318 research outputs found

    Experimental semi-autonomous eigensolver using reinforcement learning

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    The characterization of observables, expressed via Hermitian operators, is a crucial task in quantum mechanics. For this reason, an eigensolver is a fundamental algorithm for any quantum technology. In this work, we implement a semi-autonomous algorithm to obtain an approximation of the eigenvectors of an arbitrary Hermitian operator using the IBM quantum computer. To this end, we only use single-shot measurements and pseudo-random changes handled by a feedback loop, reducing the number of measures in the system. Due to the classical feedback loop, this algorithm can be cast into the reinforcement learning paradigm. Using this algorithm, for a single-qubit observable, we obtain both eigenvectors with fidelities over 0.97 with around 200 single-shot measurements. For two-qubits observables, we get fidelities over 0.91 with around 1500 single-shot measurements for the four eigenvectors, which is a comparatively low resource demand, suitable for current devices. This work is useful to the development of quantum devices able to decide with partial information, which helps to implement future technologies in quantum artificial intelligence.Comment: 12 + 3 pages, 5 figure

    Functional determinants for general Sturm-Liouville problems

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    Simple and analytically tractable expressions for functional determinants are known to exist for many cases of interest. We extend the range of situations for which these hold to cover systems of self-adjoint operators of the Sturm-Liouville type with arbitrary linear boundary conditions. The results hold whether or not the operators have negative eigenvalues. The physically important case of functional determinants of operators with a zero mode, but where that mode has been extracted, is studied in detail for the same range of situations as when no zero mode exists. The method of proof uses the properties of generalised zeta-functions. The general form of the final results are the same for the entire range of problems considered.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    Nano-scale Flexible Interphase in a Glass Fiber/Epoxy Resin System Obtained by Admicellar Polymerization

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    Organosilane coupling agents are widely used in the composites industry to improve the wetting of inorganic reinforcements by low surface energy resins. An increased wettability is often a harbinger of better mechanical properties in a structural composite. Silane coatings effectively increase the spreading of liquid matrixes over glass reinforcement by altering the surface energetics of glass, not by extensive coverage, but by eradication of the high-energy sites present in the oxide surface. Commercial sizings often applied to glass fibers contain up to 10% of the active silane agent, while the remaining 90% is a mixture of lubricants, surfactants, anti-stats, and film formers. Recent investigations have demonstrated that non-reactive components tend to remain in high concentrations within the interphase, thus weakening the resin network crosslink density and increasing the potential for water ingress. Further, sizing formulations are proprietary and designed for specific resin system, which make them expensive, consequently limiting their widespread use. In this paper, admicellar polymerization, a versatile technique to prepare elastomeric thin films of styrene-isoprene copolymer and polystyrene on the surface of random glass-fiber mats is presented. This hydrophobic coating of monolayer thickness applied to the glass fibers is not expected to disrupt the matrix cross-linking reaction; and due to its higher elastic modulus, is believed to cause a change in the stress distribution along the fiber length. Admicellar-modified reinforcements were impregnated with an epoxy resin system: EPON 815C/EPICURE 3232, and molded by Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) into disk shaped parts. Tensile strength, stiffness and interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) were measured for the flexible interphase composites, and compared to parts containing commercially sized and bare fibers. Void fraction, void size and shape distributions, as well as water diffusivity were investigated for each system.YesPeer reviewed and presented at the 18th International Conference of the Polymer processing Society

    Confined two-dimensional fermions at finite density

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    We introduce the chemical potential in a system of two-dimensional massless fermions, confined to a finite region, by imposing twisted boundary conditions in the Euclidean time direction. We explore in this simple model the application of functional techniques which could be used in more complicated situations.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    Creating a three dimensional intrinsic electric dipole on rotated CrI3_3 bilayers

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    Two-dimensional (2D) materials are being explored as a novel multiferroic platform. One of the most studied magnetoelectric multiferroic 2D materials are antiferromagnetically-coupled (AFM) CrI3_3 bilayers. Neglecting magnetism, those bilayers possess a crystalline point of inversion, which is only removed by the antiparallel spin configuration among its two constituent monolayers. The resultant intrinsic electric dipole on those bilayers has a magnitude no larger than 0.04 pC/m, it points out-of-plane, and it reverts direction when the--Ising-like--cromium spins are flipped (toward opposite layers {\em versus} away from opposite layers). The combined presence of antiferromagnetism and a weak intrinsic electric dipole makes this material a two-dimensional magnetoelectric multiferroic. Here, we remove the crystalline center of inversion of the bilayer by a relative 6060^{\circ} rotation of its constituent monolayers. This process {\em enhances} the out-of-plane intrinsic electric dipole tenfold with respect to its magnitude in the non-rotated AFM bilayer and also creates an even stronger and switchable in-plane intrinsic electric dipole. The ability to create a three-dimensional electric dipole is important, because it enhances the magnetoelectric coupling on this experimentally accessible 2D material, which is explicitly calculated here as well.Comment: Accepted at PRB on May 1, 202

