1,176 research outputs found

    Simple Phase Bias for Superconducting Circuits

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    A phase-bias tool, based on a trapped fluxoid in a ring, is proposed and demonstrated. It can provide arbitrary phase values and is simple to fabricate. The phase bias has been realized in two superconducting quantum interference devices, where the critical current versus magnetic flux is shown to be shifted by a \pi/2 and \pi.Comment: 5 pages, including 4 figures. Submitted to AP

    Chirality and the origin of atmospheric humic-like substances

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    Aerosol water extracts and atmospheric humic-like substances (HULIS) obtained from PM2.5-fraction aerosol samples collected in a rural/continental background environment and in an urban environment in spring and summer, and at a tropical site that was heavily impacted by biomass burning were studied. HULIS was obtained as the water-soluble, methanol-elutable material isolated from a solid-phase extraction procedure. The mean organic matter-to-organic carbon mass conversion factor and the standard deviation of 2.04 +/- 0.06 were derived for HULIS from biomass burning. Mean atmospheric concentrations of HULIS for the rural and urban environments and for the biomass burning during daylight periods and nights, were 1.65, 2.2, 43, and 60 mu gm(-3), respectively. This and other abundances indicate that intense emission sources and/or formation mechanisms of HULIS operate in biomass burning. Mean contributions of C in HULIS (HULIS-C) to water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) were 35, 48, 63, and 76%, respectively, for the sample set listed. HULIS-C is the major component of the WSOC in tropical biomass burning. The data also suggest that HULIS most likely do not share common origin in the three environments studied. Differentiation among the possible formation processes was attempted by investigating the optical activity of HULIS through their (electronic and vibrational) circular dichroism properties. The urban HULIS did not show optical activity, which is in line with the concept of their major airborne formation from anthropogenic aromatics. The rural HULIS revealed weak optical activity, which may be associated with one of their important formation pathways by photo-oxidation and oligomerisation, i.e., with the formation from chiral biogenic precursors with one of the enantiomers slightly enriched. The The biomass burning of HULIS exhibited a strong effect in the vibrational circular dichroism as a clear distinction from the other two types. This was related to the contribution of the thermal degradation products of lignins and cellulose. The biomass burning of HULIS resemble Suwannee River Fulvic Acid standard more closely in some aspects than the urban and rural types of HULIS, which may be related to their common origin from plant material

    Resonant control of stochastic spatio-temporal dynamics in a tunnel diode by multiple time delayed feedback

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    We study the control of noise-induced spatio-temporal current density patterns in a semiconductor nanostructure (double barrier resonant tunnelling diode) by multiple time-delayed feedback. We find much more pronounced resonant features of noise-induced oscillations compared to single time feedback, rendering the system more sensitive to variations in the delay time Ï„\tau. The coherence of noise-induced oscillations measured by the correlation time exhibits sharp resonances as a function of Ï„\tau, and can be strongly increased by optimal choices of Ï„\tau. Similarly, the peaks in the power spectral density are sharpened. We provide analytical insight into the control mechanism by relating the correlation times and mean frequencies of noise-induced breathing oscillations to the stability properties of the deterministic stationary current density filaments under the influence of the control loop. Moreover, we demonstrate that the use of multiple time delays enlarges the regime in which the deterministic dynamical properties of the system are not changed by delay-induced bifurcations

    An Investigation of the Mechanical and Physical Characteristics of Cement Paste Incorporating Different Air Entraining Agents using X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography

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    Improving the thermal insulation properties of cement-based materials is the key to reducing energy loss and consumption in buildings. Lightweight cement-based composites can be used efficiently for this purpose, as a structural material with load bearing ability or as a non-structural one for thermal insulation. In this research, lightweight cement pastes containing fly ash and cement were prepared and tested. In these mixes, three different techniques for producing air voids inside the cement paste were used through the incorporation of aluminum powder (AL), air entraining agent (AA), and hollow microspheres (AS). Several experiments were carried out in order to examine the structural and physical characteristics of the cement composites, including dry density, compressive strength, porosity and absorption. A Hot Disk device was used to evaluate the thermal conductivity of different cement composites. In addition, X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) was adopted to investigate the microstructure of the air-entrained cement pastes and the spatial distribution of the voids inside pastes without destroying the specimens. The experimental results obtained showed that AS specimens with admixture of hollow microspheres can improve the compressive strength of cement composites compared to other air entraining admixtures at the same density level. It was also confirmed that the incorporation of aluminum powder creates large voids, which have a negative effect on specimens’ strength and absorption.EC/H2020/841592/EU/Ultra-Lightweight Concrete for 3D printing technologies/Ultra-LightCon-3

