284 research outputs found

    The logarithmic Minkowski problem

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    Affine images of isotropic measures

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    Necessary and sufficient conditions are given in order for a Borel measure on the Euclidean sphere to have an affine image that is isotropic. A sharp reverse affine isoperimetric inequality for Borel measures on the sphere is presented. This leads to sharp reverse affine isoperimetric inequalities for convex bodies. © 2015, International Press of Boston, Inc. All rights reserved

    The log-Brunn-Minkowski inequality

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    For origin-symmetric convex bodies (i.e., the unit balls of finite dimensional Banach spaces) it is conjectured that there exist a family of inequalities each of which is stronger than the classical Brunn-Minkowski inequality and a family of inequalities each of which is stronger than the classical Minkowski mixed-volume inequality. It is shown that these two families of inequalities are "equivalent" in that once either of these inequalities is established, the other must follow as a consequence. All of the conjectured inequalities are established for plane convex bodies. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd

    Estimates for measures of sections of convex bodies

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    A n\sqrt{n} estimate in the hyperplane problem with arbitrary measures has recently been proved in \cite{K3}. In this note we present analogs of this result for sections of lower dimensions and in the complex case. We deduce these inequalities from stability in comparison problems for different generalizations of intersection bodies

    Characterization of ellipses as uniformly dense sets with respect to a family of convex bodies

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    Let K \subset R^N be a convex body containing the origin. A measurable set G \subset R^N with positive Lebesgue measure is said to be uniformly K-dense if, for any fixed r > 0, the measure of G \cap (x + rK) is constant when x varies on the boundary of G (here, x + rK denotes a translation of a dilation of K). We first prove that G must always be strictly convex and at least C1,1-regular; also, if K is centrally symmetric, K must be strictly convex, C1,1-regular and such that K = G - G up to homotheties; this implies in turn that G must be C2,1- regular. Then for N = 2, we prove that G is uniformly K-dense if and only if K and G are homothetic to the same ellipse. This result was already proven by Amar, Berrone and Gianni in [3]. However, our proof removes their regularity assumptions on K and G and, more importantly, it is susceptible to be generalized to higher dimension since, by the use of Minkowski's inequality and an affine inequality, avoids the delicate computations of the higher-order terms in the Taylor expansion near r = 0 for the measure of G\cap(x+rK) (needed in [3])

    Valuations on lattice polytopes

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    This survey is on classification results for valuations defined on lattice polytopes that intertwine the special linear group over the integers. The basic real valued valuations, the coefficients of the Ehrhart polynomial, are introduced and their characterization by Betke and Kneser is discussed. More recent results include classification theorems for vector and convex body valued valuations. © Springer International Publishing AG 2017
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