176 research outputs found

    Aids and surgery

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    HIV constitutes one of the most difficult challenges facing the healthcare profession today. It is estimated that HIV infects over 40 million people in the world and 14 million have died from the disease so far. The objective of the study was to evaluate the outcome of treatment of HIV-related surgical conditions, estimating the morbidity and mortality of surgical intervention cross infection risks to surgical equipes and analysing preventive strategies to HIV perioperative transmission

    Estimulação do enraizamento de estacas de Vitis rotundifolia Michx

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    A videira muscadínia, nativa da Flórida, têm-se distinguido pela produtividade, resistência a pragas e doenças e pela característica de desbastar-se facilmente na colheita, possibilitando sua comercialização em cestas, de forma semelhante ao morango. As dificuldades na propagação desse grupo de videira têm impedido sua disseminação na região tropical úmida, em áreas onde a exploração de outras videiras tem sido dificultada pela alta incidência de doenças. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estabelecer o sistema mais adequado de propagação vegetativa de Vitis rotundifolia Michx., utilizando estacas a picáis, medianas e basais, tratamentos com auxina e com baixa temperatura. Verificou-se que o enraizamento de estacas basais e medianas da videira muscadínia foi mais eficiente do que o de estacas apicais. Tratamento das estacas com temperatura de 4°C por 24 horas, ou imersão das estacas em solução de Exuberone 10 e 20 ml.l-1, promoveram o enraizamento de estacas medianas e basais, respectivamente. O desenvolvimento da parte aérea das estacas basais e medianas da videira mostrou-se superior no tratamento com baixa temperatura.The muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) is native to Florida and has been cultivated for many years in U.S.A. It is harvested as single berries instead of in bunches and has small leaves. The fruit skin is thicker than those of bunch-type grapes. One reason for its popularity is that the muscadine is seldom seriously affected by diseases or insects. The muscadine grape is not readily propagated by hardwood cuttings, therefore the present work was carried out to develop a method for commercial propagation of its cuttings, using treatments with growth regulators (auxins) and low temperature. The results showed that the rooting of both basal and middle shoots of muscadine grape is better than the rooting of terminal sections of the shoots. Cuttings treated with low temperature (4°C) during 24 hours, or immersion of the cutting's bases in solutions of Exuberone 10 and 20 ml.l-1, promoted rooting of middle and basal cuttings, respectively. The growth of leaves in both basal and middle cuttings was superior in the treatment with low temperature

    Do Salamanders Limit the Abundance of Groundwater Invertebrates in Subterranean Habitats?

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    Several species of surface salamanders exploit underground environments; in Europe, one of the most common is the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra). In this study, we investigated if fire salamander larvae occurring in groundwater habitats can affect the abundance of some cave-adapted species. We analyzed the data of abundance of three target taxa (genera Niphargus (Amphipoda; Niphargidae), Monolistra (Isopoda; Sphaeromatidae) and Dendrocoelum (Tricladida; Dedrocoelidae)) collected in 386 surveys performed on 117 sites (pools and distinct subterranean stream sectors), within 17 natural and 24 artificial subterranean habitats, between 2012 and 2019. Generalized linear mixed models were used to assess the relationship between target taxa abundance, fire salamander larvae occurrence, and environmental features. The presence of salamander larvae negatively affected the abundance of all the target taxa. Monolistra abundance was positively related with the distance from the cave entrance of the sites and by their surface. Our study revealed that surface salamanders may have a negative effect on the abundance of cave-adapted animals, and highlited the importance of further investigations on the diet and on the top-down effects of salamanders on the subterranean communities

    Ação de estimulante vegetal na produtividade do arroz (Oryza sativa L: cv. IAC-165)

