79 research outputs found
Pectoral Vessel Density and Early Ultrastructural Changes in Broiler Chicken Wooden Breast Myopathy
In wooden breast myopathy (WBM) of broiler chickens, the pectoralis major muscles show abnormally hard consistency and microscopical myodegeneration of unknown aetiology. To date, previous studies have focused primarily on chronic WBM and ultrastructural descriptions of early WBM are lacking. The aim of this study was to elucidate the pathogenesis of WBM by light microscopical morphometry of vessel density and the ultra structural description of early WBM changes with transmission electron microscopy. The pectoral vessel density was compared between unaffected chickens (n = 14) and two areas of focal WBM in affected chickens (n = 14). The transverse myofibre area per vessel was highest in the unaffected area of muscle from cases of focal WBM, significantly higher (P = 0.01) than in macroscopically unaffected tissue, indicating that relatively decreased blood supply may trigger the development of WBM. The ultrastructural study included unaffected chickens (n = 3), two areas offocal WBM from affected chickens (n = 3) and areas of diffuse WBM from affected chickens (n = 3). The morphologically least affected myofibres within the WBM lesion areas in light microscopy exhibited ultrastructural changes of increased sarcoplasmic reticulum diameter and mitochondrial hyperplasia. Such changes originate typically from osmotic imbalance, for which the most likely aetiologies in WBM include tissue hypoxia or myodegencration of the surrounding myofibres. The findings suggest that a relative reduction of blood supply in the major pectoral muscle occurs in the early phase of WBM, which may be linked to the ultrastructural changes of osmotic imbalance. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
Technological quality, mineral profile, and sensory attributes of broiler chicken breasts affected by White Striping and Wooden Breast myopathies.
ABSTRACT The aim of the research was to study the impact of white striping and wooden breast myopathies on the technological quality, mineral, and sensory profile of poultry meat. With this purpose, a total of 138 breasts were selected for a control group with normal breasts (N), a group of breasts characterised by white striping (WS) myopathy, and a group of breasts having both white striping and wooden breast myopathies (WSWB). Data revealed that the simultaneous presence of the two myopathies, with respect to the WS lesion individually considered, had a further detrimental effect on pH (6.04 vs. 5.96;
Wooden Breast Myodegeneration of Pectoralis Major Muscle Over the Growth Period in Broilers
Wooden breast (WB) myopathy of broiler chickens is a myodegenerative disease of an unknown etiology and is macroscopically characterized by a hardened consistency of the pectoralis major muscle. Our aim was to describe the development and morphology of WB over the growth period in broilers. Additionally, the effect of restricted dietary selenium on the occurrence of WB was examined by allocating the birds in 2 dietary groups: restricted and conventional level of selenium. The experiment included 240 male broilers that were euthanized at ages of 10, 18, 24, 35, 38, or 42 days and evaluated for WB based on abnormal hardness of the pectoralis major muscle. The severity and the distribution of the lesion and presence of white striping were recorded. The first WB cases were seen at 18 days; 13/47 birds (28%) were affected and the majority exhibited a mild focal lesion. In subsequent age groups the WB prevalence varied between 48% and 73% and the lesion was usually diffuse and markedly firm. White striping often coexisted with WB. Histological evaluation performed on 111 cases revealed a significant association of myodegeneration and lymphocytic vasculitis with WB. Vasculitis and perivascular cell infiltration were restricted to the veins. Restricted dietary selenium did not affect the occurrence of WB (P = .44). Our results indicate that WB starts focally and spreads to form a diffuse and more severe lesion.Peer reviewe
Evolution of proteolytic indicators during storage of broiler wooden breast meat
