63 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Waktu Dan Konsentrasi Paclobutrazol Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bunga Matahari (Hellianthus Annuus L.)

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    The research aimed to know the influence by the time of application and concentration of paclobutrazol to growth of Sunflower. The research was carried out in the gauze house, Agricultural Faculty of North Sumatera University from September 2013 to January 2014. This research used Split Plot Design with two factors. Main plot was time of application of paclobutrazol consist of three levels: 3 weeks after planting (WAP);4 WAP; 5 WAP. Sub plot was Paclobutrazol concentration consist of four levels are 0 ppm; 50 ppm; 100 ppm; 150 ppm. The parameters in this research were plant height, number of leaf, stem diameter and root length.The results showed that time of application of paclobutrazol has no effect significantly yet to all parameters. Paclobutrazol concentration give effect significantly to plant height and stem diameter on 6 WAP until 11 WAP. While interaction between time of application and concentration of paclobutrazol have no effect significantly yet to all parameters


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    Kepuasan pasien adalah suatu tingkatan perasaan oleh pasien yang muncul sebagai akibat dan konsekuensi dari setiap kinerja layanan kesehatan yang diperolehnya setelah pasien melakukan pembandingan dengan apa yang diinginkannya. Akreditasi puskesmas merupakan sebuah pengakuan terhadap suatu puskesmas yang diberikan oleh lembaga independen pelaksana akreditasi yang ditetapkan oleh menteri setelah dilakukan penilaian bahwa puskesmas tersebut telah memenuhi persyaratan standar pelayanan kesehatan untuk puskesmas. Mutu jasa pelayanan adalah sesuatu yang kompleks terdiri atas lima dimensi utama yang dikenal sebagai service quality (ServQual), yaitu bukti fisik atau bukti langsung, kehandalan, daya tanggap, jaminan dan empati. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk melakukan analisis tingkat kepuasan pada pasien yang di tinjau dari perbedaan status akreditasi pelayanan kesehatan pada Puskesmas Sario dan Puskesmas Ranotana Weru di Kota Manado. Metode dalam penelitian adalah survei analitik dengan mempergunakan desain penelitian yaitu cross sectional (potong lintang). Penelitian di lakukan di Kota Manado yaitu di Puskesmas Sario dan Puskesmas Ranotana Weru dan waktu pelaksanaanya bulan Juni sampai bulan Juli tahun 2019. Responden ialah yang berusia 17 tahun keatas. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan untuk penelitian adalah metode purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel di masing-masing puskesmas adalah 100. Pengumpulan data menggunakan alat kuesioner yang telah divalidasi. Analisis data yang digunakan berupa analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat. Pengolahan data yang digunakan uji Chi Square, untuk tingkatan kemaknaan 95% (α = 0,05). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan adanya hubungan antara tingkat kepuasan pasien dengan status akreditasi (p-value = 0,001). Tingkat kepuasan pasien di Puskesmas Sario (terakreditasi Dasar), 42% responden puas dan untuk Puskesmas Ranotana Weru (terakreditasi Madya), 65% responden puas. Kesimpulan yaitu adanya perbedaan tingkat kepuasan pasien antara Puskesmas Ranotana Weru (terakreditasi Madya) dengan Puskesmas Sario (terakreditasi Dasar). Saran bagi Puskesmas Sario dan Puskesmas Ranotana Weru perlu untuk melakukan survei kepuasan pasien yang sebaiknya dilakukan secara berkesinambungan, sehingga dapat mengevaluasi kinerja serta dapat memantau mutu pelayanan kesehatan yang telah diberikan kepada pasien. Kata Kunci: Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien, Akreditasi Puskesmas, Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan. ABSTRACTPatient’s satisfaction is a level of patient’s feeling that rises as an impact and consequence of any healthcare performance they got, after being compared with what they expected. The accreditation of community health center is a prove given by independent institute of accreditation organization which was set by the health  minister meaning that the it has fulfilled the health caring standard of the community health center. The service quality is a complex thing that consists of five main dimensions which known as service quality (ServQual); there are physical evidence or direct evidence, reliable, responsiveness, assurance, empathy. The purpose of this research is to analyze patient’s satisfaction level observed from health serving accreditation status difference of Sario and Ranotana Weru community health center in Manado city. This research method is an analytical survey by using cross sectional reasearch design. The study was conducted in Manado city, specifically in Sario and Ranotana Weru community health center and it was held from June to July in 2019. The respondents are 17s and older. Sampling technique in this research is by using purposive sampling technique with the total of each community health center is 100 respondents. The data was gathered by using questionaire that has been validated. This research uses  univariat analysis and bivariat analysis as data analyzation. Data processing is using Chi Square with 95% level of significance (α = 0,05). Research result shows that connection exists between the patient’s satisfaction with accreditation status (p-value = 0,001). The patient’s satisfaction in Sario community health center (base accreditate) is 42% feel satisfied and in Ranotana Weru community health center (madya acreditate) is 65%. The conclusion is, there is a difference between the patient’s satisfaction level in Ranotana Weru community (madya accreditate)  health care and Sario community health center (base accreditate). The suggestion for both community health center is that they need to do the patient’s satisfaction level survey continuously, so it would be able to evaluate the employee’s performance also able to increase the health serving quality that has been given to the patient. Keywords: Patient’s Satisfaction Level, Community Health Center Accreditation, Health Service Quality

