1,030 research outputs found

    Contribución al estudio florístico de las serranías subbéticas de la provincia de Sevilla

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    A check—list of the Sierras Subbéticas of the province of Seville is presented. A total of 883 species have been identificated. The geographical, geological, edaphological and climatological characters, are also give.En este trabajo se ha realizado un catálogo florístico de la Sierras Subbéticas de la provincia de Sevilla, en el que se citan 882 especies. Dicho catálogo va acompañado de las componentes geográficas, geológicas, edafológicas y climatológicas que caracterizan la zona. A check—list of the Sierras Subbéticas of the province of Seville is presented. A total of 883 species have been identificated. The geographical, geological, edaphological and climatological characters, are also give

    Variación estacional del contenido de esporas de cladosporium en la atmósfera de Córdoba

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    En este trabajo se estud ia l a incidencia de esporas del género Cladosporium en l a atmósfera de Córdoba durante el período comprendido entre Abril de ¡gs3 a Narzo de 1984, med i ante la utilización de los mét odos de muestreo grav imétr ico y volumétrico . Se comparan los resultados obtenidos con los aportados por otros autores y se relacionan con los parámetros climatológicosIn this paper the incidente of spores of Cladosporium f rom Apri l 1983 to March 1984 in the atmosphere of Córdoba , by means of g.ravirnetric and volumetric methods is studied. The data obtained related wi t h t he clima tic parameters are comparated wi th those published by other author

    Estudio comparativo de Alternaria nees ex fries. en el aire de exterior e interior en la ciudad de Córdoba

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    Se estudia la incidencia de un género con i nterés alérgico , Alternaria, en el aire de interior y exterior de 14 hogares de Córdoba . El muestreo se ha realizado quincenalmente durante un año en 14 vivie ndas uti lizando el mét odo de sedimentación sobre medio de cultiva . Se han contabilizado 3953 colonias de Alternarla pertenecientes a las siguie ntes especies : A. consortiale , A. crassa , A. dendritica, A. japonica , A. tenuis y A. tenuissima. A. tenuis ha sido la más abundante tanto en e l interior como en e l exterior ; dos de las espec i es identificadas , A. consorti ale y A. crassa son más abundan tes en el interior ; las restantes l o son más en el exteriorWe have studi ed the occur rcnce of a genus of a llergic interest, Alternarla , in t he outdoor and indoor atmosphere of 14 homes in Córdoba . Sampling \oJas carried out by sedimentation on a bread spectrum mycologi cal medi um. Samples were collected fortnight ly over one year i n fo urteen homes . We detected a total of 3953 colonies of Al ternaria belongi ng to six different spec i es of t his genus : A. consortial e , A. crassa , A~ dendrítica, A. japonica, A. tenuis and A. tenuissima. A. t enui s v1as by f ar· t he most f r equent of the above mentioned species , both indoors a nd ou tdoor s . Two of the speci es idcntified, A. consortiale and A. crassa occurred in greater concentrations indoors ; the remaining four were fou nd to occur p r e ferentially outdoors

    Variación estacional y diaria del polen de Olea Europaea L. en la atmósfera de Córdoba en relación con los parámetros meteorológicos

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    Se hu realizado un estudio de la variación estacional de los granos de polen de Olea europaea L en la atmósfera de la ciudad de Córdoba durante los años 1982 y 1983. Para la recogida de las muestras se ha utilizado el Burkard spore·trap. El polen de esta especie puede ser uno de los agc11tes más impo1tantes en CJ.11.mto <~ la producción de polinosis primaveral en nuestra ciudad, alcanzándose las máximas concentraciones durante el mes de mayo y primera quincena de junio. Se han analizado los diferentes parámetros meteorológicos (precipitación, humedad temperatura y dirección del \'icnto}. Aparentemente la precipitación y la temperatura son los que ejercen una mayor influencia en la concentración de estos pólenes en la atmósfera de Córdoba. Se ha estudiado también la variación a lo larga del dfa de la conccotraci6n de polen, en ambos años las grá~cas son casi coincide ntes, detectándose la m<.~)'Or incide nci:.~ de granos hucia las Uos o trt!S de la tan..! t.We carricd oul a study on rhc annual variarion or pollcn from Olea r.umpaea L. in ibc atmosphcrc of the city ol Córdoba along 1932 and 1983. The samplcs were collccted with t.be aid o( a Burkard sporc-trap. Pcllcn rrom this spccics, ene of thc major agcnlS causlng pollinosis, occurs in lo'Cry bight conccntration in thc atmosphcre ur Cón.Joba1 appcaring the greatest conccntratiou during may and in the first half o! junt . We havc a1so a n<~lysed the different meteorological parameters namely rainfaU, humidity, tem¡>erature, as wcll as thc wind direction. Apparentl)' the rai.nfaU and temperature exert l1le ~reates! influence on thc c.oncenlratian of "oliYe tree• palien in Córdoba. Wc ha~·e also stud1ed tlle varia tion a long a day of Olea europaea L. pollen, the graphs oblained for both ycars are vinually coincideut, with the greatesl incidencc about two or three hour pm