    Cadmium isotope fractionation in soil-cacao systems of Ecuador: a pilot field study

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    The often high Cd concentrations of cacao beans are a serious concern for producers in Latin America due to the implementation of stricter Cd limits for cocoa products by the European Union in 2019. This is the first investigation to employ coupled Cd isotope and concentration measurements to study soil – cacao systems. Analyses were carried out for 29 samples of soils, soil amendments and cacao tree organs from organic farms in Ecuador that harvest three distinct cacao cultivars. The majority of soils from 0–80 cm depth have very similar δ114/110Cd of about −0.1‰ to 0‰. Two 0–5 cm topsoils, however, have high Cd concentrations coupled with heavy Cd isotope compositions of δ114/110Cd ≈ 0.2%, possibly indicating Cd additions from the tree litter used as organic fertilizer. Whilst cacao leaves, pods and beans are ubiquitously enriched in Cd relative to soils there are distinct Cd isotope signatures. The leaves and pods are isotopically heavier than the soils, with similar Δ114/110Cdleaf–soil values of 0.22 ± 0.07‰ to 0.41 ± 0.09‰. In contrast, the data reveal differences in Δ114/110Cdbean–leaf that may be linked to distinct cacao cultivars. In detail, Δ114/110Cdbean–leaf values of −0.34‰ to −0.40‰ were obtained for Nacional cacao from two farms, whilst CCN-51 hybrid cacao from a third farm showed no fractionation within error (−0.08 ± 0.13‰). As such, further work to investigate whether Cd isotopes are indeed useful for tracing sources of Cd enrichments in soils and to inform genetic efforts to reduce the Cd burden of cocoa is indicated

    Smanjeni omjer mineralnog ulja poboljšava prinos blastocista u sustavu mikrojažica i jednozametnim kulturama u poliesterskim mrežama - kratko priopćenje.

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    It is common to apply a mineral oil (MO) overlay to in vitro embryo cultures, even though the use of MO may be harmful to embryo development. To examine whether the volume of MO used in overlays for well-of-the-well (WOW) and polyester mesh (PM) single-embryo culture systems can be reduced, two sets of experiments were performed and the resulting blastocyst formation rates were compared with a conventional group (CG) embryo culture system. In Experiment 1, groups of 20 embryos in 100 μL microdrops of CDM-2 medium were plated in Petri dishes and then were covered with 3.5 mL of MO (resulting in a 1:35 ratio of medium to MO). Groups of 20 embryos were also placed in four-well plates in 400 μL CDM-2 medium per well, and the wells were covered with 400 μL MO (resulting in a 1:1 ratio of medium to MO). In Experiment 2, groups of 20 embryos were plated in four-well plates with 400 μL CDM-2 medium per well, and 1 mL of purified water was added to the center hole of the plate. Two sets of these plates were set up in parallel, and only one of the plates received an additional 400 μL of MO per well (resulting in a 1:1 ratio of medium to MO). A greater percentage of embryos reached the blastocyst stage when they were cultured in a 1:1 ratio of medium to MO, compared with embryos that were cultured in a 1:35 ratio of medium to MO (55 % vs. 41 %, respectively; P<0.01). In addition, a greater percentage of embryos reached the blastocyst stage in the WOW and PM systems that included a 1:1 ratio of medium to MO overlay than the embryos that were cultured in the presence of water in the central hole of a four-well plate without MO (48 % vs. 39 %, respectively; P<0.01). Therefore, a 1:1 ratio of medium to MO was found to improve blastocyst rates in both WOW and PM embryo culture systems.U in vitro kulturama zametaka uobičajeno je primjenjivati sloj mineralnog ulja (MU), iako to može biti štetno za razvoj embrija. U radu su provedeni pokusi s ciljem da se istraži može li se smanjiti količina primijenjenog MU u sustavu mikrojažica i u poliesterskim mrežama za uzgoj pojedinačnog zametka. Pri tome je stopa nastalih blastocista bila uspoređena s konvencionalnim načinom uzgoja zametaka. U prvom pokusu su skupine od 20 zametaka u mikrokapi od 100 μL CDM-2 medija bile stavljene na podlogu u Petrijeve zdjelice i nakon toga prekrivene s 3,5 mL MU (omjer između medija i MU iznosio je 1:35). Skupine od 20 zametaka također su bile smještene u četverodijelne plitice s 400 μL CDM-2 medija po jažici i prekrivene s 400 μL MU (omjer između medija i MU iznosio je 1:1). U drugom pokusu, skupine od 20 zametaka bile su smještene u četverodijelne plitice s 400 μL CDM-2 medija po jažici, u čiji je središnji otvor dodan 1 mL pročišćene vode. Dvije skupine tih plitica bile su istodobno postavljene, a samo u jednu pliticu dodano je 400 μL MU po jažici (omjer između medija i MU iznosio je 1:1). Veći postotak embrija dosegao je stadij blastociste kada je u kulturi bio primijenjen omjer 1:1 između medija i MU. U usporedbi sa zametcima kod kojih je u kulturi bio primijenjen omjer između medija i MU 1:35, razlika je iznosila 55 % prema 41 %, P<0,01. Osim toga, veći postotak zametaka dosegnuo je stadij blastociste u sustavu mikrojažica i poliesterskih mrežica u kojima je omjer između medija i MU bio 1:1, nego što je to bio slučaj kad je kulturi zametaka u središnjoj jažici plitice bila dodana voda (48 % prema 39 %, P<0,01). Utvrđeno je da omjer 1:1 između medija i MU poboljšava stopu razvijenih blastocista u oba sustava