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    This experiment was carried out with the objective of determine the effect of a plant stimulant (Respond or Reward) in the productivity of Oryza sativa cv. IAC-165 under field conditions. In the experimental field of E.S.A."Luiz de Queiroz" in Piracicaba, São Paulo State, it was applied Respond in the concentrations of 1.0 l.ha-1 and 1.5 l.ha-1 twice, at panicle initiation and at full bloom, and check treatment. At harvest time it was observed that Respond reduced the height of rice plants. Respond 1.5 l.ha-1 reduced rice tillering and panicles number per meter. Respond 1.0 l.ha-1 increased seeds number per rice panicle. Other production parameters were not affected by application of the plant stimulant.Este ensaio foi realizado com o objetivo de verificar o efeito do estimulante vegetal Respond, na produção do arroz (Oryza sativa L. cv. IAC-165), em condições de campo. No campo experimental da E.S.A. "Luiz de Queiroz", em Piracicaba (SP), aplicou-se Respond nas dosagens de 1,0 e 1,5 l/ha por ocasião da iniciação da panícula e em plena florescência, além do controle. Por ocasião da colheita observou-se que Respond reduziu a altura das plantas de arroz. Respond 1,5 l/ha diminuiu o perfilhamento e o número de panículas por metro de linha. Respond 1,0 l/ha aumentou o número de sementes por panícula do arroz 'IAC-165'. Outros parâmetros da produção não foram afetados pela aplicação do estimulante vegetal

    Common bean reaction to angular leaf spot comprises transcriptional modulation of genes in the ALS10.1 QTL

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    Genetic resistance of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) against angular leaf spot (ALS), caused by the fungus Pseudocercospora griseola, is conferred by quantitative trait loci (OIL). In this study, we determined the gene content of the major OIL ALS10.1 located at the end of chromosome Pv10, and identified those that are responsive to ALS infection in resistant (CAL 143) and susceptible (IAC-UNA) genotypes. Based on the current version of the common bean reference genome, the ALS10.1 core region contains 323 genes. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of these coding sequences revealed the presence of genes involved in signal perception and transduction, programmed cell death (PCD), and defense responses. Two putative R gene clusters were found at ALS10.1 containing evolutionary related coding sequences. Among them, the Phvu1.010G025700 was consistently up-regulated in the infected IAC-UNA suggesting its contribution to plant susceptibility to the fungus. We identified six other genes that were regulated during common bean response to P. griseola; three of them might be negative regulators of immunity as they showed opposite expression patterns during resistant and susceptible reactions at the initial phase of fungal infection. Taken together, these findings suggest that common bean reaction to F? griseola involves transcriptional modulation of defense genes in the ALS10.1 locus, contributing to resistance or susceptibility depending on the plant-pathogen interaction6COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP6899/10-22009/024112; 2010/51673-

    Remissão de sintomas iniciais do declínio de citros pela aplicação de reguladores vegetais

