109 research outputs found

    Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Pencurian Kelapa Sawit di Wilayah Kepolisian Sektor Sosa Kabupaten Padang Lawas Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    The development of oil palm plantations not only thrive in big cities but also developing dikecamatan-districts in North Sumatra and the surrounding areas. Sosa is a district in North Sumatra Padang Lawas regency, that generally, people familiar with Sosa as cypress oil palm plantation area. Sosa has occurred in the district of palm oil theft were 41 cases with 73 suspects from the period of 2010 - in 2014. From lataer the back of pick-authors are interested in these issues in a scientific study. The research objective of this thesis: First, to determine the investigation of criminal theft of palm oil in the Police Sector Sosa Padang Lawas regency of North Sumatra Province. Second, to determine the obstacles faced in the investigation of criminal theft of oil palm in the Police Sector Sosa Padang Lawas regency of North Sumatra Province. Third, To know the efforts made.From the research, there are three main things that can disumpulkan. First, the investigation process is not running optimally because people still recognize indigenous settlement that does not have a strict sanctions. In addition to the habits of the people who do not want to report on and assume the process dikepolisian rambling and very long. Second, the existence of two inhibiting factors, namely internal factors and external factors. Such constraints include: lack of personnel, cultural / community customs, lack of funds and infrastructure. Third, To Overcome obstacles do undertakings addition of personnel, premises cooperating parties palm oil companies and communities Sosa and minimize the use of funds and utilize existing infrastructure.Suggestions author is the Police Sector should be more synergy Sosa and must firmly move quickly in tackling and prosecuting those responsible for the crime of theft of oil palm. Society must be cooperative in reporting and for palm oil businessmen in order to carry out the advice given by the Police Sector Sosa to set up security posts and also installing portals at certain points that are considered vulnerable

    Peranan Peradilan Perikanan dalam Kasus Pencurian Ikan di Wilayah Kepulauan Riau

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    Geographical condition of Indonesia as a country that two-thirds of marine waters is composed of marine coastal seas, sea bays and straits give Indonesia the abundant riches, in terms of want to keep and preserve natural resources and biodiversity it is necessary judicial fisheries as one efforts to combat illegal fishing that occurs in the region of Riau Islands. Based on this understanding, the authors of this paper formulated the three formulation of the problem, namely: first, how the judicial role of fisheries in the theft of fish that occur in the Riau Islands? second, what are the barriers faced in overcoming the judicial fishery poaching in the Riau Islands? third, whether the efforts made by the judiciary in addressing illegal fishing fisheries that occur in the Riau Islands?The research method in this study, first, this kind of research is legal juridical sociology because in this study the authors directly conduct research on location or place ditelitit to provide complete and clear picture of the issues researched, the study was conducted in the District Court Cape nut, while the sample population was a total party related to the issues examined in this study, the data source used, primary data, secondary data, and the data tertiary data collection techniques in this study by observation, interview, and literature study.From the research, there are three main things that can be inferred. First, that Indonesia is very serious in combating illegal fishing that occur in Indonesia. by following the Law No. 45 of 2009, the Fisheries Justice in this case the judicial role of fisheries has contributed greatly to the handling of cases that continues for all cases of illegal fishing. Second, barriers encountered in the judicial role of fisheries in the case of illegal fishing in the area is Riau Islands, the lack of human resources in terms of number and quantity, the amount of which is owned by their respective regulatory agencies, are still limited means of infrastructures and budgets, yet orderly licensing that provides opportunities the occurrence of forgery permission. Third, the efforts made by the judicial fisheries in the case of illegal fishing in the Riau archipelago budget increase for supervisors and law enforcement agencies, conducted socialization to the community, the Act is to be synchronized, modernization of fishing vessels, vessel license restrictions. First author's suggestion to the court by the fisheries Act that have not been synchronized to remain steadfast in their duties, the Second to the ministry of marine fisheries and water police to be more assertive in the tas


