405 research outputs found

    Bioclimatology, structure, and conservation perspectives of Quercus pyrenaica, Acer opalus subsp. Granatensis, and Corylus avellana deciduous forests on Mediterranean bioclimate in the South-Central part of the Iberian Peninsula

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    The plant variability in the southern Iberian Peninsula consists of around 3500 different taxa due to its high bioclimatic, geographic, and geological diversity. The deciduous forests in the southern Iberian Peninsula are located in regions with topographies and specific bioclimatic conditions that allow for the survival of taxa that are typical of cooler and wetter bioclimatic regions and therefore represent the relict evidence of colder and more humid paleoclimatic conditions. The floristic composition of 421 samples of deciduous forests in the south-central part of the Iberian Peninsula were analyzed. The ecological importance index (IVI) was calculated, where the most important tree species were Quercuspyrenaica, Aceropalus subsp. Granatensis, and Corylusavellana. These species are uncommon in the south-central part of the Iberian Peninsula, forming forests of little extension. An analysis of the vertical distribution of the species (stratum) shows that the majority of the species of stratum 3 (hemicriptophics, camephytes, geophites, and nanophanerophytes) are characteristic of deciduous forests, and their presence is positively correlated with high values of bioclimatic variables related to humidity and presence of water in the soil (nemoral environments), while they are negatively correlated with high values of bioclimatic variables related to high temperatures, evapotranspiration, and aridity. This work demonstrates that several characteristic deciduous forest taxa are more vulnerable to disappearance due to the loss of their nemoral conditions caused by gaps in the tree or shrub canopy. These gaps lead to an increase in evapotranspiration, excess insolation, and a consequent loss of water and humidity in the microclimatic conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    N170 Asymmetry as an Index of Inferior Occipital Dysfunction in Patients With Symptomatic Occipital Lobe Epilepsy

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    Objective: Localizing epileptic foci in posterior brain epilepsy remains a difficult exercise in surgery for epilepsy evaluation. Neither clinical manifestations, neurological, EEG nor neuropsychological evaluations provide strong information about the area of onset, and fast spread of paroxysms often produces mixed features of occipital, temporal and parietal symptoms. We investigated the usefulness of the N170 event-related potential to map epileptic activity in these patients. Methods: A group of seven patients with symptomatic posterior cortex epilepsy were submitted to a high-resolution EEG (78 electrodes), with recordings of interictal spikes and face-evoked N170. Generators of spikes and N170 were localized by source analysis. Range of normal N170 asymmetry was determined in 30 healthy volunteers. Results: In 3 out of 7 patients the N170 inter-hemispheric asymmetry was outside control values. Those were the patients whose spike sources were nearest (within 3 cm) to the fusiform gyrus, while foci further away did not affect the N170 ratio. Conclusions: N170 event-related potential provides useful information about focal cortical dysfunction produced by epileptic foci located in the close neighborhood of the fusiform gyrus, but are unaffected by foci further away. Significance: The N170 evoked by faces can improve the epileptic foci localization in posterior brain epilepsy

    Influence of steps on the tilting and adsorption dynamics of ordered Pn films on vicinal Ag(111) surfaces

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    Here we present a structural study of pentacene (Pn) thin films on vicinal Ag(111) surfaces by He atom diffraction measurements and density functional theory (DFT) calculations supplemented with van der Waals (vdW) interactions. Our He atom diffraction results suggest initial adsorption at the step edges evidenced by initial slow specular reflection intensity decay rate as a function of Pn deposition time. In parallel with the experimental findings, our DFT+vdW calculations predict the step edges as the most stable adsorption site on the surface. An isolated molecule adsorbs as tilted on the step edge with a binding energy of 1.4 eV. In addition, a complete monolayer (ML) with pentacenes flat on the terraces and tilted only at the step edges is found to be more stable than one with all lying flat or tilted molecules, which in turn influences multilayers. Hence our results suggest that step edges can trap Pn molecules and act as nucleation sites for the growth of ordered thin films with a crystal structure similar to that of bulk Pn.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Can we rely on iFR for avoiding FFR? Conclusions of a 5-year experience

