67 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Pengabdian ini mendeskripsikan potensi perempuan di desa Pulungdowo Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur. Karena desa ini mencanangkan gerakan ‘perempuan produktif.’ Tujuan yang diharapkan adalah peningkatan potensi lokal melalui batik, sungguhpun desa ini tidak potensial sebagai sentra batik. Namun, lingkungan desa ini dekat dengan situs kesejarahan, candi Kidal dan Jago serta salah satu sentra wayang topeng. Batik bagi perempuan desa memiliki psikologis sosial, dan dimungkinkan juga akan menjadi nilai tambah ekonomi. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini terdiri dari observasi awal, perencaaan, dan proses kegiatan, serta evaluasi hasil. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan ini menghasilkan produk batik etnik berciri ornamen relief candi, serta terfokus pada karakteristik bentuk topeng Malang. Pengembangan potensi perempuan dari aspek pemasaran produk, serta presentasi tampilan fashion show. Abstract: This community service describes the potential of women in Pulungdowo Village, Malang Regency, East Java. The village has launched a 'productive women' movement, which aims to increase local potential through batik. Even though this village has no potential as a batik center, the village is close to historical sites, namely the Kidal and Jago temples, as well as one of the mask puppet centers. For rural women, batik has a social psychological value and may also be an economic added value. This method of implementing community service activities consists of initial observation, planning, and process activities, as well as evaluation of results. The result of this activity is the production of ethnic batik characterized by temple relief ornaments, and a focus on the shape characteristics of Malang masks. Development of women's potential from the aspect of product marketing, as well as fashion show presentation displays

    Oglek Tempe Dance as an Attraction to Support Cultural-Based Village Tourism in Sanan, Malang

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    Sanan village is one of the designated tourist areas in Malang, and it has a special ceremony in welcoming their guests. The tour guide team picks up groups of tourists who enter the Sanan village area and escorts them to see the making of tempeh chips. However, the ceremony itself is rather bland as there is no artistic attraction in its process. Thus, in this community service activity, we packaged art tourism attractions with local characteristics, namely the welcoming dance of Oglek Tempe, to brand Sanan village as a culture-based tourism village. Nine female dancers perform the Oglek Tempe dance from the village of Sanan, following the concept of ‘babahan hawa sanga’. The dance reminds people to maintain honor and not to indulge in lust. The form of dance presentation demonstrates the style of movement, costumes, property, and musical arrangements typical of Malangan within six minutes’ duration. This is a spectacle dance. It also provides opportunities for tourists who want to dance along with the dancers by following the rules and protocols and not making disrespectful moves. The dance ends with the giving of souvenirs typical of Sanan village, namely decorations made of coral. Keywords: Oglek Tempe, Dance, Attraction, Tourism, Sana

    Radiology Appearance of Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor: a Case Report

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    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) merupakan sarkoma jaringan lunak yang jarang. Tumor ini meliputi MPNST sampai 10% dari 1-2 per 100.000 populasi/tahun kasus sarkoma jaringan lunak. Makalah ini memaparkan kasus MPNST yang ditemukan di permukaan tubuh, yaitu kepala bagian frontal, temporal, parietal kanan, leher, lengan kiri, torso, dan di organ-organ dalam yaitu otak, paru-paru, hepar, ginjal kanan, intraabdomen kiri, dan tanpa terkait dengan neurofibromatosis tipe 1 (NF1) serta tanpa riwayat terapi radiasi. Pasien hanya mengeluh sakit pada benjolan di punggung. Gambaran computed tomography (CT) otak ditemukan massa jaringan lunak di subkutis frontal dan parietal, serta lesi hipodens di serebri frontal yang menyangat di perifer setelah pemberian kontras dicurigai ke arah keganasan. Pada foto toraks dan CT paru ditemukan nodul multipel. Tampak pula massa pada ginjal kanan dan massa intrabdomen kiri. Massa heterogen pada hepar lobus kiri ditemukan pada ultrasonografi abdomen. Pemeriksaan histologi memastikan diagnosis MPNST. Pasien ini direncanakan untuk perawatan paliatif

    Perceptions of Senaputra Dance Students About the Art of Classical Dance and Traditional Creations