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    Dalam RTRW Kabupaten Minahasa kawasan sekitar Danau Tondano ditetapkan sebagai kawasan lindung, kenyataannya kawasan lindung yang ada sudah dijadikan tempat bermukim dari masyarakat yang ada untuk memenuhi kepentingan manusia. Pertambahan jumlah penduduk lokal yang terjadi di daerah ini didukung juga oleh keadaan lokasinya yang strategis yaitu berada dekat Danau Tondano. Kebutuhan masyarakat untuk lahan sebagai tempat membangun rumah semakin berkurang karena pertambahan jumlah penduduk. Rumah-rumah  penduduk tidak lagi berada di sekitar danau, tapi sudah merambah  sampai perairannya. Oleh karena itu, maka dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuannya adalah mengidentifikasi perkembangan kawasan permukiman yang berada sekitar Danau Tondano dan menghitung luas perkembangan kawasan permukiman sekitar Danau Tondano. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis spasial time series untuk melihat perkembangan kawasan permukiman dan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kawasan sekitar danau Tondano mengalami perkembangan permukiman dari tahun 2003 sampai tahun 2019. Luas perkembangan permukiman dari tahun 2003 sampai tahun 2011 bertumbuh sebesar 87 ha sedangkan perkembangan permukiman pada tahun 2011 sampai 2019 bertambah sebesar 132,58 ha. Luas sebaran permukiman dari  tahun 2003-2019 yaitu 413,76 ha menjadi 633,81 ha.Kata Kunci : Perkembangan Kawasan, Permukiman, Danau Tondan

    Within-Compound Versus Public Latrine Access and Child Feces Disposal Practices in Low-Income Neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana.

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    In crowded urban settlements in low-income countries, many households rely on shared sanitation facilities. Shared facilities are not currently considered "improved sanitation" because of concerns about whether hygiene conditions sufficiently protect users from the feces of others. Prevention of fecal exposure at a latrine is only one aspect of sanitary safety. Ensuring consistent use of latrines for feces disposal, especially child feces, is required to reduce fecal contamination in households and communities. Household crowding and shared latrine access are correlated in these settings, rendering latrine use by neighbors sharing communal living areas as critically important for protecting one's own household. This study in Accra, Ghana, found that household access to a within-compound basic latrine was associated with higher latrine use by children of ages 5-12 years and for disposal of feces of children < 5 years, compared with households using public latrines. However, within-compound access was not associated with improved child feces disposal by other caregivers in the compound. Feces was rarely observed in household compounds but was observed more often in compounds with latrines versus compounds relying on public latrines. Escherichia coli and human adenovirus were detected frequently on household surfaces, but concentrations did not differ when compared by latrine access or usage practices. The differences in latrine use for households sharing within-compound versus public latrines in Accra suggest that disaggregated shared sanitation categories may be useful in monitoring global progress in sanitation coverage. However, compound access did not completely ensure that households were protected from feces and microbial contamination

    Voices from the past: early institutional experience of children with disabilities - the case of Scotland

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    In Scotland, public interest in children with disabilities followed an uneven path. The proponents for such interest included workers in medicine, education and training, public administration, law and order, religion and moral rectitude, philanthropy and charity. Their foci of attention were similarly divers. Initial attention towards children with ‘disabilities’ was directed towards those with sensory impairments. This was followed by provision for children with mental disabilities. Until the introduction of compulsory education in 1872, philanthropists and charities were largely unaware of children with physical impairments. The Scottish experience was distinctive from the rest of the United Kingdom because of its own legal system, and was set against a background of heavy industrialization accompanied by poverty and bad housing. Legislation in such areas as poor law reform and education was not introduced simultaneously to that for England and Wales. The Church of Scotland maintained a strong influence in local government, through the network of clearly defined parishes, despite the secularization that was intent in such legislation as the Poor Law (Scotland) Act of 1843. The influence of Presbyterian clergymen and church elders committed to strongly held ideals of religious belief, respectability and self-help is often apparent in the institutions established for children with disabilities. The following research makes use of archival sources on institutions receiving, accommodating and caring for children with disabilities, supplemented by some contemporary narrative and oral testimony. While the archival sources show that the attention paid to children with disabilities did not develop simultaneously for categories of impairment broadly grouped as sensory, mental and physical, they also indicate that the responses to different forms of disablement followed diverse approaches and objectives

    Instability of the steady states of some Ginzburg–Landau-like equations with real coefficients

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    The instability of the steady states with nonconstant amplitude is analysed for a nonlocal Ginzburg–Landau equation with real coefficients and quasiperiodic boundary conditions. The results are obtained in terms of easily recognized, qualitative properties of the steady states. Some of the results are new, even for the standard (local) Ginzburg–Landau equation with real coefficients. A related Ginzburg–Landau equation coupled to a mean field is also considered that appears in the analyses of counter-propagating waves in extended systems, nonoscillatory instabilities with a conservation law, and viscous Faraday waves in large aspect ratio containers