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    Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2017Background: Recently, the instantaneous wave free ratio (iFR), has been proposed an alternative or complementary method to fractional flow reserve (FFR). This new method does not require the use of adenosine and may expedite the speed of functional assessment. The iFR “hybrid strategy” relies on values 0,93 as definitive results which would not require the use of FFR. However, this strategy is much less consensual than FFR alone. Purpose: We aimed to assess the concordance of FFR and iFR results using the principle of the “hybrid strategy”, based on the 5-year experience of a single center. We also aimed to analyse the effect of iFR in the operator's decision to proceed to FFR, and its impact on procedure duration and radiation time/dosage. Methods: Single-center registry of all patients undergoing functional coronary lesion assessment during 5 years. FFR was used as a gold standard (with a cut-off point for intervention ≤0,80) for assessing the diagnostic accuracy of iFR in every patient who underwent measurements with both techniques. For analysis purposes, an iFR value 0,93 was considered negative (i.e. defer intervention). Values in between were deemed inconclusive. For statistical analysis we used the T student and Chi-Square tests. Results: Functional testing was undertaken in 326 patients (67±11 years, 65,6% male), encompassing 402 lesions. 154 lesions underwent assessment with both techniques, 222 by FFR only and 26 cases iFR only. The average iFR was 0,9±0,1. 60 lesions had an iFR >0,93 and 21 an iFR <0,86. An iFR value between 0,86 and 0,93 was strongly associated with the decision to proceed to FFR (χ2=30,1; p0,93 (71,4% vs 68%; p=0,792). In these cases, there was a statistically significant concordance of 87% between the iFR and FFR results (χ2=22,43; p<0,001). Notwithstanding, there were 4 out of 13 cases (30,7%) of positive iFR with negative FFR and 3 out of 42 (7,1%) cases of negative iFR and positive FFR. This difference was statistically significant (p=0,026). Regarding procedural time, radiation time and radiation dose, there were no statistically significant differences between patients who only underwent iFR, FFR only, or both techniques. Conclusions: The iFR results were inconclusive (i.e. between 0,86 and 0,93) in most cases. There was a high degree of concordance between the iFR and FFR values. However, a significant proportion of patients, particularly in cases of positive iFR (<0,86), were classified as negative by FFR. The use of iFR had no impact on procedural time, radiation time and radiation dose.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    PDL1 Signals through Conserved Sequence Motifs to Overcome Interferon-Mediated Cytotoxicity

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    PDL1 blockade produces remarkable clinical responses, thought to occur by T cell reactivation through prevention of PDL1-PD1 T cell inhibitory interactions. Here, we find that PDL1 cell-intrinsic signaling protects cancer cells from interferon (IFN) cytotoxicity and accelerates tumor progression. PDL1 inhibited IFN signal transduction through a conserved class of sequence motifs that mediate crosstalk with IFN signaling. Abrogation of PDL1 expression or antibody-mediated PDL1 blockade strongly sensitized cancer cells to IFN cytotoxicity through a STAT3/caspase-7-dependent pathway. Moreover, somatic mutations found in human carcinomas within these PDL1 sequence motifs disrupted motif regulation, resulting in PDL1 molecules with enhanced protective activities from type I and type II IFN cytotoxicity. Overall, our results reveal a mode of action of PDL1 in cancer cells as a first line of defense against IFN cytotoxicity

    Geobotanical excursion guide of the XIII International Seminar Management and Biodiversity Conservation-Vale do Lobo, Loulé (Algarve-Portugal)

