168 research outputs found

    Problems of motivation of modern students to study

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    Results of research of the motivational sphere of the personality in the course of educational professional activity are given in article. Conclusions about need of stimulation at future experts of interest in the received profession, about modernization of the educational environment of professional educational institution, about identification of ways of pedagogical influence on motivation of students to a vocational education are drawnВ статье приводятся результаты исследования мотивационной сферы личности в процессе учебно-профессиональной деятельности. Делаются выводы о необходимости стимулирования у будущих специалистов интереса к получаемой профессии, о модернизации образовательной среды профессионального учебного заведения, о выявлении способов педагогического влияния на мотивацию студентов к профессиональному обучени

    Electronic educational resources: how to estimate quality?

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    Article is devoted to questions of an assessment of quality of electronic educational resources. Authors provide the list of innovative qualities which electronic educational resources, the principles of an assessment of these qualities, and also the main stages of carrying out technical and technological, psychology and pedagogical and design ergonomic examination of an assessment of quality have to possessСтатья посвящена вопросам оценки качества электронных образовательных ресурсов. Авторы приводят перечень инновационных качеств, которыми должны обладать электронные образовательные ресурсы, принципы оценки данных качеств, а также основные этапы проведения технико-технологической, психолого-педагогической и дизайн-эргономической экспертизы оценки качеств

    Reaction of 3-aroylpyrrolo[2,1-c][1,4]benzoxazine-1,2,4-triones with carbodiimides

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    This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (FSNF-2020-0008), Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project № 17-43-590035)


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    This publication reveals the solution to the problem of low interest and low professional orientation of students in the study of information technologies in the first year of study. This is often due to misconceptions about the structure of activities and document circulation in the organization. The authors implemented a project in which the student not only studied digital technologies, but also engaged in discussion of general questions about skills necessary in the professional environment. Based on the results of the project activity, a questionnaire was conducted among the students to identify the links between the multi-component project activity aimed at developing systemic thinking and professional vision and the formation of their vision of themselves in the profession.В данной публикации раскрывается решение проблемы, связанной с низкой заинтересованностью и низкой профессиональной ориентированностью обучающихся при изучении информационных технологий в первый год обучения. Часто это связано с неверными представлениями о структуре деятельности и документообороте в организации. Авторами был реализован проект, в рамках которого обучающиеся не только изучали цифровые технологии, но и вовлекались в обсуждение общих вопросов о навыках, необходимых в профессиональной среде. По результатам проектной деятельности было проведено анкетирование среди обучающихся с целью выявления связей между многокомпонентной проектной деятельностью, направленной на развитие системного мышления и профессионального видения, и сформированностью их видения себя в профессии


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    The paper examines the role of systems thinking in the digital age. The importance of including methods of developing systemic thinking in disciplines involving project activities is stressed. The results of implementation of such approach of IT-profile discipline at the first course of study in vocational-pedagogical university are givenВ статье рассматривается роль системного мышления в цифровую эпоху. Подчеркивается важность включения приемов развития системного мышления в дисциплины, предполагающие проектную деятельность. Приводятся итоги реализации такого подхода дисциплины IT-профиля на первом курсе обучения в профессионально-педагогическом вузе.Публикуется при финансовой поддержке гранта РФФИ № 20-413-660013 р_а «Прогнозирование профессионального будущего студенческой молодежи в цифровую эпоху

    Development of Education Districts in the Strategy of Strengthening the Axiological Foundations of the Russian Education Space

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    The article presents an analysis of the specific features of the socio-cultural modernization of education in contemporary Russia and the methodology of the development of the ethno-regional education systems against the background of strengthening the unified education space of Russia. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the strategy of the development of education districts of contemporary Russia as the foundation for building the government vertical of state management in the field of education.As part of the development of organizational and pedagogical resources of risk management of the gap between the scientific and education space of the country, the authors have worked out the idea of setting up scientific and education complexes and developing education districts in the country. This approach meets the objective of improving the quality of higher education in the regions of the country by establishing clear links with regional universities in the most “advanced” areas, organizing scientific and educational activities.Creating education districts serves as the foundation of building up a multicultural education space of the Russian Federation, the resource of lining up control at the federal and regional levels, the formation of a new vector of education policy focused on the preservation and development of a unified, internally differentiated scientific and education space of the country