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    Around the 1970s, professional dance arts education for the general public began to grow. Students of professional dance were mostly the sons and daughters of wealthy individuals or government officials. Dance was regarded as a source of prestige for parents at the time. Such a perception exists because society is unable to contribute to the development of such status. After 50 years, though, that perception has changed. This study considered Sanggar Tari Senaputra Malang with the aim of examining the differences in perceptions among dance students at professional dance facilities. This was descriptive qualitative research and data were collected through observations of training activities and interviews with the leader of the Senaputra Dance Workshop (Siti Sofiana, 47 years old) and four trainers. Data were analyzed using phenomenological interpretation. The results demonstrated that: (1) classical dance takes a relatively long time to learn and is personal in nature to gain social prestige; and (2) traditional dance creations are simpler and faster to learn, and tend to establish social relationships. Keywords: classic dance, traditional dance, dance teacher, Sanggar Danc


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    Jaranan Bromo-Tengger-Semeru (BTS): Tumpang places the kalapan/trance session as the highlight of an attractive event and becomes an element of the creative economy that significantly contributes to the actors and their community. This research aims to describe how dancers can experience insanity and why the kalapan session is an element of the creative economy. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a multi-case study in two different settings. Collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation on two groups of jaranan, namely 1) Anusopati and 2) Tugu Sari Panggung Rejo. Data is verified by source triangulation data triangulation to obtain validity for efforts to prepare the episode of kalapan, the main attraction in Jaranan BTS: Tumpang.  The results of the study: 1) some rituals must be carried out and followed to become a Jaranan dancer who can go crazy/trance, namely the nyetren ritual which is routinely carried out every Friday Legi, 2) the episode of kalapan/trance is a part that has extraordinary appeal, is magical, mystical and attractiveness that always manages to bring in many spectators and many traders in the venue. The trance dancer is not in a state of pretending, but is indeed possessed by a supernatural spirit invited and entered by the handler. This research is expected to be a helpful reference on the existence of a process for infatuation/introduction that can be an element of the creative economy for the community of actors, fans and the general public. This research also expected as supporting data for writing the E-Book Jaranan Bromo-Tengger-Semeru (BTS): Tumpang


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    Malnutrisi pada bayi baru lahir penting untuk diketahui karena memiliki hubungan dengan peningkatan risiko mortalitas dan morbiditas pada masa neonatal, gangguan perkembangan pada masa anak-anak, dan penyakit kardiovaskular serta diabetes tipe 2 pada saat dewasa. Malnutrisi saat lahir merupakan kelanjutan malnutrisi yang dialami selama kehidupan intrauterin. Pemeriksaan antropometri berat badan menurut umur kehamilan dilakukan untuk mengetahui bayi yang memiliki risiko tinggi mengalami kesakitan dan kematian, namun pemeriksaan ini tidak dapat mengidentifikasi semua bayi yang mengalami malnutrisi intrauterin. Clinical assessment of nutritional status-score (CANSCORE) adalah pemeriksaan untuk mengetahui malnutrisi saat lahir. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran malnutrisi pada bayi baru lahir menurut pola pertumbuhan intrauterin. Penelitian cross sectional ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2007 di Sub Bagian Perinatologi RS Hasan Sadikin. Pengelompokan bayi berdasarkan pertumbuhan intrauterin menggunakan kurva pertumbuhan intrauterin Lubchenco dan pemeriksaan malnutrisi menggunakan CANSCORE. Sebanyak 282 bayi yang ikut dalam penelitian diambil secara consecutive sampling berasal dari kehamilan tunggal serta umur kehamilan 32-42 minggu. Prevalens malnutrisi diperoleh sebesar 12%. Malnutrisi lebih banyak terdapat pada bayi kurang bulan dibandingkan dengan bayi cukup bulan, malnutrisi dapat terjadi pada kelompok bayi KMK maupun SMK, tidak semua bayi KMK mengalami malnutrisi namun terjadinya malnutrisi pada bayi KMK lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan bayi SMK. Penelitian ini menunjukkan, bahwa CANSCORE dapat mengidentifikasi malnutrisi pada kelompok bayi KMK maupun SMK dan malnutrisi pada beberapa bayi kelompok SMK akan terlewatkan apabila hanya menggunakan kurva pertumbuhan intrauterin sebagai kriteria menilai status gizi.Kata kunci: CANSCORE, malnutrisi bayi baru lahir, kecil untuk masa kehamila

    Practice of ALARA in the pediatric interventional suite

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    As interventional procedures have become progressively more sophisticated and lengthy, the potential for high patient radiation dose has increased. Staff exposure arises from patient scatter, so steps to minimize patient dose will in turn reduce operator and staff dose. The practice of ALARA in an interventional radiology (IR) suite, therefore, requires careful attention to technical detail in order to reduce patient dose. The choice of imaging modality should minimize radiation when and where possible. In this paper practical steps are outlined to reduce patient dose. Further details are included that specifically reduce operator exposure. Challenges unique to pediatric intervention are reviewed. Reference is made to experience from modern pediatric interventional suites. Given the potential for high exposures, the practice of ALARA is a team responsibility. Various measures are outlined for consideration when implementing a quality assurance (QA) program for an IR service