    Contribución al conocimiento del género Anthyllis L. (Fabaceae) en la Península Ibérica A. plumosa sp. nov

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    Se realiza un estudio morfológico, palinológico y cariológico de tres especies del género Anthyllis (sect. Oreanthyllis), describiéndose una nueva especie, A. plumosa E. Domínguez procedente de las arenas dolomíticas de la Sierra de Almijara (Málaga).In this paper a morphological, palynological and caryological study of three species of Anthyllis (sect. Oreanthyllis) is included. As a consecuence a new species A. plumosa E. Domínguez from the dolomitics sands of Sierra de Almijara (Málaga) is described

    Sobre la presencia de Azolla filiculoides Lam. en España

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    A zolla filiculoides Lam. is reported as new to the Flora of Spain.A zolla filiculoides Lam. se cita por primera vez para España

    Dynamical Boson Stars

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    The idea of stable, localized bundles of energy has strong appeal as a model for particles. In the 1950s John Wheeler envisioned such bundles as smooth configurations of electromagnetic energy that he called {\em geons}, but none were found. Instead, particle-like solutions were found in the late 1960s with the addition of a scalar field, and these were given the name {\em boson stars}. Since then, boson stars find use in a wide variety of models as sources of dark matter, as black hole mimickers, in simple models of binary systems, and as a tool in finding black holes in higher dimensions with only a single killing vector. We discuss important varieties of boson stars, their dynamic properties, and some of their uses, concentrating on recent efforts.Comment: 79 pages, 25 figures, invited review for Living Reviews in Relativity; major revision in 201

    Protection of Spanish Ibex (Capra pyrenaica) against Bluetongue Virus Serotypes 1 and 8 in a Subclinical Experimental Infection

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    Many wild ruminants such as Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica) are susceptible to Bluetongue virus (BTV) infection, which causes disease mainly in domestic sheep and cattle. Outbreaks involving either BTV serotypes 1 (BTV-1) and 8 (BTV-8) are currently challenging Europe. Inclusion of wildlife vaccination among BTV control measures should be considered in certain species. In the present study, four out of fifteen seronegative Spanish ibexes were immunized with a single dose of inactivated vaccine against BTV-1, four against BTV-8 and seven ibexes were non vaccinated controls. Seven ibexes (four vaccinated and three controls) were inoculated with each BTV serotype. Antibody and IFN-gamma responses were evaluated until 28 days after inoculation (dpi). The vaccinated ibexes showed significant (P<0.05) neutralizing antibody levels after vaccination compared to non vaccinated ibexes. The non vaccinated ibexes remained seronegative until challenge and showed neutralizing antibodies from 7 dpi. BTV RNA was detected in the blood of non vaccinated ibexes from 2 to the end of the study (28 dpi) and in target tissue samples obtained at necropsy (8 and 28 dpi). BTV-1 was successfully isolated on cell culture from blood and target tissues of non vaccinated ibexes. Clinical signs were unapparent and no gross lesions were found at necropsy. Our results show for the first time that Spanish ibex is susceptible and asymptomatic to BTV infection and also that a single dose of vaccine prevents viraemia against BTV-1 and BTV-8 replication

    Search for heavy Majorana neutrinos in e±e± and e±μ± final states via WW scattering in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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