125 research outputs found

    Classical central extension for asymptotic symmetries at null infinity in three spacetime dimensions

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    The symmetry algebra of asymptotically flat spacetimes at null infinity in three dimensions is the semi-direct sum of the infinitesimal diffeomorphisms on the circle with an abelian ideal of supertranslations. The associated charge algebra is shown to admit a non trivial classical central extension of Virasoro type closely related to that of the anti-de Sitter case.Comment: 4 sign mistakes due to a change of conventions are corrected in section 2, none of the conclusions are affected, takes precedence over published version, including corrigendu

    G2 Dualities in D=5 Supergravity and Black Strings

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    Five dimensional minimal supergravity dimensionally reduced on two commuting Killing directions gives rise to a G2 coset model. The symmetry group of the coset model can be used to generate new solutions by applying group transformations on a seed solution. We show that on a general solution the generators belonging to the Cartan and nilpotent subalgebras of G2 act as scaling and gauge transformations, respectively. The remaining generators of G2 form a sl(2,R)+sl(2,R) subalgebra that can be used to generate non-trivial charges. We use these generators to generalize the five dimensional Kerr string in a number of ways. In particular, we construct the spinning electric and spinning magnetic black strings of five dimensional minimal supergravity. We analyze physical properties of these black strings and study their thermodynamics. We also explore their relation to black rings.Comment: typos corrected (26 pages + appendices, 2 figures

    Relaxing the Parity Conditions of Asymptotically Flat Gravity

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    Four-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes at spatial infinity are defined from first principles without imposing parity conditions or restrictions on the Weyl tensor. The Einstein-Hilbert action is shown to be a correct variational principle when it is supplemented by an anomalous counter-term which breaks asymptotic translation, supertranslation and logarithmic translation invariance. Poincar\'e transformations as well as supertranslations and logarithmic translations are associated with finite and conserved charges which represent the asymptotic symmetry group. Lorentz charges as well as logarithmic translations transform anomalously under a change of regulator. Lorentz charges are generally non-linear functionals of the asymptotic fields but reduce to well-known linear expressions when parity conditions hold. We also define a covariant phase space of asymptotically flat spacetimes with parity conditions but without restrictions on the Weyl tensor. In this phase space, the anomaly plays classically no dynamical role. Supertranslations are pure gauge and the asymptotic symmetry group is the expected Poincar\'e group.Comment: Four equations corrected. Two references adde

    The conformal BMS group

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    Abstract We describe the conformal symmetries of asymptotically flat spacetime. These represent an extension of the BMS group that we call the conformal BMS group. Its general features are discussed

    The ANTARES Optical Beacon System

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    ANTARES is a neutrino telescope being deployed in the Mediterranean Sea. It consists of a three dimensional array of photomultiplier tubes that can detect the Cherenkov light induced by charged particles produced in the interactions of neutrinos with the surrounding medium. High angular resolution can be achieved, in particular when a muon is produced, provided that the Cherenkov photons are detected with sufficient timing precision. Considerations of the intrinsic time uncertainties stemming from the transit time spread in the photomultiplier tubes and the mechanism of transmission of light in sea water lead to the conclusion that a relative time accuracy of the order of 0.5 ns is desirable. Accordingly, different time calibration systems have been developed for the ANTARES telescope. In this article, a system based on Optical Beacons, a set of external and well-controlled pulsed light sources located throughout the detector, is described. This calibration system takes into account the optical properties of sea water, which is used as the detection volume of the ANTARES telescope. The design, tests, construction and first results of the two types of beacons, LED and laser-based, are presented.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res.

    Schr\"odinger Manifolds

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    This article propounds, in the wake of influential work of Fefferman and Graham about Poincar\'e extensions of conformal structures, a definition of a (Poincar\'e-)Schr\"odinger manifold whose boundary is endowed with a conformal Bargmann structure above a non-relativistic Newton-Cartan spacetime. Examples of such manifolds are worked out in terms of homogeneous spaces of the Schr\"odinger group in any spatial dimension, and their global topology is carefully analyzed. These archetypes of Schr\"odinger manifolds carry a Lorentz structure together with a preferred null Killing vector field; they are shown to admit the Schr\"odinger group as their maximal group of isometries. The relationship to similar objects arising in the non-relativisitc AdS/CFT correspondence is discussed and clarified.Comment: 42 pages, 1 figure, published version: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012) 395203 (24pp

    Higher spin extension of cosmological spacetimes in 3D: asymptotically flat behaviour with chemical potentials and thermodynamics

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    A generalized set of asymptotic conditions for higher spin gravity without cosmological constant in three spacetime dimensions is constructed. They include the most general temporal components of the gauge fields that manifestly preserve the original asymptotic higher spin extension of the BMS3_{3} algebra, with the same central charge. By virtue of a suitable permissible gauge choice, it is shown that this set can be directly recovered as a limit of the boundary conditions that have been recently constructed in the case of negative cosmological constant, whose asymptotic symmetries are spanned by two copies of the centrally-extended W3_{3} algebra. Since the generalized asymptotic conditions allow to incorporate chemical potentials conjugated to the higher spin charges, a higher spin extension of locally flat cosmological spacetimes becomes naturally included within the set. It is shown that their thermodynamic properties can be successfully obtained exclusively in terms of gauge fields and the topology of the Euclidean manifold, which is shown to be the one of a solid torus, but with reversed orientation as compared with one of the black holes. It is also worth highlighting that regularity of the fields can be ensured through a procedure that does not require an explicit matrix representation of the entire gauge group. In few words, we show that the temporal components of generalized dreibeins can be consistently gauged away, which partially fixes the chemical potentials, so that the remaining conditions can just be obtained by requiring the holonomy of the generalized spin connection along a thermal circle to be trivial. The extension of the generalized asymptotically flat behaviour to the case of spins s≥2s\geq2 is also discussed.Comment: 33 pages, one figure. Talk given at the "Meeting on the horizon", Valparaiso, Chile, March 201
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