    Radiation dose reduction at a price: the effectiveness of a male gonadal shield during helical CT scans

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    BACKGROUND: It is estimated that 60 million computed tomography (CT) scans were performed during 2006, with approximately 11% of those performed on children age 0–15 years. Various types of gonadal shielding have been evaluated for reducing exposure to the gonads. The purpose of this study was to quantify the radiation dose reduction to the gonads and its effect on image quality when a wrap-around male pediatric gonad shield was used during CT scanning. This information is obtained to assist the attending radiologist in the decision to utilize such male gonadal shields in pediatric imaging practice. METHODS: The dose reduction to the gonads was measured for both direct radiation and for indirect scattered radiation from the abdomen. A 6 cm(3 )ion chamber (Model 10X5-6, Radcal Corporation, Monrovia, CA) was placed on a Humanoid real bone pelvic phantom at a position of the male gonads. When exposure measurements with shielding were made, a 1 mm lead wrap-around gonadal shield was placed around the ion chamber sensitive volume. RESULTS: The use of the shields reduced scatter dose to the gonads by a factor of about 2 with no appreciable loss of image quality. The shields reduced the direct beam dose by a factor of about 35 at the expense of extremely poor CT image quality due to severe streak artifacts. CONCLUSION: Images in the direct exposure case are not useful due to these severe artifacts and the difficulties in positioning these shields on patients in the scatter exposure case may not be warranted by the small absolute reduction in scatter dose unless it is expected that the patient will be subjected to numerous future CT scans

    Lack of Protection following Passive Transfer of Polyclonal Highly Functional Low-Dose Non-Neutralizing Antibodies

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    Recent immune correlates analysis from the RV144 vaccine trial has renewed interest in the role of non-neutralizing antibodies in mediating protection from infection. While neutralizing antibodies have proven difficult to induce through vaccination, extra-neutralizing antibodies, such as those that mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), are associated with long-term control of infection. However, while several non-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies have been tested for their protective efficacy in vivo, no studies to date have tested the protective activity of naturally produced polyclonal antibodies from individuals harboring potent ADCC activity. Because ADCC-inducing antibodies are highly enriched in elite controllers (EC), we passively transferred highly functional non-neutralizing polyclonal antibodies, purified from an EC, to assess the potential impact of polyclonal non-neutralizing antibodies on a stringent SHIV-SF162P3 challenge in rhesus monkeys. Passive transfer of a low-dose of ADCC inducing antibodies did not protect from infection following SHIV-SF162P3 challenge. Passively administered antibody titers and gp120-specific, but not gp41-specific, ADCC and antibody induced phagocytosis (ADCP) were detected in the majority of the monkeys, but did not correlate with post infection viral control. Thus these data raise the possibility that gp120-specific ADCC activity alone may not be sufficient to control viremia post infection but that other specificities or Fc-effector profiles, alone or in combination, may have an impact on viral control and should be tested in future passive transfer experiments

    New insights regarding HCV-NS5A structure/function and indication of genotypic differences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HCV is prevalent throughout the world. It is a major cause of chronic liver disease. There is no effective vaccine and the most common therapy, based on Peginterferon, has a success rate of ~50%. The mechanisms underlying viral resistance have not been elucidated but it has been suggested that both host and virus contribute to therapy outcome. Non-structural 5A (NS5A) protein, a critical virus component, is involved in cellular and viral processes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The present study analyzed structural and functional features of 345 sequences of HCV-NS5A genotypes 1 or 3, using <it>in silico </it>tools.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was residue type composition and secondary structure differences between the genotypes. In addition, second structural variance were statistical different for each response group in genotype 3. A motif search indicated conserved glycosylation, phosphorylation and myristoylation sites that could be important in structural stabilization and function. Furthermore, a highly conserved integrin ligation site was identified, and could be linked to nuclear forms of NS5A. ProtFun indicated NS5A to have diverse enzymatic and nonenzymatic activities, participating in a great range of cell functions, with statistical difference between genotypes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study presents new insights into the HCV-NS5A. It is the first study that using bioinformatics tools, suggests differences between genotypes and response to therapy that can be related to NS5A protein features. Therefore, it emphasizes the importance of using bioinformatics tools in viral studies. Data acquired herein will aid in clarifying the structure/function of this protein and in the development of antiviral agents.</p
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