    Особенности коклюша в Курской области по данным инфекционного стационара

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    Despite the high level of vaccination coverage, whooping cough remains a serious health problem worldwide. The aim of the study was to study the features of the course of pertussis in the Kursk region for the period from January 2016 to October 2019. Materials and methods.83 patients aged from 1 month to 28 years with a confirmed diagnosis of pertussis using PCR or ELISA were monitored.Results: Most cases were reported in the summer-autumn period. Among those with whooping cough, children of the first year of life who did not receive or have not completed vaccination against whooping cough due to age, as well as children older than 1 year who were not vaccinated due to their parents ' refusal to vaccinate prevailed. The diagnosis of whooping cough at the prehospital stage is diagnosed only in 1/3 of cases. Among the clinical forms, combined with the nature of hematological changes, the typical course of pertussis prevailed, which was more severe significantly more often in the group of unvaccinated children of the first year of life.Conclusion. For diagnostics, it is advisable to use PCR as a high-precision and more informative method in comparison with bacteriological research. Currently, there is still a need to develop current vaccination programs and popularize vaccination against pertussis among various population groups, which can serve as a factor in reducing the incidence in the Kursk region. Несмотря на высокий уровень охвата вакцинацией, коклюш остается серьезной проблемой здравоохранения во всем мире.Целью исследования было изучить особенности течения коклюша в Курской области за период с января 2016 по октябрь 2019 гг.Материалы и методы. Под наблюдением находилось 83 пациента в возрасте от 1 месяца до 28 лет с подтвержденным диагнозом коклюша методами ПЦР или ИФА.Результаты: Большинство случаев заболевания отмечалось в летне-осенний период. Среди заболевших коклюшем преобладали дети первого года жизни, не получившие вакцину или с не завершенной вакцинацией против коклюша в силу возраста, а также дети старше 1 года, не привитые из-за отказа родителей от вакцинации. Диагноз коклюш на догоспитальном этапе диагностирован только в 1/3 случаев. Среди клинических форм  преобладали формы с типичным тяжелым течением коклюша, которые  достоверно чаще встречались в группе не вакцинированных детей первого года жизни. Заключение. Для диагностики целесообразно использовать ПЦР как высокоточный и более информативный метод в сравнении с бактериологическим исследованием. В настоящее время сохраняется потребность в разработке актуальных программ вакцинопрофилактики и популяризации вакцинации против коклюша среди различных групп населения, что может послужить фактором снижения заболеваемости в Курской области.

    Pushing the limit of instrument capabilities

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    Chemically Peculiar (CP) stars have been subject of systematic research since more than 50 years. With the discovery of pulsation of some of the cool CP stars, the availability of advanced spectropolarimetric instrumentation and high signal- to-noise, high resolution spectroscopy, a new era of CP star research emerged about 20 years ago. Together with the success in ground-based observations, new space projects are developed that will greatly benefit for future investigations of these unique objects. In this contribution we will give an overview of some interesting results obtained recently from ground-based observations and discuss on future outstanding Gaia space mission and its impact on CP star research.Comment: Joint Discussion 04, Secsion 1, To appear in Highlights of Astronomy, Proc. of the XXVIIth IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2009, 9 page

    Клиническая и лабораторная диагностика лихорадки денге у туристов

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    The paper presents the analysis of clinical and laboratory symptoms in 35 adult patients with denger fever, Novosibirsk residents, which travelled in endemic countries, mostly Tailand. The classic form of the disease was determined in all cases. The moderate form was in 71,5% patients, the severe form was in the rest ones. The diagnosis of dengue was verified by detection of specific immunoglobulin M and in some cases immunoglobulin G and also virus dengue NS1 antigen by immunochromatography. The dominant clinical symptoms in observed patients were fever for 3–8 days (100%), mostly high one (71,4%), asthenia (97,1%), anorexia (100%), myalgia or/and arthralgia (77,1%), exantema (60%), hepatomegaly (62,8%). The gematologic indicators were represented with thrombocytopenia in 91,4% patients (from 167 to 20×109/l) и leucopenia in 85,7% patients (from 3,9 to 1,1×109/l). The cytolitic syndrom was revealed in 80% patients with predominance of aspartate aminotransferase activity in early period of the disease. В статье представлен анализ клинических и лабораторных проявлений у 35 взрослых больных лихорадкой денге, жителей Новосибирска, посетивших в качестве туристов эндемичные по денге регионы, преимущественно Таиланд. У всех пациентов диагностирована классическая форма болезни, в 71,5% среднетяжелая, у остальных – тяжелая. Диагноз верифицирован выявлением специфических иммуноглобулинов M и в ряде случаев иммуноглобулинов G, а также NS1 антигена вируса денге методом иммунохроматографии. Доминирующими симптомами у обследованных больных были лихорадка в течение 3–8 дней (100%), у большинства высокая (71,4%), выраженная астения (97,1%), снижение аппетита (100%), миалгии и/или артралгии (77,1%), экзантема (60%), гепатомегалия (62,8%). Гематологические изменения характеризовались тромбоцитопенией у 91,4% больных (от 167 до 20×109/л) и лейкопенией у 85,7% пациентов (от 3,9 до 1,1×109/л). У 80% больных выявлен умеренный цитолитический синдром с преобладанием активности аспартатаминотрансферазы в раннем периоде болезни.

    Do Fleas Affect Energy Expenditure of Their Free-Living Hosts?

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    Parasites can cause energetically costly behavioural and immunological responses which potentially can reduce host fitness. However, although most laboratory studies indicate that the metabolic rate of the host increases with parasite infestation, this has never been shown in free-living host populations. In fact, studies thus far have shown no effect of parasitism on field metabolic rate (FMR).We tested the effect of parasites on the energy expenditure of a host by measuring FMR using doubly-labelled water in free-living Baluchistan gerbils (Gerbillus nanus) infested by naturally occurring fleas during winter, spring and summer. We showed for the first time that FMR of free-living G. nanus was significantly and positively correlated with parasite load in spring when parasite load was highest; this relationship approached significance in summer when parasite load was lowest but was insignificant in winter. Among seasons, winter FMRs were highest and summer FMRs were lowest in G. nanus.The lack of parasite effect on FMR in winter could be related to the fact that FMR rates were highest among seasons. In this season, thermoregulatory costs are high which may indicate that less energy could be allocated to defend against parasites or to compensate for other costly activities. The question about the cost of parasitism in nature is now one of the major themes in ecological physiology. Our study supports the hypothesis that parasites can elevate FMR of their hosts, at least under certain conditions. However, the effect is complex and factors such as season and parasite load are involved