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    For the experiment 13 year old pera sweet orange on rangpur lime stionic combinations from a plot in the Mogi-Guaçu county, São Paulo State, were choosen. All plants showed in January 1984, unilateral Brazilian decline (blight) symptoms. The diseased state of the plants was further confirmed by low water uptake. The statistically design was by completely randomized blocks, with 6 treatments, 4 replications and 1 tree per plot. The following growth regulator treatments were applied: 1) Check; 2) gibberellic acid (GA) at 100ppm + 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) at l0ppm; 3) GA at 50ppm + 2,4-D at 10ppm; 4) GA at 50ppm + NAA at 15ppm + biofertilizer at 1ml/lwater; 6) ethyl-5-chlorine 1 H-3-indazolyl acetate (ethilclozate) at 0,1ml/l water. The products were applied in January 85. The growth regulators were applied as foliar sprays to thoroughly wet the leaves. Five evaluation on the plant reactions were undertaken, respectively at 100,193,276,346 and 405 days from the first application of the products. The results obtained based on a visual score and Kruskal-Wallis test showed that treatments with GA at 50ppm + NAA at 20ppm, GA at 100ppm + 2,4-D at 10ppm, and GA at 50ppm+NAA at 15ppm+ bifertilizer at 1ml/lwater, presented satisfactory degree of symptoms remission that differed statistically from the check. This amelioration however found no parallelism to the results obtained by the water uptake test that still showed low levels. Those figures however were a little higher in the treated plants than in the checks. These experiments will be continued for a few more years to determine whether or not the symptoms remission in the foliage is permanent and will lead eventually to the improvement of the whole plant.Para a instalação do presente experimento foi escolhido um talhão do cultivar de laranja Pera/ limão 'Cravo', de 13 anos, no município de Mogi-Guaçu, Estado de São Paulo. Todas as plantas mostravam em janeiro de 1984, sintomas de declínio inicial unilateral. A ocorrência do declínio foi confirmada pela baixa absorção de água. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, com 6 tratamentos e 4 repetições, considerando-se uma planta por parcela. Os seguintes tratamentos com reguladores vegetais foram aplicados em janeiro de 1985: Controle, ácido giberélico (GA) 100ppm + ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D) 10ppm; GA 50ppm + ácido naftalenacético (NAA) 20ppm; GA 50ppm + NAA 15ppm + biofertilizante foliar (Fort Flora-2) 1ml/lde água e etilclozato (Figaron) 0,1ml/lde água. Os reguladores vegetais foram aplicados em pulverização foliar, com cobertura completa das folhas. Cinco avaliações visuais foram realizadas aos 100, 193, 276, 346 e 405 dias da aplicação dos produtos químicos. Os resultados obtidos, baseados na observação visual e no teste de Kruskal-Wallis mostraram que os tratamentos com GA 50ppm + NAA 20ppm; Ga 100ppm + 2,4-D 10ppm e GA 50ppm + NAA 15ppm + biofertilizante foliar 1ml/lde água apresentaram um nível de remissão de sintomas que diferiu estatisticamente do controle. Essa melhoria, todavia, não encontrou paralelismo com os resultados obtidos pelo teste de absorção de água, que mostrou baixos níveis. Entretanto, os níveis de absorção de água das plantas tratadas ainda foram um pouco maiores que nas controle. Esse experimento deverá ser conduzido por mais alguns anos para determinar se a remissão dos sintomas nas folhas é ou não permanente e se poderá levar eventualmente a melhoria de toda a planta

    Biogás da agrosuinocultura: alternativa energética na borda do Pantanal.

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    bitstream/item/79978/1/ADM138.pdfFormato eletronico. Disponível também em: Corumbá online, AgoraMS, Agronline, Campo Grande News, BBC News, Infobibos Energias Alternativas Renováveis (blog), Agrosoft

    N-mixture models reliably estimate the abundance of small vertebrates

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    Accurate measures of species abundance are essential to identify conservation strategies. N-mixture models are increasingly used to estimate abundance on the basis of species counts. In this study we tested whether abundance estimates obtained using N-mixture models provide consistent results with more traditional approaches requiring capture (capture-mark recapture and removal sampling). We focused on endemic, threatened species of amphibians and reptiles in Italy, for which accurate abundance data are needed for conservation assessments: The Lanza's Alpine salamander Salamandra lanzai, the Ambrosi's cave salamander Hydromantes ambrosii and the Aeolian wall lizard Podarcis raffonei. In visual counts, detection probability was variable among species, ranging between 0.14 (Alpine salamanders) and 0.60 (cave salamanders). For all the species, abundance estimates obtained using N-mixture models showed limited differences with the ones obtained through capture-mark-recapture or removal sampling. The match was particularly accurate for cave salamanders in sites with limited abundance and for lizards, nevertheless non-incorporating heterogeneity of detection probability increased bias. N-mixture models provide reliable abundance estimates that are comparable with the ones of more traditional approaches, and offer additional advantages such as a smaller sampling effort and no need of manipulating individuals, which in turn reduces the risk of harming animals and spreading diseases