study of a very light load condition (70 kPa MAP) especially when running in the ultra-lean region, the alternative fuels were effective at running between λ = 2-2.5 with almost zero NOx formation. These lean limits are about twice the value possible with spark ignition (λ = 1.25) in this engine at similar load conditions. In addition, the LPG results are very encouraging as they offer the possibility of a HAJI like system where a commercially available fuel is used as both the main and prechamber fuel, while providing thermal efficiency improvements over stoichiometric operation and meeting current NOx emission standards