    Geophysical Methods: an Overview

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    Geophysics is expected to have a major role in lunar resource assessment when manned systems return to the Moon. Geophysical measurements made from a lunar rover will contribute to a number of key studies: estimating regolith thickness, detection of possible large-diameter lava tubes within maria basalts, detection of possible subsurface ice in polar regions, detection of conductive minerals that formed directly from a melt (orthomagmatic sulfides of Cu, Ni, Co), and mapping lunar geology beneath the regolith. The techniques that can be used are dictated both by objectives and by our abilities to adapt current technology to lunar conditions. Instrument size, weight, power requirements, and freedom from orientation errors are factors we have considered. Among the geophysical methods we believe to be appropriate for a lunar resource assessment are magnetics, including gradiometry, time-domain magnetic induction, ground-penetrating radar, seismic reflection, and gravimetry

    Quantum state transfer in arrays of flux qubits

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    In this work, we describe a possible experimental realization of Bose's idea to use spin chains for short distance quantum communication [S. Bose, {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 91} 207901]. Josephson arrays have been proposed and analyzed as transmission channels for systems of superconducting charge qubits. Here, we consider a chain of persistent current qubits, that is appropriate for state transfer with high fidelity in systems containing flux qubits. We calculate the fidelity of state transfer for this system. In general, the Hamiltonian of this system is not of XXZ-type, and we analyze the magnitude and the effect of the terms that don't conserve the z-component of the total spin.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Correlation of internal representations in feed-forward neural networks

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    Feed-forward multilayer neural networks implementing random input-output mappings develop characteristic correlations between the activity of their hidden nodes which are important for the understanding of the storage and generalization performance of the network. It is shown how these correlations can be calculated from the joint probability distribution of the aligning fields at the hidden units for arbitrary decoder function between hidden layer and output. Explicit results are given for the parity-, and-, and committee-machines with arbitrary number of hidden nodes near saturation.Comment: 6 pages, latex, 1 figur

    Reconstruction of the two-dimensional gravitational potential of galaxy clusters from X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements

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    The mass of galaxy clusters is not a direct observable, nonetheless it is commonly used to probe cosmological models. Based on the combination of all main cluster observables, that is, the X-ray emission, the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) signal, the velocity dispersion of the cluster galaxies, and gravitational lensing, the gravitational potential of galaxy clusters can be jointly reconstructed. We derive the two main ingredients required for this joint reconstruction: the potentials individually reconstructed from the observables and their covariance matrices, which act as a weight in the joint reconstruction. We show here the method to derive these quantities. The result of the joint reconstruction applied to a real cluster will be discussed in a forthcoming paper. We apply the Richardson-Lucy deprojection algorithm to data on a two-dimensional (2D) grid. We first test the 2D deprojection algorithm on a β\beta-profile. Assuming hydrostatic equilibrium, we further reconstruct the gravitational potential of a simulated galaxy cluster based on synthetic SZ and X-ray data. We then reconstruct the projected gravitational potential of the massive and dynamically active cluster Abell 2142, based on the X-ray observations collected with XMM-Newton and the SZ observations from the Planck satellite. Finally, we compute the covariance matrix of the projected reconstructed potential of the cluster Abell 2142 based on the X-ray measurements collected with XMM-Newton. The gravitational potentials of the simulated cluster recovered from synthetic X-ray and SZ data are consistent, even though the potential reconstructed from X-rays shows larger deviations from the true potential. Regarding Abell 2142, the projected gravitational cluster potentials recovered from SZ and X-ray data reproduce well the projected potential inferred from gravitational-lensing observations. (abridged)Comment: accepted for publication in the journal A&

    Strong magnetic coupling of an ultracold gas to a superconducting waveguide cavity

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    Placing an ensemble of 10610^6 ultracold atoms in the near field of a superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator (CPWR) with Q∼106Q \sim 10^6 one can achieve strong coupling between a single microwave photon in the CPWR and a collective hyperfine qubit state in the ensemble with geff/2π∼40g_\textit{eff} / {2 \pi} \sim 40 kHz larger than the cavity line width of κ/2π∼7{\kappa}/{2 \pi} \sim 7 kHz. Integrated on an atomchip such a system constitutes a hybrid quantum device, which also can be used to interconnect solid-state and atomic qubits, to study and control atomic motion via the microwave field, observe microwave super-radiance, build an integrated micro maser or even cool the resonator field via the atoms

    Spectroscopy on two coupled flux qubits

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    We have performed spectroscopy measurements on two coupled flux qubits. The qubits are coupled inductively, which results in a σ1zσ2z\sigma_1^z\sigma_2^z interaction. By applying microwave radiation, we observe resonances due to transitions from the ground state to the first two excited states. From the position of these resonances as a function of the magnetic field applied we observe the coupling of the qubits. The coupling strength agrees well with calculations of the mutual inductance
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