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    43 páginas, 10 figuras.[EN] This field guide was developed as part of the XIII International Seminar Management and Biodiversity Conservation – Vale do Lobo, Loulé (Algarve – Portugal), that aims to contribute for the scientific knowledge of the flora and vegetation of the Algarvian territories. The itinerary of the geobotanical excursion have been chosen to present the remarkable floristic richness and plant communities of three different landscape subunits: i) Faixa Litoral (dunes and saltmarshes of the Ancão Peninsula); ii) Barrocal (Nave do Barão); and, iii) Serra Algarvia (Caldeirão and Monchique mountains). For each sites the plant communities are briefly stated, as well as the vascular flora observed, including species with special conservation interest. Finally, we present the syntaxonomic scheme, and the floristic catalog of the field trip.[PO] No âmbito das atividades do XIII Seminário Internacional de Gestão e Conservação da Biodiversidade – Vale do Lobo, Loulé (Algarve – Portugal), desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho, com o objetivo de aprofundar o conhecimento da flora e vegetação dos locais a visitar no contexto do itinerário da excursão geobotânica aos territórios algarvios. Assim, a seleção dos locais de paragem procurou evidenciar a originalidade florística e fitocenótica de três sub-unidades paisagísticas de carácter e identidade distintas: i) Faixa Litoral (dunas e sapais da Península do Ancão); ii) Barrocal (Nave do Barão); e, iii) Serra Algarvia (Serra do Caldeirão e Serra de Monchique). Após uma breve descrição dos aspetos litológicos, das condições bioclimáticas e do enquadramento biogeográfico, evidenciam-se as associações vegetais e espécies presentes nas paragens realizadas, com identificação dos elementos florísticos com interesse para a conservação. Por último, tendo por base a descrição da vegetação, apresenta-se o esquema sintaxonómico, e um elenco florístico dos locais percorridos

    Profiling post-COVID-19 condition across different variants of SARS-CoV-2: a prospective longitudinal study in unvaccinated wild-type, unvaccinated alpha-variant, and vaccinated delta-variant populations

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    BACKGROUND: Self-reported symptom studies rapidly increased understanding of SARS-CoV-2 during the COVID-19 pandemic and enabled monitoring of long-term effects of COVID-19 outside hospital settings. Post-COVID-19 condition presents as heterogeneous profiles, which need characterisation to enable personalised patient care. We aimed to describe post-COVID-19 condition profiles by viral variant and vaccination status. METHODS: In this prospective longitudinal cohort study, we analysed data from UK-based adults (aged 18–100 years) who regularly provided health reports via the Covid Symptom Study smartphone app between March 24, 2020, and Dec 8, 2021. We included participants who reported feeling physically normal for at least 30 days before testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 who subsequently developed long COVID (ie, symptoms lasting longer than 28 days from the date of the initial positive test). We separately defined post-COVID-19 condition as symptoms that persisted for at least 84 days after the initial positive test. We did unsupervised clustering analysis of time-series data to identify distinct symptom profiles for vaccinated and unvaccinated people with post-COVID-19 condition after infection with the wild-type, alpha (B.1.1.7), or delta (B.1.617.2 and AY.x) variants of SARS-CoV-2. Clusters were then characterised on the basis of symptom prevalence, duration, demography, and previous comorbidities. We also used an additional testing sample with additional data from the Covid Symptom Study Biobank (collected between October, 2020, and April, 2021) to investigate the effects of the identified symptom clusters of post-COVID-19 condition on the lives of affected people. FINDINGS: We included 9804 people from the COVID Symptom Study with long COVID, 1513 (15%) of whom developed post-COVID-19 condition. Sample sizes were sufficient only for analyses of the unvaccinated wild-type, unvaccinated alpha variant, and vaccinated delta variant groups. We identified distinct profiles of symptoms for post-COVID-19 condition within and across variants: four endotypes were identified for infections due to the wild-type variant (in unvaccinated people), seven for the alpha variant (in unvaccinated people), and five for the delta variant (in vaccinated people). Across all variants, we identified a cardiorespiratory cluster of symptoms, a central neurological cluster, and a multi-organ systemic inflammatory cluster. These three main clusers were confirmed in a testing sample. Gastrointestinal symptoms clustered in no more than two specific phenotypes per viral variant. INTERPRETATION: Our unsupervised analysis identified different profiles of post-COVID-19 condition, characterised by differing symptom combinations, durations, and functional outcomes. Our classification could be useful for understanding the distinct mechanisms of post-COVID-19 condition, as well as for identification of subgroups of individuals who might be at risk of prolonged debilitation. FUNDING: UK Government Department of Health and Social Care, Chronic Disease Research Foundation, The Wellcome Trust, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Research and Innovation London Medical Imaging & Artificial Intelligence Centre for Value-Based Healthcare, UK National Institute for Health Research, UK Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation, UK Alzheimer's Society, and ZOE

