13,577 research outputs found

    Effective model of the electronic Griffiths phase

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    We present simple analytical arguments explaining the universal emergence of electronic Griffiths phases as precursors of disorder-driven metal-insulator transitions in correlated electronic systems. A simple effective model is constructed and solved within Dynamical Mean Field Theory. It is shown to capture all the qualitative and even quantitative aspects of such Griffiths phases.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, one reference corrected; minor corrections include

    Transport properties in antiferromagnetic quantum Griffiths phases

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    We study the electrical resistivity in the quantum Griffiths phase associated with the antiferromagnetic quantum phase transition in a metal. The resistivity is calculated by means of the semi-classical Boltzmann equation. We show that the scattering of electrons by locally ordered rare regions leads to a singular temperature dependence. The rare-region contribution to the resistivity varies as TλT^\lambda with temperature T,T, where the λ\lambda is the usual Griffiths exponent which takes the value zero at the critical point and increases with distance from criticality. We find similar singular contributions to other transport properties such as thermal resistivity, thermopower and the Peltier coefficient. We also compare our results with existing experimental data and suggest new experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Using imprecise continuous time Markov chains for assessing the reliability of power networks with common cause failure and non-immediate repair.

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    We explore how imprecise continuous time Markov chains can improve traditional reliability models based on precise continuous time Markov chains. Specifically, we analyse the reliability of power networks under very weak statistical assumptions, explicitly accounting for non-stationary failure and repair rates and the limited accuracy by which common cause failure rates can be estimated. Bounds on typical quantities of interest are derived, namely the expected time spent in system failure state, as well as the expected number of transitions to that state. A worked numerical example demonstrates the theoretical techniques described. Interestingly, the number of iterations required for convergence is observed to be much lower than current theoretical bounds

    Lexicographic choice functions without archimedeanicity

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    We investigate the connection between choice functions and lexicographic probabilities, by means of the convexity axiom considered by Seidenfeld, Schervisch and Kadane (2010) but without imposing any Archimedean condition. We show that lexicographic probabilities are related to a particular type of sets of desirable gambles, and investigate the properties of the coherent choice function this induces via maximality. Finally, we show that the convexity axiom is necessary but not sufficient for a coherent choice function to be the infimum of a class of lexicographic ones

    A robust Bayesian analysis of the impact of policy decisions on crop rotations.

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    We analyse the impact of a policy decision on crop rotations, using the imprecise land use model that was developed by the authors in earlier work. A specific challenge in crop rotation models is that farmer’s crop choices are driven by both policy changes and external non-stationary factors, such as rainfall, temperature and agricultural input and output prices. Such dynamics can be modelled by a non-stationary stochastic process, where crop transition probabilities are multinomial logistic functions of such external factors. We use a robust Bayesian approach to estimate the parameters of our model, and validate it by comparing the model response with a non-parametric estimate, as well as by cross validation. Finally, we use the resulting predictions to solve a hypothetical yet realistic policy problem

    Kolmogorov condition near hyperbolic singularities of integrable Hamiltonian systems

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    In this paper we show that, if an integrable Hamiltonian system admits a nondegenerate hyperbolic singularity then it will satisfy the Kolmogorov condegeneracy condition near that singularity (under a mild additional condition, which is trivial if the singularity contains a fixed point)Comment: revised version, 11p, accepted for publication in a sepecial volume in Regular and Chaotic Dynamics in honor of Richard Cushma

    Pd/Cu Site Interchange and Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in UCu_4Pd

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    X-ray-absorption fine-structure measurements of the local structure in UCu_4Pd are described which indicate a probable lattice-disorder origin for non-Fermi-liquid behavior in this material. Short Pd-Cu distances are observed, consistent with 24 +/- 3% of the Pd atoms occupying nominally Cu sites. A "Kondo disorder" model, based on the effect on the local Kondo temperature T_K of this interchange and some additional bond-length disorder, agrees quantitatively with previous experimental susceptibility data, and therefore also with specific heat and magnetic resonance experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 PostScript figures, to be published in PR

    Avaliação de linhagens, materiais comerciais e duas populações de milho para tolerância a alumínio.

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    Neste trabalho realizou-se a avaliacao da tolerancia a Al (4,5 mg.l) de 39 linhagens, 98 materiais comerciais, 167 progenies de uma populacao IAC-Maya e de 466 progenies de uma populacao IAC-Genetica, usando-se a tecnica de solucao nutritiva. Foram usadas na avaliacao as características ICR (indice de crescimento da radicula = comprimento relativo da radicula -CRR (CR+Al.CR-Al)- multiplicado por comprimento relativo da raiz secundaria mais longa - CRRSML (CRSML+Al/CRSML-Al) e CLR (comprimento liquido da radicula = diferenca entre os valores de comprimento da radicula - CR - obtidos no inicio e fim do periodo de crescimento das plantas em presenca de Al). As linhagens e as progenies da populacao IAC-Maya a de milho foram avaliadas através do ICR enquanto que os materiais comerciais e as progenies da populacao IAC-Genetica foram avaliados pelos valores de CLR. Os controles utilizados foram IAC HS1227 (tolerante a Al) e IAC HS7777 (sensivel a Al). O metodo de solucao nutritiva foi eficiente na diferenciacao da tolerancia a Al dentre os materiais testados, evidenciando a ocorrencia de ampla variabilidade genetica para essa caracteristica. As seguintes linhagens e materiais comerciais apresentaram tolerancia a Al (4,5 mg/l): Porto Rico 70. D,2, IP 38-5-3, IP 365-4-I, IA 2992-3-1-2-3, Vic 3-2-3-30-V-6, 490, 519, 532, 536-2 e 820 (linhagens) e AG 82, AG 260, AGROMEM 1022, ASGROW 1255, DINA 03S, DINA 47, IAC Hmd 7974, SS 1243 e UNICAMP 720 (materiais comerciais)

    Influence of spin fluctuations near the Mott transition: a DMFT study

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    Dynamics of magnetic moments near the Mott metal-insulator transition is investigated by a combined slave-rotor and Dynamical Mean-Field Theory solution of the Hubbard model with additional fully-frustrated random Heisenberg couplings. In the paramagnetic Mott state, the spinon decomposition allows to generate a Sachdev-Ye spin liquid in place of the collection of independent local moments that typically occurs in the absence of magnetic correlations. Cooling down into the spin-liquid phase, the onset of deviations from pure Curie behavior in the spin susceptibility is found to be correlated to the temperature scale at which the Mott transition lines experience a marked bending. We also demonstrate a weakening of the effective exchange energy upon approaching the Mott boundary from the Heisenberg limit, due to quantum fluctuations associated to zero and doubly occupied sites.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. V3 was largely expande