    A Molecular Platinum Cluster Junction: A Single-Molecule Switch

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    We present a theoretical study of the electronic transport through single-molecule junctions incorporating a Pt6 metal cluster bound within an organic framework. We show that the insertion of this molecule between a pair of electrodes leads to a fully atomically engineered nano-metallic device with high conductance at the Fermi level and two sequential high on/off switching states. The origin of this property can be traced back to the existence of a HOMO which consists of two degenerate and asymmetric orbitals, lying close in energy to the Fermi level of the metallic leads. Their degeneracy is broken when the molecule is contacted to the leads, giving rise to two resonances which become pinned close to the Fermi level and display destructive interference.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Reprinted (adapted) with permission from J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135 (6), 2052. Copyright 2013 American Chemical Societ

    Gastrointestinal endoscopy during the coronavirus pandemic in the New York area: results from a multi-institutional survey.

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    Background and study aims  The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and measures taken to mitigate its impact, have profoundly affected the clinical care of gastroenterology patients and the work of endoscopy units. We aimed to describe the clinical care delivered by gastroenterologists and the type of procedures performed during the early to peak period of the pandemic. Methods  Endoscopy leaders in the New York region were invited to participate in an electronic survey describing operations and clinical service. Surveys were distributed on April 7, 2020 and responses were collected over the following week. A follow-up survey was distributed on April 20, 2020. Participants were asked to report procedure volumes and patient characteristics, as well protocols for staffing and testing for COVID-19. Results  Eleven large academic endoscopy units in the New York City region responded to the survey, representing every major hospital system. COVID patients occupied an average of 54.5 % (18 - 84 %) of hospital beds at the time of survey completion, with 14.5 % (2 %-23 %) of COVID patients requiring intensive care. Endoscopy procedure volume and the number of physicians performing procedures declined by 90 % (66 %-98 %) and 84.5 % (50 %-97 %) respectively following introduction of restricted practice. During this period the most common procedures were EGDs (7.9/unit/week; 88 % for bleeding; the remainder for foreign body and feeding tube placement); ERCPs (5/unit/week; for cholangitis in 67 % and obstructive jaundice in 20 %); Colonoscopies (4/unit/week for bleeding in 77 % or colitis in 23 %) and least common were EUS (3/unit/week for tumor biopsies). Of the sites, 44 % performed pre-procedure COVID testing and the proportion of COVID-positive patients undergoing procedures was 4.6 % in the first 2 weeks and up to 19.6 % in the subsequent 2 weeks. The majority of COVID-positive patients undergoing procedures underwent EGD (30.6 % COVID +) and ERCP (10.2 % COVID +). Conclusions  COVID-19 has profoundly impacted the operation of endoscopy units in the New York region. Our data show the impact of a restricted emergency practice on endoscopy volumes and the proportion of expected COVID positive cases during the peak time of the pandemic

    Long-lasting defence priming by β-aminobutyric acid in tomato is marked by genome-wide changes in DNA methylation

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    Exposure of plants to stress conditions or to certain chemical elicitors can establish a primed state, whereby responses to future stress encounters are enhanced. Stress priming can be long-lasting and likely involves epigenetic regulation of stress-responsive gene expression. However, the molecular events underlying priming are not well understood. Here, we characterise epigenetic changes in tomato plants primed for pathogen resistance by treatment with β-aminobutyric acid (BABA). We used whole genome bisulphite sequencing to construct tomato methylomes from control plants and plants treated with BABA at the seedling stage, and a parallel transcriptome analysis to identify genes primed for the response to inoculation by the fungal pathogen, Botrytis cinerea. Genomes of plants treated with BABA showed a significant reduction in global cytosine methylation, especially in CHH sequence contexts. Analysis of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) revealed that CHH DMRs were almost exclusively hypomethylated and were enriched in gene promoters and in DNA transposons located in the chromosome arms. Genes overlapping CHH DMRs were enriched for a small number of stress response-related gene ontology terms. In addition, there was significant enrichment of DMRs in the promoters of genes that are differentially expressed in response to infection with B. cinerea. However, the majority of genes that demonstrated priming did not contain DMRs, and nor was the overall distribution of methylated cytosines in primed genes altered by BABA treatment. Hence, we conclude that whilst BABA treatment of tomato seedlings results in characteristic changes in genome-wide DNA methylation, CHH hypomethylation appears only to target a minority of genes showing primed responses to pathogen infection. Instead, methylation may confer priming via in-trans regulation, acting at a distance from defence genes, and/or by targeting a smaller group of regulatory genes controlling stress responses