    Functional Specialization of Seven Mouse Visual Cortical Areas

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    SummaryTo establish the mouse as a genetically tractable model for high-order visual processing, we characterized fine-scale retinotopic organization of visual cortex and determined functional specialization of layer 2/3 neuronal populations in seven retinotopically identified areas. Each area contains a distinct visuotopic representation and encodes a unique combination of spatiotemporal features. Areas LM, AL, RL, and AM prefer up to three times faster temporal frequencies and significantly lower spatial frequencies than V1, while V1 and PM prefer high spatial and low temporal frequencies. LI prefers both high spatial and temporal frequencies. All extrastriate areas except LI increase orientation selectivity compared to V1, and three areas are significantly more direction selective (AL, RL, and AM). Specific combinations of spatiotemporal representations further distinguish areas. These results reveal that mouse higher visual areas are functionally distinct, and separate groups of areas may be specialized for motion-related versus pattern-related computations, perhaps forming pathways analogous to dorsal and ventral streams in other species

    Dendritic calcium signals in rhesus macaque motor cortex drive an optical brain-computer interface

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    Calcium imaging is a powerful tool for recording from large populations of neurons in vivo. Imaging in rhesus macaque motor cortex can enable the discovery of fundamental principles of motor cortical function and can inform the design of next generation brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Surface two-photon imaging, however, cannot presently access somatic calcium signals of neurons from all layers of macaque motor cortex due to photon scattering. Here, we demonstrate an implant and imaging system capable of chronic, motion-stabilized two-photon imaging of neuronal calcium signals from macaques engaged in a motor task. By imaging apical dendrites, we achieved optical access to large populations of deep and superficial cortical neurons across dorsal premotor (PMd) and gyral primary motor (M1) cortices. Dendritic signals from individual neurons displayed tuning for different directions of arm movement. Combining several technical advances, we developed an optical BCI (oBCI) driven by these dendritic signalswhich successfully decoded movement direction online. By fusing two-photon functional imaging with CLARITY volumetric imaging, we verified that many imaged dendrites which contributed to oBCI decoding originated from layer 5 output neurons, including a putative Betz cell. This approach establishes new opportunities for studying motor control and designing BCIs via two photon imaging

    Monosynaptic rabies virus reveals premotor network organization and synaptic specificity of cholinergic partition cells

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    Movement is the behavioral output of neuronal activity in the spinal cord. Motor neurons are grouped into motor neuron pools, the functional units innervating individual muscles. Here we establish an anatomical rabies virus-based connectivity assay in early postnatal mice. We employ it to study the connectivity scheme of premotor neurons, the neuronal cohorts monosynaptically connected to motor neurons, unveiling three aspects of organization. First, motor neuron pools are connected to segmentally widely distributed yet stereotypic interneuron populations, differing for pools innervating functionally distinct muscles. Second, depending on subpopulation identity, interneurons take on local or segmentally distributed positions. Third, cholinergic partition cells involved in the regulation of motor neuron excitability segregate into ipsilaterally and bilaterally projecting populations, the latter exhibiting preferential connections to functionally equivalent motor neuron pools bilaterally. Our study visualizes the widespread yet precise nature of the connectivity matrix for premotor interneurons and reveals exquisite synaptic specificity for bilaterally projecting cholinergic partition cells
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