    Early detection of COVID-19 in the UK using self-reported symptoms: a large-scale, prospective, epidemiological surveillance study

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    Background Self-reported symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic have been used to train artificial intelligence models to identify possible infection foci. To date, these models have only considered the culmination or peak of symptoms, which is not suitable for the early detection of infection. We aimed to estimate the probability of an individual being infected with SARS-CoV-2 on the basis of early self-reported symptoms to enable timely self-isolation and urgent testing. Methods In this large-scale, prospective, epidemiological surveillance study, we used prospective, observational, longitudinal, self-reported data from participants in the UK on 19 symptoms over 3 days after symptoms onset and COVID-19 PCR test results extracted from the COVID-19 Symptom Study mobile phone app. We divided the study population into a training set (those who reported symptoms between April 29, 2020, and Oct 15, 2020) and a test set (those who reported symptoms between Oct 16, 2020, and Nov 30, 2020), and used three models to analyse the selfreported symptoms: the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) algorithm, logistic regression, and the hierarchical Gaussian process model we designed to account for several important variables (eg, specific COVID-19 symptoms, comorbidities, and clinical information). Model performance to predict COVID-19 positivity was compared in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) in the test set. For the hierarchical Gaussian process model, we also evaluated the relevance of symptoms in the early detection of COVID-19 in population subgroups stratified according to occupation, sex, age, and body-mass index. Findings The training set comprised 182 991 participants and the test set comprised 15 049 participants. When trained on 3 days of self-reported symptoms, the hierarchical Gaussian process model had a higher prediction AUC (0·80 [95% CI 0·80–0·81]) than did the logistic regression model (0·74 [0·74–0·75]) and the NHS algorithm (0·67 [0·67–0·67]). AUCs for all models increased with the number of days of self-reported symptoms, but were still high for the hierarchical Gaussian process model at day 1 (0·73 [95% CI 0·73–0·74]) and day 2 (0·79 [0·78–0·79]). At day 3, the hierarchical Gaussian process model also had a significantly higher sensitivity, but a non-statistically lower specificity, than did the two other models. The hierarchical Gaussian process model also identified different sets of relevant features to detect COVID-19 between younger and older subgroups, and between health-care workers and non-health-care workers. When used during different pandemic periods, the model was robust to changes in populations. Interpretation Early detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection is feasible with our model. Such early detection is crucial to contain the spread of COVID-19 and efficiently allocate medical resources. Funding ZOE, the UK Government Department of Health and Social Care, the Wellcome Trust, the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the UK National Institute for Health Research, the UK Medical Research Council, the British Heart Foundation, the Alzheimer’s Society, the Chronic Disease Research Foundation, and the Massachusetts Consortium on Pathogen Readiness

    Phenolic and furanic compounds of Portuguese chestnut and French, American and Portuguese oak wood chips

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    Botanical species used on aging process must be wisely and judiciously chosen, and for this selection, a basic knowledge of the chemical composition of woods is warranted. Aiming to contribute to extend the knowledge of the chemical composition of several wood species useful for enological purposes, we have focused our studies on Portuguese chestnut and French, American and Portuguese oak chips. The profile of low molecular weight phenolic composition of these chips was achieved, using an optimized extraction method based on pressurized liquid extraction, followed by the quantification of phenolic acids, phenolic aldehydes and furanic derivatives by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD). The identification of those compounds was also confirmed by LC-DAD/ESI-MS. This study allowed the determination of the low molecular phenolic composition of Portuguese chestnut and French, American and Portuguese oak wood. According to our results, the influence of the botanical species seems to be more relevant than the geographic origin of the wood species