In the past few yr, an emerging muscle abnormality termed wooden breast (WB) was found to affect broilers' Pectoralis major muscles. Although different studies have been performed in order to evaluate the effect of WB on meat quality, there is no evidence concerning its impact on the proteolytic processes taking place during meat aging. Thus, this study aimed at investigating the effect of a 7-day storage of broiler breast fillets on free calcium concentration, calpain activity, and proteolysis. Both the superficial and the deep layers of the Pectoralis major muscles were considered. Although similar electrophoretic profiles were observed by comparing the corresponding sampling positions, an evident lack of a high-molecular weight protein band, ascribed to nebulin, was found in the superficial layer of the WB fillets at 10 h postmortem. Compared to normal fillets (NB), both the superficial and the deep layer of WB exhibited a significantly higher amount of free calcium at 168 h postmortem (96 and 88 vs. 20 and 53 mu M; PPeer reviewe
Wooden breast myopathy links with poorer gait in broiler chickens
Wooden breast myopathy, a condition where broiler breast muscles show a hardened consistency post-mortem, has been described recently. However, it is not known how wooden breast myopathy affects the bird activity or welfare. Altogether, over 340 birds of five commonly used commercial hybrids were housed in 25 pens, and sample birds killed at ages of 22, 32, 36, 39 and 43 days. Their breast muscle condition was assessed post-mortem by palpation. The birds were gait scored and their latency to lie was measured before killing. For further behavior observations, one affected and healthy bird in 12 pens were followed on 5 days for 20 minutes using video recordings. The connection of myopathy to gait score and activity was analyzed with mixed models. A higher gait score of wooden-breast-affected birds than that of unaffected birds (2.9 +/- 0.1 v. 2.6 +/- 0.1, P <0.05) indicated a higher level of locomotor difficulties over all age groups. The wooden-breast-affected birds had fewer crawling or movement bouts while lying down compared with unaffected (P <0.05). Wooden breast myopathy-affected birds were heavier (2774 +/- 91 v. 2620 +/- 91 g; P <0.05) and had higher breast muscle yield (21 +/- 1 v. 19 +/- 1%; P <0.05) than unaffected birds overall. Older birds had longer lying bouts, longer total lying time, fewer walking bouts, more difficulties to walk and to stand compared with younger birds (P <0.05). Birds with poorer gait had longer total lying time and fewer walking bouts (P <0.05). Birds with greatest breast muscle yield had the largest number of lying bouts (P <0.05). It was concluded that wooden breast myopathy was associated with an impairment of gait scores, and may thus be partly linked to the common walking abnormalities in broilers.Peer reviewe
Kansallinen allergiaohjelma 2008-2018 muutti asenteita ja vähensi sairastavuutta
Lähtökohdat : Allergiaohjelma 2008–2018 on kansallinen kansanterveysohjelma, jonka avulla välttöstrategia on käännetty sietostrategiaksi ja painotettu allergiaterveyttä. Raportoimme 10 vuoden tulokset.Menetelmät : Ohjelmalla oli kuusi tavoitetta, joiden toteuttamiseksi määriteltiin tehtävät, työkalut ja mittarit. Ohjelmaa toteutettiin kouluttamalla terveydenhuoltoa ja viestimällä väestölle.Tulokset : Astman ja allergisen nuhan esiintyvyys tasoittui asevelvollisissa ja Helsingin aikuisväestössä. Helsingin aikuisista astmaatikoista 41 % oli ollut vuoden 2016 kyselyä edeltäneen vuoden oireettomia (31 % 2006). Lasten allergiaruokavaliot vähenivät koko maassa noin puoleen. Työperäiset allergiset sairaudet vähenivät 45 %. Astman sairaalahoidon tarve puolittui, mutta päivystyskäynnit vähenivät oleellisesti vain lapsilla. Anafylaksia aiheutti aiempaa enemmän päivystyskäyntejä. Allergiasta ja astmasta aiheutuvat vuosittaiset suorat ja epäsuorat kustannukset vähenivät 200 miljoonaa euroa (30 %) verrattaessa vuosia 2007 ja 2018.Päätelmät : Allergian ja astman aiheuttama sairastavuus ja niistä koituvat kustannukset vähenivät merkittävästi. Haitat vähenivät aluksi nopeasti, myöhemmin hitaammin. Ammattilaiset ja suuri yleisö hyväksyivät uuden suunnan, jossa painottuivat sietokyky ja terveys allergiasta huolimatta. Tietoon perustuvat systemaattiset ohjelmat ovat vahva keino parantaa kansanterveyttä
Physiological indicators of stress and meat and carcass characteristics in tail bitten slaughter pigs
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Sodium reduction in cooked meat products by using commercial potassium phosphate mixtures
In addition to salt (NaCl), sodium phosphate also increases the sodium content of meat products. Thus, the effects of replacing sodium phosphate with potassium phosphate on sodium content and properties of low-salt cooked bologna-type sausage and cooked ham were studied. Four sausage formulations were prepared. In formulations 1 and 2, the target sodium content was 0.55 g Na/100 g, and in recipes 3 and 4, 0.63 g Na/100 g. The salt content in formulation 2 was the same as in formulation 3, namely 1.2% NaCl, but the sodium content in the former was lower. In the cooked hams of recipes 1 and 2, the salt content was 1.4%, and in recipes 3 and 4, 1.8%. Sodium phosphate was used in recipes 1 and 3, and potassium phosphate in recipes 2 and 4. Very low-salt (i.e. 1.0-1.4% NaCl) meat products can be prepared providing that phosphates are added. Further reduction of sodium content in low-salt meat products is possible by replacing sodium phosphate with potassium phosphate. The extent of sodium reduction depends on the phosphates used and their sodium content, being equivalent to a sodium content of 0.2% NaCl or more. The replacement resulted in no adverse effects. Alkaline phosphates are also recommended in very low-salt products to minimize risk of purge.Suolan lisäksi natriumfosfaatti suurentaa lihavalmisteiden natriumpitoisuutta. Useat natriumfosfaatit sisältävät 30 % natriumia. Tämän vuoksi tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten natriumfosfaatin korvaaminen kaliumfosfaatilla vaikuttaa leikkelemakkaran ja kinkkuleikkeen ominaisuuksiin. Tutkimuksessa valmistettiin neljä erilaista leikkelemakkaramassaa normaalia pienemmällä suolapitoisuudella. Massoissa 1 ja 2 tavoitenatriumpitoisuus oli 0,55 g Na/100 g sekä massoissa 3 ja 4 0,63 g Na/100 g. Muista valmistusaineista kuin suolasta ja natriumfosfaatista tuleva natriumin määrä oli kaikissa resepteissä sama. Massoissa 1 ja 3 suolalisäykset olivat 1 ja 1,2 %, ja fosfaattina käytettiin natriumfosfaattia. Massoissa 2 ja 4 suolalisäykset olivat 1,2 ja 1,4 % NaCl, ja fosfaattina käytettiin kaliumfosfaattia, jonka pH oli korkeampi kuin käytetyn natriumfosfaatin.Tutkimuksessa valmistettiin myös neljä erilaista kinkkuleikettä. Kinkkuleikkeissä 1 ja 2 suolaa lisättiin 1,4 % ja kinkkuleikkeissä 3 ja 4 1,8 %. Kinkkuleikkeissä 1 ja 3 käytettiin natriumfosfaattia ja kinkkuleikkeissä 2 ja 4 kaliumfosfaattia, jonka pH arvo oli korkeampi kuin käytetyn natriumfosfaatin. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että fosfaattia on käytettävä, jos lihavalmisteet valmistetaan hyvin pienillä suolapitoisuuksilla (1,0-1,4 % NaCl). Lihavalmisteiden natriumpitoisuutta voidaan pienentää korvaamalla natriumfosfaatti kaliumfosfaatilla. Tällä tavoin aikaansaatu natriumpitoisuuden pieneneminen vastaa samaa natriumin määrää, jonka 0,2 % NaCl sisältää. Kaliumfosfaatin ei todettu aiheuttavan haittavaikutuksia makkaraan eikä keittokinkkuun. Hyvin pienen natriumpitoisuuden tuotteissa suositellaan käytettäväksi emäksistä kaliumfosfaattia, joka parantaa tuotteen vedensidontakykyä ja siten varmistaa hyvän rakenteen
Saltiness of coarsely ground cooked ham with reduced salt content
When the salt content of food is reduced a lack of flavor is anticipated to be the greatest problem related to consumer acceptance. The aim of this study was to examine how much the salt content of cooked ham can be reduced without a significant effect on sensory saltiness. Hams made up of coarsely ground pork with added phosphate were prepared and the cooking loss was determined. The salt content of the hams were 1.1, 1.4, 1.7, 2.0, 2.3 and 2.6% NaCl. The saltiness intensity of cold hams was rated against a reference ham (1.7% NaCl) using a relative-to-standard scale. The cooking loss in ham made with 1.1% added salt was higher than in the other hams. The ham with 1.7% NaCl was rated as salty as the hams with 2.0 and 2.3% NaCl (P>0.05), but saltier than those with 1.1 and 1.4% (P0.05). The results of this study suggest that based on saltiness evaluations it is possible to reduce the salt content of cooked ham to 1.7% NaCl.;Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kuinka paljon kinkkuleikkeen suolapitoisuutta voi alentaa ilman vaikutusta tuotteen aistittavaan suolaisuuteen. Kinkkuleikkeet valmistettiin karkeaksi hienonnetusta sianlihasta. Suolapitoisuudet olivat 1,1, 1,4, 1,7, 2,0, 2,3 ja 2,6 % ja valmistuksessa käytettiin fosfaattia. Tutkimuksessamääritettiin painotappio kypsennyksen aikana. Kinkkuleikkeiden suolaisuus suhteessa referenssikinkkuleikkeeseen arvioitiin aistinvaraisesti käyttäen graafista jana-asteikkoa (välimatka-asteikko). Referenssikinkkuleikkeen suolapitoisuus oli 1,7 %. Painotappio oli 1,1 %:n suolalisällä valmistetussa kinkkuleikkeessä suurempi kuin muissa kinkkuleikkeissä. Kinkkuleike, jossa oli 1,7 % suolaa arvioitiin yhtä suolaiseksi kuin kinkkuleikkeet, joissa oli 2,0 ja 2,3 % suolaa, mutta suolaisemmaksi kuin kinkkuleikkeet, joissa oli 1,1 ja 1,4 % suolaa. Kinkkuleike, jossa oli 2,6 % suolaa oli suolaisin, mutta ei eronnut merkitsevästi kinkkuleikkeistä, joissa oli 2,0 tai 2,3 % suolaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että kinkkuleikkeen suolapitoisuuden voi alentaa 1,7 %:iin ilman, että aistittu suolaisuus oleellisesti heikkenee
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